Dear Sisters,
Can you believe it’s been two years since we had our first visit together on the shorelines? Me neither! I feel so blessed to be able to reach out to you from my beach chair in the sand twice a month! I can’t help but feel sentimental about this little farmgirl milestone of ours. When I think back to what my life was like before MaryJanesFarm, before the Beach Farmgirl Blog came to life, before I even knew what being a farmgirl truly meant, life was good. Heck, what am I talking about, life was GREAT! But it’s richer, tastier, and healthier and way more fun than ever before now! Let’s walk and talk all things “farmgirl “shall we?
I think a person’s life is always richer when they feel a part of something larger than themselves whether it be a small book club, a singing group, or an entire community. Being a part of the Farmgirl Sisterhood makes me feel that way. I’ll admit I’m no C.J. when it comes to earning merit badges but every time I submit an application for one I swell up with a little farmgirl pride inside. Maryjanes Farmgirl Connection gives us all a place to stretch our farmgirl wings, share and support one another all hours of the day and night! Where else in the world can you log on to the world wide net, brag about your latest stitching project, go ga ga over your newest garden or goat keeping endeavor and get honest feedback and hugs to boot?
Yes, life IS tastier and healthier too but not just because I’m using more organic ingredients in the kitchen and growing heirloom tomatoes. It really comes down to having a zest for life, trying new things and having FUN! New studies show that learning something new is like an aerobic workout for our brain cells and transmitters! Having FUN is a side benefit which in turn makes us healthier! I’ve arrived at an age where if I feel like trying something new, or learin’ something new I just go ahead and do it because I like my fun and my learnin’ to go hand in hand. If you were to ask me to describe how I felt about my first glance at a MJF magazine in one word hands down it would be FUN. Livin’ the farmgirl life is about a lot of things all rolled into one but havin’ fun is right up there at the tippy top! My latest FUN adventure involves trying a new paint product.
In honor of St. Patricks day and the pending arrival of spring, here is my first chalk paint project! Ta Da!
The color is called Antibes Green and I adore it for this old chair. I gave it two coats, let it dry then distressed it with my palm sander until it looked almost too warn to use. One coat of clear wax and I was finished. Project complete in less than two hours. My kind of FUN!
Chalk Paint is perfect for pieces with details that you want to enhance like the top of this chair and the seat. Hey, I like a good looking seat with a little wear don’t you?
If you’ve been with me for a while you may also know that I author my own blog Deborah Jean’s Dandelion House. When I came on board as the Beach Farmgirl Blogger I wanted a fun way to share the news with my friends there so I created the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop as a place to introduce more people to all things MaryJanesFarm and provide a place for blogging farmgirls to flaunt their farmgirl spirit and they do! Guess what? Today is Farmgirl Friday’s 100th Birthday Bash Giveaway! Come by to see what’s up for grabs and visit more farmgirl sisters on the hop! I’ll give you a hint. Every farmgirl needs at least one or seven or 100 of them!
What do I love about MaryJanesFarm the best? YOU! Everyone has something to share with the world and nothing beats the feeling of being able to let your hair down among friends who really do want you to succeed, follow your BIG dreams, and achieve them. Being part of the MJ Family has made me a more confident farmgirl too. With every new thing I try, I grow just a little more into the farmgirl I always knew I was.
YOUR notes in the sand are etched on my farmgirl heart 4-ever!
Until our next shoreline visit!
Lot’s of love,
Sister #1199
Deb xo
Congratulations and many more years of success and happiness to you!
Thank you, Adrienne and thanks so much for reading too! See you on the shorelines soon! xo Deb
Hi Deb,
It has been a pleasure having you as a farmgirl blogger. I have loved being part of your life at the beach. Thank you for your 2 years of ‘service’ and for providing us with a glimpse of your super creative zesty life. And for inspiring us all to have FUN !!
xo from the hudson valley, ny
Hi Laura, Thank you so much…I feel blessed to have my sisters to share with!
blessings to you! Deb xo
Thank YOU for your fabulous blog! I so love reading it and escaping with a cup of coffee, and purposely save them for the morning time when I have a few moments without three little sets of feet joining me! Kudos to you cousin Deb for following your passion and sharing your creativity with us all!
Much love from Napa, CA
PS…hope to see you in Nevada next Month! xox
Hey cousin Teri! You are so sweet… So glad we can keep in touch across the miles this way! Kiss the kiddo’s and hopefully we’ll see you on the west coast next month!
much love! Deb xoxoxo
You know I love reading your blog…it always feels like we had a face to face visit! I am grateful for the MJF connection we made even though we live on opposite sides of the country! Blessings friend!!!
Thank you Julia… you are my west coast Beach farmgirl sister!
xo Deb
Thank YOU so very much for being such a fabulous communicator which makes for a great friendship. It’s all been a ‘trip’ – one that I will never get to physically take. Am so looking forward to many more years of hearing from you. God Bless
So glad you enjoy Joan! Thank YOU for reading and sharing in the fun! xo Deb
Congrats on your 2 year old MJF birthday :o)
LOVE your green chair. I’ve become addicted to painting old wooden things. Too eager almost. Color gives a life burst to many old goodies that look rather forelorn and forgotten. Paint makes them look happy to be alive again…imo. Looking forward to seeing other paintbrush finds.
Thank you my dear! I loved the blue you gave your prim cabinet on your party porch..Paint does adds just the zing an old piece need to bring them into a new chapter of service whether it be for something useful or decorative… Thanks for popping on my birthday post! xo Deb