There’s No Season Like Flower Season!



Hello Farmgirl Friends!

A few readers reminded me last month that they would really like to hear how our little flower farm is doing and if there is anything new going on!  So my post today is all about flowers!


My daughter, Andrea, and I talked back in March about wanting to do a flower event to jump start our season.  Since we grow from seed and only have summer blooming flowers we never have anything blooming before June.  That makes it kind of hard when suddenly in April you see gorgeous spring bouquets all over social media!  This year we decided to purchase flowers and arrange them into beautiful bouquets and hold a “pop up” Mothers Day event on the Farm.




We advertised On on our FaceBook page and got busy organizing our little pop up event.  We really stressed the money we had invested in purchased flowers, time to make the bouquets, all the work in setting up for an event like this.  Would people come?




The day came and rain along with it!  But we set up early and had just a few minutes to take pictures before… yes.  The people came!  Here are a few pictures of the event:






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We even had t-shirts made with our darling Farm Fresh logo.  They have been a great seller!




We sold out of flowers in about 45 minutes.  It was such a fun event and one that we are very excited to do next year too.




Now we are getting into our busy season and working so hard in the garden.  This is our 6th year of business and we have the weeding and maintaining down to a fine art but it is such a lot of work!




We love our bees on the farm that thrive on the flowers in the garden.




When I look down the rows of gorgeous zinnias (my all-time favorite flower) it makes me so happy.




We cut the flowers and do all the arranging in the open work shed right in our garden.  It is such a great way to do it.  We do a lot of walking every morning through the rows of flowers and to the work shed… back and forth, back and forth!




My daughter and I arrange flowers very differently.  Mine have more of a free spirit, bohemian look (ha ha!) and Andrea’s are very precise and very beautiful!




We have added a nice reservation box to the back of our flower stand this year.  So far this seems to be working out very well and we’re excited about it.  (We are lucky to have husbands that are willing to jump in and help us with any new idea we have!)




It’s really hard to describe the feeling that we get being flower farmers… small though we may be.  There is a feeling of accomplishment and contentment that comes in working with flowers.




When we fill up the Flower Cart in the mornings and stand back and look at it, we are always in awe of the fact that we grew every one of these flowers!  And so thankful that this flower farming path chose us!



I’ll leave you with a fun video… our Polaris Ranger full of flowers heading to the Flower Cart and the girls riding behind in a trough that Grampy tied to the back for fun!  It’s not all work at the flower garden!


So how would you like a little summer GIVEAWAY?

If you’ve made it to the end of this post and would like to enter to win a set of Farm Fresh greeting cards, just tell me this: what is your favorite summertime flower?  I’ll announce a winner in my July blog post!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. Gail says:

    My favorite flower is the daisy. My husband and I chose daisies for our wedding,which was almost 43 years ago! They are just so simple and can be found growing almost anywhere.

  2. Sydney Littlestar says:

    First off, LOVE the little business you have started. Wish you were closer so I could visit and buy some.
    My favorite flower is the Butterfly Weed aka Milkweed (does that count as a flower? haha!). Though I love it in my garden, maybe not a bouquet. I still love it though!

  3. Sharon Wegmeyer says:

    Gladious! They remind me me of my grandma who always had an abundance in her yard-simply referring to them as “glads”! Not sure how old I was when I finally learned their entire name. When we move to our new farm home/property (September), I can begin designing our gardens & one, for sure, will be named “Grandma’s Glads”!

  4. Brenda Owens says:

    Hi Dori! I’m so happy I ran across your blog this morning and enjoyed reading your story. I think Gerber daisies are so happy and they make me smile! We are living on my grandparents farm and I enjoy finding old galvanized tubs and buckets for planting my flowers in. Flowers just make me happy!

  5. Sandi King says:

    Dori, loved your post and all the beautiful flowers. I love pansies, guess they could be my favorite, but I like my daffodils first thing in the Spring, and today I have my tree Lilly’s blooming voraciously and will have to separate them this fall. We want to put red, white and blue tree Lilly’s around our circular garden for the future look. I have neighbor’s who want a start of my tree Lilly’s for their gardens so will be sharing this fall with them. They are the white ones and the blooms are huge and the stalks are about 3 to 4 foot tall. We transplanted them when we moved this year and they have done very well. We keep trying to improve our garden but have never accomplished a weed-free one. We plant only bulbs that return every year.

  6. Carolyn Brill says:

    I would have to say Zinnias and endless summer hydrangeas. I live to turn them blue and cut them to dry. So pretty. Hope you have a great growing season.

  7. Laurel Pries says:

    Love love love your flower ideas.. hubby bought me a small greenhouse this spring….what fun!! Do you have greenhouses you start your flowers in? It’s hard for me to pick a favorite flower, but it would probably be the pink peonies that bloom in my yard each spring…they smell heavenly. Best wishes with your flower farm!!

  8. Sandra Johnson says:

    Enjoyed reading about your Farm Fresh flower business–very creative and beautiful! Where can your shirts and cards be purchased? My favorite summer flower is the rose.

  9. Deb Bosworth says:

    Hurrah for flower season! Your flowers are such eye candy… That stand just gets better with age! The T-shirts are a fabulous addition…I’m so happy the Mother’s Day sale worked in your favor. I knew you were concerned but oh how lovely it all looked! You and I are on the same page as far as designing goes. My daughter is more precise as well. She loves when I have more formal designs for weddings. I have to chuckle because I like mine to look like I just tied an armful of flowers together… Even that takes patience and a good eye for balance. 🙂
    Farmgirl hugs and happy flower season my dear friend!
    xo Deb

  10. Diana Nelson says:

    What a great post! There is a small flower farm about 45 min from me & they have added a tea house. I have never visited, but plan to this year! There is a daylilly farm nearby, fun to see in bloom. Your place looks amazing!! I love your stand and shirts would make a great gift from afar 🙂 Family working together with beautiful results – fabulous!! My favorite summer flower is black eyed Susans. Have a wonderful day and thank you for doing a fun give a way

  11. Vivian Monroe says:

    BEAUTIFUL…how fun but I know Alot of work too… my favorite flower I would say is also Zinnias…I love the cut and come again variety…they just go on forever…I Love ‘Old Maids’…. 🙂

  12. Peggy says:

    My favorite summer time flower is the sunflower, a happy sunny yellow makes me smile.

  13. Rose McCoy says:

    I love my Tiger Lillies

  14. Joyce Haveman says:

    My favorite summer flowers are zinnias with all the beautiful bright colors, so cheerful!

  15. Susan Campbell says:

    The Sunflower

  16. Elaine hemann-Felton says:

    I just LOVE all flowers, peonies are a favorite,then Queen Anne’s Lace. And my list goes on&on. Blessings!

  17. Gail Larson says:

    Zinnea…love, love, love them. Happy colors with cheery faces that beg you to pick them for a bouquet for your home. Yhey help transition summer into Fall with flashy, flirty pinks to bright yellow and orange (definitely Fall).
    Love your blog!

  18. Gail Larson says:

    Love your blog. I just revised my front flower containers..purple and pansies. Cute and cheery and ready for Fall.
    What a wonderful adventure for you and your daughter to have a flower farm. Wish you much success!

  19. Dale Ann Staggs says:

    I love my Irises because they are all so different from one another!

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