Cape Cod Christmas

Dear sisters,

Living near the sea is something this desert farmgirl promised herself she’d never, ever take for granted. After eleven years of being docked bayside I am still in awe of the power of the sea to calm any rough waters I may come in to. This month in particular has left all of us feeling adrift in the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy. All I know is that we have to keep on walking in love and faith and do our best to shine our brightest when it’s our turn in the sun. Those in darker, stormier times need our rays of hope to guide them in their journey back to the light. And so, in true farmgirl fashion that is what I intend to do. Before we jump into that sleigh for our ride over the Sagamore Bridge let’s join hands in a prayer for peace and hope.

Then it’s off to Cape Cod for some Christmas spirit BEACH STYLE!

I think we could all use a little escape don’t you?

One of my very favorite towns on Cape Cod is Sandwich, Ma.  Incorporated in 1639 and named for Sandwich, Kent, England, Sandwich is the oldest town on Cape Cod and one of the oldest towns in the United States, settled by European immigrants nearly 150 years before the American Revolution. It has all the charm of a quaint New England seaside community and then some! Lucky for us it’s only a ten minute  drive from here! I hope you’re not afraid of heights! We have to cross the Sagamore Bridge over the Cape Cod Canal to get there!

That’s my handsome yankee and Max getting some exercise along the 8 mile paved bikeway that runs the entire length of the canal on both sides. From the top of the bridge you can see where the open sea spills into the canal.

No boats today sisters… Sorry about that! Well, here we are! I told you it was fast!

Sandwich has some of the best little shops, BnB’s, Tea Houses, Thrift Shops, Consignment shops and restaurants. Everywhere you go Old Glory is there to remind us where we’ve been and how blessed we are to live in America. Home of the FREE!

Sandwich is especially quiet during Christmas. Tourist season is long gone leaving the streets and sidewalks clear for the locals ( and a few off season visitors) to move about freely.

This old door decked with a fresh green wreath and one red bow is the perfect example of New England simplicity. Most Yankees aren’t big on extravagance in any form and that includes decorating for Christmas.

 Add some sea shells to your Christmas tree and you’re on your way to having a good old fashioned Cape Cod Christmas.

Now we know where to go after we’re done shopping!

Do any of you like country primitive decor?

I couldn’t help but think of Shery, our Ranch FG Blogger when I stepped inside this store.

It’s prim heaven I tell ya!

Two of my favorite buildings in Sandwich are The Painted Lady Bed and Breakfast

and the Belfry Inne and Bistro. Each guest room features a large stained glass window and a hot tub large enough for two!

The food is delicious and I absolutely love the entrance! We’ve yet to stay overnight but it’s on my list!

The winter garden on the property is lovely. The purple ornamental cabbages really pop in an otherwise colorless time of year.

I spotted this cute little kitty walking by the local pet store.

Dried grass plumes and berries mixed with greens are common seasonal decorating fodder on Cape Cod.

There are even a few local farmstands still open.

Crow Farm is a local farm. Right now they are featuring FRESH baked pies and seasonal arrangements. This one below has some dried sea lavender tucked in amongst the greens.

Well sisters, I could sit here with my coffee and chit chat with you all day but I’d better close for now! I’ve got more elfing to do around the old homestead and I’m sure you do to! As always thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed your Cape Cod Christmas escape! If you ever visit Cape Cod I hope you’ll look me up for a cup of tea and some sight-seeing in Sandwich, MA. Wouldn’t that be fun?

In the meantime, my sea captain and our crew wish you a healthy, happy Christmas with those you cherish most.

Until our next shoreline visit!


See you in 2013!

Much love,

Deb # 1199

  1. CJ Armstrong says:

    Thank you Debbie, for the little tour! Looks charming and inviting and I wish I could join you at Beth’s.
    Maybe someday I’ll make it to your part of the world and if I do, I’ll certainly be on the phone to you.
    AND, if you ever some west, be sure to stop here too. I’d love to take you around our part of the world!!
    Thanks again!

    Dear CJ,

    You bet! I love and miss the west.. my first home! You be sure and look me up if you ever get to the Cape! I would love it! Merry, Merry to you and yours and as always, thanks for the note!

    xo Deb

  2. Joan says:

    Oh what a beautiful way to start my day – prayers for Sandy Hook and for all the world and then a trip to Cape Cod – always wanted to visit Sandwich – been to England but never to our Sandwich. What a special trip this was, the tour guide was especially knowledgeable and we got to see the best of the area. Ahhhh smell the sea air. Thanks so much Deb and a Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    Dear Joan,

    So glad you enjoyed the tour! I have to admit I’m a little green with envy…ENGLAND is high on my bucket list for places to visit! Lucky you… Thanks so much for your note. Merry Christmas to you and yours! xoDeb

  3. Hedy King says:

    I love your posts always, but this has to be the best yet! Cape Cod is one of my favorite places and Sandwich is the Cape at its best. Thank you for the trip. merry Christmas.

    Thank you Hedy! I love your notes too! xo Deb

  4. Julia says:

    Thanks for the lovely jaunt! I love little towns like that! If ever you come this way, I will take you to one much like it!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    You’re on Julia! It’s a date! Enjoy your family!  xo Deb

  5. Sandtruck says:

    Love it! So cute, will put it on my places to visit. Love primitives, so that is a must.

    You will love it! Thanks so much for your note! xo Deb

  6. Deb,
    I wish you and your a very Merry Christmas and a very Blessed New Year filled with joy and your every hearts desire. Love ya, keep posting. Neta

    Hello sweet Neta!

    Thank you… Blessings to you and yours too and a most creative New Year! xo Deb


  7. Adrienne says:

    What a lovely town and the decorations are wonderful. I’m so glad you appreciate your community close to the sea. I hope you and yours have a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

    Blessings for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours…

    Yes, living near the sea is a special treat! Love, Deb xo

  8. bonnie ellis says:

    Debbie: What a delightful town. I was there about 45 years ago and it’s fun to see it now. You’re a delight too. Have a blessed holiday. Bonnie

    Awe, Thank you Bonnie .:) Blessings to you and yours too.

    xo Deb

  9. Marcie says:

    Hello Deb,
    I agree with you 100%… peace and blessings for the world over. Wouldn’t it be great if there could be total peace throughout the world?
    Thank you for the wonderful Christmas treat of a visit to a beautiful place, and so close to your home.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family. Stay warm and safe,

    Hi Marcie,

    World Peace? Oh yeah! Glad you enjoyed the tour… Blessing to you and yours this holiday season and thanks so much for your note!

    xo Deb

  10. Hi Deb!

    Thank you for this virtual tour…really lifted my spirits. This post makes me want to hop in the car and take a visit to the Cape!

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful, happy Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Big hugs from your blogging sis,
    Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl blogger)

    Hi Nicole,

    You have been on my mind so much! If you ever come this way you better look me up sister!  Big hugs back! xo Deb

  11. Laura R. says:

    a wonderful escape on an emotionally stressful day (Christmas prep always seems to do that to me…but it does get better year after year, learning simplicity and going with the flow 😉
    I too love your blogs and am grateful for your Spirit especially during these unpredictable days.
    Yes, prayers for all, and a happy Christmas and 2013 to you and yours !

    I hear ya on the last minute prep stress! I’m supposed to be making my grocery list for the weekend as I type! LOL! What needs to get done will! Thank you so much for your kind words and Blessings to you and yours this holiday season!

    xo Deb

  12. Pam deMarrais says:

    Deb, I loved your tour of Sandwich! I have a collection of tiny plates made with different colors of Sandwich glass, which reminds me of home. They say that "all hearts go home for Christmas", and that is true for me. I still serve hot clam dip every Christmas eve in honor of my seaside roots. Thanks for keeping me connected. May God bless your holidays.

    Hi Pam,

    Oh I’m so glad you were able to stop by for the Sandwich tour. I was hoping to hear from you! Christmas by the sea is so pretty and so different from my high desert roots as well. Thanks so much for the note and blessings to you and yours!

    xo Deb

  13. Shery says:

    What fun to go a Christmas walkabout with you. I LOVe the storefront at Crow Farm. Thanks for taking photos along the way so that we can feel like we were there. I hope you & yours had a peaceful and pleasant Christmas. Our family get-together is tomorrow. Kinda different now that we are all older. We like a quieter sort of holiday 🙂

    Hi Shery! Glad you could come along! Our holiday is quiter now too.. the teens tend to dissappear in another room leaving us " older folk" to chat and eat! Quiet is good! Hope all is well on the Prairie! Pat the horses for me! xo Deb

  14. Deborah Nay says:

    I would to find a small cabin near your, Maybe a small one bedroom and one bathroom.That would be a dream come true. Enjoy your beautiful life and God Bless!

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