Rolling Pins and Aprons!




Hello Farmgirl Friends.


My blog post today is a little late.  And its for a good reason!  My son is getting married on our hilltop this weekend and I’ve been in pre-wedding prep for a month or so and frankly I forgot to write my blog post!  HOWEVER, I had the project complete, photo’s taken and the post written in my head!  Smile!  Maybe next month I’ll write about our DIY wedding here on our farm!  (The picture above is our little farmhouse today in a nice little rainy drizzle… it just made me so happy.)




So, heres a little backstory on my project I’m sharing today.  A couple of years ago I saved to my phone, that amazing photo of MaryJane’s that is all over Pinterest with the rolling pin apron pegs.  (You’ve seen this picture too right?) And I’ve dreamed of making them for ages; I even had the vintage rolling pins.


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I have a wall where my kitchen joins the dining room that I felt really needed an update (circled in the picture above).  I knew that this was exactly where I wanted my apron pegs to go.  I put a plan in place and got my husband right on the job!  Smile!



But here’s a really funny thing!  Because I didn’t really have instructions on how to do the project (just that amazing photo) I let my husband figure out the cutting of the rolling pens.  But THEN!!!!  The June-July issue of MaryJanesFarm magazine came in the mail and what should be in that issue?  Yep…  you got it.  A step by step tutorial on making the rolling pen pegs!


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That magazine (cover above) is still on newsstands so be sure to get it because the tutorial is fantastic!!!  No need for me to re-write it here!




However, there is one thing my husband wanted me to mention.  The really old rolling pens are solid wood and can be cut through easily; the newer ones have a small metal rod that runs in the middle of the rolling pen.  You will need to unscrew the handles and remove that rod before cutting!  (You can tell if your rolling pen has the rod by trying to unscrew the handle… the very old ones do not unscrew.)  He then used a hacksaw to cut the rod to size so that I could screw the handle back on and place it on the rolling pen.


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I wanted to use what I had on hand for the “backsplash” for my rolling pen pegs so I did some digging in some of the old wood I have.  I used this lid of an old wooden ammo box that I had saved.  The wood was not quite the right look for the rolling pens, so I put a coat of white wash on it.  (Latex paint mixed with water.)




Once that dried, I used my mouse sander and sanded it to give the white wash a faded look.  I love how it turned out!




I measured out exactly where I wanted the pegs to go and my husband attached them.  It wasn’t hard and certainly I could’ve done it.   But it was really nice to hand that over to him!




We hung it on the wall and I was instantly in love with it!  I dug into my stash of vintage aprons and hung my three favorites.  The few weeks I’ve had it on the wall I’ve had compliments from everyone who has come over!




It fits perfectly in my kitchen decor and gives the vintage retro vibe that I was hoping for!




I love the rustic wood that I was able to repurpose and it just makes me happy all over!  MaryJane blew it out of the park again!


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And one last thing before I head to bed tonight… another reason to purchase the June-July issue!  (Or better yet, subscribe to the magazine!)  My daughter and I and our sweet little flower farm have a fun feature in the magazine along with numerous other amazing flower farmers!  We were so excited to be featured alongside them.


Logan and Kayla


Good night friends!  I’m off to toss and turn as I go over every detail in my head that we might’ve forgotten in our wedding prep!  Our company (as well as my son and his precious fiancé – picture above taken in Arizona in October) begin arriving in two days!!!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long!






  1. Cyndie Gray says:

    Simply adorable rolling pin apron rack❣️❣️
    Congrats on the upcoming wedding that will give you another sweet daughter♥️ Can’t wait to see photos of the hilltop farm wedding!!

  2. Kim Rice says:

    Such a clever and functional way to display those aprons!! and good to know about those metal rods, i never thought about them going all the way through!!
    and a wedding too?! What a wonderful way to welcome new family members! Weddings are such a beautiful celebration of live and life. Can’t wait to see the beauty you create for those kids!!!

  3. Laurel Anne Pries says:

    How exciting!! A wedding in the family!! May you be blessed with Grandkids galore…..they are so precious!! Love your little farmhouse!! Congratulations!!!

  4. Beth Sheely says:

    This is perfect! I haven’t had time to enjoy my latest issue of Mary Janes Farm magazine, yet, but this morning as they pour our new driveway, ( Yes, we’re getting a cement driveway,even though we live on a gravel road Michigan.) I’m reading your blog and can’t wait to get started on my hunt for rolling pins. I make and sell aprons at vintage markets and this just may be a great way to display some of them in my booth! I’ll let you know. Congratulations on your son’s wedding.

  5. Gabrielle says:

    I loved this idea and I obtained so many great ideas from only looking at your kitchen. I live in a small apartment but I try and my place looks pretty good

  6. Ann says:

    Congratulations on your son’s wedding. Perfect spot – charming venue. Love your vintage rolling pin apron hangers.

  7. Bonnie Ellis says:

    Your husband’s skills are amazing. That apron holder is perfect for your adorable kitchen. Have fun with the wedding…we’ll all be awaiting photos@

  8. Sandi King says:

    Hey Dori, I saw that article in the magazine. Wonderful idea. I go to the thrift market and the rolling pins there are on the high side, but there is usually a lot of them. I may try making something similar for aprons, but it would have to be on the smaller side as I don’t have a wall with enough empty space for one this size. May even try a vertical one. Love your vintage aprons. Congratulations on having a wedding on the hill. Bet it will be really nice. Have fun.

  9. Marilyn says:

    What a lovely sight those rolling pin pegs are. Your aprons are beautiful. Congratulations on your son’s upcoming wedding. God Bless.

  10. Susie Heller says:

    Love your post. Nice looking son and his fiancée. Sigh…. young love!!!

  11. Maxine Jelinek says:

    How cute and fun! And I think I’m going to have to subscribe, as I can’t readily find it out here!

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