So Long, Sisters


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Dear Sisters,

Where did nine years go? Have we really been meeting here ” on the shorelines” for that long? Honestly, it seems like just yesterday I was crafting my introductory blog post as the MJF Beach Farmgirl Blogger. A title that has etched its way into my farmgirl heart and brought me so much joy!


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We’ve shared our BIG and little FARMGIRL DREAMS while walking the beach and spending time in the flowers together. We’ve shared fun farmgirl craft projects, garden ideas, recipes and decorating tips, merit badge projects, life tips and holiday traditions. We’ve gone junk’n and leaf peep’n. We’ve raised our kids (two legged and four legged) and celebrated some of life’s most precious milestones. We’ve lost loved ones and welcomed new life. We’ve lived through devastating natural disasters, tragic acts of violence and two United States Presidents. Of all the things we never imagined possible we’re currently in the middle of a world Pandemic. Massachusetts is one of our countries top 5 hot spots for Covid 19. We are just now beginning Phase 1 of 4  phases for re-opening our state. After 8 weeks of adhering to strict Stay Home guidelines it feels good to begin thinking about re-entering the outside world again in a safe way. We’re still being asked to wear masks, and stay 6 ‘ apart when out shopping or in groups of people larger than 10.  Folks over 60 and the immunocompromised are still advised to stay home and only go out when absolutely necessary. I pray a vaccine is developed soon for this monster of a virus.

The cottage is a comfort and an escape from the ills of the world, especially now as we continue life in safe distancing mode.

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I’ve loved sharing our cottage life with you over the years and this year is no different. We open the cottage this weekend!


It’s time to blow out the dust bunnies, shake out the rugs and bring in the cheery colored quilts along with the sunshine!



A gift from Farmgirl sister Joan Price.

There will be beach walks, porch sitting (and napping) reading, good eats and music. We’ll take the cribbage board off the wall where it hangs by the closet in the bedroom and leave it on the coffee table to tempt the first players of the season. We’ll let the old screen door slam shut as we go in and out just to hear that old familiar slap once again.

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I love cooking in our colorful cottage kitchen! Everything I need is within arms reach making meal prep a breeze.


Open shelving is a given for cottage kitchens.




When I started writing this blog I vowed to make it a place of beauty, encouragement, inspiration, comfort and light. A respite from the crazy and unthinkable in our world.

IMG_7915(1)-001We’ve celebrated having the courage to try new things ( even when you’re scared ) because the feeling of accomplishment on the other side is AMAZING and so confidence building! We’ve stayed true to our farmgirl ways by being kind and encouraging. Enterprising and hardworking. We’ve strengthened our communities and created new ones. We are a sisterhood of Farmgirls. And that’s why it’s so hard for me to tell you that after all these years, it’s time to say so long, sisters. “It’s not easy to let go of familiar tasks”, said a wise farmgirl we all know and love. But we’ve all done it.

Life moves on at a pretty fast clip and before we know it we’ve got a full boat. Some of it’s our own doing and sometimes it’s a matter of what life brings to us. Either way, lightening the load helps us make way for new adventures and experiences.

My years of writing this blog and the Girl Genius features for the magazine have been one of my most fulfilling and creative chapters in life. I had just turned 49 when I started writing for MaryJanesFarm. It was the beginning of a new decade of creativity and discovery. Having you, my farmgirl sisters to sail the seas of life with has been such an adventure and a true blessing in my life.

Thank you for visiting with me on the shorelines and for your sweet comments and virtual friendship. I hope you’ve been encouraged, comforted and inspired by something I’ve shared here.

Next time you’re about to start something new and feel afraid or doubtful, I hope you’ll think of me and ask yourself, what would Deb do? You know the answer.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
~ Mark Twain

Image may contain: cloud, sky, outdoor and nature

So long, is not goodbye! Let’s stay in touch via Instagram @dandelion_house and on facebook!


Until we meet again, promise me you’ll let YOUR dreams set sail!

Beach Blessings and Much Love,

Deb #1199

The Beach Farmgirl





  1. Marlene C says:

    live long and prosper.

  2. Pat G says:

    Thank you for sharing so much of your life these last nine years. I can certainly feel your heartbeat in this blog more than ever. It has been a wonderful trip and I feel as if I’m saying good bye to a good friend. I’m so happy you have your own get away cottage and can relax and restore. I’m not on any social media so this is a farewell and fond memories for the future of your family!

  3. Bonnie McKee says:

    Thank you for all you have shared with us over the years! I always loved your inspirational posts
    Blessings to you, and yours, as you begin your next adventure!
    Bonnie, in Oregon

  4. Phyllis Parrish says:

    Sad to see you go, but wish you the very best in your future efforts. Thank you for all you have done and I have truly enjoyed reading your blogs. God bless.

  5. Mary Rauch says:

    Now I am mad at myself for not directly writing to you more. I just sat here and loved your articles from afar and never told you how terrific you are. (And your Dahlias are to die for.) You seem complicated in a way because there is always a “new side” of you popping out and then when you explain about a new project or venture I can tell that it has been within you for a long time just itching to jump out and fly! Thanks for all the time and effort to produce these articles for us to share a slice of your life.
    I was 81 the other day and have been following you from the day you showed up. Your sweet personality seems to speak to all age groups.

  6. Laura R. says:

    What would Deb do? That is certainly the truth through the years, as you are truly an inspiration. I will miss your stories and ideas and new adventures in creativity. I certainly understand the desire to lighten the load, and wish you happiness as you move forward !
    Thank you for all the years of sharing your life. It’s a good thing! :))))
    xo Laura

  7. CandyC says:

    I’ll still see you on the Facebook! ❤

  8. Sandi from the Cape says:

    I’ll miss the blogs that pop up in my email! I do understand about taking another direction though and hope your flower business is blooming so that you felt you needed more time for it. Someday I’ll get up to Plymouth and hopefully will see you with your flowers! Best of everything Deb and here’s to a quiet summer at your beach cottage!

  9. Linda Stark says:

    Live and enjoy the new adventures that await you!!!

  10. Alice says:

    Dear Deb, I’ve been a “silent” reader for years! Will miss you. Wishing you all the very best always!
    Alice Farmgirl #12

  11. Kathie says:

    The journey of your adventures shared where beautiful ,heart warming ,amazing and fun !
    Thank You ! God Bless

  12. Elaine Cubbins says:

    I’m so sorry you’ll leave us, but wish you the best on your new adventures.

  13. Peggy Richmond says:

    Loved reading your blog. God bless your present and your future.

  14. Oh, when I read the blog title my heart sank…but I understand. As the saying goes, enjoy the season you are in, and sometimes that means making changes. It’s been a joy to read all of your adventures and the encouragement you’ve given us. The cottage will be a lovely place to relax, unwind, and settle in.

    Before I know it my teenagers will move on to chase their own dreams, it makes me think of what I will do to fill the time…while I write about our little farm in the Midwest, I think I’d like to do more of that, maybe open a farm market, write a cookbook, who knows. What I feel certain of is we can never stop making wishes…follow your dreams and enjoy ever minute!

  15. Jan Sturgill says:

    I remember years ago that you asked if you could use my garden sink picture in one of your blogs. I was tickled, and so was my husband! I’ll still be watching you while you approach your new creative adventures!

  16. Patricia Mitchell says:

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures, what a cute little cottage beach home…enjoy..

  17. Debby Carrico says:

    I have looked for to your Beach posts because the Beach is one of my goe-to places as well and when I can’t physically be there, I can
    ‘be’ there with you. Safe journey and great life to you!

  18. As a fellow farmgirl who is also making a huge change in my life, (closing down my own seed business of 20+ years at the end of this month ) , I wish you well and safe sailing indeed!
    Please Remember all the good times and humor over these past 9 years and don’t dwell on the bad.
    it is time of huge change for us all and we all know what we wish for , so you are doing just that.
    Good luck !!!


  19. Sandy says:

    So sorry to see you leave. I have so enjoyed your blog. Best wishes.

  20. Bernadine Graham says:

    Have so enjoyed all of your posts over the years. Best of luck in new endeavors.

  21. Susan Abernethy says:

    I have enjoyed your blog so much, and you gave me inspiration with your beautiful flower gardens!!
    I started a bed of zinnias, and have added more!
    Blessings to you!
    Joy , Love, and Peace!


  22. Debbie says:

    Oh I will miss this but will still connect by other means. I love my memories from my birthday celebration at your cottage. A very sweet place with very sweet memories for me. Hugs!

  23. CJ says:

    Sorry to see you go Deb, but I do understand. So much, SO VERY MUCH, has changed for me in the past 3-4 years, mainly due to dealing with significant health issues. It’s been very difficult to let go of so many things that I enjoyed but I’m trying to do it gracefully, with patience and dignity. I wish you well in your future endeavors. I have certainly enjoyed your posts, your flowers and tales of the beach. Take care of you and have fun out there!
    HUGS. . . from a farmgirl in southwest Colorado

  24. Susi Nord says:

    Best wishes Deb in your future plans. We don’t know each other but I feel like I know you. You have touched my life and I am grateful for having read your wonderful blog. I’ll think of you when the dahlias I finally had the courage to plant begin to bloom. I planted them because it was on my vision board which I never dreamed I’d create, but you came to mind at a time when I needed inspiration. Thank you my dear, all the best to you!
    peace and hugs

  25. Marilyn says:

    Sorry to see you go. You will be missed.Wishing you success in your new endeavors. God Bless.

  26. Tina Stopa says:

    Thank you for being in my life. It’s been a pleasure listening to you.
    I wish you the best of everything in your new adventure
    Take care and be safe.

  27. Susan Carter says:

    Thank you so much for the many years of encouragement and beauty you shared. You have been both and inspiration and source of hope. Thank you for sharing the photos of your lovely beach cottage.

    May God bless your future endeavors, strengthen and protect you.

  28. Nicole says:

    Oh my, Deb! It has been such a long time, my fellow New England blog sister! Much love and luck your way in all you do! Love the pics of the beach and your adorable cottage…enjoy this summer; I think we are in for a pretty one. Maybe our paths will cross in person one day.

    Take care, and be well! BIG Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl)

  29. Donna says:

    Life marches on..will miss you. Happy Trails..

  30. Deb Bosworth says:

    Thank you all for your kind words! I’m more than grateful for each and every one of you!
    You’ve been a part of my journey and will always be in my heart. Such fond memories as these never fade but grow brighter with time. I wish you the very best in ALL things.
    xoxo Deb

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