A Platter With A Purpose



One of the greatest gifts in life is the simple act of giving to others. “Giving” doesn’t have to be a big act or a large monetary sum. Sometimes, the simplest acts of kindness go a really long way, and keep on giving.

These days, it seems like we are bombarded with reminders “to give”. Checking out at stores, almost every place asks if you’d like to donate to this or that charity. Social media bombards us with ‘GoFundme’ requests or charitable organizations we can join or support. All of that’s great, and goes to worthy causes.

However, what warms my heart the most aren’t big, organized charitable acts; it’s everyday gestures from one kind heart to another.

”I’ve  learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”

                        –Maya Angelou

Families are all so “busy” these days. Everyone works harder and longer, it seems, and the world’s in such a hurry.

There’s a Facebook group open to those who live in my town. Typical posts ask for recommendations for places to go or for services locally- that sort of thing. It’s also a great way for residents to connect and see what kind of new things are going on in town. Recently, a post on the thread caught my eye. Have you ever heard of a “Giving Platter”?

Karina Brasil Riccitelli is a very busy mom of three little ones. She and her family moved to our town from a larger city. The family was trying to get boxes from their move unpacked, her husband was working and she was expecting- about to give birth to twins. Karina was welcomed by new neighbors who reached out to lend a helping hand. One neighbor brought over a bottle of non-alcoholic wine, while another mowed the exhausted couple’s yard.

Karina and her husband were so touched by the random acts of kindness. They wanted to pass kindness on, but weren’t sure how until a recent road trip. While in a store in Massachusetts, they came across a “Giving Plate”.  Karina purchased it, not knowing what she would do with it, or who she would give it to.

Photo courtesy of Karina Bricci

Photo courtesy of Karina Brasil Riccitelli

Back home, Karina thought on how and what she wanted to do with the platter. She knew she wanted to give it to someone she didn’t know yet. She decided not to do sweets, as often times sweets go to the children in a family, or people may be diabetic. She also thought the platter should be gluten-free. She mentioned the platter to a good friend, Debra Cabral, and asked for her advice. Debra owns a coffee shop in a nearby town, and offered to do a cheese and meat plate for Karina at no charge. “That way, we could give it to anyone, as everyone loves cheese and meat”, Karina says.

Photo courtesy of Debora Caberal

Photo courtesy of Debora Caberal

She dropped off the platter, put the twins down for a nap, and at 3:00 picked the platter back up. The result was a beautiful spread.

“But I still wasn’t sure who to give it to”, Karina added.

Karina enclosed a card to go with the Giving Plate. She didn’t want the recipient family to feel pressured to pass the platter on by a certain date. Adding that stress would take away from the joy. She hopes that if and when the platter is passed on, that the family will write their name and date on the bottom of the plate so there will be a record of where the platter has been. Her only stipulation is in the hopes that the plate stay in town.

The family decided to go to a house that they often drive past on their way home. The homeowners decorate for every holiday, and their decorations always make the Brasil Riccitelli family smile.

They drove to the house, knocked on the door, and crossed their fingers that someone was at home. The homeowner’s grandfather answered the door, and was greatly surprised. Karina left it anonymously, but later the recipient reached out with a heartfelt thank you on the Facebook group page. Karina added that it is nice to know who the platter is from. It’s nice to connect, and these days, it’s often hard for adults to meet and connect with neighbors. Many comments followed on the very heartwarming post.

”A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle.” -James Keller


Karina says as long as the platter is moving, it doesn’t matter how long it takes or where it goes, and that even if it is never passed on, “it’s serving its purpose. They will see it and remember.”

There are “Giving Plates” available on Amazon and other places, but really this idea could be done with any plate or platter. The love is not in the plate!

What I like best about this idea is the act of doing something kind, for someone you may not know at all, with no expectation of anything in return. That’s the best kind of gift we can give. It makes this big, crazy world a little bit kinder, a little bit gentler…a reminder to be thankful.


Leave me a comment so I know you stopped by…perhaps share a time when you’ve had someone do a random act of kindness that made your day. Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Until Next Time…

Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  1. Mlarlene Capelle says:

    It’s fun to find something I think someone I know would like and give it to her/him for no reason.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Marlene, I agree! And I have been the receipient of surprises from my sweet friends. When I see them, it makes me smile every time. My vintage camper has lots of little goodies from various friends- one of the reasons I love to be in it. I feel so loved! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Mary Rauch says:

    What a super-duper idea! I wish my brain thought of things like this. Now that you have nudged me, maybe I can pass along some smiles to others in MY area?
    Thank you.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary, Isn’t it an awesome idea? And kudos to Karina, who did this in my area while being a mom to THREE little ones! I give her a lot of credit! Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Connie says:

    So sweet, you always write such sweet stories.
    Hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

  4. Marilyn says:

    When my late mother was in the hospital, our neighbor drove us to the hospital.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marilyn, what a wonderful gesture that you remember in a such a trying time. Lovely. Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you for sharing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Bonnie B says:

    I had tears reading this lovely story! My husband and I had moved to a new area and I had met a few people. Unfortunately he was involved in a car accident and taken to the local hospital, but then life flighted to a large hospital in a major city. I had no idea how to get there (before GPS). I called a woman I had visited with a couple times and asked her for directions. She told me to get to her house and she would take me. What a blessing she was – and we remain friends to this day!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Bonnie, Wow! What a story…what a wonderful person your friend is, and I love how you ended up long time friends. I hope your husband was okay after that car accident! Scary story but a lovely ending.

      I am so glad you enjoyed this post. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Reba says:

    One of our most memorable times of giving and FUN Thanksgivings (2000) was when my brother, a Marine Corp Veteran through and through (so that means moving alot!), moved to TN to the very house that my father grew up in. My husband and I visited and cooked our BIG Thanksgiving dinner! On the evening before Thanksgiving, we loaded up fruit baskets and went up and down the road that my father had lived on as a boy. His son, just about 10 years old at that time, would hop out and run to take the baskets up to the house and leave them on the doorstep! We would laugh as we drove off, seeing the puzzled looks on the faces, as the people would come out and look at the fruit basket! No name or any indication of who left the basket was on it!!! Fast forward to 2017…I moved to the same area! My brother has since passed away. And my nephew is now grown, a minister, and has a family. He came at the holidays last year to stay with me. We visited a lady (next door) that was one of the recipients of the baskets, now a widow. She remembered the basket and said “I never knew who gave it…but I ate it all!!” And now, she loves us…as we are a close family friend!! We still have so many laughs from this time of giving!! I wish we would do it more!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Reba, your story is beautiful. You brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful, wonderful holiday memory. Thank you so very much for sharing it. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Sandi King says:

    It is surprising that you would have this type of post when I had just recently gave a “giving plate” to my friend. It was given to me as a gift still in the box and had a recipe and ingredients to make sugar cookies for whoever I gave it to. I thought of my friend who has been so wonderful to us and made the cookies and passed it on to her. She as yet hasn’t passed it on. I will hint to her that it doesn’t have to be sweets, or even food for that matter. I love the idea and I have in the past made a food dish and gave the dish itself along with the food to people I care about. I also try to find gifts that are something the person will need or like really well. With Thanksgiving and Christmas close, this is my favorite time of the year. Thanks for posting, Nicole.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandi, Thank you! How interesting your platter came with a recipe! There are so many ways one could pass the platter on…with fruit, teas…the ideas are endless. I love the idea of a dish as a gift itself. I have both been the hostess/recipient and the guest/giver. It makes for a lovely, thoughtful gift and doesn’t have to cost a lot! Thank you for reading and commenting. Happiest of Holidays to you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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