Every Kind Of Book!




I love books.  Every kind of book.  I can read just about anything.  Sometimes the pile of books next to my bed are so varied that you would laugh to look at them.  I don’t like to read a book from my electronic devices… I like to hold a book in my hand and turn the pages.  I also love sharing my favorite books.




For a long time now I’ve been wanting my husband to build a Little Free Library that we could put by the entrance into our farm.   Have you heard about the Little Free Library?  It is such a great organization.  It basically consists of a fun little wooden box placed at a busy spot where people can help themselves to a free book.  The philosophy is to “take a book, leave a book”.  Typically our farm entrance would not be a busy spot that would attract traffic; however, because we park our flower stand there during the summer for our flower business, we have cars pulling in and out all day in the summertime.  I felt like a Little Free Library would be such a fun addition to that spot!




There are plans everywhere on internet to build your own library but my husband wanted to fashion it to look something like our farmhouse!  He drew up some plans and got started.




Because it sits out in the weather with books inside, it really has to be waterproofed.  So it has a nice plexiglass door that is sealed so that water can’t get inside and also the cutest little water tight metal roof!  I just love it.




We got it situated at the roadside and I love looking at it every time I drive into our farm!




My daughter and her little girls brought some of their fun books, I pulled out some of my books that I was willing to part with and even purchased a few of my favorites to share with others and we stocked our little library right up!




The greatest thing about the Little Free Library Organization is that after you’ve built your library and have it ready to go, you can register it on their website.  After you pay your fee (about $50) you will receive your own charter number for your library and the location is then placed on an interactive map where people can find it!  I love traveling places and searching the map for the the Little Free Libraries in the area.




We placed a guest book in our library and my little grand-girls love checking it every few days to see if anyone has signed it!  They get so excited when there’s a new entry!




I really felt like a Little Free Library would bring me so much joy and it has!  I just love seeing people stopping to look at the books and to help themselves to one.  We’ve also had so many people leave books and I’ve loved seeing what is shared!  And borrowing a few myself!




This is what the Little Free Library Organization has to say:  “Our mission is to inspire a love of reading, build community, and spark creativity by fostering neighborhood book exchanges around the world”.  I love that.  I also love that I get to be a part of this mission by being a steward to my own free library!




If you’ve never checked out a Little Free Library in your area it’s time that you did!!!  Go to their website by clicking here and enter your zip code in the interactive map.  It will bring up the Little Free Libraries closest to you!  Make sure to visit and take a few books to donate! And if there’s a guest book… sign it!!!  The Steward of the library might be little girls that are just dying to see who has left them a note!


What are you reading these days Farmgirl friends? Please share in the comment below!  I always love hearing what people are reading!


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.




  1. Rebecca M. says:

    I love the Little Free Library! And yours is so cute. The town I live in put out several of these at various places and they seem to generate a lot of traffic. I love reading and like you, I usually have a varied group of books by my chair. And I’m also known to have more than one book started at any time. When I finish a book or two, I make it a point to drop them off at one of the little libraries. I can only imagine what my life would have been like if I had had one of these close to where I lived growing up. I was an early reader but didn’t have easy access to new books, so I loved the school library and Bookmobiles.

  2. Lori Fresina says:

    there’s one in my town and didn’t even know it. going to go tomorrow!

  3. Kim Rice says:

    What a wonderful idea! And i had no idea there was one almost right in my backyard! I will stop by and donate a few books tomorrow . I am always impressed but never surprised by your commitment to community and humanity. You are just a “giver” by nature Dori. Each blog post i read on Farmgirlbloggers always brings me back to center. In one way or another. Keep it up!!!

  4. Bonnie McKee says:

    Hi Dori
    I love your Little Free Library!
    I just finished reading “Grandma Gatewood’s Walk” and have started “The Great Alone”.
    The story about Grandma Gatewood is a true story about a 67 year old woman who hiked the Appalachian Trail, in 1955. This is truly an inspiring story!
    Happy reading everyone!

  5. I just finished re-reading REDEEMING LOVE by Francine Rivers. It fills my heart every time I read it ❤️

  6. Mary Frances Rauch says:

    Five stars to your husband, and you, for doing this! I admire folks like you and am recommitted to do similar, but different projects near my home. Yesterday was Flag Day and your post made me think of how important efforts like this are.

  7. Deborah Apodaca says:

    Oh what a pleasant surprise to see your little library. I Want one so bad .
    I love it tell your husband he did a wonderful job. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Marilyn says:

    What a great idea. I was not aware of the Little free Library. I just finished the trio of Marie Osmond’s books. No w I started “Listening Valley” by D.E. Stevenson. It is very enjoyable. I will have to see if there is any near my neighborhood.Thank You for this information.

  9. carrie says:

    Love this! I was surprised with an LFL for Christmas, and we had a grand opening in May. I love visiting other LFL’s, and am so happy to be a steward of a box in our small Iowa town. Happy reading and book swapping!

  10. Kate Donahue says:

    Thanks so much for sharing your story. I also love the free little libraries we see around the Central Oregon area and hope to put one at the front of our farm too! I also appreciate knowing a bit more about the organization… very cool! As far as reading? I’ve got Mindy Kaling’s “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns)… it’s funny and honest. Just happened to pick it up. Cheers Dori! Kate Donahue
    Midnight Sky Farm of Tumalo, Bend, OR

  11. Bonnie B says:

    I had known about the Little Free Library and am sure you will continue to enjoy having made one. It was such a great idea from whomever started it! I am re-reading Susan Branch’s Fairytale Girl, Martha’s Vinyard, Isle of Dreams, and A Fine Romance. Loved them the first time around and I notice lots of things I missed this time. True stories of her life and travels, hand written and filled with pictures and her own illustrations. I think you would enjoy them.

  12. Joan says:

    I’ve heard about ‘ sharing libraries ‘ but didn’t know there is an organization for them. I will now look them up although I live in a coveted area. Yes your husband did a bang on job with yours!! I haven’t read anything for a few months, well except for MJF. Thanks for your great blog. God bless.

  13. Randee says:

    What a cute idea! Your husband did a great job and I can see I’ve read some of the books you have in your little library. Wish I could do the same but there’s only 3 families on our Lane … so there would be hardly any traffic. I am reading “The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry” by Rachel Joyce. I’ve never read a book like it. The reviews on amazon were very good. If you like different kinds of books look this one up and see if it interests you–it did me!

  14. Sheryl says:

    Such a cute idea! I live out in the country and don’t think my Texas friends would know what the little box would be if I had one, but I love it! ❤️ Glad you have folks that can enjoy!

  15. Lisa Button says:

    What a sweet idea! I LOVE this and may have to steal your idea. 🙂

  16. Deb Bosworth says:

    Hi Dori!
    This is such a great addition to your farm and what a wonderful organization. Thank you for sharing! We have a library box at the entrance of our beach road that leads to our beach community which we all enjoy, however, it’s not part of a larger organization like The Little Free Library. Love that the grand girls are so involved!
    Happy Summer!!!

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