Howdy, There!

[Previous Rural Farmgirl, June 2010 – January 2012]
Hi, there, old farmgirl friends and new! Since this is my first blog post, I thought I’d introduce you to a few of the fixtures on the farm – the things that I love and see daily (at least!). There will be more as we go, of course, but here’s a little introduction to who I am, and where and how I live…

First off, there’s me. I’m a 38-year-old farmgirl, mother, farmwife, writer and lover of all things good.I moved to this small Utah town almost 12 years ago – and it’s been such a wonderful thing for me. I live on a really old family farm, in an old family farmhouse. If you want to know more about my home and my relationship with it, please go to and click on “She’s a Keeper” in the “Past Listings” category. I love my family, home and farm, and I hope to share with you what I learn and experience here.
 Muddy Boys!
Next, please – meet my two little boys, William and Arthur. William is on the left and Arthur (with the ahem…still…ever-present pacifier, affectionately named “Mimi”) is on the right. Will is 6, and Art is 3 – I have never had such fun in my life as I have with these two. They’re so full of energy, love, sunshiny smiles – and their own fair share of mischief. These loves of my life are absolutely full of spirit – here they are yesterday, hand-forming “clay” pots out of deep field soil – which really IS pretty much just clay. The pots were subsequently thrown on the ground “just to see if they would break.” They did. These two are “outside” children, and they are both so proud to be “farmboys.” In fact, that’s what Will says he is when people ask him what he likes to do. I love it. They just headed outside this morning to play sticks and rocks (I’m not kidding). Have you noticed that no matter how many “toys” kids have, they somehow gravitate toward dirt, water, sticks and rocks?
 Ahhhhhh....the whitest whites
The next currently prominent “fixture” in my life (aside from my husband, whom you’ll meet later) is the clothesline – yes, it certainly is a constant now that summer has officially “turned on” down here, complete with watering fields with dirt ditches, two little boys and a farmstead. It’s been here forever – or at least 75 years. It’s a four-stringer on metal “T” posts – a kind I would HIGHLY recommend. I always love hanging the whites the best – they somehow just are more satisfying. I find that it’s a very nice meditation time – I’m doing something fairly mindless, hanging, while keeping my body busy. It’s one way a busy farm mama can take a “break” while not wasting time!
 Evelynn...the loverly milk cow
The next farm character I want you to meet is Evelynn, my Jersey milk cow. I’ve had her for 2 years now, and I have to say it’s been a love story the whole time. She’s just beautiful, and calm, and kind. But really, what would you expect from the daughter of another farmgirl’s cow (thanks, Aunt Jenny!!!). I just started milking her in December, and she faithfully gives us our daily dose of dairy while keeping me spot-on schedule with milking. At around 4pm every day, I can depend on her to announce to me that it’s milking time if I happen to have gotten a little too busy and lost track of time. She’s just a wonderful addition to our farm…
Farewell for now, my farmgirl friends, and I can’t wait to do more “introduction” and share more of my farmgirl-on-the-farm experiences with you, and to hear what you have to say about it all. So please… join me on the farm – grab a cold drink (it IS summer, after all!), pull up a chair and check out what’s going on!

  1. Kate says:

    It was so nice to see your introduction letter and pictures.
    You have a way with words and your place sounds beautiful. I can imagine the weather is cooler there as well! I live in a small town in Central Texas and it is pretty hot here in the summers. Fans always on in the barn, even at night! We have 5 horses, 3 dogs and two cats. Will look forward to hearing more from you and seeing those wonderful pictures!

  2. Thanks for the great introduction and pictures.. Glad you are here. Can’t wait for more.

    Small time farmers are the way of the future.

  3. Cora says:

    Welcome Libby, It was great to read your blog. I am always so thankful when I see young parents teach their children the importance of farm life and family.

    I have two grandsons, age 4 and 2 who come to our 3 acre spread regularly. Poppy and I try to teach them about nature and let them "help" with gardening, etc.

    I grew up one of twelve in Ky and was taught a lot at an early age regarding gardening, housekeeping, sewing, etc. It is something I am very thankful for.

    Keep up the good writing. I very much enjoyed it.

  4. Kate Talley says:

    Libbie, My-More-Than-Sister!
    Your intro was just lovely and the photos were great. I miss you so much my heart hurts. Give those sweet farmboys a love from me and be watching your post…until we can see each other in person! Love you

  5. Debbie Bird says:

    Hi Libbie, I love you blog. I am a 52 and just not starting life anew. I have 15 acres of mountain meadows, trees and streams with a bunch of run down buildings including a 100 year old barn. I can see forever from my kitchen window. Now I just have to figure where to get started. I raised two boys and a daughter. Those years you have ahead of you are blessed as hard as it can be at times it is all worth it. God Bless you and yours. I look forward to reading and knowing you more. Sister #1700 Deb

  6. Rene Foust says:

    Your life sounds so wonderful! Some day!

  7. Kim says:

    Libbie, so nice to meet you! I am new here to MaryJanes Farm and am loving it! Nice to talk to other women who are of kindred spirit. I am 52(geeez I don;t feel that old) and live on a small ranch in the middle of the desert in New Mexico. I have 4 horses, 15 hens, 3 dogs, 9 cats, a snake, afish and a turtle named Broadway from New York City.(soon to own miniature donkeys.. woo hoo!) I garden and recycle things into crafts, in fact my family teases me about not dying anywhere close or Kim will make something out of you! hahaha. I am not that bad,,, but close. Thanks for all your blogging., I love it!

  8. GRACEE says:


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