Keeping In Touch!

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Hello Farmgirl friends!

When we were first issued the “stay at home” order back in March, I thought to myself that this would be a really good time to focus on staying in touch with friends and family in the old fashioned way.

Letter writing… it’s a lost art.  Do you write letters anymore?  The kind you put a stamp on and mail?

In order to make it more fun than just buying the generic stationary I decided to use up some card stock paper I have, some fabric scraps and my sewing machine and make my own.  I thought I would share a quick tutorial with you today so you can make them too!





  • Card stock paper (or you can purchase pre-made blank cards here)
  • Fabric scraps
  • Sewing machine



Cut your cardstock to 5 x 8 inches and fold in half


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Cut your fabric scraps into the size you’d like to work with.  I cut mine into 1-1/2 inch squares and some strips at 3/4 inch width and varying short lengths (and you can cut them to length as you sew too).




Lay your fabric scraps on your card stock in the way that you want to sew them.  In order to mass produce my cards, I did them mostly the same.  But you could get creative and sew them in all kinds of order!


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I do not even look at mine when I lay them out.  I keep a little fabric basket full of scraps next to my sewing machine and I just randomly grab one that is the size I want and I just sew!




Trust me when I tell you that they will look great together, even if they don’t seem like they match!  I also keep my little scissors handy and I just cut the strips to the length I need as I go.




Set your machine stitch length to a shorter stitch.  I use 1.8 or 2.  It just sews better onto the card stock if it is a short length.  Then begin sewing your scraps in place.  I just sew along the edge in a straight line.  But you could sew a zig-zag stitch if you wanted.


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Once you’ve sewn your scraps, add a little hand written message to the outside of the card.  And you are finished!




One of the disadvantages to sewing on a card is that when you open it, you see the back of the sewing threads.  So if you don’t like that look you can glue down a piece of paper to cover it.  I haven’t worried about it.  Honestly I kind of like how it looks!  If I’m writing a longer letter, I just write in the little sewn boxes!


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For fun, I did a little embellishing on the envelopes.  But I’m not very artistic in that way, so it ended up being way too time consuming for me!  But my grand-girls gave me some lessons and along with their help and Pinterest I had fun!


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So sit down at your sewing machine with your cards and fabric scraps and spend the afternoon sewing up a huge pile of cards to mail!


Then, with a cup of coffee and a beautiful day sit outside and write a few sentences of cheer.  I remind myself that if I got one of these cards in the mail, a few sentences would be all that was needed to make me thankful that I was thought of and loved.




And if you know someone that could use some greeting cards of their own… make them a bundle, tie them with a strip of fabric and put them in the mail.  My mother was thrilled when I did this for her.  (I left off the greeting when I mailed them to her so that she could add her own.)


I hope you are happy at home and filling your days with things that bring you great cheer.  Let me know how you are doing… I’d love to hear from you!


Til our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. Terry Steinmetz says:

    Love your card idea. I’m thinking of making a bunch for gifts for friends. I haven’t done that in awhile, a n.v d they always love them. Thanks for sharing.
    Be safe.

  2. Phyllis Parrish says:

    Thank you for the great ideas. Makes me want to run, not walk to my sewing room. I so enjoy your posts.
    Phyllis Parrish

  3. Kim Rice says:

    What a wonderful idea! I send one card a week to an Aunt who recently went into assisted living in Arkansas and they of course went on lockdown. So I send her a card since she likes to write letters, she would really appreciate receiving one if these!!

  4. Cyndie Gray says:

    These are the most delightful little note cards!
    How cheerful & sweet! It’s a really fabulous idea & I think maybe even I could do this
    Thanks for sharing dear Dori!!

  5. Jennifer Klaren says:

    Love this idea!!!
    Making some today!!

  6. Donna Kozak says:

    Those cards are so bright an cheerful – what a wonderful idea…and the materials would make lovely masks !

  7. Nanette Boots says:

    Oh, Dori…I wish I had your energy and gumption! Yes, I do write ~ long or short newsy notes in birthday, Cmas, Easter and Thanksgiving cards as well as thank you cards and get well cards. Sometimes in sympathy cards too.

    I taught my children who are 30 and 33 that if they received a gift and the gift giver wasn’t there to see them open it they had to send a thank you note. My daughter writes the most beautiful and special thank you notes. She’s become a real gem. My son, not so much, however I did learn from other family members he will call and thank them.

    Yes, letter writing has gone by the wayside, but especially for the elderly I try to send occasional notes because they probably miss “snail mail” the most. I sure don’t mind a newsy email from friends now and then!

    Thank you for reminding us all how much a simple letter or note card can change the day of someone special.


    PS you are special too!

  8. Pam says:

    I really like your idea. I’ve been writing letters as well. I’ve been making collages with pictures from magazines. My granddaughters love them.

  9. Karen says:

    These are absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing such a sweet and simple idea! KB

  10. Lisa A says:

    So cute!

  11. nancy says:

    Thank you Dori. I really like your idea for the cards, and if I received one of these, it would make my day, and many others to come.
    I also loved the story of the quilt. Thank you for the idea.
    The story was definitely a tear jerker!
    Very heart warming.

  12. Mary Ross says:

    I thought this was “SEW” cute.
    I wish we could do more crafts that show vintage, old-fashioned fun. In the olden days, my mother had an old pedal sewing machine that we made doll clothes on. Perhaps you could create some doll clothes or paper-doll clothes with your fabrics and stitching.

    Also, my aunt used to take old ties and put them in quilts and did Brazilian embroidery roses on them. The quilt was divine. Perhaps you could do some embroidery on some of your cards onto the fabric.

    THE CARDS ARE ADORABLE!!! Thanks. – Mary Ross

  13. Pat Hicks says:

    I was just thinking yesterday that I could make a Mother’s Day card for my Mom this year instead of going out. Love this idea. I have blank cards on hand and plenty of small scraps from making face masks.

  14. jacqueline Hull says:

    What a great idea! Since I love to write, I’ll give it a try. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings, Jac

  15. bonnie ellis says:

    Great idea Dori. You have the best ideas and this one certainly is appropriate for right now.

  16. Marilyn says:

    What a great idea. Thank You for the tutorial. Stay safe and well.

  17. Henriette Area says:

    These are absolutely lovely, thrifty, caring, and I plan to make some very soon. thanks!!

  18. Bonnie Baker says:

    Hi Dori!
    I always enjoy your blog, but the “What I learned from my Dog” was so special. I loved it. You do indeed have a wonderful friend.
    This one is so fun! What a cute idea sewing fabric to cardstock. I might be giving it a try soon. I, like you, enjoy being home and can always find something to do
    Take care and stay well.

  19. Sharon McBride says:

    Thank you for this great reminder! I haven’t done this for a while and have a lovely bit of scraps left from mask making that will work for this project!

  20. Ann says:

    What a sweet, clever idea and great way to use fabric scraps. I’m sure your recipients were delighted to receive such a charming note in their mailbox. Thank you.

  21. Donna says:

    Great idea!!!good memories in all the scraps.

  22. Pamela Frey says:

    What a great idea and good way to use up fabric scraps! I have been inspired by the creativity, kindness and love so many people in our country have shown. My computer crashed but finally got straightened out. Need to reconnect with your friend Kathleen whom you graciously helped make quilts for her children. I have been alone during this
    stay at home time so it has been a challenge. Thank God we have farmgirl hearts.

  23. Vondean Erickson says:

    What a very clever way to use up scraps of fabric.
    I recently moved to California from Iowa to be near my son. Never dreaming I would be staying at home. I love crafts and was thinking of my two sisters whose birthdays are coming up. They will be surprised to get their clever birthday cards. I am cutting blocks to make a throw for my bed and have so many scraps so will be able to make many cards.
    I grew up on farm life and loved it. Such a healthy way of living.
    Thanks for sharing this.

  24. Ginny Scott says:

    Love these!
    Your projects always wake up my desire to sew again. This PAUSE has shown me where my priorities should be. Gifting and giving.
    Bless you!

  25. Charlene Littlewood says:

    Thanks Dori,
    Loved your Idea here in Australia Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday
    So I made one of your cards for my Mum I hope she loves it as much as I did making it
    Until next time

  26. Hennie says:

    I write letters to friends, lov the idea of using frabic to make a pretty card

  27. Mary Rauch says:

    Thanks for letting me steal some of your ideas. I am not crafty in this respect, but maybe I can make some cute cards that will please some possibly “bored out of their heads” friends in the nursing homes around here? I’ll give it a go.
    I adore most of your ideas and enjoy seeing YOU ENJOY watching your family grow and create their own little worlds.
    Thanks for allowing me in. Be safe and healthy and joyful.
    The other day on TV a gentleman of 101 years of age was asked to give an example of a “Life Lesson” that had helped him through these years. … Without thinking about it, he said: “Be Kind Until It Hurts”…. Isn’t that beautiful? I must try to think this way more often than I do.
    Sending Farmgirl love from Ohio.

  28. MICHELE says:

    What a great idea! They are so charming.

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