Happy Holidays!!!

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]


Happiest of Holidays, my farmgirl friends!!!


It’s finally winter!!! Can you even believe that this week is Christmas (and includes many other Hoildays, too!)? Come on in, and see what’s going on around the farm and farmhouse. Oh, I love this season – it makes me think back on days and years past with such love and warmth. Put on the kettle, grab a gingersnap or two (okay, or five), sit down and let’s chat…

The days are short, the nights are cold, and the fire burns bright. Right now, I can see some very wooly sheep grazing across the street, and I’m glad that I’m looking at them through a warm, new storm door (thanks, Mom and Dad!!!). On these gray winter days, I’m glad for whatever light there is outside and am always a culprit of having the front wood door open and the fire buring full force – it’s a bit of luxury I allow myself in winter. Since we heat with wood mostly – we have a gas furnace, but we set it at 59 degrees F and it comes on only in the middle of the night – I figure that it’s affordable this year – my husband was a wood-gatherer-and-stacker extrordinaire this summer. What a pleasure!

Around here, the farmhouse is buzzing with activity…

Trees are being decorated…

Holiday cards are being written…

Santa is watching all of the action from the front door…

Cats are trying to be part of the action…

And…GROWN MEN are being “coerced” into playing with Legos.

You KNOW it’s a good time when the little ones are bored with the Legos, but the uncle and the father? still going strong!

Now, there is plenty of action in the kitchen, too. Breads are being baked, cookies are “happening,” and there will be the requisite holiday lamb dinner sometime soon. Now, we raise lambs, so we don’t have a Christmas goose or the like, it’s lamb, and I love it. More holiday food traditions from around here? Salmon mousse (YUM!), rum cakes (DOUBLE YUM!), gingerbread cookies shaped like gnomes, licorice allsorts, Haribo gummy bears, hot chocolate with little candy canes for “stirrers,” – oh, there are so many! I forgot – the orange rolled cookies that aren’t “cooked” – what are those called? OH, the holiday kitchen is wonderful!

Since we celebrate the holidays between our home, my parents’ home and my in-laws’ home, we draw out the festivities for a few days, and it’s lots of fun. On my side, we have a more traditional Christmas Eve/Day celebration, and we go there after the festivities on my husband’s side. His family has a raucous and fun Christmas Eve party with something like 35 cousins for my little boys to play with in attendance.

AND, for an additional upcoming night of fun, have you considered a “return of the light” Winter Solstice celebration? I think this year, we’ll invite a few friends over, have a big bonfire, fix up some glogg and enjoy the full moon that night. And just think, from then on, until the Summer Solstice, each day will be a little longer than the one before it. It’s in this midst of winter that I can hardly remember what it was like to be warm, outside in the soft evening sunglow at NINE O’CLOCK in the EVENING!!! Ahhhh… the days. Really, however, I DO also love these cold dark-early evenings. They are perfect for reading to little ones, knitting and just chatting by the woodstove.

How I hope your holiday season holds peace, love and much joy.

Farmgirl hugs…


  1. Carol Ann says:

    What a pleasure to enjoy a dream I have always had through your articles. You are a blessing and I pray that you and your family have a blessed Christmas. Thanks again for taking the time to share you experiences with us.

  2. Kate says:

    It all sounds wonderful around your place Libby….always look forward to hearing your stories. I can remember my brother in laws playing with the Legos many moons ago! I have a fire going as well, although here in Texas…not too cold yet! But, always nice to have one going with the Christmas tree lit and the baking in the oven! You have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  3. Jennifer says:

    Merry Christmas Libbie to you and yours!!!

  4. Tammie says:

    Merry Christmas Libby and all farmgirl friends!!!
    Happy Holidays to each and every one of you that celebrate in your own way!!!
    Libby you make me want to come pull up a seat by the wood stove and talk with ya while we (you knit, I’ll have to crochete.) enjoy the warmth from the fire, visiting and starting next year’s christmas gifts so as to prolong the season.

  5. Sue Sue says:

    I so enjoy your blog. We to have our Christmas traditions.
    This year we also added to our list a 4 generation picture, you see our first grandchild was born October 21st. My mom is 86 yrs old, so we took a picture with her, my daughter, new granddaughter (Morgan Jane) and me. Such a wonderful and blessed Christmas.

  6. Sue Sue says:

    I so enjoy your blog. We to have our Christmas traditions.
    This year we also added to our list a 4 generation picture, you see our first grandchild was born October 21st. My mom is 86 yrs old, so we took a picture with her, my daughter, new granddaughter (Morgan Jane) and me. Such a wonderful and blessed Christmas.

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