Why I Like My Life, or…

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]

…Counting my blessings and implementing the “Attitude of Gratitude.” After not being able to wait until October to read the October/November issue of MaryJanesFarm, I am, right away, going to begin acknowledging (in a bigger way) the blessings and sheer miracles that already abound in my life. I would like to share them with you, and hopefully help to inspire farmgirls everywhere, in every situation, to find one — just ONE — thing that you are thankful for (from that last stick of Doublemint gum to our very lives) and just take a moment to say a quiet (or loud, if it’s your style!), “thank you,” to the Universe for all that we DO have.

After thinking about what I truly love and am thankful for, I went around the farm with a camera in hand, hoping to document to both you and to myself some of the wonders of my world. And with that introduction, here they are:

1. I love that I live in a town where a wonderful package can be addressed like this, and it still ends up right in my Post Office box. I love how small towns are still personal. It’s nice to know that the person who puts my mail in its box KNOWS me and knows where I live, and can give personal attention where it’s needed. It’s wonderful.

2. I am So thankful for feet like these! I have four of these muddy, darling little (getting bigger!) feet running all over the place around here — inside, outside, upside-down… Heaven. Truly, it’s a form of Heaven…

3. How could a mother not just be in awe of letters like these. Some how they just make my heart and soul sing…

4. And, just look at my boys, ALL of them, and a friend of William’s (far right) out in the pasture. I am so happy that my dear spouse takes time to do things like riding, hiking and, in particular, playing a sort of wrestling-type game called “rustle and tussle” with the boys. It’s all beautiful to see.

5. And another wonder of our world, I’d like to introduce you to the “carrot cannon”. In our case, it’s a parsnip (can you see the end of it sticking out of the hose?), but just the same… It’s where they stick a root vegetable of some sort down the hose, and, with one boy at the faucet and one at the end of the hose, they turn on the water and “blast” the vegetable out of the hose. It really IS fun to watch – and they LOVE doing it. I think this went on for at least two hours straight the other afternoon.

6. And yet again, The Boys… I’ve noticed that, while intending to focus on all of the things that I am grateful for, what I ended up with was a camera-full of photos of my boys. Maybe it’s not an accident. I love them so very much.

So, tell me, what wonders inhabit YOUR world?

  1. Denise says:

    Seeing your boys is a blessing. Love lists and you have me thinking of all the wonderful blessings…fall lettuce, beautiful leaves turning color, my son, my husband, oh the list could continue..

  2. a young girl says:

    I am thankful for my husband . I am so happy he wants to start farming. and Iam thankful that we are young and have our whole life ahead of us. and I am thankful for people like Mrs. Libbie and Mary Janes farm that help us to move closer to our farming dreams.

  3. I have so much to be thankful for, My Charlie and I are retired, we have 4 Children between us and each have one in heaven. We love to travel and do things together. We like to garden and fish and just being together. Our health is pretty good now and we thank the good Lord for that. Our little world is wonderful and we do enjoy it a lot. Thank You Lord above. Hugs Juanita

  4. Children of any age always bring a glow of warmth to a mother’s heart. And now I can add GRANDchildren to that! I spent the entire day yesterday (9 1/2 long, tiring and I-wouldn’t-change-a-minute-for-the-world hours) taking care of my one-year-old granddaughter. I am so grateful for family. I also am grateful for the love and friendship of my hubby and best friend Bruce. Life is fun – and funny – with him! We are healthy, happy, and very lucky. Life is good. And thank you, Libby, for reminding us to count our blessings. You have a precious family too! Hugs, Cathy

  5. I do so enjoy your blog. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband, daughter and son-in-law. We are about to begin a new journey in our life too. Our little granddaughter, Morgan, is due in 4 weeks and we can hardly wait. She is our first grandchild, my husband is retiring in April and we will have been married 40 years in March. Sooo much to be thankful for. You have a lovely family and your blog just gives me that boost, that sometimes we all need. Thank You.

  6. Debbie says:

    This is such a sweet post and so needed… Why is it we all too often need " reminding" to count our blessings? Well, we could go on forever about that. You asked what wonders inhabit OUR WORLDS…My wonders are my family! What serendipity that just last week I wrote a poem titled WONDER.

    It’s about two of my wonders who were once small, full of " it " and spent their fair share of time covered in mud just like yours! Our wonders are now a teen-aged boy and girl…I was thinking about how fast the " wonder " years passed with our children and this poem just popped into my head!


    Where will you go?
    Who will you be?

    It wasn’t so long ago,
    you were only up to my knee,

    In just a short time,
    you’ll be free
    to wander the world,
    and see what you want to see.

    But, I’ll never forget
    the wonder of you
    when you were small,
    just turning two

    You were always with me
    safe and sound,
    ready for another game of peak- a-boo!

    The smell of your hair,
    the feel of your skin
    That smile of yours,
    my heart you did win.

    Where will you go?
    Who will you be?

    You’ll always be a wonder to me.

    Life is full of " wonders " large and small but nothing compares to little wonders. Well, o.k. BIG wonders are right up there too!

    Thanks Libbie for another great post! Your wonders are adorable!

  7. Megan says:

    I am so thankful for my four beautiful boys too!! Thank you for sharing and reminding us to be thankful!

  8. Hi Libbie,
    Another great post … both ‘gratitude’ and ‘kindness’ are my focus words (and maybe ‘acceptance’ too) and I try to be mindful of them every day. Loved to see and read about your blessings … many thanks. Was in a little shop yesterday and saw a coffee mug with these words: "Peace — it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart." I love that, and when I am in that sort of place, I find it is easy to have gratitude for ‘most everything! Thanks again …

  9. Barb says:

    As I read the most recent issue of MaryJanesFarm …. I was reminded about a Gratitude Journal that I faithfully wrote in for years. What would I write today? I am grateful for the sweet flavor of pears, beautiful ripe tomatoes and the crisp fall mornings. As usual I loved your post! Debbie writes (in blog) about “serendipity” ……… It was total serendipity this summer when I found myself in your driveway and you so very graciously introduced me to “some of the wonders” of your world! You do indeed have a delightful family, lovely neighbors and a home with such warmth. When I read your post it puts a smile in my heart. I am grateful for people like you and serendipity!

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