Still Talking About Goals {And A Giveaway}!




Hello Farmgirl Friends!

I wrote a post here a couple months ago asking my readers to comment about their goals and hopes for themselves for this year.  I’ve read over every single one of those 97 comments numerous times.  They have actually been so helpful to me because a lot of them are exactly what I feel for myself too.




There was a general thought that went through a lot of the comments that has been on my mind as well:  do better about keeping in touch with friends and loved ones.  Someone actually said in reference to her almost grown grandchildren:  “My goal is to send them a snail mail note once a month”.  I absolutely loved that.




So, with the thought of keeping in touch the old fashioned way I started thinking:  “How could I set up a system that would make it more fun and more of an organized set up for me to keep consistent with this”?  And as is so often the case for me; that involves sewing in some way or another!  Ha Ha!




So I had this brainstorm to make a covered 3-ring binder with calendar pages where I keep track of the people I want to write to each month, along with birthdays and anniversaries.


IMG_9152 2


That turned into such a fun project that then I added a pocket page where I can actually put cards for that month.




And of course THEN I needed a zipper pouch to hold my pens and stamps right?




This project turned into a few weeks of brainstorming and working on it off and on until it is finally all complete.  (And in my trial and error I made three sets… one for me and two for friends!)




I’m SO excited to get started March 1st with my list of letter writing.


I’ve been thinking about what kind of letter I would like to receive in the mail… and I’ve come to the decision that I would be so thrilled with a simple card with just a little note of “I’m thinking about you”.  That’s all it would take to make my day.  My goal is to keep the words in my cards very short and from the heart.


“This is the year to spend kindness and love.”  That phrase was in many of the comments from my blog post in December and I’ve thought about it so much.  This is the year for kindness.




Because I love give-aways and I love all of my special readers, I’m offering another give-away!  This time it is to help you get off to the right start in keeping in touch!




I’m giving away a set of 10 note cards that I’ve made from flowers from my flower farm.  These are all my photography and have been professionally printed.


All you need to do to enter is leave a comment telling who the first person is that you plan to write to!  The first person I plan to write to is my dear, sweet Momma. Even though I talk to her every single day on the phone, that simply does not replace a sweet note in the mail does it?


I’ll let you know the winner in my post in March!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.


  1. Sandra Johnson says:

    The first person I will write to using your beautiful notecards is an elderly aunt that I rarely get to visit in person! I have several friends that I have been corresponding with during the pandemic since handwritten notes are enjoyed far longer than phone calls or emails, and they will get notes, too!
    I enjoy reading your posts and seeing photos of your lovely crafts! Inspiring, though I don’t have your talent.

  2. Stacey Mitchell says:

    My first handwritten letter will be to my friend Bobby. He is a dear, loving friend.

  3. Cathy Holton says:

    I’ll send one to my best friend!

  4. Emily Pennington says:

    Hi Dori;

    Your cards look beautiful! And I love the binder and pouch you made.

    Since our family lost a sister this year, I would send my remaining sister the card. Since she rarely sews, I think it would be special to make something to send with it!

    Thank you for the opportunity of receiving a set of your cards.

    Take care.

  5. Lisa D Von Saunder says:

    I send cards for each and every holiday all year round to all my friends .But this year I was not able to go the stores to get the cards I needed. I have a list of about 30 people so I think I’m good at letting people know I care and think about them.

    People really seem to enjoy them and I try and pick out ones appropriate for each person. Some are the same cards to different people but you get the drift. I write something personal in each and the pets get their own cards if possible.
    ( try and find Easter cards with cats or dogs on them ! )

    Its a great way to stay in touch and sure beats Texting and emailing for personal reaching out.

  6. winnie Jackson says:

    love the cards! My goal this year is to remember people by writing more notes to them to bring JOY to their lives this year. This virus has put us all in a different way of remembering others close at heart. So I desided to do at least 3 each week. I purchase beautill stamps, just need to get pretty cards. Stay safe and I am grateful for all you post for all of us that follow you. Blessings, Winnie 🙂

  7. Carole Harmon says:

    Your idea is wonderful! My cousin Donna wrote me a long letter last year, which I treasure. It prompted me to mail Christmas cards in December, writing notes in each.

    The first handwritten letter would be to cousin Donna. Close seconds would be to my sister and daughter.

    Thanks for sharing your photos and ideas, Carole

  8. Pat G says:

    I was just telling my sis that I am going to write a ltter to our niece that lives in NJ & we have not seen in over 30 yrs.!

  9. Debbie Klann says:

    Doris, I ❤ this!!! You are so creative and your binders turned out so pretty!!
    This is a great idea. I still have little notes that I’ve saved through the years that mean so much to me…especially those from my grandma, who is no longer here. We never know how just a few encouraging words will make a person’s day.
    It reminds me of the idea that to make change in the world, WE need to start with ourselves.
    I’m not sure who I would write to first! Probably my friend, Jami.

  10. Karen Kudla says:

    I love, love love this idea! My first handwritten note will be to my grandchildren! Will you do a tutorial on your project? I’d love to make this for myself!

  11. Mary Pitman says:

    I would send a card to my dear life-long friend who lives in Montana. We do write to each other (snail mail) about once every so often, not consistent! That would be perfect, just a sweet “Thinking of You” would mean a lot!

  12. Joan Piercy says:

    The first person I will write to is my BFF, Linda J. She lives in Alabama & we try to keep in touch but sometimes it is weeks before we connect. Just want to say that your cards are beautiful! Do you sell them?

  13. Maxine Jelinek says:

    I love this! It’s simply beautiful! I love getting snail mail and hardly get any, I know because I don’t get myself to write it. I have a long time friend that sends hand written notes several times a year, and she is the first person I would respond to!

  14. Bonnie McKee says:

    My first note will be sent to my 18 year old granddaughter, Rachel ❤️

  15. Cheryl says:

    I have several friends at church that are needing prayers and I know they would enjoy a card letting them know I am praying and thinking of them daily

  16. Bonnie I. says:

    I love the binder also! My best friend has been having health problems and has just now been correctly diagnosed and on the mend. I had to send her a card to express my gratitude and love. There is nothing like a personal note. Phone calls are good but a hand written note is best in my opinion. I like your idea of a monthly binder and may implement it for my own friends and family. Thank you so much for the great ideas!

  17. Judy From Maine says:

    First card would go to my Mom. She is in assisted living, and I speak to her regularly, but I also send her a card once a week or so. I remember her sending me cards and letters when I was at Girl Scout camp and how much I loved getting them. ( I was very homesickJ I like to think that the cards I send her bring her as much joy.

  18. Pamela says:

    What a great idea! My Mom is #1 and my aunt is #2 on my list. I love your cards – they’re beautiful! And the binder is a great idea!

  19. Marge Turner says:

    I love that binder and immediately thought of the fabric scraps I have! I am a stamper so I love to make cards (with plenty of glitter) and send to special friends. I have a very special friend who lives in a nursing home in another city and because of covid we haven’t been able to visit-she is first in my list.

  20. Jacqueline Bilder says:

    Wow, you are so creative and talented. I will write to my sister in CA. We usually talk every week or so but hand written notes are so awesome to receive! Thanks for sharing all of your hard work!

  21. Irene says:

    I love the idea of making a binder. My letter would be to my friend Elaine. We’ve been friends since the late 60’s. We been writing ever since I moved away.

  22. Pam says:

    I would write to my daughter. I miss her so much. Nice project and lovely cards.

  23. Robin in New Jersey says:

    Hi! I love to make cards out of photos I have taken. I love snailmail. My first card would be to an elderly lady I have kept in touch with for years after she moved.

  24. LaVon Davis says:

    If I was one of the Lucky winners, I would use the card to send to my friend that was just diagnosed with Parkinson’s. I am a card sender, so I would use them all.Thank you

  25. Jackie Galluze says:

    I will write to my niece who is in a personal care home. She is only 40 years old & has many medical problems. She loves to receive cards from me. She will never be able to be on her own.

  26. Judith Stout says:

    What a great and thoughtful idea. I would write to my brother who I don’t get to see very often. Thank you and God Bless.


  27. Joanne says:

    I would send my first note to my good friend and college roommate.
    Her birthday is in the month of March and we have remained friends for almost 50!years!!

  28. Cynthia Lopez says:

    Wow, I have a few I would send too. But my friend Maureen would be first choice. We have been friends since Desert Storm and have not seen each other since then, but write to each other every year. We are planning to meet in Phoenix (half way for each of us) this year when this Pandemic has abated. What a reunion!
    Thank you!

  29. Bonnie Baker says:

    Hi Doris,
    I have to say that you are so creative on so many levels. I’ve always loved your choice of fabrics…so cheerful and colorful. The fabric note cards and binders are adorable. And the flower photo note cards are glorious… I’m so ready to see some sign of spring and summer! So I’m hoping to have them appear in my mailbox.

  30. Mary Rauch says:

    My first letter will be to a school pal from 56 years ago who recently found me on Facebook and said that she always wanted to be closer when we were in high school but was too shy to make it known…That made me so sad. Here’s my chance to recapture the treasure of a friendship that I have been missing all these years! Dori, your column has already “won a gift for me”, a renewal of friendship from long ago! See how wise you are?

  31. Wendy Moore says:

    My daughter is 18 and in college. She would be the first person that I would write to. I would love to send her notes throughout the year to remind her of how special she is and that she is a beautiful child of God!

  32. Susan Boysen says:

    Oh so many to reach out to from afar…last year I moved from my long time home in Washington state to a new home in Idaho with my son and his family. Left good friends and my daughter (and her family) behind. Then left Idaho for a visit with a special friend in Maryland where I have been ‘happily’ stuck due to covid concerns since October. So I have friends and family scattered from coast to coast who I miss so very much…but who to write to first? I think my ‘sister from another mother’ who retired this year. We need to plan a girl’s trip in honor of her retirement…what better way to begin to plan than with an ‘old fashioned handwritten’ letter?

  33. Sandy says:

    I would definitely write to my mother first. She will be moving from the hospital to a rehab center this week. She would love to get some Mail. In fact, just thinking about this has inspired me. I’ll do that as soon as she moves. Thank you

  34. I simply love your ideas about sending notes to loved ones!.
    Im going to send a note to my Great Granddaughter today.
    Your binder is awesome! Would love instructions on how to make my own.


  35. Cassandra Brungardt says:

    I would send the first one to my daughter. We do not get to see her very much.

  36. Rebecca says:

    I love this idea. Nothing brightens my day more than opening up the mailbox to a hand written note or letter. My first letter will go to my friend Jo. We met while we both worked for the U.S. Coast Guard and became like sisters. She’s battled breast cancer twice, but never let it get her down. We live in different states and don’t see one another as much as we like but we talk and text often. Thank you for your idea. I love it.

  37. Sanne says:

    My best friend and gardening buddy comes to mind. We always swap seeds and talk about our (gardening and otherwise) successes and failures. She loves flowers just as much as I do.

  38. Sanne says:

    And thank you so much for the inspiration of the binder! I bought a binder cover for my knitting pattern binder on ebay years ago, was never quite happy with it, and will now work in improving it.

  39. shawna says:

    I will send a card to my daughter who is in Portland while we are in San Diego. Because of covid we have not been able to visit her as much as we had planned. I send her a box of goodies from home every month including something homemade from the kitchen & something knit or crocheted & there is always a card with bits of news from home. We are so thankful for facetime & texts so we can keep in touch, but it is not the same as being able to hug her.

  40. Judith Smith-Coleman says:

    Hello Dori,
    Your project is just beautiful…and engineered perfectly. You thought of everything!! I have made it my ministry for a couple decades now to send snail mail notes, particularly to a friend from college who has become unable to leave her house without lots of planning. Also, I’ve been involved in a pen pal program at two nursing homes not far from my home. This has become especially important this year with COVID eliminating any contact visitations. I also try to send my nieces and nephews fun cards as they move frequently for school and jobs. It is purely selfish because I want to keep myself on their radar. 🙂 I have found two artists through Facebook who have small businesses selling their work on greeting cards. I have been purchasing cards from them when I get low. Your cards are just beautiful. I admire all the work you and your family do to make your flower business a success. The pictures are wonderful…and hopeful!! I enjoy your blog!! Be well! Judy

  41. Ann says:

    I’ve gathered together a group of friends who are all writing letters to the elderly for an organization that provides these letters to residents in area nursing homes and assisted living facilities. So far we have collected over 100 personal notes and thinking of you cards to send the Love for our Elders. I can’t think of a better way to brighten someone’s day than a personal note.

  42. Patty says:

    My Aunt French in Tahoe. She would so enjoy the flowers because she will still be looking at snow. She is in poor health and I really need to reach out to her more.
    I would love to have directions for your binder and accessories.

  43. Treese Hellstrom says:

    Beautiful work! I’ll write/send one to my best friend Marian!
    Colorado Cowgirl.

  44. kim says:

    I LOVE sending ( and receiving, of course)correspondence thru the mail. I live in NM, and currently my two best friends are living very far away…one in OR, the other in NC. Thankfully we are all good letter writers! I have made a practice of writing another age old friend twice a month as he is in assisted living after a stroke. I write him as he needs a little spark to brighten his day, we all do!
    THANK YOU for re-affirming the joy of writing! I love your quilting reports too!

    All the best, Kim

  45. sharon butera says:

    Several years ago my parents had to make the tough decision to move to an assisted living complex. Mom had lost her ability to keep track of birthdays and anniversaries so it fell to Dad to continue sending their love and good wishes through greeting cards. To make it easy for him I put together a binder with monthly pockets, a calendar and the names and milestones. I tucked a card appropriate to each into the pockets with envelopes already stamped so all Dad had to do was write a note and drop the cards into the post box in the home’s office. It was a big job to set up for him the first year, but then each Christmas I would replenish a year’s worth of cards as a gift to him and Mom.
    I love the idea of a quilted cover 3 ring binder! Yours looks beautiful. And I so enjoy reading about your flower business and your girls who work right along side you. Photo notecards from your farm would be a delight to receive and even more of a joy to send.
    And thanks for the reminder that we all would enjoy receiving a bit of love in the mail.

  46. Betty says:

    Wonderful Goal!
    My daughter-in-law. She is a two time cancer survivor and one of the most courageous women.

  47. Pamela L Czurak says:

    The first person I plan to write to is my almost 100 year old Uncle, last of his generation who has been stuck in his Condo for over a year because of Covid.

  48. Crystal M Pung says:

    The first person I plan on writing is my grandmother who is on hospice. This could be the last letter I get to write to her.

  49. Della says:

    The binder is such a nifty idea. My first note will be to my childhood friend.

  50. Beth O'Nyon says:

    Hi Dori

    Knowing who to send the first note too is tough. I have so many wonderful people in my life who love, show kindness and keep me sane :). As with everyone, this past year has been tough. We moved to a new home which is beautiful and restorative. It is not a working farm, but I am getting it back to being as close to a farm as I can. Then we had fires and had to be evacuated for a week. Then I had to deal with some serious health issues. Then the major storms just came through and took our power and heat for a week brr. Yet, when I look back at emails and texts from my friends and loved ones, I know how lucky I am. My first card will go to my cousin Pam. She has been like a mother, older system and best friend for many years. When I moved to CA from Ohio, she is one of the people I miss most. I think she would be delighted to receive a beautiful handwritten note in the mail. Thanks for sharing this idea. Best of everything–Beth

    • Mary Rauch says:

      Beth, you can assure Pam (in Ohio) that we will support her as she adjusts to missing you. Maybe she will come to the Farmgirl blog and talk with all of us? We love Ohio and plan to stay the rest of our lives if it be God’s will.

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