My Life On The Farm by Rosetta

MJF Rosetta blog post.


Hi!  My name is Rosetta, I am Dori’s granddaughter.   I am ten years old and I live with my mommy and daddy in our house on their farm.  Today I asked my Gram if I could take pictures of my favorite things on the farm and tell you about them!




My Daddy built this tree house and it is the one of my favorite things that I love on the farm! It is the best treehouse that you can have.

Inside I have a hammock, a cot, and a little table were you can get creative. The door opening is between two trees!  It is really fun to spend the night there.


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There is a little spot underneath it where I can have fun in the shade.

This tree house is a very lovely place that my daddy made for me and my mostly sweet older sister, Jillian.


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I love my chickens and this is Cheddar.  She is my favorite chicken on the farm.  This month we had to experience doing surgery on chickens.  Two of them got bumble foot.  Do you know what bumble foot is?   I do not recommend looking it up but you can if you want to see something really gross.




These are our bee hives.  One of these hives has bees in it that we rescued from a tree next to our farm.  It was called a swarm.  They are happy here and we get a lot of honey.




This calf is still a little baby that was born about two weeks ago.  He is a cute little thing.  The calves like to nap in the hay that my Gramp’s put out this morning.




This steer is named Sam Jr.  He is in the weaning pasture and Gramps will sell him soon.   Look close in the barn you will see a short little cow.




Her name is Midge as in midget because she is a short little heifer.  She will be in this pasture until she is old enough to be a momma and we get to keep her.




This is Promise and she is a a great horse, on the good days.  I love to ride her.  She is twenty three years old but she acts like a teenager and thinks that she is a cow, on the bad days.




This is my Gram and Gramps farm dog and her name is Belle.  She is an Australian Shepherd and she gets very happy when I’m with her.  She loves sticks and frisbees and playing with me in the woods.

We have a dog named Huck.  He is a really tall Standard Poodle and he is a great dog also.  I didn’t take a picture of him today.




I love this little fort I made a fews ago and it is still standing.  I call it my beaver hut.

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My daddy, my sister and me have been doing a lot of fence work on the farm. I love it.  We cut trees and wild blackberry bushes that grow in the fence line and cause problems.  They grow really fast and we have to clear them out every year.




These are all the cedar trees and bushes we have cut down and put into a long ditch on the farm.  I love helping with fence work.




Another favorite thing I love to do on the farm is play on the hay bales that my Gramps has in his barn.  We grow the hay on our farm and keep it in the barn for feeding to the cows in the winter.

I love growing up on the farm.




Thank you friends for letting Rosetta write this blog post today!  She’s become very interested in the posts I write here and has enjoyed reading them.  So when she came to me and asked if she could write one, I couldn’t turn her down!


Here is wishing you the very best in 2022.  Thank you for all your sweet comments through the year and supporting me in this special space!  Writing these monthly blog posts for MaryJanesFarm is always a highlight for me!


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Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.




  1. Donna Miller says:

    Thank you for sharing your life with us, Rosetta! I only recently moved to some acreage and plan to farm it with my family. This blog is a great inspiration to me!

  2. Marie Webber says:

    Great eye for photography. Thank you for sharing your story.

  3. Patricia Haines says:

    I totally enjoyed reading Rosette blog. She is so special. Thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Pamela Frey says:

    Wow Rosetta! So many comments say it all … GREAT JOB!! Very glad that you enjoy
    the outside fence work and other parts of farming. Your tree house is awesome and the “beaver fort” very cool. All of those things you love will help build your body and soul.
    and……your grandmother is such a great & creative person. It is definitely a PLUS being
    close to her. Last night my granddaughter (11) and I attended a craft night at our local
    library. So much fun and everything is all ready. She already asked to sign up for the
    next one. Keep up the good work, both farming & writing!

  5. Fillamay Cowell says:

    Such a great story about your farm. It is so good to hear young ones talk so warmly of their farm life. There is nothing that compares to growing up on a farm.

  6. Loved reading about your farm and I wish I had never left our farm either. What a wonderful way it was to grow up.
    Would love to know of anyone on MJF site from Minnesota.

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