Still Talking About Goals {And A Giveaway}!




Hello Farmgirl Friends!

I wrote a post here a couple months ago asking my readers to comment about their goals and hopes for themselves for this year.  I’ve read over every single one of those 97 comments numerous times.  They have actually been so helpful to me because a lot of them are exactly what I feel for myself too.




There was a general thought that went through a lot of the comments that has been on my mind as well:  do better about keeping in touch with friends and loved ones.  Someone actually said in reference to her almost grown grandchildren:  “My goal is to send them a snail mail note once a month”.  I absolutely loved that.




So, with the thought of keeping in touch the old fashioned way I started thinking:  “How could I set up a system that would make it more fun and more of an organized set up for me to keep consistent with this”?  And as is so often the case for me; that involves sewing in some way or another!  Ha Ha!




So I had this brainstorm to make a covered 3-ring binder with calendar pages where I keep track of the people I want to write to each month, along with birthdays and anniversaries.


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That turned into such a fun project that then I added a pocket page where I can actually put cards for that month.




And of course THEN I needed a zipper pouch to hold my pens and stamps right?




This project turned into a few weeks of brainstorming and working on it off and on until it is finally all complete.  (And in my trial and error I made three sets… one for me and two for friends!)




I’m SO excited to get started March 1st with my list of letter writing.


I’ve been thinking about what kind of letter I would like to receive in the mail… and I’ve come to the decision that I would be so thrilled with a simple card with just a little note of “I’m thinking about you”.  That’s all it would take to make my day.  My goal is to keep the words in my cards very short and from the heart.


“This is the year to spend kindness and love.”  That phrase was in many of the comments from my blog post in December and I’ve thought about it so much.  This is the year for kindness.




Because I love give-aways and I love all of my special readers, I’m offering another give-away!  This time it is to help you get off to the right start in keeping in touch!




I’m giving away a set of 10 note cards that I’ve made from flowers from my flower farm.  These are all my photography and have been professionally printed.


All you need to do to enter is leave a comment telling who the first person is that you plan to write to!  The first person I plan to write to is my dear, sweet Momma. Even though I talk to her every single day on the phone, that simply does not replace a sweet note in the mail does it?


I’ll let you know the winner in my post in March!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.


  1. Brenda Cervantes says:

    I would love to write to my momma and my elderly aunts. Some letters to older family members is so important. Let them know they are still important! Thank you for your blog. Always enjoy!

  2. Mary Homolka says:

    I love this idea of keeping in touch with my family and friends I too talk to my sister every day she lives in Missouri and I live in Nebraska. We both miss our mom so we talk to each other to help us Thur this time and we r hope to see each other this summer

  3. Sandy says:

    Love the cards! The first person I will write to is a niece who lives far away from the family.

  4. Renee says:

    Hi Dori:

    My first card would be to my great-niece! My sister, her Gam, died two years ago. She asked me to take Cassie on as my own granddaughter. I like to write stories to the now five year old about her Gam!

    Your cards and calendar are beautiful!


  5. Leisa Joan says:

    I would probably send a card to my folks who live in Florida for the winter season. We miss them a lot, and my mom loves receiving cards/mail. My daughter who is 23 is on a letter/card campaign of her own – sending out Valentines, birthday, first day of Spring etc. She would love to see a pattern of your address/card book if available. thanks, ljp

  6. Lorrie boothby says:

    I would write my granddaughter adaline who lives in florida.

  7. Mary Sand says:

    My sister-in-law is in assisted living since March 2020. And with Covid-19 has only been able to visit family and friends via looking out her 2nd story window and talking on her phone to us. My first card would be sent encouraging her to have hope for the future when we can go to coffee or lunch and have a good hug!
    She was an avid gardener and loves plants and flowers and would love one of your cards!

    Thanks for listening – Mary Sand

  8. Adrienne Kristine says:

    My first recipient would be Jacalyn. We’ve spoken many times on the phone and through email, but she just lost her love of 20 years and is trying to live in a world without him. I would let her know how loved and cherished she is by one of her many friends. Thank you for this opportunity.

  9. Marsha Gulick says:

    I love this idea. And I LOVE your fabric planner.
    My goal is to send a small watercolor piece of art to all my 30-ish nieces and nephews. Or a book I think they would like. I sent the first three Little House Books to one niece who was struggling with home schooling. I suggested she just read aloud to her kids.
    Are you going to make a pdf or teach an online class on your project? I would love that.

  10. Laurel Anne Pries says:

    What a lovely idea!! When covid hit…I wrote letters to my 6 little grt grandchildren ages 4-6, telling them it wasn’t their fault we couldn’t see them so often. We all live in a small community in the foothills of beautiful Mount Rainier in Washington state. The littles loved getting something with their name on it in the mail and drew pictures to send back to us….it was fun! So I think I would send a little note to these mamas that are so good to papa and me….Thanks Dori for the great read. Laurel

  11. Deb Powell says:

    My first card will be a “thinking of you” card to a friend who recently lost a family member.

  12. Carolyn Lokken says:

    I too am reverting to handwritten notes, something that has fallen by the wayside. Those I receive I always keep. I direct a community chorus I have nor seen for a year. That’s where i’ll Start.

  13. Marie Listopad says:

    My first letter will be to my sister Vanessa (Audra Rose). We write each other frequently and I want to send her a special message of gratitude.

  14. Daizy Bailes says:

    Hay there. I didn’t see your first request from your blog asking what I was planning for this year, however, at the first of this year I decided that I wanted to be more active with my snail mail. Now, it’s funny that I am reading this blog post at this time. I have cards on my desk to write notes in and mail. My goal is 5-6 per month. But I am a bit behind for February as they should have been posted by the 15th. I have a dear friend in Texas that is receiving one of these cards.

    You cards are so pretty. I too have a set of cards that are from my photos. It’s nice to send something so personalized. Have a great day. Hugs from Daizy at The Poor House Ranch

  15. Sheree says:

    The first person I would write is my 91-year old grandmother!! We still do book clubs together, cook together, watch movies together….even though we are separated by 500 miles.

  16. CJ says:

    Beautiful work, Dori! I would love to send a handwritten note to my one and only daughter, Robin.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. Debbie Watson says:

    Your note cards are beautiful. I also love your binder.
    I am going to send a note to my three brothers. We lost our oldest brother this past December. Life is short. I will also send one to my sister-in-law.
    Thank you for your encouragement.

  18. Susan says:

    I started writing my granddaughters early and have suggested other grandparents write their grandchildren. One of the other grandmothers suggested to keep all the letters and give them back to my granddaughters on there wedding day. My granddaughters also have started writing to more family members. It is amazing how one small thing and keep growing and brighten so May people lifes

  19. Toni Looker says:

    Our grandchildren. Three beautiful girls from 10 years old to 25.

  20. Paula Clemens says:

    The first person I would write to is my friend Evie. She is a woman of indescribable strength, wisdom and spirit. I admire her and feel a deep kinship when I am able to see her (which has been infrequent over the past 40 years). She feeds my soul.

  21. Emilie K Wacker says:

    A friend just sent me something in the mail so instead of calling him to thank him, I will send a written note instead.

  22. Bette M Axiak says:

    One of my goals for this year is to “slow down” and ask God to organize my life in such a way that he would allow me to see people’s needs and respond to them confidently knowing God will provide the words and actions for me to relieve some of their stress. What better way then to send a note to them periodically. Thank you for the old fashion way of returning to sending “notes” not generated by e-mail. I am been enjoying all your “projects”.

  23. Donnalee Smith says:

    You are very resourcefull. Thank you for a chance of winning your cards. I would send the first one to my son in Pennsylvania. Haven’t been able to visit because of the virus.

  24. Denise Woods says:

    My first letters will be to my sisters. I recently celebrated my 60th birthday and they both made a special trip to visit me (in Michigan!) because “I wasn’t supposed to turn 60 alone!” They are always with me and supporting me thru the good and bad. I love them both very much and feel blessed to have them!

  25. Heike says:

    Hi Dori,

    what a fantastic binder! My first card would go to my 6 best friends. Our last time together was to celebrate my birthday by the beach, pre-Covid. Two live out of state/county, the rest are here. But we are still distancing, so I would write them ALL! I bet a “real” card would do wonders for the spirit :).

  26. Deb says:

    Hi Dori,

    I would send a card to my friend of 39 years. Even though she had to move a few years ago to be with her family, we still try and keep in touch by phone or by cards and letters.

  27. Martha Turner says:

    Vida – ex mother-in-law

  28. Sharon says:

    My first note will be to my granddaughter. She is just eleven years old, and needs extra encouragement right now to listen to the Lord and cling tightly to His promises for her life.

  29. Laurie Lasala-Tuttle says:

    Hi Dori,
    Such a great way to make a 3-ring binder both useful AND lovely! I would send a card to my 91 year old daddy, who I haven’t been able to visit in a long while. I would love to purchase a pattern to make your special binder.

  30. Margaret Shie says:

    I’m going to send two — one to my friend who under goes renal dialysis three a week due to kidney failure; and one to my friend who has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
    Both need lots of love and support!

  31. Robin Malloy says:

    I would write to my best friend, although we try to connect at least a few times per week. This past few months have been really rough on her and her family. I think a special note would cheer her up. Wait…..I think I will do it now!

  32. Beth says:

    I’ll write to my sister. I haven’t seen her in nearly 2 years although they live just a few hours north. We got used to seeing each other so often in the years before our mom passed. As we both understood (and gave thanks for!), we couldn’t have done that without each other.
    I often tell her she’s my favorite sister. Even though there are only the two of.
    Such a blessing!

  33. Angela Roberts says:

    I’ll send a letter to my mom, who has been quarantining for 9 months.

  34. Antoinette Anderson says:

    My sister!

    Your cards look beautiful! Thank you for sharing this with us!

  35. oanne Vanderheite says:

    The first person I would write to with the beautiful note cards is My Daughter , she just asked me to help her with a garden this year with her four daughters. I would love to brighten there day with a lovely card of yours. Thanks for the chance

  36. Donna Kozak says:

    The first person I would write to is my sister (who I always send little notes to with bookmarks I make !!). She loves all the little things I send but told me recently “Enough bookmarks!!”

  37. Nicki says:

    I’ll write to my daughter at college!

  38. Marilyn says:

    The first person I intend to send a letter is my cousin Lorraine. Her birthday is coming up in March. We do keep in touch throughout the year,but not enough.Thank You for the giveaway.

  39. Marion McCann says:

    I spent a day this week going through an old trunk. I found letters that were sent to me by my mother and my aunt. I lived near them and saw them frequently yet reading these letters reminded me of their love and their desire to show it through a handwritten letter. They both died many years ago and how special those letters are to me now. It was also a lesson to me to do the same. I’m blessed with 4 adult children and 7 adult grandchildren. I plan to write them each a special letter on days that are important to them but also just because. I love that you being these old fashioned and important ideas to us all through your blog.

  40. Sheryl Walz says:

    Your cards are beautiful!!! We’ve had a rough year at my school with two dear friends with cancer. One recently passed and the other is in treatment again. I would send her a card once a week and our friends who are praying and hand holding would get some too. We must always remember that a long life is not a guarantee so we have to cherish and love each moment we have.

  41. Maureen says:

    My first note will be to my sister that resides in assisted living. Because of Covid, they still aren’t allowed visitors. Hopefully soon.

  42. Jeanine Buettner says:

    My first note would be sent to a dear friend in a nursing home. Of course we cannot go visit her so I try to get a note to her every month or so. So having something new to send would be great. Thank you so much for your blog, I really enjoy it.

  43. Sharon says:

    I would write a special note to my daughter who lives in Austria! She & her (Austrian) husband had hoped to visit us last Fall, but, you know, COVID-19 . She loves gardening as much as I do-in Austria she does it on their little apartment balcony!

  44. Carol says:

    I love the idea of spreading love and kindness. Even more so, I love the idea of writing to the grandchildren once a month. Luckily, I only have 2 granddaughters, one 16 and one 5. So, they are the very first people I will write to! Have fun scattering kindness everyone! Carol

  45. MS Barb says:

    My cousin Sue! (She lives in WI, and I live in OH; we both were born in MN!) We’ve been “pen pals” for years! Thanks for a nice, special, giveaway!

  46. Terry Steinmetz says:

    I would begin by writing a quick note to my 4 grown children and then my 4 grandchildren. They need to know that we miss them, even though we talk once a week. I like to encourage everyone with my notes. We all need to know that we are loved!

  47. Lois Huston says:

    Since loosing my husband to cancer after a 9 year battle back in the fall of 2019, I have tried to put myself into the shoes of others who have experienced loss in their lives. A simple card, expressing a few words of encouragement, kindness, and understanding can lift the heart of that person. I would send your beautiful cards to someone who has gone thru heartache and loss.

  48. Carleen Sisler says:

    My mother!!

  49. Robin Reichardt says:

    I have several plain 3-ring binders that need fancied up as you did!! Yours are so pretty!!! My daughter who is in Tulsa, trying to home-school 2 energetic boys could use a card or 2 of encouragement!!

  50. Goatldi says:

    You nailed it!

    My Missouri cousin and I tried a round robin with our Mama’s families cousins all 24 of us. Wasn’t met with success

    I have been thinking about a way to jump start our failed project and your idea is perfect. Being a spinner and weaver I am all to familiar with “dying traditions “.

    If we don’t begin to involve the generations that come after us we will loose forever another skill forever.

    Great post well done!

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