My Quarantine Quilt!




Hello Farmgirl friends!  Here is hoping that everyone is feeling a little back to normal… I know a lot of that has to do with where you live.  But here in Middle Tennessee things are feeling a bit like old times!




I look back on our months of sheltering at home and what I accomplished (not much!) but one thing I’m so proud of is this super fun quilt that I made!  Let me tell you a bit about it.


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I have a friend that makes these amazing huge Log Cabin quilts (they are what I call her signature quilt) and I am so in love with them.  You can read all about it on her blog here.  If you search Norah Quilt on her blog you’ll find all the posts on this amazing quilt with tutorials and everything you need to know.




I decided this summer was the perfect time to make one.   I purchased two Jelly Rolls of precut fabric and that was such a fast way to make this quilt.  A Jelly Roll is strips of 2.5 inch widths of fabric already cut and ready to go.  I chose the fabric line Catalina by Fig Tree.  It turned out to be perfect for my quilt.


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For the backing I used a vintage sheet that I had.  I love backing quilts with vintage sheets!




I hand quilted it with navy blue #8 perle cotton embroidery thread.  Oh how I love hand quilting a quilt for someone I love.  Good thoughts and good memories were sewn in every stitch.  (More on that in a minute!)




I’ve seen these done many ways but I really like the rainbow effect of colors and the way they join in the center with a darker color.  I really didn’t even take the time to lay this out too much… I just started sewing!




Who is this quilt for, you ask?  There is a person in my life that I’ve known for only three short years.  She has done amazing things for me and during quarantine she was the person who kept me from getting down and out!  This person is Marcie, my Fitness Coach that I’ve written about here and here.  During the shelter in place months when our gym was closed she took the time to record and post DAILY workout videos to her private fitness page.  We were held accountable by commenting how long it took us to complete the workout, our feelings about it, etc..  She also held an online challenge posting menu ideas, and we logged our fitness minutes etc..   As a result I stayed in shape, stayed motivated, and stayed encouraged during those 3 long months of not being able to attend my fitness classes.  


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Marcie means the world to me in so many ways.  But for everything she has done in the past three years to get me where I am today… this quilt is for her.  I have not gifted it to her yet (I don’t think she reads this blog!!!) and I’m super excited to do it!  The hold-up for me is that I’m including a card thanking her… and it comes from deep in my heart.  Those are words that just don’t flow super easy to paper and I’m still working on that part.  (Plus her birthday is in a couple weeks, so I’m thinking it’ll be a great time to gift it!)


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I had countless other things that I was able to do during the months when life slowed down.  Someone said to me today “You know, I think I thrived during Covid months” and I had to agree.  I think I had some really strong awakenings in my own life of how busy I have become and I really genuinely loved the slowing down part.  I’m trying to hold on to that part really, really tightly.


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I hope all of you are well, happy and thriving!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. Marlene Capelle says:

    That is fabulous. She’s going to cry.

  2. Mary Rauch says:

    Dori, you outdid yourself. This quilt is “pure joy” to sit and look at. Thanks for sharing it with us. I think I will copy a pic of it and look at it a while longer. … Remember, when you are talking about her being important to you, …. that YOU are important to us. I get a great deal of pleasure as I read your blogs. It feels like a visit with a friend I’ve never met, and I always come away with a satisfied smile. Thank YOU Dori !

  3. Becci Bartz says:

    So beautiful, thank you for sharing!

  4. Pam says:

    What a beautiful quilt and gift.

  5. Cindi Johnson says:

    That is such a beautiful quilt!! It’s so full of joy and caring that you can see it pouring out even through a computer screen. She is going to treasure that for a long, long time.

  6. Carol Jacot says:

    Beautiful quilt! Good Job!!

  7. Gloria Smith says:

    Dori, I love your quilt. It is beautiful. Did you make your label or purchase it? I’ve finished a much of quilts since April and have been thinking about making a similar label. Love reading your posts!

  8. Ruth says:

    Love it, Dori! Everything about it! AND….I too feel like I have thrived. My garden is more weed-free than ever, as is the yard, and I’ve spent more quality time homeschooling our girls. We’ve gotten big projects done in the house, extra cleaning done, and a lot of junk sorted out and gotten rid of. Also, our family (five of us at home), has connected more. I also think we had those same vintage sheets. 🙂

  9. Vyetta Reynolds says:

    I too have a quarantine quilt. I started and completed one during quarantine and finished another. It certainly helped get through the many weeks.

  10. Diane Loehr says:

    What a wonderful gift for someone in your life. I am sure that she will be surprised, and it will touch her heart that you thought about her. What a great gift that she will share for a long time to come. This virus period has been very difficult for most of us and it is not over yet. Hopefully it will be soon as I need to see my fellow co-workers and get back to life as it once was. Great Job and keep up the good spirits! Diane

  11. Maureen says:

    Love it! The vintage sheet backing is so complimentary. What a beautiful gift from the heart.

  12. Angie says:

    Absolutely beautiful–both the quilt and the sentiment!

  13. Renee says:

    I love your quarantine quilt! Log cabin blocks have always been one of my favorites. Your coach will love it!

  14. Cynthia barker says:

    Beautiful, uplifting thoughts and I love your quilt!! What a wonderful gift

  15. Deborah Hendrix says:

    Where did you obtain your quilt label?

  16. Ann says:

    Sweet quilt and such kindness stitched into it as a special gift for a special person in your life. Hopefully the sheltering has heightened or renewed connections we all have.

  17. Debbie Fischer says:

    Oh Dori your quilt is absolutely Beautiful really truly it is! I know your friend Marci will love it.
    One big log cabin pattern is fabulous, log cabin is my favorite quilt pattern. I have made only one and it was for our Son Kent.
    Thank you for sharing with us the quilt and your story.
    Take care and stay safe.
    Farmgirl Hugs,

  18. Debbie Klann says:

    I love this! I especially love the hand quilting. Quilting by hand is so peaceful and meditative. Your friend is going to love this !

  19. Goatldi says:


    What a lovely quilt! I am sure that Marcie will love it.

    Good work and good words.

  20. CandyC says:

    Beautifully done and what a lovely gesture!

  21. Beth says:

    This is absolutely beautiful! And that you hand-quilted it makes it even more special. Is there a pattern/instructions for doing this (hope, hope)? I’ve never made a quilt but have been looking for a doable one for a full-size bed. My sister used to quilt, so I know a bit about Jelly Rolls. Great way to get this beauty started!
    Glad things are improving in Tennessee. I’m in Western Oregon, so we’re really still going through some majorly dangerous and stressful times. But thankful for every small improvement we see!

  22. Such a happy quilt! I love your choice of fabrics and the fact that you hand stitched it. Powerful therapy, the act of hand stitching. She’s going to love it.

  23. Fonda L says:

    So what size did the quilt end up being. It is very pretty

  24. Karen Morris says:

    Dori, I love your work and your stories. How long did it take you to do the quilting?

  25. Kathi Skilling says:

    Hi Dori,
    I love your blog and the quilt you’ve created is beautiful! What a talent to have especially during the times of a pandemic when the world around us shuts down. Your friend and trainer will love it and whatever you decide to put down on paper as a thank you. Your blog demonstrates that you also have the skills of being a good writer so the words will come. when you put the pen to paper. She must be awesome to have motivated you and the others in your class to continue with the fitness routine and maintain good health during these difficult days.

    Take care and all the best to you and yours,

  26. Marilyn says:

    The quilt is beautiful. Your friend is going to love it. You are a talented lady. Glad you are doing fine as i am,too.

  27. Carol Norwood says:

    Oh, Dori … I love your quilt! I, too, have found solace in quilting and other hobbies. I’m making a quilt for my 5-year old granddaughter as well as a matching one for her dolls. I feel that the pandemic has forced me to look in the house for fulfillment and I agree that I am thriving! Great post! Thank you for it! Carol

  28. Barbara Criss says:

    So beautiful for sure. I love it—very original and great colors. What energy you must have to make this and be a farm girl too. You are a super woman in my book.

  29. Marion McCann says:

    You are inspiring in both your words and how you spend your time. I too have made the decision to keep some of this down time as a permanent fixture in my life going forward. I’ve learned a lot about myself and what is really important to me and wouldn’t want to go back to life “before”.
    The quilt is beautiful and the hand stitching very impressive.
    Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  30. Laurel Pries says:

    I LOVE the quilt, Dori, and your always uplifting and inspirational blog!! Best wishes as we continue through this rough year….Laurel

  31. Cindy Brokus says:

    What a beautiful gift! The hand quilting must have taken you hours! But there is nothing like hand made. Truly a gift from the heart <3

  32. Judy says:

    Your work is beautiful!! I’m sure she will be blown away! I’m amazed at how you speak about your few months of the COVID slow down. Here in upstate NY we are still in it and experiencing an uptick recently. It feels like we live in 2 very different worlds! It’s been a long almost 8 months with no end in sight. Thank you for sharing your work….it is a bright spot in my day! Judy

  33. Kristalyn Peterson says:

    My next quilt will be a huge log cabin square! I love this quilt. I’m not actually a quilter, just 4 quilts in 20 years. But I’m inspired to finish my current quilt so I can start on this new one!

  34. Vicki Taylor says:

    Your quilt is really beautiful. I love the colors, as well as the design. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  35. Bette M Axiak says:

    Would you be willing to e-mail a few directions on how you connected the strips? I would love to make one for myself. Thank you

    Bette Axiak

  36. You do a beautiful job in everything you do can see it’s all full oi love and caring , from your little cake to all the beautiful quilting you do . I look forward and wait to read your page every month and see what is new and what you have been up to.
    Your always inspiriting.
    Thank you
    Kathy Gaughran

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