Feeding Creativity {And a Giveaway!}

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A little creative quilt holding going on here!.


Happy February to my Farmgirl Friends!

I’ve been thinking a lot about creativity.  What fuels it, what keeps it burning, what helps me to keep creating.  I decided to share a few things with you that I find really helpful!  I realize that we are all different and are inspired and motivated by different things but I’m excited to share what helps me!




My Own Creative Space

I think a separate creative space is really important.  Even if all it is, is a corner in the dining room!  I have a friend that has her creative space in her guest bedroom.  She calls the room her “Pretend Guest Bedroom”!  But what I love about having a separate space is that it is impossible for me to be creative if it requires dragging everything out whenever I want to make something.  I realize that I am very lucky in the home that we built a few years ago because that was one of the requirements was that I have a complete separate space for all my sewing/crafting/writing/creating things.  I’ve waited many years for a space like this… and I’m thankful I made it a priority!


Creativity BLog Post


Surround Myself with Inspirationpiration

I love having all my sewing tools, books, and magazines handy and visible.  They inspire me just by glancing at them sitting neatly in their metal locker baskets and jars!  Because I am such a visual person, I need to see my creative tools!  If they are put out of sight, they quickly become out of mind!


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Keep Organized

I simply cannot create in a mess.  There is something in my personality that has to have everything organized in order for my creativity to flow.  Quite frequently when I have a lot of deadlines and numerous projects going on at once, things will get a bit out of control and I have to set aside time just to get everything in its place!  A few months ago I knew the day had come to do something different with my fabric.  I wanted to sort it by color and I sat down and sketched out a design plan for a shelving system and my husband built it for me.  Total game changer.  I now have my fabric folded and neatly sorted by color and I feel more creative than I have in a long time!

(On a side note:  my grand-girls sewing creativity has grown by leaps and bounds since I organized my fabric by color!  They come visit and immediately start pulling fabrics to sew with.  It makes my creative heart so happy to see!)




Keep a Sketch Pad Close

I’m a visual person.  So notes, lists, sketches are really important in my creativity.  Now don’t get me wrong… I am NOT artistic in that I simply do not have any ability to draw.  But I sure scribble ideas, make notes, draw quilt patterns and keep lists!  I like to have my purchased sewing patterns printed up where I can read over them when I’m laying in bed at night… viewing them on my phone or my computer somehow just doesn’t feed my creative brain!  (Which is strange since I’m a blogger! Smile!!)

And when I feel really overwhelmed with deadlines, I sit down and write them out and immediately the pressure is lifted and I can create again!



Some inspiring pin cushion ideas I’ve pinned on my Pinterest page 


Stay (mostly) away from Pinterest 

Don’t laugh!!  I know that most people are hugely inspired by Pinterest.  I do have a Pinterest account and I do use it occasionally for saving inspirational things.  But what often happens to me is that I have a solid idea in my mind and decide to research it on Pinterest.  Very quickly I am spiraling down a rabbit hole and my original idea is completely gone.  There have been times I never could get it back!  So unless I am completely void of any ideas, I stay away from Pinterest!



One of my favorite inspirational accounts on Instagram @sunnydaysupply


And Then There Was Instagram 

Contrary to Pinterest; I do find a lot of inspiration on Instagram.  However, I limit myself to following only the accounts that inspire me and frequently I go through and stop following the accounts that do not.  I try to keep it as clutter free as I can!  (On a side note:  not all the accounts I follow inspire only my creativity; a lot of them inspire me in my running and my physical fitness.  Inspiration and creativity come in many forms.)




Use My Phone Camera

I’m not a photographer but taking pictures is really important to me.  One huge advantage we have today is the camera on our cell phones.  Taking pictures is so easy now.  I try to take a picture every single day that inspires me to create.  Sometimes it is as simple as one little spring buttercup blooming in the woods on our farm.  I can always scroll through my picture albums and find inspiration.  (This little buttercup gave me the idea to make a spring tulip table runner, which I’m still sketching but will soon be a little quilted runner!)



The above quilt is something that was way out of my comfort zone… and I LOVE IT.  


Try New Things

It can be super hard for me to try new things.  But I pushed myself to try something new every month in 2019.  I had some huge fails, I had some big wins!  But I felt that it opened creative doors in my brain that helped me to grow.   I’m attempting the same for 2020!




Keep Projects At Hand

I love to keep a simple project in my living room so that when I sit down to relax, I have a little something to keep my hands busy.  I recently had fun learning how to make the fabric yo-yo’s and I got my grand-girls involved in learning.  I have a wooden tray where I placed fabric, scissors, needles, thread, and the different size yo-yo makers and I have just left it sitting in the living room.  When the girls come to visit, they plop down and whip out a few yo-yo’s!  We don’t know what we are going to make yet, but we have all kinds of ideas that we are throwing around (and none of them came from Pinterest!).


And now it’s Giveaway time!!!  

If you have made it to the end of this post, I’m really happy!  All you have to do to enter my giveaway is comment below with one simple thing that helps you stay creative.  Next month I’ll draw a winner and you’ll receive a fun home-made item from me.   I have no idea what it’ll be yet… but I promise it will be made by me and hopefully something that will inspire you to keep creating!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. Melissa says:

    I made up a creative goal spreadsheet. Daily I walk into my studio and just looking at my sullpirs keeps the creative juices flowing… then I look at the spreadsheet to inspire me to reach my goals.

  2. Ange Cooper says:

    So glad you mentioned the yo-yos. about 6 years ago I found at an antique gift shop a quilt top (unfinished) made from 3 inch (finished) yo-yos It was backed but was not bound. So I took it to my sister as a thank you gift for letting us stay at the beach with her for a vacation. My sister is a multi-crafter but at the time much better than me at binding. Three years later it was regifted to me as a wedding present which made it wonderful because it was hard to part with in the first place. It is made from cottons of the 50’s and 60’s and so colorful on the guest bed or even the wall. They are such fun.
    Thanks so much for sharing your inspirations

  3. Marilyn says:

    I am trying to learn to cook. I have started a notebook with the recipes I want to keep.

  4. Rebecca says:

    I have to admit upfront that I am totally envious of your creative space! It’s wonderful. I have a corner of a spare bedroom that I use for big sewing projects or other creative ideas but hope to have a dedicated space at some point. I do what you do by always having something close by to work on…a crochet project or a sewing project. It’s easier to sit if my hands are busy.

  5. Carmen Anderson says:

    Music….I love music especially when I am in my quilting cabin…as I call my sewing room…music inspires me, calms me, rejuvenates me..and yes at times makes the tears tumble…that’s ok too!! So whether I am quilting, crafting, cleaning, organizing I will have music in the background…

  6. Doneene says:

    I’m quite certain that the inspiration for my creativity (I love to quilt, paint, etc…) is directly related to my desire to avoid housework. The more creative I am, the bigger the list of chores that I’m probably distracting myself from, including organizing my quilting/painting studio! Thanks for another wonderful and inspiring post.

  7. Pat Daily says:

    I love “country” and “Americana” so my creative self is stimulated by pictures of things that fit country used in decorating. I’m not an artist, but I can usually recreate things I see in pictures…in books, magazines, calendars, note cards, homes I’ve visited, etc. Take a picture with your phone or sketch a rough drawing in a little notebook you keep with you wherever you go. You’ll feel the excitement build.

  8. Shelley Pruett says:

    Something that sparks my creativity is walking around in a fabric/craft store. By the time I leave I’m full of ideas and usually have an armload of supplies!

  9. Sandi King says:

    Hi Dori, As usual, you have another wonderful blog. I like the old fashioned things of my grandmother’s and mother’s day or anything Vintage, at least to look at and dream of making or having. Usually, when I create something, it is from a spur of the moment idea that pops into my head and I just get busy and do it. I can’t plan to do anything, it never happens, or is a failure. I love to have things organized but my failing is not getting rid of things that need to be gotten rid of. So I have chaos. I love your shelving by the way. That inspires me to want something on that order. Thanks for all our wonderful ideas and blogs.

  10. Donna says:

    I don’t put my magazines away. I keep them in a basket by my chair so I can browse, dream or snip away. Thanks for sharing , Donna B

  11. Karen says:

    I attend quilt shows and visit quilt shops as often as I can. Seeing others’ creations and all that beautiful fabric is very inspiring!!!

  12. Barbara Whiting says:

    Browsing craft books and magazines and watching videos of my favorite crafters help inspire creativity along with visiting fabric and yarn shops:)

  13. Ann Sawyer says:

    I find the 10 minute meditation at the end of yoga class the best thing to clear my mind, and then a walk along the river to get the creative thoughts flowing. Nature does it best.

  14. Janean Morrow says:

    I retired last April, and am so happy to have more time for crafting! I have a planner, and a section for “Projects”. This helps me remember the ideas I find from magazines, online, or at craft shows. Pinterest is helping me to inspire me—so many ideas. I am not yet on Instagram. I love your pictures!!!

  15. Theresa says:

    When I seem to lose my mojo for quilting or crossstitching I head to my local quilt shop and visit with the owner and see what she is up to or watch my favorite floss tubes from Priscilla and Chelsea. I don’t know what it is but both these ideas just make me want to jump into a current project and finish it. I try to at least finish the quilt top or crossstitch so I can start a new project. I will admit that I get distracted a lot.

  16. Gail says:

    My family.
    My children & grandchildren. They keep me well supplied with ideas to create.
    Mostly it’s in a quilt as we love quilting.
    I’ve made a quilt for all 10 grans which they all helped sew. Even my youngest (at the time) at 2 years old helped sew on his quilt. What a blessed year we had!
    Thank You
    Matthew 6:33

  17. Bonnie Ellis says:

    I am so inspired by color that color combinations help me to design. We are more apt to finish something if we like the color.

  18. I own a plethora of cookbooks old and new and am always reading up on recipes and techniques. Julia Child is so inspirational for me.
    A party without a cake is just a meeting!

  19. Kat Blue says:

    When we finished our remodel of the mountain cottage for our retirement home, I found my sewing room was relegated to the smallest room upstairs. I made the most of the space with a huge tool chest from Home Depot for my supplies, drawer space is awesome – the butcher block top is great and the best thing I added was an antique white china hutch filled with my childhood memories and items that belonged to my Mother. I feel her with me when I sew, she helped me achieve my dreams and was my cheerleader. The first quilt she made is where I can touch it – – and the wedding ring quilt I made for her 50th wedding anniversary is on a rack in the corner. Loving memories are inspiring.

  20. Judy From Maine says:

    I don’t try and force creativity, when I do it never comes. So I just wait and suddenly something inspires me, I never know what it will be…a picture, a cloud, a tree, sometimes even a sound. I find the trick is not to search, just observe.
    Thanks for another wonderful blog, which by the way is very inspiring…I need to organize my fabric and soon!

  21. Janice says:

    Yes, my own space to create! We’re looking at new homes and that’s on my checklist

  22. Maureen says:

    I agree, the cell phone camera is a game changer. I also avoid Pinterest. It is a total time monopolized. I could be making something!

  23. Diane Loehr says:

    I loved your article about feeding your creative side. Especially laughed when you said don’t follow Pinterest. My mind changes on projects so many times when I click on that site. I love to sit on my couch, light a candle and look out my bay window and crochet, cross stitch, or try to knit. I now like to adventure out and check our new yarn shops in my area. It is really great when you can talk to people who have the same passion as you do. I love all the quilting that you do, wish I had that passion for it to make it. Have a wonderful day! Enjoy crafting! Diane

  24. Susan says:

    This year I’m organizing my creative space creatively. So am making shelves from recycled materials- think drawers and shelf material from a Reuse store and bins from plastic vinegar and detergent bottles. I’m planning some hanging organizers from my fabric stash and more as I come up with ideas/inspiration.

  25. Angala Morine says:

    I love wandering through the fabric store. I like to go with my daughters, one is all about colors and the textures.

  26. Sue says:

    Helping others create.Last weekend my sister -in-love came over with my niece and nephew. I taught the ladies how to use the sewing machine and made bunches of small projects to take home. The nephew and hubby retreated to the shop and made a birdhouse. We cooked together and created many happy memories. It was so fun and inspiring that we are going to do more creative stuff.

  27. Karen Morris says:

    Visit my local Quilt shop.

  28. Nancy G says:

    I love Country Sampler magazine for ideas, I get emails from Pinterest about ideas that are aligned with my likes. There are a few emails from places that I have signed up for. I save pictures in my computer and I print off ideas for my creativity. I try and keep things simple. I have had a lifetime of creativity from my start of growing up and was a professional seamstress for many years. I also love this blog for ideas!!

  29. Jo Gill says:

    I find inspiration every time I go to the beach. Driftwood, shells, rocks, even the sand.

  30. Michelle Toups says:

    I’m blessed to be allowed to make quilts at my neighbors house. She has a sewing room. I don’t have my own sewing machine, but she lets me use hers and she quilts my quilts on her long arm. She is a blessing to me!!

  31. Robin Reichardt says:

    When it’s time to start a new crochet project, My go-to is You-Tube tutorials, up on the big t v. I can easily learn a new stitch when things are bigger than life. I recently bought some quilting fabric that reminds me of your flower farm business. The images of flowers in mason jars, old trucks with flowers in the beds, wooden wheelbarrows with flowers make me wonder if you have a fabric line????

  32. Ann Haas says:

    Thank you for these beautiful images and doable tips on organizing one’s sewing room. Mine is still a work in progress. BTW – I love yo-yo’s and incorporate them in most every quilt I make.

  33. Denise says:

    I keep pictures of anything that might interest me and look back through them often. I have crafty friends so its always fun to get together with them and see what they are making. I have a once a month card making club and from there I have been introduced to Chalk Couture which I go for my first class on Sunday afternoon. I enjoy seeing your neat and pretty craft room and hearing and seeing your projects you are working with. loved all your material so beautifully organized. you are lucky to have a husband that can make you storage pieces too!

  34. Evelyn McDaniel says:

    I get creative when I’m encouraged from other people around me. Sometimes I may do something so simple with very little thought and people will go wow!!! This activate my imagination to create more and explore the world around me. I love making my little domain a happy place and spreading the beauty and joy all around.

  35. Natalie Chapman says:

    I have a notebook for jotting down ideas, and a list of current projects to work on until I start the next ones. Walking around our vineyard, the gardens and in the woods with my cat refresh and inspire my creative juices.

  36. Jada Mathis says:

    I don’t sew or quilt, yet I enjoy cooking. I like to peruse cooking blogs which inspire me to try new recipes or techniques. I enjoy your blog especially enjoyed your flower stand! I want to do something like that in the future, but with lavender! Thank you for sharing from your heart ❤️!

  37. Drucilla Weiland says:

    I too keep a small notebook with me at all times to write down ideas.

    Also the organization part is also important. Right now I need to clean up again. Some how my table has sewing on one end and paper crafts on the other and they have each been inching forward!

  38. Jodie says:

    Excellent post. I have been making space in my home to do exactly what you’ve described here. It’s hard to find inspiration when it’s tucked in a closet. I don’t see it and I dread pulling it out and putting it back away. For me, inspiration (for knitting/crocheting/sewing) is found in books, magazines, hats on people heads, and occasionally Pinterest. (You’re right…Pinterest is a rabbit hole at times.) Thank you, Dori. Your posts are always cheery and inspiring and a joy to read, and sometimes do. My kiddo and I made your stuffed pumpkins this past fall with old sewing scraps and we loved them!

  39. Mary Bolas says:

    Must give myself the gift of time, to allow my mind to roam free for those creative ideas.

  40. Joy Forbes says:

    I have a craft room and it inspires me to just walk in it and be in it to stay creative. Music brings some creativity to mind for me. I find a lot of inspiration from your post/blog and other social media outlets. I love all things farmy and creative! I am happy to be a new member here and look forward to your future posts and inspirations!

  41. Meredith Williams says:

    A clean and organized space is crucial for me to be creative!

  42. Mindy says:

    I am guilty of too much Pinterest . I can pin items like a pro, but then get overwhelmed by all of my “ future projects”. I like the idea of having a crafting room. You seem very organized

  43. Marci Dodd says:

    Trying something new, reading your blog (and MJ Farm magazine), being outside.

  44. Billie Marrs says:

    I have a studio for mixed media, scrapbooking for my grandkids, and trying anything that makes me smile, I did not inherit my mother’s quilting skills but I can use a sewing machine, art makes me happy no matter what form it takes.

  45. I look for creative ideas in posts like this, magazines, books (old and new) and nature. I especially love seeing friends projects and taking classes.

  46. Hennie says:

    I use screw handy man trays to keep sewing, quilt, needlept needles, jewerlry beads organized, etc
    On top of case tack velcro to place needle on top for handy fine/ until finished using

  47. Pamela Czurak says:

    What is your YO-YO tool called and where did you get it?

  48. Becci Bartz says:

    I read blogs like yours, make notes, and lists. Once I buy the materials needed, I label them, so I can remember later what I had in mind. I also make up drawings and attach to my supplies. Your blog has been super helpful to me. I wish I had a space like yours….one day, maybe.

  49. Becci Bartz says:

    I read blogs like yours. When I do buy supplies for a project, I attach them together along with the drawing or photo of what I plan to do.
    I wish I had a space like yours…..maybe, one day, I will.

  50. Diane Schultz says:

    Browsing Pinterest will spur my creative juices. Sometimes I buy creative magazines to explore those ideas too.

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