Winter 2021 Tips and Giveaways!


Happy New Year! Unfortunately, for us, 2021 is not off to the greatest start (home repairs) and sometimes, it seems like it’s December 40th, 2020! We’ve also got a few more months, at least, of life not going back to more “normal” yet. However, in New England, we’re used to long winters and being inside a lot – as a farmgirl, I know how to keep busy and to make do! Today, I’m sharing a few tips to help make things a bit easier, as well have some great farmgirl giveaways to help kick-start the New Year!

I won’t weigh you down with my (several) home repairs, but the bad news is that this is how my New Year started:


We’re okay, no one is hurt, no major damage, and the good news is I found a really great electrician in my area!

My daughter starts back for her second semester of college soon. Unfortunately, it will not be “live” yet. One of the most often complaints I’m hearing from everyone right now is how kids of all ages are having a hard time focusing during virtual school. Online classes are hard on teachers, parents, kids, and adult students, as well. My daughter decided before the pandemic that she wanted to stay “local” for university, but she never expected to be home 24 hours a day! I wanted her college experience to be different – not just feel like a “continuation” of her last (virtual) months of high school. I can’t do much to help with the online stress, but changing her room a bit brightened her spirits. If she’d been going into a dorm, we would’ve decorated it, so we revamped her room and work area.


We packed up anything from her high school days. A “grown up” desk and comfortable work chair (with good support for long hours)  make things feel “official” for classes, and a cozy throw chases away chills. You don’t have to spend a lot on a desk, but marking a specific area as an “official” workspace helps concentration. It should be a clutter-free, yet cozy spot. Fun, remote-controlled, color-changing LED lights around the perimeter of her bedroom add pizazz and set the mood – whether it’s class time, study time, or time to relax. 


Breaks are important too – so I set up a “quick hot beverage/treat station”. Using the vintage Cosco cart that we use for camping, I put a variety of quick-grab tea bags, hot water in a carafe (it will stay hot all day), and a single-serve coffee machine that was a gift many years ago.


I prefer perked coffee with a classic percolator, but with an Ekobrew reusable filter, we can use our favorite coffee for a single cup without landfill waste. When my daughter has a fast minute between classes, she can grab a quick “cuppa”! You can use a part of your kitchen or a cozy corner somewhere – presentation and convenience make it special. I also keep a variety of healthy snacks on hand for quick brain-food boosters. 

Masks aren”t going anywhere anytime soon. Unless you’re in healthcare, cloth masks have been recommended as an effective choice, so I’ve been sewing them for months. I love picking out fabrics to match my personality, clothes or mood, making the best of the situation. I’ve gifted masks to friends and made bunches for my family. Masks are like underwear – you don’t want to share them. (Eww).



I organized ours by our basement garage door, using a bulletin board and tacks. They’re convenient and out of the way, but at eye-level and easy to grab on the way out. On the way back in, we deposit the dirty ones in a repurposed clothespin bag (I use one from Prairie Pin Pouch. The handmade bags are adorable and durable). You could also use hooks on the wall, individual baskets, or cute farmhouse style buckets for mask organization. You can’t control the need for wearing a mask, but you can keep them organized!

When winter comes, I want comfort food and hot, hearty meals. Y’all know I love my vintage tools, like my old mixers and my Pyrex bakeware. I don’t often fall for “modern” kitchen gadgets. I love to cook, and can happily spend a whole day in my kitchen, blissfully cooking and baking. However, there are days that I don’t have the energy to make a complicated meal, or come home later than planned. We’ve cut out a lot of take-out on those kinds of nights because of two additions to my kitchen repertoire. (I also love to try new recipes)!


Last year, my mom and her husband gifted me an Air Fryer. It makes the most unbelievable homemade chicken fingers, home fries, and juicy roasts, using less fat than traditional methods. I don’t know how I lived without it before! Frozen food comes out crisp, roasted veggies are fast and delicious, and meats like chicken breasts cook all the way through, evenly. 


Another winter lifesaver in the kitchen is my Insta-pot. Before the pandemic, I attended a potluck, and the ladies all raved about their Insta-pots! I ended up purchasing one, and love it! Registering it on the website gives access to all sorts of recipes, as well, and the app tailors recipes to your particular model. I can make dried beans into an amazing quick meal – going from dried to delicious and soft, in less than an hour, for example, and I am now a master at Chicken Fried Rice! The nice thing about both of these tools is that they open you up to a world of new recipes, but you can also make your favorite recipes in warp speed time! I will be taking mine with me next time we go glamping in Gidget!


I still also like to whip up fast, comforting meals in my classic can’t-live-without-it, cast-iron skillet. Right now, my family’s favorite winter meal is my Brussels sprouts skillet: Cut the ends off of two pounds of washed fresh brussels sprouts, and then slice the sprouts in half lengthwise. Using two tablespoons of olive oil in the cast iron skillet, brown the sprouts on medium heat along with two cloves of chopped garlic, a large chopped sweet onion, and one package of organic chicken and apple sausage, cut into “coins”. Using a spatula, turn constantly. Season with ½ teaspoon of salt and ¼ teaspoon of cumin. Cover and let cook down until sprouts and onion are soft, about ten minutes or so. 

At the FDR Museum, 2016

At the FDR Museum, 2016

After a good meal, try doing something different than turning on the television. We love visiting museums, and hope they’ll be able to open up again soon. Until then, did you know that you can visit many of the world’s museums virtually? 3-D technology makes it seem like you’re right there, in the museum, looking at the exhibits. Virtually visit one of my favorites, The FDR Museum, in Hyde Park, NY. Here in Connecticut, virtually visit The Mark Twain House, or head across the globe to see beautiful art in my favorite part of Denmark, at The Skagen Museum. The Met? The Louvre in Paris…where will you go next? The virtual possibilities are endless, and “travel” to destinations you might never get the chance to go to in real life! Search under Google, and you will discover many hours of virtual museum tours to explore!

I think one of the hardest things about life during a pandemic is the lack of things to look forward to. Holidays, gatherings, and events we always look forward to are cancelled, and days seem the same for many folks. I think we have to give ourselves a few treats, and create things to look forward to. 


Now’s a good time to subscribe to all your favorite magazines, and have them delivered right to your door. I’ve never missed a single issue of MaryJanesFarm Magazine since discovering it eleven years ago. Make sure your subscription is up to date HERE. When I get a magazine in my mailbox, it always feels like a nice surprise, and I spend a little “me” time relaxing in my favorite chair with a cup of tea – news off!


I took this photo on a recent hike on a trail nearby my house. Winter can be so pretty!

Scheduling a daily walk or winter hike, weather permitting, boosts mood, too. Daylight hours are already getting longer, seed catalogs are starting to emerge, and soon it’s time to plan our gardens! Spring won’t be too many months away now. 

My home made New Year’s Eve meal...

My home made New Year’s Eve meal…

At my house, we plan special “theme” evenings, trying new meals, along with watching a special movie. For New Year’s Eve, I made an Asian-style dinner, something I haven’t tried completely before.


We watched New Year’s-themed movies and dressed for the occasion, just the three of us. Scheduling, planning, and executing a special evening gives us all something to look forward to.


To help you schedule YOUR special evenings, ZOOM meetings, and 2021 plans, we are giving away FIVE MaryJanesFarm 2021 Calendars, courtesy of our dear MaryJane! Five lucky winners will receive this beautiful calendar in their mailbox! What a great way to start the year! To be entered in the drawing, leave me a comment below, telling me what you are doing to make 2021 a bit brighter, share a favorite recipe or kitchen gadget, organization tip, or just say “hi” so we know you stopped by!  I will draw FIVE lucky reader names at random! Winners will be notified via email. 


Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy New Year for 2021! See you next month!


Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs,



  1. michele says:

    My oldest son gifted me a dutch oven for Christmas (we just celebrated together on MLK Day) and I look forward to making sourdough bread soon :0)

    Happy New Year!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Michele, Sounds like a wonderful son you have! Good luck with your sourdough bread! Wonderful! Nothing better than fresh bread. I have been doing alot of bread baking and we love it. Thanks for reading and commenting. Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. barbara collins says:

    loved your post! What a great idea to redecorate your daughters room! It must be hard to take classes virtually. This new decor should help! I have been working full time through out the pandemic at a garden center helping all the new gardeners have success with their first vegetable gardens! They are so excited! Am hoping that this trend continues. During my downtime I have been making masks and working on a quilt that has now been sent to the quilter. 2021 plans are to finish the two afghans I am working on and to start a new one in a luscious shade of aqua yarn. I can’t wait! Also working on renovating an old dollhouse but haven’t gotten very far on that project.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Barbara, thank you! It is hard taking classes virtually, and sprucing up her room did help. I teach gardening classes, and have been doing them online. I find teaching virtually to be harder, too. I am a better live speaker because I love interacting with the audience. I bet you have been so busy at your garden center! I think the trend will continue because once you are bitten by the gardening bug it is hard not to keep it up! You and I share a lot of the same hobbies! I have made two afhgans in December, and will start a new sweater in a hot pink this week. I love dollhouses, too! Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Carol says:

    Hi Nicole … 2021 holds promise that we can get back to some normalcy. I have plenty of hobbies and interests but I miss getting together with people the most. We must cheer each other on!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Carol, I hear ya. Before the pandemic, I would see my friends often. We had dinner at each other’s houses, we went junk-tiquing, went on walks, and saw each other alot. I miss that. And hugs. I miss hugs. I miss seeing smiles. Hopefully, we will be able to do all that again, but until then, I try to make the best of it. Fingers crossed! Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. MS Barb says:

    Hi! Happy New Year! That was a great idea to redo your daughter’s room, and set up her “break” station!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Barb, thank you – she was so excited and is really enjoying her special new decor and treats! Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Denise says:

    Your dishes with red lines are pretty!
    I’m looking forward to finding a job since my office closed last year. So I’ve been cleaning out & doing little projects I didn’t have time to do before! I have to say I love my air fryer too but yours looks interesting. Do you use the wire racks, mine just has a basket. I have an Instapot but I haven’t gotten totally used to it.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Denise, First off, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your job. So hard a time. My red and white dishes are my everyday ones – actually called “Classic Cafe” I think, by Corelle. Easy peasy to care for. The air fryer I have is an Air Fryer Pro. It has wire racks, which I love. It also has a piece to put a chicken on and make a rotisserie chicken. I absolutely love it! I also love the insta-pot, but it did take me longer to get used to. Now I can’t live without it! Happy New Year! May 2021 be a brighter year. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Nicole, I enjoyed your post and you positive attitude and creative ideas!
    These past few months, I did more baking before Christmas; recently I sewed two aprons (one for practice, one a gift) (needed practice after 15 yrs. of not sewing), and I’ve sorted and re-organized closets, enjoyably. I’m now working on writing a book of anecdotes on living in the country (mostly mine but also those of a few friends). It is a book friends and relatives have urged me to write. Great fun; I love writing! I enjoy walks on our 3 acres of lawn, but it has been too cold for much walking here in eastern Idaho lately. I’m 75 and don’t handle the cold well anymore. My husband and I hope to take a trip to relatives in CA and/or OR this spring. Time to plan our little garden! God bless you; enjoy your girls!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Carole, sounds like you have a great attitude and on the right track to a better 2021 than 2020. Your book sounds wonderful! Good luck! Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Debra W. says:

    The pandemic has affected people in so many ways. The isolation is monotonous. Praying for a better 2021.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Oh Debra, I hear you. I am a “people” person and miss seeing friends and entertaining. I miss having hugs when I run into someone I know. May 2021 be brighter for us all. Hang in there! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Vicki Allen says:

    I would love a calendar to set my schedule out on. This is my year of self health and growth. I am making spaces of joy and comfort through out my new abode (a humble park model) and enjoying my lake view. I am eating and resting better while setting up garden space and crafting areas. I also will be burning candles and smell nice things in my outside area now that I have one! My SO has asthma and can’t breath if I do this in the house. I have a yoga and meditation porch also. To a brighter and healthier new year! 2021 here we go!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Vicki, Happy New Year…sounds like you are off to a good start to 2021. Everything you describe sounds so tranquil. Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Susan Addison says:

    Hello and Happy New Year. One of my goals for 2021 is to embrace my creativity. To help me prioritize this goal I have set a benchmark of 52 creations for the year. That’s one every week, totally do-able!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Susan, Oh I love that idea! Crafting of all sorts keeps me happy, too. Enjoy and Happy New Year! Farmgrl Hugs, Nicole

  10. I save my “Mary Janes Farm Magazine” copies for years now and re-look at them frequently! The articles and graphics are awesome! The crafts to make and garden to take care of, I love! So far, my New Year 2021 has been normal, better than 2020 when I was hospitalized 3 times. I am learning to walk again with a cane and my balance still is not good. I am trying hard also to de-clutter my home. I do not have room for many of my bookcases now in storage to bring to my cabin as no wall space. I am trying to make sections cut off from the rest of the room for them. I now have two lofts for storage and one a craft room when it is cleaned up. I will also
    donate many items which is so hard for me. God Bless everyone to have a Happy 2021 year and safe from illness. Thank you for this offer, your blog is very special. Blessings, Cyndi

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Cyndi, I am so sorry you had such a rough year in 2020! Hang in there, farmgirl, sounds like you have a lot of determination and spunk! Much love your way! Thanks again for reading and commenting, and let us know when you open your Etsy shops back up. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. My” frstyfrolk Etsy shop” had Vintage Items and my
    ” ByLightOfMoon Etsy” had natural forest items findings for terrariums, etc. I had moss and mushrooms, etc. which are different where I now live.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Cynthia, I see both of your shops are currently closed, but vintage and terrariums are two of my favorite things. Take care! Farmgirl hugs, Nicole

  12. Laurel Anne Pries says:

    I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy your up lifting and cheerful stories, Nicole. Your blog always brightens my day. My hubby and I are both 70+, and have learned to stay in and find things to do to during these Covid days. I love working in my flowers in my greenhouse while hubby creates a variety of wooden planters. We are working on the same projects yet have our own space….it can be very rewarding. Keep up the good work , Nicole. I will be waiting for your next chapter, best regards, Laurel

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Laurel, thank you so much – it makes me happy to know you are enjoying my posts! How lucky you are to have a greenhouse! We have talked about getting one, too, one day. I also want to try to build a cold frame. Sounds like you all are keeping busy with some wonderful tasks! Thank you again for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Janice says:

    Thanks for cheering me up with your positive attitude

  14. Kay Weseman says:

    Calendar giveaway? That’s awesome, though my sister and I will be sparing for it lol! Really happy to get another brussel sprouts recipe to try too . . . they’re my new favorite winter vegetable. Thanks for the interesting read- 2021 here we go- wheeeee!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kay, I am so glad you like the post. I really love brussels sprouts and think they do not get enough credit, lol. You can go heavier on the spice, or use Cajun, garlic powder, or greek seasoning for something different. Enjoy and good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  15. Deb says:

    Hi and Happy New Year.

    Our son gave us a Ninja air-fryer for Christmas. The chicken, sweet potato fries, and french fries were really delicious. I look forward to creating more spectacular meals. I would welcome suggestions from you and from other readers.

    We recently had some foggy days in the midwest. The tree branches and bushes were really beautiful due to snow and fog.

    Have a wonderful day.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Deb, The Ninja is a nice air fryer, for sure! My tip is use less oil than you would in an oven…you truly do not need it and less oil makes things more crisp. There is also a thread on air fryers on the Farmgirl Connection Chatroom. You should join if you are not already on there. Enjoy the rest of the winter! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  16. Jessica says:

    I am so glad there wasn’t a major fire. I love your coffee cart! I have resolved to clean less and garden more. Learn to let things go and just enjoy.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jessica, thank you! It happened once – we thought it was that one plug – then it happened a second time wth a closer (very scary) call and we called the electrician. Scared me to death!
      Thank you…the coffee cart is an old “Cosco” cart. We use it in front of the camper when we went camping, but I really love it inside. I like your motto – “Clean less and garden more”. Yes! Happy New Year! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  17. Lisa Bell says:

    Hello! I enjoyed your blog! I live in southeastern Ohio. My new year start is making my bone broth (beef with beef heart, chicken with chickens feet, neck, etc. and then ham/pork bones) and canning it-also vegetable broth.
    I’ve been enjoying it when we get snow-something so peaceful and quieting. I find myself smiling more. I watch for our little neighboring fox prints in the snow as she treks past our coop fenced yard and through our horse field (3 years now). I like to follow them in the field.
    Taking some me time before things get hectic with gardening, being a vendor at various farmer’s market, etc.
    May God bless you and your family throughout 2021!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Lisa, I love this comment you have left – I can just imagine your canned goods cooling after being canned, the snow softly falling and the fox trekking by…
      We have a fenced coop, too, and my little “friend”, Radio, still stops by almost nightly. He is an opossum (I wrote about him last year). I, too, love the quiet of a snowfall and seeing all the fun prints. Little bird prints by my kitchen door always make me smile. I have a cousin in Ohio – the photos there always look so beautiful! Enjoy the quiet of winter. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  18. Janet Kynerd says:

    Always enjoy your blog. I am lucky enough to have a craft room but it is really a mess right now. I am currently working on organizing so I can get back to the fun things.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Janet, thank you! I am so glad you enjoy my posts. 🙂
      A craft room is a nice thing to have! I have a sewing room, which I organized last year, but I do need to organize the closet in there. I have a “craft dresser” but a craft room must be really nice! Winter is a good time to organize the house here; once spring comes I am outside as much as possible. Thank you for reading and commenting! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  19. Jackie Walker says:

    Hi Nicole.
    I look so forward to your blog every month. I always think I’m going to comment, then I don’t. I’m a Texas native with a New England heart! I love your vintage things. In fact, your post about vintage radios caused us to bring home my grandmother’s 1929 radio. After showing my husband your pictures, along with the Alexa to play music, caused us to change our minds about not taking it. That will be our project this year! Another favorite post was about the paper dolls you found. I found a vintage paper doll company and got my 7-year-old granddaughter some for Christmas! I loved cutting them out. Brought back such great memories from my childhood!
    Thanks for sharing your life with us! Things will get better. Here in Spring, Texas, things are not too bad. It’s just those masks!!!
    Sending peace, joy, and love your way.
    Jackie Walker

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jackie, Oh what a wonderful comment you have left me…thank you! You have made my day! First off, I love that you rescued your grandmother’s radio! That is so special! Enjoy! And from 1929! Second, how fun to play paperdolls with your grandgirl! You are making some really precious memories with her. And third – I love Spring, Texas! I have family there, and some of my most treasured memories are of days spent in downtown Spring, enjoying the wonderful little shops. Thank you so much for reading, and for sharing with me today! I hope you will say hello again sometime. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  20. Vicki Taylor says:

    I just joined the Farmgirl Sisterhood a few days ago and plan to make 2021 brighter by working on my merit badges. So glad I found your website today!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Vicki, and a big welcome! So glad you are here. You will love all things MJF! Welcome! Have you gone on the Farmgirl Connection Chatroom, as well? Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  21. Shari A Dunlap-Sindelar says:

    My daughter and I have a Pampered Chef airfry she got for 60%. We like cooking up french fries and using the rotating basket. I love not having to take the fries out of the oven and flip them over then put them back in. With the basket, I am able to get my homework done. My daughter just finished college and I am completing my BSN online. I enjoy crafting when time allows and am always on the outlook for new ideas. I like the dirty mask idea noted in the blog.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Shari, I bet the Pampered Chef one is nice, too. I have always liked their items, and some of my Pampered Chef things in my kitchen are twenty five years old. I love the time saved, too, when using the air fryer or instant pot. Congratulations on your completing your BSN! Thank you for reading and commenting, good luck in the drawing, and I hope that you come visit again. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  22. Danielle Reuther says:

    Happy winter Nicole! This is my first visit here – thanks for the great space to escape to. I got a bee in my bonnet to reorganize (again) our kitchen space. But seeing how you have set up an inviting little drink/snack station for your daughter has inspired me to add that on to my project! We have been homeschooling for two years now and I think setting things out for our daughter to help herself to throughout the day would help our day flow a little better and give her a little more independence. Good luck with your New England winter – we’re working our way through a WNY winter.
    Thanks for bringing some spring like sun to my day! Best wishes, Danielle

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Danielle, welcome! I am so glad you visited here, and that you liked my post! Thank you for such a nice comment. Have a wonderful new year, and a good homeschool year. I hope you will stop by again! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  23. Deborah montgomery says:

    Good morning I’m going to get my sewing room put together and start a quilt. It’s been a long time and we have been working on our house for a year. Room is almost done. Yay!! Just trying now to figure out best storage for small space.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Deborah, what fun – setting up a sewing room! I got mine all set up last year, and what a difference! I sew much more and it is so nice to be organized, and to start a quilt? Wonderful! Good luck in the drawing! Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  24. Swan says:

    Reimagining your daughter’s bedroom as a dorm room was very creative. I will be working on my daughter’s new room. On the plan are painting, repurposing some curtains, and making it her space with decor.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Swan, thank you! I thought it was important to have her room grow with her, something I imagined from when it started as a nursery so many years ago. Kids of all ages need to have their own space and to make it “theirs”. Sounds like your daughter has an exciting new room ahead! Happy decorating…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  25. Christine Box says:

    Hi, I really enjoyed reading your article.

  26. Sheila LaPoint says:

    Hi Nicole, I am in New England too. I just got finished shoveling my car out of the additional snow that the plow pushed on it. I am so glad to touch base with someone else that has to deal with the Winter Wonder Land, both pretty and can be harsh. I can’t wait to use my Air Fryer, it is packed away in a big shipping/storage box along with most other things, we are building our house while we live in the garage which is attached to the house and most of the time I can’t find what I need let alone know what day it is, LOL. I love your pictures, winter has its own beauty.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sheila, and welcome! Thank you for dropping by! Sounds like you will be enjoying all things farmgirl when your house is done! How fun, though I am sure right now you can’t wait. Thanks so much for reading and commenting…stay warm! Think spring! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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