My Life On The Farm by Rosetta

MJF Rosetta blog post.


Hi!  My name is Rosetta, I am Dori’s granddaughter.   I am ten years old and I live with my mommy and daddy in our house on their farm.  Today I asked my Gram if I could take pictures of my favorite things on the farm and tell you about them!




My Daddy built this tree house and it is the one of my favorite things that I love on the farm! It is the best treehouse that you can have.

Inside I have a hammock, a cot, and a little table were you can get creative. The door opening is between two trees!  It is really fun to spend the night there.


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There is a little spot underneath it where I can have fun in the shade.

This tree house is a very lovely place that my daddy made for me and my mostly sweet older sister, Jillian.


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I love my chickens and this is Cheddar.  She is my favorite chicken on the farm.  This month we had to experience doing surgery on chickens.  Two of them got bumble foot.  Do you know what bumble foot is?   I do not recommend looking it up but you can if you want to see something really gross.




These are our bee hives.  One of these hives has bees in it that we rescued from a tree next to our farm.  It was called a swarm.  They are happy here and we get a lot of honey.




This calf is still a little baby that was born about two weeks ago.  He is a cute little thing.  The calves like to nap in the hay that my Gramp’s put out this morning.




This steer is named Sam Jr.  He is in the weaning pasture and Gramps will sell him soon.   Look close in the barn you will see a short little cow.




Her name is Midge as in midget because she is a short little heifer.  She will be in this pasture until she is old enough to be a momma and we get to keep her.




This is Promise and she is a a great horse, on the good days.  I love to ride her.  She is twenty three years old but she acts like a teenager and thinks that she is a cow, on the bad days.




This is my Gram and Gramps farm dog and her name is Belle.  She is an Australian Shepherd and she gets very happy when I’m with her.  She loves sticks and frisbees and playing with me in the woods.

We have a dog named Huck.  He is a really tall Standard Poodle and he is a great dog also.  I didn’t take a picture of him today.




I love this little fort I made a fews ago and it is still standing.  I call it my beaver hut.

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My daddy, my sister and me have been doing a lot of fence work on the farm. I love it.  We cut trees and wild blackberry bushes that grow in the fence line and cause problems.  They grow really fast and we have to clear them out every year.




These are all the cedar trees and bushes we have cut down and put into a long ditch on the farm.  I love helping with fence work.




Another favorite thing I love to do on the farm is play on the hay bales that my Gramps has in his barn.  We grow the hay on our farm and keep it in the barn for feeding to the cows in the winter.

I love growing up on the farm.




Thank you friends for letting Rosetta write this blog post today!  She’s become very interested in the posts I write here and has enjoyed reading them.  So when she came to me and asked if she could write one, I couldn’t turn her down!


Here is wishing you the very best in 2022.  Thank you for all your sweet comments through the year and supporting me in this special space!  Writing these monthly blog posts for MaryJanesFarm is always a highlight for me!


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Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.




  1. Happy holidays. Thanks for letting Rosetta tell us about her life on the farm. I wish I had her tree house. I lived on a farm when I was a girl and wish I’d never left.

  2. Gail Larson says:

    This is the sweetest thing! She is darling. She did a great job. Loved her post and hope she does some more!
    Happy New Year!

  3. MS Barb says:

    What a lovely, informative post from Rosetta! Please let her share more articles in 2022! I grew up in St. Paul, MN, so know very little about farm life, so this was educational! Is Rosetta homeschooled, or does she attend public, or private school? (Rosetta is a multi-talented gal!) Have a BLESSED New Year!

  4. Lori Fresina says:

    Very sweet. Enjoy your blogs!

  5. Debbie Fischer says:

    I Love your granddaughters post and photos, I know what her life is life now. Fun and interesting with work thrown in.
    Thank you Dori for sharing her with us.
    Happy New Year.

  6. Debbie Klann says:

    Rosetta, I loved your blog and all of the pictures! I can’t imagine a better place to grow up! I hope that you will write again sometime.
    I’m thinking that your grandma is teaching you to sew? She creates wonderful things!
    I know you said that bumblefoot was gross…but I had to google it…I’ve never heard of it. You are RIGHT!!!!!

  7. Lara Mazz says:

    Thank you for sharing, Rosetta!

  8. Donna says:

    What a lucky girl. Can’t beat the beauty all around us

  9. Cindi Johnson says:

    What a delightful post! Rosetta makes me wish I had been raised on a farm – and had a “mostly sweet” sister. I think what she has shown us would be my favorite things, too. Blessings for the new year to you an your family, Dori.

  10. CandyC says:

    Good job, Rosetta!

  11. Judy Jones says:

    What a sweetie Rosetta is. I love it when the land is appreciated by those of us of all ages. I can tell she will be instrumental in keeping the farming life alive! Thanks for giving us insight into your life Rosetta!

  12. Ione says:

    Rosetta growing up on a farm is wonderful . The freedom , fostering
    her wonderful imagination, being outside with nature , animals and
    fresh air is such a blessing . What a healthy , creative sweetheart .
    Thank you for sharing ! ♥️

  13. Diane Van Horn says:

    Love your granddaughters words and pictures. What a great place to grow up!

  14. Laura says:

    I grew up on a dairy farm. Taking care of the calves was one of my jobs whenever my brothers were too busy.
    We also had a treehouse that my Dad built. I have great memories of playing there with my younger brother.
    I have 5 chickens now but I have not named ANY of them!
    They are beautiful Brahma hens with white and black feathers.
    Life on a farm is always busy and if you’re lucky you will have great helpers like Rosetta!

  15. Dear Rosetta,
    What a beautiful post. Family farms are special because they teach young people like yourself so many things about partnering with nature, where food comes from, about caring for animals and about weather. And what fun you must have exploring, playing in your tree house and raising your chickens and cows. I will show your post to my grandkids. They don’t live on my farm, but they get to visit. We will be growing a pizza garden this year. Happy New Year!

  16. I absolutely enjoyed reading about this little farm girl! Her tree house is amazing!

  17. Cyndie Gray says:

    She is not only the sweetest but also a good little writer!! Always love reading your blog posts my friend. The best to you & yours in the new year!

  18. I loved the post from your adorable grand daughter. I love seeing the younger generation on a farm and enjoying it all.

  19. Diane Hersey says:

    Hello Dori and Rosetta from our family farm in New Hampshire! Thank you for sharing all of your favorite things on the farm, Rosetta. And what a lovely farm! We have a 350 acre working farm. Grass-fed beef, hay, logging and of course, gardens. Our open fields and deep woods are so beautiful covered with snow! I live in the woods and enjoy watching the winter birds visiting the window feeder. Your tree house is magic. What fun! Happy New Year to you and your family. ~ Diane

  20. Sheryl says:

    Lovely blog post. As a middle school English teacher I love this!!! I am always showing my students how many ways there are to share their writing and this was a perfect example. Great job, Rosetta! I hope to hear from you again on this blog.

  21. Jackie says:

    Great job Rosetta! I loved reading your post and looking at the pictures. Your grandparents have a beautiful farm. My grandparents had a home in northern Wisconsin that I enjoyed going to too. Cherish those memories!

  22. Doris Hall says:

    I loved Rosetta’s post. My grandparents had a farm and I loved every “farm”. My memories are still very vivid. Please tell her to journal her every day life now and cherish those treasures in her “old” age. I always enjoy your post!!

  23. Margaret King says:

    Rosetta is so lucky to grow up on a farm. Always wished I could…still do even at 76!. Rosetta wrote a wonderful story and maybe the two of you can do one together sometme.

  24. Joan Crasten says:

    Hi, my name is Joan, and I really enjoyed reading Rosetta’s story about the farm. She did a great job with her story. My advice to her is that she continue writing, even if it isn’t on the internet.
    I spent lots of time on a farm in Pensylvania, owned by my Aunt and Uncle. I was a teenager then, now I’m pushing 80. My Aunt and Uncle had a candle factory on their farm. My Uncle was from Germany, and the business was past on to him by his parents. On the farm were goats, 3 dogs, and 30 cats. The waxy candles attracted mice, so that is why they had cats. Now I am writing a book, a cozy mystery, and I using the memories of the farm and it’s scenery in my book. Names have been changed to protect the family.

  25. Pamela says:

    Thank you for sharing Rosetta. She is so precious. Love your Blogs especially the teaching and sharing moments. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  26. Betty says:

    Thank you so much! It reminded me of my life at 10 on our farm. We also had a cow named Midge, the sweetest girl ever!
    Hoping your New Year is healthy, happy and filled with joy.

  27. Sandra Duncan says:

    Happy New Year!
    I really enjoyed Rosetta’s blog. It’s great she enjoys the farm life so much. I grew up on a farm and enjoyed it as a child. I hope we get to hear more from her in the future.
    Blessings for the coming New Year

  28. Granddaughters are the best!! Great job Rosetta. The photos are great and growing up on a farm is the best. I miss my young days on our farm. Make memories!!

  29. Donna Kozak says:

    What a sweet, intelligent young girl, happy to show us her wonderful farm life !

  30. Beth says:

    Absolutely love this! Rosetta, you’re a true Gramma’s girl. And that’s quite the compliment. You are SO fortunate to be growing up on the farm with all your family.
    Sending you love from western Oregon!

  31. This was a great blog written by your grand daughter! Thank you Rosetta! Loved your life on the farm.
    All four of our kids also grew up on the farm!

  32. Sandi King says:

    Rosetta, I enjoyed your post very much. You have an interesting life on the farm.. I lived on a farm when I was a little girl, for a while until we moved out west. I had the most fun on the farm with my favorite hen, and a young calf that was mine as well as my dogs and cats. We, my brothers and cousins and I used to play in the woods around our farm and during the winter, my brothers made me a snow chair, and a tunnel through the snow that we climbed through to a center area a bit like a snow castle. My school was a one room school house and had one teacher who taught 1st through 8th grades and we walked to school and home every school day. Best memories I have of my childhood. Dori, thank you so much for allowing Rosetta to do this blog this time. I hope she will do more in the future. You have a very good life on your farm and I wish more people had that opportunity. May the New Year be gracious to us all.

  33. Terri says:

    Thank you so much Rosetta for such a wonderful tour of the farm and everything you love about it!! Now I must go to look up bumble foot…and will no doubt be suitably grossed out!!
    Happy New Year!!

  34. Dana Hotaling says:

    Just wanted to say Rosetta, you done an outstanding job writing your blog. Hope Grams let you do it often. Happy New Year.

  35. Brenda White says:

    Nice job Rosetta! I loved all of your pictures. You sound like you really love the farm life and all of the animals.

  36. Thank you Rosetta for a fun tour of the farm! It was nice of you to take the time to share this with the rest of us. You put a Big Smile on my face and made my day :):):)
    Keep being the sweet farm girl that you are. Tammy

  37. Kim Rice says:

    Thank you Rosetta! It’s very interesting to hear about life on the farm from your point of view. It sounds like the farm is a wonderful, magical place to grow up. We all appreciate you sharing with us.
    Kudos to your Grams, Grampa and your parents for raising such an awesome young lady!!

  38. Rosetta says:

    Hi, this is Rosetta, the writer of this blog.
    I love reading all your comments. You made my day!

  39. Thank you, Rosetta!! What a wonderful life you have there on the farm. I enjoyed your telling and photos. Happy New Year!

  40. Marilyn says:

    Thank you Rosetta for sharing your life on the farm. You did a good job,congratulations. You are a beautiful young lady. Wishing you and your entire family a Happy and Healthy New year. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Suellen Bowersock says:

      I love it! Having a similar childhood growing up in the country with my aunt & uncle’s, near-by farm. It was the BEST!! Animals (including a tame fox that wandered-in), rope swing from above that you could swing from and drop down to the hay mound below, playing Hide-and-Seek in the rows of corn. Thanks for sharing those special things you love…they are very dear.

  41. Rebecca Gossett says:

    Rosetta, that is a wonderful story. Your gramps and gram are very nice people. You are so lucky to have them. Sounds like you are having a great time. You have so much to be thankful for. Enjoy every moment you have with them.

  42. Denise says:

    That was so sweet! enjoyed reading her favorite things about her life on the farm!

  43. I love your post! A budding writer and photographer
    Thanks for the view thru your eyes Rosetta!

  44. What a great post!! Budding writer for sure. Loved the tour!
    Hope she gets to do it again!

  45. Mary Homolka says:

    I love all your pictures and the very well written letter, you do a great job in writing to all of us. It looks like you have a great farm to live on. Take care

  46. Kim Reineke says:

    Lovely post Rosetta! Love seeing your farm and all of your beautiful animals! Go Farmgirl!

  47. Donna Olson says:

    Thank you sweetheart you have brought A lot of memories back I grew up on a farm we had dairy cows I had a Favorites named her Blackie and I would ride her all the time I would catch tadpoles and watch them turn into frogs and then let them go again we had choke cherry bushes and we’d always pick berries and my mother would always make jam out of them I remember helping with fences and with bailing hay I also weird remember the times we would play in the hay in the hayloft I think the best place for a child to grow up is on a farm thank you sweetheart for bringing back good memories God bless you

  48. Beckie Weaver says:

    Hi Rosetta! It was so fun to read your article! I wanted to tell you that I have a hen that looks just like your Cheddar, her name is Hufflepuff and she follows me everywhere and is so sweet. Keep on writing! You are very talented!

  49. Bette M Axiak says:

    I “truly” enjoyed reading about what your granddaughter enjoys on the farm. What an experience for her and hopefully she will carry on these values into the next generation. Even if she does not continue with her love of “farming”, etc. she at least has had the experience and can compare life avenues as she matures. What a joy for you and your husband. And, by the way, I enjoy your blog (especially the sewing projects) and what a lovely picture of you and your husband. Keep trucking and encouraging and being an example to your grandchildren and those around you. Love you. Bette

    Bette Axiak

  50. Jim says:

    Thank you for sharing your granddaughter AND for letting her share with us. At 86 I remember building fence, milking Bossy, then straining the milk, putting it in glass bottles with a cardboard top and delivering it before school, gathering eggs, running a trap line when a good hide would bring more than my dad made working all day. Love you all. God bless you.

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