Farmgirl Heaven

Dear sisters,
Do you dream of handmade aprons like your granny used to wear as she went about her daily rounds? How about a soft, warm, delicate crochet coverlet with an embroidered pillow case too pretty to sleep on? Do visions of tables covered in vintage tablecloths of floral prints or lace set with the prettiest of mixed china, glassware and silver with a bit of tarnish sparkling on your table as the morning sun streams in dance in your head? Me too! Someone pinch me! I think I’ve died and gone to FARMGIRL HEAVEN! I’m noticing a trend in the items I’m collecting for my booth space at the Antique Mall. You might agree there’s a little (okay, A LOT) of farmgirl style influence in my pick’n.

I can’t wait to share last week’s pretty farmgirl finds with you!

As usual, I’m jumping into a new adventure with just enough knowledge (or not) to be overly optimistic and a bit dangerous! Don’t worry… the dangerous part isn’t that scary. That is if you don’t think shopping on EBay is risky behavior. Let’s just say I’ve been out-bid more than I’ve won this week and no doubt I’ve paid too much for an item or two just because I HAD TO HAVE IT…Oh well, live and learn right sisters? All I know is that when people walk in to my little booth I want them to feel pretty, nostalgic, comforted, inspired and at home…I hope people smile, remember and hopefully they’ll take a small piece of the past home to be loved and used again.

My mother n law ( Kim )  stayed with us last week and she and I had more fun waiting for the mailman every day! Here she is admiring the beautiful embroidery on a single pillow case that came in a lot of 9 pairs and 8 singles. The best parts are the memories that were sparked while she looked at each item I unpacked. She told me that she has plenty of pillow cases like these in her farmhouse but they aren’t in any condition to be resold because, says she, “we used ours “! She remembers her grandmother and her mother doing needle work but she never tried it herself.

 The handwork on this lot of vintage pillowcases is just beautiful. I imagine many were shower and wedding gifts at one point. I have a feeling as a young bride I wouldn’t have used them either, but as the years pile up on me I have a different mindset. I’m keeping a couple of the singles for my mother in laws bed at our house!

This delicate crochet hem finishes off the needlework so nicely…How many of you can crochet like this? The only embroidery I remember having around me as a child was the chambray shirt my mom embroidered for me in middle school. My best friend and I had matching shirts and we wore them to pieces, literally! I still have what’s left of mine in an old chest! I do however have three beautiful afghan’s that my mom crocheted for me and I cherish them! My mom fell in love with two crochet coverlets she spotted in one of the booths at the mall where we are setting up shop and she got me going on finding some for ours. I’ve been on the hunt and have managed to find three at a fair price on EBay!

The more of them I see the more I love them! This one is called ‘ popcorn’  because of the raised threading on the circle patterns. I’m seeing these priced anywhere from 23.00 for smaller sizes to 800.00 on Ebay! That’s quite a range in pricing. Crochet bedspreads speak to the simpler times some American’s are yearning for, especially the young mothers of today who want to bring back to life the time honored traditions their grandmothers knew.  I even found a pinterest board devoted entirely to antique and vintage crochet coverlets and bedspreads.

The slight scalloped edging on this blanket is so delicate and pretty. There’s just something about the feel of cotton that is so warm and comforting. I’ve got another one on the way that’s yellow and white! Won’t that be lovely in someone’s sunny bedroom or sitting area?

If crochet bedspreads and coverlets weren’t ambitious enough, women made covers for wooden hangers too! I found a lot of 14 vintage crochet covered hangers and had to get them! I love the way they look and they’re in tip top shape but they arrived with a musty odor.  Any ideas on how to clean them without ruining the crochet would be greatly appreciated!

There’s got to be a little bling among the faded charm of my yester-year finds! I’m picking up misc. silver and crystal pieces as I find them. I think a shiny silver butter dish can pretty up the plainest of table settings… They are just so elegant! Someone needs to talk me out of keeping this one though!

Crystal lamps add an elegant touch to any space. I found a lovely pair of crystal and silver lamps from the 1950’s and snapped them up! They arrived in beautiful working condition and I’m so impressed with the quality. Not like what we get today at all! I’ve got a fun idea for shades that I’ll share next time!

Naturally I had to get some vintage aprons! No one else in the antique mall is offering any so I figured I’m just the girl bring some farmgirl flair to the place!

I just got giddy when I bid on this one and won! It’s got everything an apron should have; rickrack, ruffles, flowers and a pocket for fresh picked eggs!

I’ve got a lot to learn still, but if I waited until I thought I knew enough to start this adventure I’d probably never do it! So, here’s to jumping in, learning as you go and having fun along the road of life! Besides, that’s the farmgirl way isn’t it? I’ll see you back here in a couple of weeks with picks of the actual booth!
Until our next shoreline visit~

BEACH BLESSINGS and happy living!

Much love,

Sister Deb # 1199

P.S. MaryJane, if you’re reading today THANK YOU for the inspiration!

  1. CJ Armstrong says:

    Oh my goodness! I need to stop holding my breath! I’m a sucker for such things and you’ve found some WONDERFUL treasures! WOW!
    BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL! I’m soooo jealous!
    I’m always scouring our three local thrift shops for such things and have found some true treasures. I just keep going!
    What fun, Debbie!

    It is fun isn’t it CJ?  I’ m loving every minute of the hunt! Thanks for the note!

    xo Deb

  2. Sue Feely says:

    Your finds are right up my alley! When I come across old aprons, doilies and other what not I use them, I love laying my head down on a vintage pillowcase with embroidery and crocheted edging and no I cannot do that edging though I wish I could. I am sure if you set up a camera in your booth you would see many many smiles!

    Hi Sue, A couple of the pillow cases I bought in a lot of vintage linens came with the edging unfinished… But… I found some ( just the crochet edgings ) on EBay! Maybe you can find some too! xo Deb

  3. Rebecca says:

    Oooooh! I love what you’re doing. And the pictures bring back so many good memories. I have a crocheted bedspread that belonged to my great aunt and I love looking at the intricate detail in it. I also have several of her old quilts. I can remember learning to embroider on handkerchiefs first, then moved on to pillow cases. I still have a few of the ones my mother made and a set that my mother-in-law gave me when I was first married. They’re a little tattered, though, because we also used ours (like your mother-in-law). Enjoy your new endeavor. It sounds like great fun.

    Thank you Rebecca… Sounds as if you have some real treasures! Xo Deb

  4. Diana Henretty says:

    Loved waking up to your post this morning!
    As a fabric addict and a collector of aprons, both vintage and modern,
    your pictures inspired me this morning.
    When getting our taxes done last year at the VFW, in a back little room was a large table covered with a gorgeous quilt, with elderly ladies in a circle quilting for hours.
    What amazed me so was, in the little town of Pineville Mo, this group of elderly women, some could barely walk with walkers, were joyfully hand quilting, chatting and laughing together.
    When I walked in just to peek, they all invited me to come join them for their little quilting sessions and were so kind and sweet!
    So inspirational!
    Thanks for your joyful words and pictures this morning.
    Hugs from the Ozarks! Diana, Noel, Mo

    Hi Diana! I love the picture you painted of the ladies doing hand work together… Inspirational indeed! Thanks for your note! xo Deb

  5. Adrienne says:

    How exciting! I remember my days of embroidering pillowcases, sheets, tablecloths and jeans (yes, a 60s radical here). I wish you much success!

    Oh yes… I remember the embroidered jeans too! Loved them….!!! As a child of the 70’s I  have a little boho blood in me for sure. Thanks for the note! xo Deb

  6. Jan says:

    Wow, Deb! You really got into my memory bank! I have a popcorn crocheted bedspread that my grandmother made for my parents and a lovely swag. I was lucky that my mom stored and cared for her treasures in such a careful way. I have a vision of re-doing my downstairs bedroom in more of a farm chicky style someday…
    I am also doing some puttering on eBay and the travel trailer decorating has given me another excuse to look for vintage items. I did find out a fact about vintage ‘bark cloth’. DO NOT EVER put it into the washer on delicate and expect it to hold up. I purchased some lovely curtains and now all I have left is pillow material! My thought was since they are basically cotton, they would be OK…NOT!!!

    A former client of mine gave me some crocheted pillow cases about twenty years ago. I love them and they are so pretty and cheerful in the summer months!

    Have fun!

    Oh no Jan! That is a bummer about your Bark Cloth… Well, you’ll have some cute pillows won’t you? LOL!!! Good luck with your redecorating… It’s that time of year!

    xo Deb

  7. Julia says:

    Sounds like you are having my kind of fun!!! I recieved two sets of hand embroidered pillow cases. I used them all the time, and was sad when they had graced their last pillow. I found a lovely set at a thrift store, that now have an honored place on my bed. The colors are the perfect match for my quilt, as though they were made for each other.

    Wish I could come poke around shops with you seeking treasures!


    Me too Julia… I bet your neck of the woods has some great finds as well! xo Deb

  8. Joan says:

    Oh Deb, you are just the one to make this adventure an ADVENTURE for everyone who is privileged to come to your booth. My heart skipped a few beats just seeing all the lovelies you will be offering. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you came shopping in my home – I totally use and decorate with all of the mentioned items and then some, they are so dear to me because they came from my Greats, Grands, Aunts and some I made when I was very young. I still do much hand work and am incorporating the bits and pieces of crocheting and tatting into some throws and on pillows. Hope you keep your pictures coming. As for getting the musty smell out – well maybe not all will release from the wood but I would probably put washing soda in a large bag and suspend the hangers in the bag so that the soda doesn’t get on the crocheting – maybe the soda would wick the smell. I will keep looking for ideas on that and let you know because I use my hangers and love them.

    Oh, do I need to come shopping at your house Joan? A friend of mine wants to start a sewing night after reading this post! I think that would be so fun…Thanks for the tip on getting out the musty smell on the hangers.. I’ll give it a try!

    xo Deb

  9. bonnie elllis says:

    Debbie: I just LOVE what you have found. Wish I lived closer. I think your new shop is going to do very well. You go girl.


    Thanks so much Bonnie! Getting it stocked little by little!

  10. Sandi says:

    Hey Deb,

    You’ll have to keep us posted about your opening. I know the store, and will definately come and see it. Will you ever be working there, or do you just set up? I’ve had luck with woolens using the ‘at home dry cleaning kits’, the ones you only toss with a dry-cleaning sheet, no bag involved. They suppossidly clean the item and they include a spot cleaner, but more importantly they impart a clean smell. Then just hang them outside to soak up our coastal New England air! The antimicrobal Febreeze works wonders also. I look forward to seeing your booth. I could probably stock if for you with all my collected stuff…..maybe you’d consider consignment? Best of luck! Sandi

    Hi Sandi,

    I won’t be working there as the mall has full time dealers who run things so I have the fun of setting up but I don’t have to be there.  Thanks for the freshning tips and your note!  xo Deb

  11. Sukochi Lee says:

    I was in our Thrift Store Weds. and saw two crystal lamps. Might ought to go see what they want for them. Though I am prim, not crystal. Still……

    That a girl! Thanks for your note! xo Deb

  12. Carol Norwood says:

    Hey Deb … I love all the great stuff you have found but, like you, I think I would have trouble selling it. I’d want to keep it all. I just bought a vintage table cloth for $4 and when I brought it home it fit my dining table perfectly, as if it had been made for it. Every time I walk past the table, I smile! Keep sharing with us. I love looking at the stuff. You must be having so much fun gathering things for your shop! Carol

    Hi Carol,

     Don’t you just love when you find the perfect thing for a song?! Love it! Thanks for the note and I’ll keep you posted!

    xo Deb

  13. Uncle Ed says:

    I didn’t see Bos’s contribution to the home crafts.

    He asked me not to embarras him! 🙂 Actually he and Zach have beem my muscle getting the larger items to the shop!  Thanks for the note Uncle Ed xo Deb

  14. Brenda says:

    Your doing great Deb, keep up the good work, or should I call it play? It looks like a lot of fun to me.

    Hey Brenda! It is loads of fun! Thanks for stopping by! xo Deb

  15. Teri says:


    So exciting! I love your drive, ideas and get to it spirit! I love reading your posts over my morning coffee on the weekend, thank you! My friend Kelly in Reno needs to catch your bug, she’s on to the next step in her career and wants to do what you are up to! I will share your post with her.

    Much love to you cuz! Here’s a quote from MLK Jr. that I thought was appropriate for your post today.

    Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Love Cousin Teri in Napa

    Hi Teri,

    Oh, I love the quote… PERFECT! Wish Kelly luck for me! Thanks so much for the note! Love cousin Deb! hugs to all !

  16. Merrilyn says:

    Hi Deb, it looks like you have really been busy finding things to open your booth with. I have been collecting crocheted items for a long time. When I look at the handiwork and think of the time It took to make I cannot but be impressed. I have a wooden shelf filled with my mom’s teacups and a fragile linen embroidered apron hanging underneath it in my kitchen. It creates such a sweet feeling.
    You Re finding some amazing finds. Hope to be visiting your shop soon.

    Hi Merrilyn, Looking forward to meeting you and your daughter in Plymouth soon!  Thanks so much for the note! Deb

  17. Shery says:

    Sure wish I could walk into your booth when you get it all set up. I’m sure it will ooze farmgirl charm and you’ll meet a lot of fun folks in your new venture. Finding all the goodies for your booth will be a good winter pastime. Have fun with alllll of it — I know you will 🙂
    Your farmgirl pal out west.

    Hey Shery! I wish you could come too! One of these days… here or there…You are so right… My hunting and gathering adventures are keeping me busy this winter while the garden sleeps! I wish I could come for a nice sit down on your party porch! I keep seeing things on EBay that you would love!!! xo Deb

  18. Pam deMarrais says:

    Deb, you have excellent farm girl taste! I love all of your items…especially the beautiful pillow cases. You may have to offer your own mail order service! I am sure that your new endeavor will bring lots of smiles and good memories to your customers.

    Hi Pam! Well, thanks! I’ve noticed that lots of people sell vintage items on Etsy as well.. so maybe things tha don’t move well in the shop can go to an Etsy shop at some point… As always thanks for the kind words and for reading! xo Deb

  19. Hey Deb!

    Oh what fun! I have loved Ebay for years and have found many a lovely apron to add to my farmgirl apron and textile collection. I really love that last one you show here! It’s so cute! I love antique malls, too. Wish we had one around here. The one I used to love to go to closed up years ago and there isn’t one close by now. Good luck – Can’t wait to see more of your finds!

    Big hugs from your blogging sis,
    (Suburban Farmgirl Blogger)

    Hey Nicole! So glad you stopped by… I LOVE the last apron too! I was bidding till the last minute on that one! LOL! Well, you’ll have to make a drive to Plymouth with your sweet family and we’ll shop and have lunch down town! Hows that sound?  xo Deb

  20. Heidi G says:

    Talk about inspiring. This post put me in the mood for a little spring cleaning and curtain hanging. Thanks Deb. Viva la vintage farmgirl chic!

    Well, thanks Heidi! I want to see more pic of your vintage aprons on your farmgirl blog! I bet they’re darling!!! xo Deb

  21. Grace says:

    Hi Debbie,
    I love your idea & treasures you have. All the wonderful heartwarming memories they bring to the farmgirl in us. I still have wonderful embroidered pillow cases & aprons from my Great Grandmother. Good luck in your new shop…can’t wait to see more in the future.

    Hi Grace! Thank you! I’m loving the thrill of the hunt. Thanks so much for the well wishes and for sharing your memories… xo Deb

  22. Kim says:

    Oh my heavens! I’ve been contemplating doing the same thing, here in the Pacific northwest! You’ve just completely pumped me up and inspired me. Thank you. I’m so excited!

    Yay Kim!!! Just go for it! You’ll have so much fun choosing items for your booth! I’ve been ironing freshly laundered linens all day! So fun to imagine who did all the beautiful handwork on the pillow cases and tea towels… Best of luck and keep us posted on your booth adventures! xo Deb

  23. Kimberley says:

    My sister is a professional baker and laughs at me because I wear an apron. I love aprons and would love to have some of the older, vintage ones some day. Right now I have a mix of some purchased from a discount store and some that I sewed myself. I love crystal on the table. It dresses it up nicely. Have you considered adding crocheted doilies to your booth? I have a few that my grandmother made that are the perfect size for setting a crystal vase on my kitchen table. Once my mother purchased me a knitted octagon table cover. It didn’t cover the entire table, so it wasn’t a table cloth and I don’t think it counts as a runner because of its shape. Hmm, I wonder what happened to it. I guess I will have to go hunting for it now. I love reading your musings. Keep up the good work.


    Hi Kimberly! You just keep wearing your aprons and baking no matter what people say! 🙂  Yes, we are looking at doilies, and loads of other vintage goodies too. Most of the aprons I have found are all handmade… as I iron each one I love looking at the details like stitching on the apron strings, hankie pockets, and rickrack trims etc… I hope you find your missing doilies! Thanks so much for reading! xo Deb

  24. Brenda says:

    love old aprons, have a few that I have collected and most of them I wear, makes me feel close to my grandma’s. they never hardly went with out one unless they were going to town or church. My mom use to trim our pillowcases and hankies with a crocheted edge love them. Think maybe I might try to do some. Love your post.

    Hi Brenda! I can see why.  I’m falling in love with all of these lovely vintage goodies as they arrive…I have a friend who went out and got a hoop and a pillowcase embroidery kit for her and her daugther after reading this post… I was so tickled! Heck, I might even give it a go! Thanks for your note…xo Deb

  25. Linda says:

    In the 70s, my mom embroidered a light weight denim shirt. Eventually, I wond up getting it in the discards. I loved wearing that shirt! Then, it finally wond up in my thrift shop pile. My daughter rescued the shirt. You can imagine my tears as I opened her gift and found it preserved into a pillow, several years after my mom had passed away.p

    Linda, Your shirt sounds exactly like the one my mom made for me.  That’s so great you still have it as a pillow… Sweet daugter you have there! xo Deb

  26. Barbara says:

    I love all the vintage treasures you mentioned and have a nice collection of family items I’ve saved. Just looking at the old treasures makes me happy. One of my favorite collections though is of vintage aprons. I have approximately 700 and counting!

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