With Thanks…

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]

Now is the time around the United States that folks focus on what they are grateful for – a time to give thanks for who we are, what we’ve been given and those who make our lives worthwhile. Yes, for me, you are all included…

Your responses to my last post were so inspiring – so full of heartfelt warmth, advice and good wishes, as well as full of practical suggestions. I read and “listened” to each and every one of them. Thank you.

Please, take a moment over the next week, no matter who or where you are, to shout out (or whisper) a big “THANK YOU” for your life, and all that’s in it. Blessings are easily recognized when they feel good, but they often come in the form of hardship – in the form of lessons learned through difficult experiences. Gratitude encompases both.

So, here are a few of the things that mean the most to me, and for those, I am grateful:

…three sets of work gloves, cowboy hats and mittens in the mudrooom (not including mine)…

…two sets of wonderful bright little eyes that watch my EVERY move (with mixed results!); here, they’ve labeled each other as “varmits”…

…a big wet nose and brown eyes that are full of mischief, but so darn cute!…

…living on and walking down the same road that three generations of my family have lived on and walked down…

…the time and space to knit and just quietly “be” sometimes…


…the old farmers whose minds have forgotten more than I will ever know…


…the sheep who teach me that, truly, everything has a season, and life is fleeting…

…the rescue paint horses, Shunka and Kate, that reward my gentleness with loyalty and clear-eyed fun…

And, finally, thank you, world, for the second chances, for the first experiences, for the heart-wrenching times that teach compassion and for times that require daring action and teach the value of DOING. Thank you for the companionship of friends, the steadiness of family and the peacefulness of home.

From my heart and farm to yours…

Thank you, and wishing you much love and abundance during this harvest season, wherever you are.

XOXO, Libbie

  1. We all have so much to be thankful for at this time of year and we all need to remember that. I’m so thankful for my family, for having a home, food to eat and the ability to cope with my daily medical problems. Life is good.


    Barbara, I agree. Life IS good. xoxo, Libbie

  2. Debbie says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to your and yours Libbie!!! YOU know what counts!
    Farmgirl hugs,
    Deb ( your mjfBeach blogging sister )


    Thank you so much, Deb, for the good wishes and the confidence! Much love to you, as well. xoxo, Libbie 

  3. drMolly says:

    A lovely list of "to be thankfor fors".
    I have so many things that I can’t list them all, but never-the-less I know what they are and I am so thankful!
    Good on you for all of your wonderfulness.


    Thank you so very much! Many hugs and much love, xoxo, Libbie

  4. Suzanne says:

    What a wonderful time of the year, to reflect on life and the things and people in our lives that God has blessed us with. I enjoyed reading about your blessings and the many things you have to be Thankful for. I am Thankful for my four children (each one so unique and amazing) and my husband who never seems to stop. I am thankful–grateful to God for sending two special people to my family. Both in the medical field. One my oldest son has to see every three months and the other my family see almost weekly and she has become one of my dearest friends. I am thankful for a friend I never get to see because we live too far apart—-but she knows my heart. The list goes on and on….
    Thank you for jumpstarting my thoughts. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!


    I loved reading your list – it made me think of all of those people that I’m grateful to in the medical field, as well. My oldest son has to see a team of cardiologists regularly and WOW, these people are wonderful. Thank YOU for helping me add them to my gratitude journal… xoxo, Libbie

  5. Esther Decker says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, Libbie. I especially thankful for my good health and the wonderful place I have to live, for my husband of over 30 years, my children and their children, for good friends without whom my life would be dull. I’m thankful for my sister and her children and their children. Mostly I’m thankful for my Heavenly Father and His Son.

    God Bless you and yours.


    Esther, thank you for sharing your "list" with me. Blessings to you, and much love, xoxo, Libbie

  6. meredith says:

    Blessings Libbie! I was most touched by your first photo of the gloves and cowboy hats- you are so right! Thanks for the reminder- you are a blessing to me!


    The sight of those gloves and hats is a constant reminder of the WHOs in my life that come before the WHATs in my life. Much love, xoxo, Libbie

  7. Justine says:

    Libbie: Beautiful post and thank you for sharing. Truly enjoyed the pictures as well. There are so many small and simple things to be grateful for hiding amongst the crack and crevices of our lives. May we be fortune enough to sit quietly and observe for a moment the many blessings we have to be grateful for. And may we do this frequently. You know it has been shown that a grateful heart creates a happier person. Any one working on a badge? This would be the perfect time to start that gratitude journal. Sending you warm wishes and lots of love. Justine


    Justine, after reading your lovely words, I’ve started that gratitude journal with my long list. And I’m keeping it going – for the Sisterhood badge AND for myself. Sending those warm wishes and love right back at ya’! xoxo, Libbie 

  8. Brenda Caster says:

    My most thankful thing this year is hopefulness. In spite of all the bad stuff going on around us, I am FULL of Hope. I feel like the world I know is getting back to real. And the best part of my life is just beginning. I love my farmgirl friends, even though I don’t know you, because I know we would find much to bind our hearts.


    There is something so very true about hope "springing eternal." Here’s to looking toward a WORLD of possibilities! xoxo, Libbie

  9. Aunt Jenny says:

    Loved your post Libbie! I sure miss you!
    Evelyn sure turned out pretty. Doesn’t really look much like Mona at all..isn’t that weird..but they are both such pretty cows. We are lucky farmgirls!
    Your boys are growing up so much!
    You have a great week.
    Love, Jenny


    Oh, Jenny – I sure miss you too. How can it be that we live so close and still see each other so very little? We’ll have to change that, huh? It’s way interesting that Evie and Mona look so different – and you’re right – they’re both just darling!!! Much love, xoxo, Libbie

  10. Shery says:

    Well said!! Especially the last paragraph…a prayer for everyday all year long. Thank you for providing the words for me to pray it myself :o)


    I am honored. Thank YOU. xoxo, Libbie 

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