Still Talking About Goals {And A Giveaway}!




Hello Farmgirl Friends!

I wrote a post here a couple months ago asking my readers to comment about their goals and hopes for themselves for this year.  I’ve read over every single one of those 97 comments numerous times.  They have actually been so helpful to me because a lot of them are exactly what I feel for myself too.




There was a general thought that went through a lot of the comments that has been on my mind as well:  do better about keeping in touch with friends and loved ones.  Someone actually said in reference to her almost grown grandchildren:  “My goal is to send them a snail mail note once a month”.  I absolutely loved that.




So, with the thought of keeping in touch the old fashioned way I started thinking:  “How could I set up a system that would make it more fun and more of an organized set up for me to keep consistent with this”?  And as is so often the case for me; that involves sewing in some way or another!  Ha Ha!




So I had this brainstorm to make a covered 3-ring binder with calendar pages where I keep track of the people I want to write to each month, along with birthdays and anniversaries.


IMG_9152 2


That turned into such a fun project that then I added a pocket page where I can actually put cards for that month.




And of course THEN I needed a zipper pouch to hold my pens and stamps right?




This project turned into a few weeks of brainstorming and working on it off and on until it is finally all complete.  (And in my trial and error I made three sets… one for me and two for friends!)




I’m SO excited to get started March 1st with my list of letter writing.


I’ve been thinking about what kind of letter I would like to receive in the mail… and I’ve come to the decision that I would be so thrilled with a simple card with just a little note of “I’m thinking about you”.  That’s all it would take to make my day.  My goal is to keep the words in my cards very short and from the heart.


“This is the year to spend kindness and love.”  That phrase was in many of the comments from my blog post in December and I’ve thought about it so much.  This is the year for kindness.




Because I love give-aways and I love all of my special readers, I’m offering another give-away!  This time it is to help you get off to the right start in keeping in touch!




I’m giving away a set of 10 note cards that I’ve made from flowers from my flower farm.  These are all my photography and have been professionally printed.


All you need to do to enter is leave a comment telling who the first person is that you plan to write to!  The first person I plan to write to is my dear, sweet Momma. Even though I talk to her every single day on the phone, that simply does not replace a sweet note in the mail does it?


I’ll let you know the winner in my post in March!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.


  1. Teresa P. says:

    My first letter recipient of one of your unique and lovely note cards would be my friend in Pennsylvania. We both like to sew, so she would really appreciate your handiwork. Thank you for always being an uplifting soul, especially during the last year and my later years.
    Hugs and kudos to you!

  2. Liz Olson says:

    I plan to send my first card to my Uncle Bill! I haven’t seen or talked to him for sooo long and I want to ask him questions about my mom, his sister who died many years ago! On second thought I actually think I’ll take the card and hand deliver to him so I can hug him at the same time!

  3. Trisha Wilkins says:

    I am going to write to my grandma who is getting ready to celebrate her 95th birthday at the end of the month. I love the act of writing letters and notes to stay connected because it is such a rare thing these days. I know I love getting something in the mail, just knowing someone was thinking about me makes me feel good.

  4. Valerie Jensen says:

    Hi Dori!
    I think kindness always should be a thought as we interact with others all times! But yes, this is especially important these days. The first person I will write to is my new friend Carole-introduced to me by her granddaughter-another friend. We both have much in common-living for many years in adjacent towns and loosing our husbands to cancer last year.
    Thanks for all your thoughtful blogs

  5. Carmen Anderson says:

    A lovely idea…receiving mail is such a wonderful expression of love, caring and memories. I would send two lovely cards to dear friends…one in Virginia I have known since grade school so many years ago who lost her husband unexpectedly November 2019…she is brave and heartbroken, our love for each other knows no bounds. The other card card will go to a sweet friend in PA who lost her husband also, to an aggressive brain cancer just a couple years ago, they have 6 sweet children, a community of love and support..both of these women strengthen me in more ways than I could ever express…sending them a beautiful reminder that there is a spring even in times of sadness while bringing a smile to their hearts…..thank you for offering your talents and love …

  6. Kristin Jonec says:

    I plan to write to my dear friend Karyn. We have been friends for almost 40 years. I have not seen her in close 30 years, but we still keep in touch. Love your binders!

  7. Sandi King says:

    Hello Dori
    I have two email accounts and I only check one of them once a week or every two weeks and of course, my Mary Jane Bloggers are on that one, so I am a bit late. I love your idea for that binder, it is most precious, and worthy. In this time of instant technology, it is so rewarding to actually get a nice letter in the mail or a note that says “I’m thinking of you”. Much nicer to actually hold a piece of paper in your hand and remember the past when everyone wrote letters. I kept my mother’s letters to me over a 10 year period when we lived far apart and since she has passed away a few years back it is always nice to be able to reread them and think of her. I keep them in a 3 ring binder inside plastic sleeves the kind photos are put in to preserve them. Since I am unable to write to her now, I think I would write to my cousin who lives in Arizona or the one in California or both. I have started sending out birthday cards to all I have addresses for this year with a note inside. Thanks for this lovely blog and the idea for the binder. I wish I could sew one too.

  8. Janice says:

    Think I’ll write to my college roommate whom I’ve known for 57 years!

  9. Denise says:

    What a cool idea. I love to send cards to people & when they thank me for making their day brighter, then it makes me so happy I took the time to send that card! I make a lot of my cards so I really loved what you have done with your photography with your cards.

  10. Shari says:

    My friend Stephanie

  11. Marci Dodd says:

    The first person I would write to is my lovely daughter.

  12. Margaret King says:

    I love reading your blogs. This one, showing how to make greeting cards really made my heartstrings sing The first person I have already written to is my granddaughter in Divide, Colorado. Any time i wtite to her it is on a card I’ve painted for her with watercolors. Once she sent an acrylic picture she painted; another time, a photo of her first try at quilting by making a pillow cover. For a young girl with a wonderful husband, three beautiful daughters, two dogs and a cat, she is truly a farmgirl at heart. The card I sent her was my first try ever at cutting squares and sewing them to a blank card. It was so much fun that next I’m trying one of the others designed you showed. Simple pleasures. Thank you and God bless.

  13. winnie Jackson says:

    I love note cards! This is something I do in my life by sending people whom I care about by writing a note to put a smile on their face and joy i their heart.What a beautiful card set. Thank you for this offer! Blessings to all, Winnie Jackson 🙂

  14. Pamela Ann Frey says:

    What a wonderful blog! Finally reading it as you are preparing your new one. The design is beautiful and a great idea. I bought a comparable type at a school fair. It is a great organizer, but no where near as lovely as yours; awesome DIY gift! …………And all the
    responses it brought were wonderful. They touched my heart and reminded me that I am not alone during grief, health concerns and now COVID. There are so many people out there showing love. Snail mail is a great tradition to revive and Keep. Thanks for all the joy and inspiration you share with us. Pamela

  15. Susan E. Kindt says:

    The first person I am writing and sending something to is my school friend from many years ago. She was also a bridesmaid in my wedding. I have been married 58 years and have seen her only 2 times in all those years. We keep in touch monthly via email. So this Easter I made a Cup/Bowl Microwave Buddy, filled it with Easter grass and a chocolate bunny, a card with a hand written note. She has an invalid husband as I almost do as well. We share our stress, family happenings and health news. I miss sitting across from her – we both turned 80 in 2020. I do try and send cards to my friends with a note from me and I love receiving them as well. But I also love sewing and try to give away a lot of things that I make. I so enjoy reading your Blog.

  16. Linda Marie Hilburger says:

    I plan on writing to my beautiful granddaughter.

  17. SYLVIA Bengisoy says:

    I would write a letter to my friends (relatives of my ex) who live in the Bay Area and San Jose area. I have lost touch with them but still consider them my people!

  18. Cathy Garrett says:

    I would send a beautiful card to my Mother who is in assisted living and would love to receive a card in the mail. She was a gardener and was very good at it. Your beautiful floral cards would be perfect and would make her day!

  19. Amy says:

    I’m still thinking about goals, but things have shifted. It’s all about the house, and I think BF is on board. It’s time.

    BTW, I made that cake myself and wrote a blog post about it:

    I liked it. He wasn’t as enthusiastic. But just a week or so later, we had a big freeze in the South, and Valentine’s Day was postponed.

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