Thankful for Sisterhood

There’s something special about the bond between sisters…

I wouldn’t really know because I grew up with all brothers, but I’ve heard and observed that biological sisters can have profound connections.  While I don’t have a sister sister, I do consider myself lucky to have a sizable group of friends that I love just as I love my siblings. These friends are men and women–although mostly women–and are parts of separate and overlapping groups. Some are local and some live great distances away.  Some are parents, some are not. The one thing they all have in common is that they are totally awesome!


Yes, the rare man can be a part of a sisterhood!

A few weeks ago I went on a truly amazing vacation down to San Diego, California. It was so far from my current reality that it took several days to get back to reality upon my return. I went down for six (SIX!) days–solo!–to relax, rejuvenate and reconnect with five of my close friends. Four of them are friends from college and one joined from Alaska.  We stayed in a mid-century mod home up on a hill with a private pool in the backyard and a very glamorous, Mad Men kind of vibe.

The Backyard

The Backyard

The most amazing part about this vacation? It was largely organized by Evan!! I think it’s fairly new phenomenon, but some women have started getting gifts from their significant others for having babies.  They are (kind of disturbingly…) called “push presents.”  The gifts are often pieces of jewelry–usually fancy and expensive.  I am not one to wear much fancy or expensive jewelry as they don’t play well with my lifestyle.  So, in an effort to show his gratitude for all that I do–physically, emotionally and otherwise, Evan got me this trip!  It was practically all planned by the time I found out about it a couple months before we left.  While I really enjoy planning and organizing vacations, I have to admit it was great to have the big parts already nailed down. Furthermore, it’s heartache-ingly beautiful to dwell upon how much Evan loves me and cares for my sanity :).

Rock climbing outside for the first time in a few years.

Rock climbing outside for the first time in a few years.

How do people live where it is always perfect?

How do people live where it is always perfect?

The vacation was relaxing, fun and rejuvenating.  The activities we did were great–rock climbing, went to a funk concert, farmers market (so many beautiful items!), zip lining, wine tasting at a vineyard, yoga and of course hanging at the beach and eating yummy yummy tacos. One of the things I keep reflecting on was how nice it was to be able to just walk outside…any time of the day or night.  It was always a perfect temperature outside and there weren’t any mosquitoes.  I had to pump while I was there because Fernie is still so little, and I could take my little portable pump out to the pool at 6:30 a.m. and pump OUTSIDE! We drank mimosas in the pool and had a bonfire on the beach while still wearing swimsuits.  These are all pretty huge things for me coming from places with pretty extreme weather and tons of mosquitoes.


Coffee and lazy breakfast outside every day.

Coffee and lazy breakfast outside every day.

The best thing about this trip was reconnecting with friends.  It’s kind of a cliche, but it is really easy to lose yourself when you become a parent.  While “mother” is now a part of my identity, there is a purer me that exists somewhere under the labels.  She can be kind of hard to find sometimes.  I also LOVE talking about my kids, as most parents do, but it was a treat to hang out with people and barely talk about my kids!  We spoke a lot about our psyches, our evolving personalities and beliefs, our failures and our goals, our love lives, our side projects and new hobbies.  We hollered our deepest desires at the roaring ocean and we read each others’ fortunes.  I was going to title this post, “Sisterhood of the Rose” as it was a card that was often drawn during our card reading sessions.  Rose was a theme of the trip–I brought rosewater to share, another friend brought rose incense, rose quartz made a few appearances, roses were in bloom and there was a rose balloon marking the spot where our yoga class was.  I did some research into the Sisterhood of the Rose and it’s pretty interesting stuff–with roots in Atlantis and ancient Egypt, but I don’t think I could have done it justice in this post!

Rocks and oracles and spiritual things, oh my!

Rocks and oracles and spiritual things, oh my!

Watching the sunset from a vineyard in the country.  That is Rosemary creeping over that ridge.  The herbs grow into monsters in San Diego!  It is incredible.

Watching the sunset from a vineyard in the country. That is Rosemary creeping over that ridge. Herbs grow into monsters in San Diego! Huge lavender plants, sprawling rosemary and luscious sage as landscaping!

We drank champagne on the beach and lost our cork to this gull.

We drank champagne on the beach and lost our cork to this gull.

Oh, and we laughed so hard! So, so hard!  One of my friends claimed that she almost vomited from laughing so hard.  I noted at one point that these were my healer friends–a medical doctor, a women’s reproductive health rights activist, a public health worker, a therapist and an ayurveda and yoga practitioner.  I have to say that I did leave this trip feeling healed–from what I’m not sure, but I’ve felt pretty grounded and centered since coming home to reality!

Good bye, Mission Beach!

Good bye, Mission Beach!

It was so good.  All of it.  It was equally as sweet to return home to my lovely little family and my sweet baby whose weight I missed in my arms so badly! What a great trip. I’m a fortunate woman and oh so grateful.

I hope this finds your Thanksgiving preparations going well.  I’m thankful for all of you!

Sending peace and love from Alaska,

Until next time,

Alex, the Rural Farmgirl


  1. Linda Scoggins says:

    I so enjoyed this. Sounds so fun. I’m 60. Widowed almost 5 years ago. I have 3 sisters. We have so much fun when we get together. I’m so thankful I’ve started spending more time with them the last few years. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome vacation.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      Oh, I would LOVE to have biological sisters, although my brothers are amazing, of course. I always wanted a sister, just one more girl in the family would have been perfect (at least in my mind). I bet you have a blast! Thanks for sharing with us and Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Victoria Hall says:

    Hi Alex. Thank you, thank you for reminding me of what an awesome place I happen to live. I live in Temecula, which is surrounded by lovely wineries. Sometimes I get tired of the nice weather…is that possible? It can be so boring. I lament at all the people and traffic and high taxes and more than once have stated, “we gotta get out of here!” You, my dear, brought me back to earth. Yes, I am fortunate to call this place home…30 minutes to our mountains and 30 minutes to the beach. Not too shabby. Yesterday my daughter and I took my mom for a birthday lunch at one of the wineries. She’s 88. The venue was lovely, food delicious, the wine wonderful. Thank you for reminding me of all these blessings. Guilty of taking them for granted. eeeek.

    • Alexandra Wilson says:

      You’re welcome! It really is a slice of paradise down there. The winery we went to was near you, close to Paloma Mountain, I think? We just came across it en route to zip lining and decided to stop on our way home. I love the seasons, so I wholly understand getting bored with perfect–sometimes it feels good to be reminded of what we are capable of! But sometimes it feels really, really good to just be. I don’t think it’s terrible to take things for granted from time to time, especially if you’re aware of it. Just shows you are a fortunate person. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Sandi King says:

    Happy after Thanksgiving, Alex. I don’t have biological sisters either, but I have sisters-in-law who are just as sisterly as any sister can be. I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I do have a brother. So glad you got to relax in San Diego, CA. I used to live in Arizona and California at different times of my life and both were pretty warm and sunny most of the time. I love Kentucky now even with it’s different weather patterns and my birth state is New York and I read it has had the most of 5 worst Thanksgiving storms in history. I think 1950 was the worst for accumulation of snow on Thanksgiving in NYS. Glad you enjoyed your time away and so glad you are back home now.

  4. Denise Ross says:

    Wow, your man is a special one. How lovely for you, so glad you felt rejuvenated from your trip. There’s nothing like spending some time with good friends/sisters, so soul restoring. Happy thanksgiving

  5. ann says:

    I wanted to leave a comment on Christmas RAGs, but sadly could find no facility to do so. Maybe this will count. This particular post, and the actual doing of getting a RAG, will help me so much focus on what is important and meaningful to me and to those I hold dear…vs. performing for the world around me that which I often think is “expected”. I cannot thank you enough for sharing your thoughts in such a beautiful and meaningful way. Life at our home will be different during this Holy Season, and for that, I am thankful.


  6. Susan says:

    I have one sister alive and we love spending time together. We don’t get to spend much time together as we live in different states. We do talk on the phone a lot.

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