Feedsack Florals and a Glamper Hamper

Dear Sisters,

Happy March! Only 20 days until spring and I’m counting each one! I’ve got a case of cabin fever like you wouldn’t believe. We New Englanders almost skated by with another mild winter but February brought the Blizzard of 2013 leaving thousands without power for as much as a week or more followed by more snow, rain, sleet, wind and colder temps. The BEACH farmgirl is living with a house full of Crabby Patties, herself included! No wonder I’m craving the sight of spring florals, lace, colorful, crisp, cheery linens, sunshine, and a warm breeze blowing through my hair. That’s not likely to happen anytime soon so while the wind whips outside I’ve been whipping up some farmgirl sundries that SCREAM SPRING for my booth at the Antique Mall…

Come on in and check out my one-of-a-kind Feedsack Floral pillows and the GLAMPER HAMPER I made to help chase away those pesky winter crabbies.

Depending on the season the things I do creatively speaking change. Like most artists, I like to dabble and it’s been a while since I revved up my sewing machine for more than just a quick project. Signing up for a booth space has really gotten my creative juices flowing for sewing again! While searching for ‘ lots’ of vintage linens on EBay I stumbled upon several vintage feedsacks/flour sacks with the prettiest florals and it was love at first sight!

Working with this fabric makes me feel like a warm spring day inside! Just what the Dr. ordered to battle the winter blues.

I found the perfect lavender, green and yellow floral prints to go with my hand painted china cabinet in my booth.

Here are two pillows in my booth! I love the juxtaposition of the glamorous shiny metallic paint finish and gold leaf with the soft, muted florals on of the feedsack fabric. I call it Farmgirl Glamour!

If I’M having this much fun discovering feedsacks imagine what the rural women of the 1930’s – 1960’s must have felt like when they purchased feed for their hens and flour for their kitchens in these beautiful sacks? Farmwives were known for making the most out of these cheery prints making everything from aprons, doll clothes, feedsack quilts (very collectable today) hand towels, curtains and PJ’s for their young’uns. They often traded prints with fellow farmgirl sisters to gather enough of one print to make a dress or a skirt. I wish my chicken feed still came in these lovely sacks today don’t you? Manufacturers stopped making fabric feedsacks in the 1960’s when they switched over to paper and later began producing vinyl bags ( which are also upcyclable ) Some of the old feedsacks, floursacks,feedbags can still be found with marketing labels on them.

This one arrived as a full sack still together with the draw string cord still intact.

All of the others have come washed and open ready for a project or added to a collection. I’m not collecting them because I think they are way too pretty to sit on a shelf and not be put to good use in some fashion! What else can you think of to make with feedsack fabric? Here’s a little more in-depth feedsack history for ya at Sharon’s Antiques! And, for more inspiration for creating with feedsack fabric check out pinterest of course!

* Be careful when you’re bidding for feedsacks that the description says ” full open sack ” because many Ebayer’s sell them as fat quarters or half sacks for quilters and collectors and I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed when your pretty fabric arrives. A full sack can be as large as 36 x 44 inches.  Just right for 20×20 pillows or other small sewing projects. Also, make sure you are not purchasing a reproduction. Most descriptions will say whether the fabric is vintage or a reproduction. This is true when shopping for all vintage linens on Ebay. I was fooled by one shop keeper who was selling a lovely battenburg tablecloth under the labels vintage linens 1930’s – 1960’s and they were made in china. Ugh! They’re beautiful but I was a little dissappointed when I opened the package and  saw they weren’t truly vintage.

Let’s see. I feel like there was something else I wanted to share with you. Oh, yes! I promised you a Glamper Hamper!

I purchased this vintage ( I’m thinking 1970’s) wire hamper on Ebay because I have a thing for swirls…I put it in the shop for a few weeks but it just looked so homely sitting there rusted at the hinges with no real purpose shining through. I brought it home and gave it a little re-do! Nothing a little farmgirl imagination and some Heirloom White spray paint, burlap, a vintage hankie and some ribbon couldn’t fix!  Here is my Glamper Hamper! Ta Da!

It’s perfect for your romantic vintage inspired glamper. And, just the right size for a few days away and delicate enough for your prettiest petticoat or party dress!

Until our next shoreline visit~

Follow your creative sparks with passion and confidence and don’t worry too much about where you headed. Just have fun along the way and keep those creative fires burning!

BEACH BLESSINGS and much love,

Deb xo

  1. Julia says:

    I love old feedsack fabric! I have a stack of it, still waiting for inspiration to hit me! I did make some into drawstring bags for my tea business for a friend who has a little shop, which were full of tea things!

    I was given 2 aprons from a friend who using feed sacks. She made them during WWII ‘while I waited for my husband to come home." They are the most adorable aprons. She used every inch of the sacks! They are a prized possession!

    Hi Miss Julia! So nice to hear from you! Love the idea for little sacks too… I’ve also seen fabric added to plain tote bags to dress them up.. so many cute things you can do with feedsack fabric…I know you’ll come up with something wonderful for your stash! xo Deb

  2. Joan says:

    I too love the feedsack/floursack fabrics. I was totally raised with them, I had shirts, shorts, pj’s, pillow cases, aprons, kitchen hot pads, hand towels oh I can’t remember all the ways – oh another – we used them for quilts too. Aren’t they just special!! and the picture of your purple case with the pillows – oh how I wish I was there – feedsacks, purple – that must be meant for me. Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent and your superb shop. God Bless

    Hi there Joan,

    They are just special…  Yes, kitchen towels, hot pads too! I’m still can’t quite put my finger on the word I want to describe them! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed! xo Deb

  3. Beth says:

    Beautiful! What a ray of sunshine your beautiful wares are. Thank you for bring Spring to an otherwise gray New Jersey day. Keep up the great work!

    Thank you Beth! I’m loving all these bright colors too! They lift my spirits too on these gray New England Days…thanks for reading! xo Deb

  4. CJ Armstrong says:

    I’ve been privileged to have been given some feedsack fabric and have made my "Retro" style aprons from them. I typically use either another coordinated feedsack print or another print with them. Those aprons are one of my most popular sellers at Farmers Market.
    Your pillows are beautiful!

    Howdy CJ! Oh, I bet your aprons are darling… How could they not be? Thanks for reading!

    xo Deb

  5. Doris says:

    Hey Deb,
    As usual I loved your posting! Feedsacks I really do love. I sold 38 a couple years ago at a yard sale for $3.00 each. I kept a few very pretty one. My Mom made alot of my school dresses out of them and many quilts as well. The dress I have on in my 5th grade school picture is made out of one. Keep doing all the things you love and letting us enjoy them thru you.

    Dear Doris,

    How I wish I was at your yard sale! I would have scooped up all of your feedsacks 🙂 They really are a piece of the past to cherish aren’t they?

    xo Deb

  6. Hedy King says:

    Oh my goodness, Deb, flower sacks, antique booth and Cape Cod, I’m loving this post. The Cape is one of my favorite places, as is a booth at antique mall with such goodies as you have. Good luck with this enterprise, you are my new hero.

    Hi there Hedy!

    Well, pack up and come on out for a visit sister! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement! xo Deb

  7. Lloyd Patten says:

    Dear Deb,
    Isn’t it marvelous what you and others have come up with making using these very special fabrics? I taughr art for years at a southern university and we used to call such things
    " found objects". I don’t know about a name, but I’m sure you will think of something

    Go, go, go Debby. Keep up the good work….your blog is fabulous. Good luck.

    Dear Lloyd,

    What is it that so many of us love about working with " found objects"??? I bet teaching art was fun and so inspiring to you and your students. I can’t think of a better way to live than fostering creativity in others. Good for you! Thanks for reading… xo Deb

  8. Pam deMarrais says:

    Hey Deb, your stuff just keeps getting even cuter and cuter! You sure have taken advantage of being "cooped up" in this weather. All of your shop patrons will be enamored with your beautiful projects. I love how you display your pillows along with coordinating furniture. It would be hard to break up the set! I love your blogs…they are so inspiring. I am looking forward to what is new and exciting next time!

    Hi there Pam!

    Well, thank you! I am having a great time piecing things together…and I feel so blessed to have my farmgirl sisters to share the journey with along the way… As always,Thanks for the note! xo Deb

  9. Linda says:

    I love beautiful print anything ! My favorite picture is of the purple?? painted piece holding the feed sack pillows!

    Thanks Linda… Me too… I’m very excited that Florals are " in " this season… in fashion, and home decor… 🙂 Glad you stopped by! xo Deb

  10. Lydia says:

    Hello Deb! I loved your blog this month… well every month! I am in Northern Nevada still, since 1978, but preparing to relocate to the coast opposite of your coast this June. I look forward to following along with your stories, and I may come up with a few of my own. Keep up the good work. Best wishes my dear! you’ll be warm soon.

    Hi Lydia! Thank you my dear… Best to you in your move further west and go smell some sagebrush for me… I really miss it! 🙂 Do stop by again! xo Deb

  11. daisy says:

    Wow, what a treasure!

    Thank you Daisy! 🙂

  12. Shery says:

    Your booth is really shaping up now and looking like YOU. The glamper hamper hamper is darling…and useful. Obviously, you’re having fun putting your little shop together. Fabric from the 30s is fun. Store-bought pretties in that era were far and few between for most folks. Love your fresh looking pillows. My momma wore home-made flour sack dresses :o)

     Hi Shery!,I Thank you! It’s coming along! Does your mom still have her flour sack dresses? The prints ARE fresh and bright aren’t they? Thinking of you on the Ranch and praying for green grass on the prairie soon. We are getting rain, wind and sleet today…. Good day for chili… AGAIN! xo Deb

  13. Merrilyn says:

    Hi Deb, just catching up on the farmgirl blogs. now you need a little trailer to go glamping in. So cute! You just keep amazing me with your imagination for creativity. Can’t wait to get home and get at my sewing machine. Keep those ideas coming. I love utilizing all of them.
    Lots of hugs sent your way

    Hey Merrilyn,

    Well, you know a little camper or better yet, a bunk house for the beach is on my list! Thanks for reading as always… Hope you are home safe and sound!

    hugs and keep in touch! xo Deb

  14. Dori Troutman says:

    Deb, WOW! You’ve got the real deal. I’m going to get my hands on some of that fabric someday! Love your pillows.

    I too wish that we could buy flour in cloth bags still. Well, I guess you can in AZ (and probably NV) where they sell the BlueBird flour in those 50 pounds cloth sacks. I think the Native Americans buy it for the Fry Bread (oh yummy – why did I mention Fry Bread?). But the sacks are white with a little bit of red lettering and one small blue bird. If I remember correctly. Not too exciting.

    – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

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