So Long February. Hello, March Madness!


“The most serious charge which can be brought against New England is not Puritanism but February.”
–  Joseph Wood Krutch

Dear Sisters,

Of all the months of the year February has got to be the most challenging. I know for certain this is true for good old New England! Winter doesn’t really get going until February in these parts! If it weren’t for the freezing temperatures I’d probably go a little easier on February but it’s snowing again today and my romance with Old Man Winter is beginning to cool. As a matter of fact, I’m tossing him out on his ear muffs right here and now with you as my witness! It’s not that we haven’t had some special times together because we have.
It’s just that I’m feeling a little antsy these days. The garden is calling me and I’m ready to grow baby grow! How can I do that if he’s still hanging around cluttering up the place with his wet blankets of snow and ice?


This is what the garden has looked like for most of February. I’ve enjoyed watching the garden sleep under warm blankets of snow through my kitchen window as a the kettle whistles reminding me it’s time for tea! My mother in law was with us for the first half of the month and she and I always enjoy our daily tea time together. Poor dear gets a chill as soon as the sun goes down so I’ve learned to have the water nice and hot by then.


I’ve been so blessed to be more in her presence these last couple of years. She might be 92 BEAUTIFUL years old, but she has the heart of a curious, wondrous child. She’s always telling me to sit down and rest when she’s here and although it’s not easy for this farmgirl to sit still for very long, I know how to recognize golden nuggets when I see them. That’s what time with her is like. Precious moments filled with worldly riches. She is such a delight to my soul.


 Her memory is failing her (along with her eyesight and hearing ) and she struggles to find words too, so we do our best to fill in the blanks for her. Thank goodness she still has a sense of humor! Trying to find words for her is similar to a game of charades but we have fun doing it. If you want a real brain teaser put down your i pad and spend some quality time with an elderly loved one. They’ll keep you on your mental toes and you just might learn something too!


 We didn’t let Old Man Winter stop us from celebrating two very important milestones this month.  Remember my telling you about our oldest turning 18 in January a few posts back? One of his goals before he turned 18 was to complete is Eagle Scout Project, which he did. On February 11th his project was signed off making him an official Eagle Scout!


Those of you who have served as committee members or volunteered in the Boy Scouts of America organization know what an accomplishment this is and how much work it takes from all parties to bring a boy from a cute, cuddly little Tiger Cub to a soaring Eagle Scout. Zachary has had many Akela ( leaders) who helped guide him along his scouting journey! We are so grateful to all of them and so very pleased for our boy.


Number two amazing milestone is that our baby girl turned sweet 16 this month!


She didn’t ask for anything for her birthday. In fact she ordered me not to get her anything except some spending money for clothes… But I told her that I’m still the boss of Birthdays in this house and I always will be! So, her father and I gave her a little BLING for her sweet 16 ears. My favorite department store was having 60% off on fine jewelry this month and I couldn’t resist! Besides, a girl only turns 16 once!


She also got some flash cash, a pretty scarf with some sparkle to match her eyes and her brother gave her a pair of speakers for her i pod.


She got a surprise gift from her orthodontist as well. After 2 turbulent years and 10 terrible months of wearing braces, rubber bands, pokey wires and a limited diet she finally got her braces removed! I think you can tell by the photo above how she feels about that! Woot! Woot! Of course we celebrated with MORE shopping, celebrating and eating! YAY!


 Meanwhile back in snow land… Max could care less about the snow. He wants his playtime no matter what. And, if you’ve never had a Corgi, well let’s just say when they have an agenda, you’d better listen up! I’m such a softy, I fall for this look every time!


 I went out to check on the girls today and they told me ( in so many clucks ) that they’re fed up with being cooped up too! I can’t say as I blame them.


Maybe the best way to survive February in New England is to stop complaining about the weather and make more snow angels!


Hang out with friends,


and enjoy what remains of the quiet and solitude of winter before March Madness kicks us into high gear!

I’m looking forward to feeling the sun on my back and seeing green things grow again! My March madness plans are shaping up slowly… It’s time to order Dahlias, flower and veggie seeds, clean the coop and the greenhouse, order mulch, and, and, and,…

Whoa Nellie! On second thought…


Until our next shoreline visit~ BEACH BLESSINGS and MUCH LOVE

Sister Deb # 1199


  1. Adrienne says:

    Those of us on the Left Coast would love to share your snow with the Tahoe ski areas. The snow melt in the spring would fill our reservoirs and we would be out of the multi-year drought. I totally agree with turning off the technology once in a while and just talking with someone over tea. All my older relatives are gone so I’ve adopted a couple of grandmothers (or bubbies) at my synagogue. We have a great time sharing stories. You are blessed to have someone to be with whom you love so much. On to Spring!

  2. Country Gal says:

    What a wonderful post and amazing photos ! Our oldest is 25 middle 20 and youngest is 18 . Congrats to your handsome son and Happy B-day to your pretty daughter ! Our winter here has been the coldest in over 20 years . I am soo ready for spring ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good weekend !

  3. Kim R. says:

    Oh how precious is your mother in law! She makes me miss my granny so bad!! I would love to sit and visit with her just one more time!

  4. jinx says:

    Always enjoy your posts and thank you for sharing your world. Gosh, who wouldn’t fall for your Max’s look and do whatever he wants? What a look he has ! I couldn’t resist it !

  5. Jennifer says:

    Love this post. So many great photos. My oldest son just crossed over from a Webelos II to a Boy Scout this month. He has a goal of becoming an Eagle Scout. Congrats to your son on that accomplishment.

  6. Vicki McCutcheon says:

    I live in Myrtle Beach, SC so I thought this would be a great place to blog. I love Mary Janes Farm magazine. There are so many articles that apply to everyday use. I am planning on having a raised garden this year if I can keep the animals out. We are only about 3 miles to the beach but we still have all kinds of critters in the woods including black bears. I also am into crafting. Mostly making snow flakes and trees out of recycled magazines. But my craft passion is creating goose egg ornaments with miniatures inside them and Swarovski crystals on the outside. They are hard to explain but I don’t know how to upload pictures. Well have to go now be back soon.

  7. Laura R. says:

    Once again, I can relate, because my oldest boy earned his Eagle Scout rank and my youngest boy had braces. All precious and proud moments 🙂 Thanks for sharing, beautiful pix !

  8. Joan Marie Brown says:

    Ah, winter. The pony making snow angels has the right idea. Since it was 70 degrees in PA today, March 12, and snow coming tomorrow AND New England getting feet of snow (Think Killington) this poem may help us get through the remaining days of this endless winter: Velvet Shoes by Elinor Wylie
    Let us walk in the white snow
    In a soundless space;
    With footsteps quiet and slow,
    At a tranuil pace,
    Under veils of white lace.

    I shall go shod in silk,
    And you in wool,
    White as a white cow’s milk
    More beautiful than the breast of a gull.

    We shall walk through the still town
    In a windless peace;
    We shall step upon white down,
    Upon silver fleece,
    Upon softer than these.

    We shall walk in velvet shoes; Wherever we go
    Silence will fall like dews On white silence below.
    We shall walk in the snow.

    Printed in the 7th edition of “100 Plus American Poems” edited by Molloy, printed by Scholastic Magazines, Inc. 1970

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