A Give-Away To Celebrate MaryJanesFarm


(sorry to be posting later than promised, but I couldn’t access the website earlier.)

Julia says: Mary Jane has inspired me so much throughout the years! Her make do with what you can attitude and tips have helped me become even more resourceful!
email me your mailing address at rebekah@maryjanesfarm.com


I know I’ve gushed about MaryJane Butters many, many times through-out the many, many years I’ve been here. I know I go all fan-girl when I talk about MaryJane. She is the original, the authentic, the one and only. Many moons ago when I discovered her writings, she changed my world, rocked my view, made my head explode with inspiration. (I thought, “I want ME some of THAT!”) Many moons later, she still does. Constantly.

Now it is time for you to fan-girl, to gush.


Leave a comment below about how MaryJane herself, MaryJanesFarm, the Farmgirl movement, or other farmgirls have positively impacted you, and you’ll be entered in a drawing for one of the new MaryJane Butters books. Amazon will ship it straight to your doorstep! You’ve got one week to enter. Only one entry per person.

Have you seen MaryJane’s latest books? As usual, they are full of beautiful photographs and lovely words. And both of these are filled to the brim with mouthwatering recipes.

The first one is MaryJane’s CAST IRON Kitchen.


I LOVE my cast iron pans, though mine are all standard round ones. MaryJane uses many different shapes and sizes of cast iron pans. I’m particularly crushing on the 10″ square cast iron baking pan she uses. swoon.

The recipes are scrumptious. I can’t wait for you to try them. The Mac & Chesse….oh my.

The second one is WILD BREAD Flour + Water + Air.


Friends, make the pretzels first.

Both of these books are so fabulous. They are a lovely read even when you’re not cooking.

So comment below. And come back here on Monday morning, April 16th, to see if you won~! I’ll announce it at the top of this post. Good luck!

Let the Farmgirl fan-girling begin!

Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!

Lots of love, Rebekah, The City Farmgirl in the Country







  1. Deborah Hauser says:

    Thank you for the give away. Mary Jane has inspired me because I can relate to her to a degree. I didn’t grow up learning to can , sew or raise chickens. She has iinspired me to self teach, to teach others and to believe that anything is possible all you have to do is try. I love the camping girls. My husband and I are avid campers! My daughter and her husband just bought their first camper. I loved to cook in cast iron. We do a lot of extended family camping we all get out our cast iron to cook over fires. However only my hubby and his brother have the big 15 inch ones. Mary Jane truly is an inspiration she does so much and is always on the go. People will remember her forever!

  2. Mary Jane’s Farm reintroduced me to life’s “simple pleasures”, pure and simple… Renee Cariglia

  3. Priscilla Thibault says:

    There is such a nostalgia and cheerfulness to Mary Jane’s Farm. I first found a copy years ago randomly at a small grocery store and was thrilled and started buying it regularly afterwards. I love the DIY aspect and the excellent writing and photography.

  4. Debra says:

    I love Mary Jane books!! They are so inspiring!! Makes me want to get up and do so much more!!

  5. Judy says:

    Love Mary Jane, and working on being a FARMGIRL!!!!!

  6. Leeann Embrey says:

    I started my subscription to maryjanefarms a few years ago I fell in love after the first one! Then last year I became a part of the sisterhood! My husband and I are building our own little homestead and Mary Jane gives me inspiration to go back to wholesome way of life. I have got the new Wild Bread Book when it came out and love it! I have been wanting to add the Cast Iron Kitchen for some time. I have told many people about Mary Jane Farms and the wonderful world of sisterhood sisters she has created! MARY JANE FARM has opened my life to a powerful world of inspiration and Healthy living. THANK YOU MARY JANE FARM!!!!

  7. Sally Sprinkle says:

    A stranger gave me a subscription in 2012 and I loved the magazine so much I asked my library to subscribe which they’ve done for about 6 years now. Mary Jane Butters shows me ways enabling me and other women to interact in non-competitive, supportive, ways – and sowing (typo, but true) and showing resilience and creativity in daily life. Women can relate more as individuals to each other, themselves, and to the community thanks to this amazing magazine’s mission. And, the magazine celebrates obliterating gender based doing and making – yes, women can handle hammers and nails and all kinds of “guy” skills that some of us were creatively raised to do in the 60’s without thinking male. female, cis, they, etc. This is a total contrast to most magazines slanted for eating, feeling, and looking better.
    I’m a homemaker, quilter, and a great cook – and continuing to be an individualist at age 67!

  8. Mel Boone says:

    Thank you Mary Jane for everything that you do! In a world that sometimes seems like it’s upside down sometimes, you are a beacon of light.

  9. Jeanine Cadwallader says:

    I get excited when my MaryJanesFarm magazine arrives in my mailbox. I love the beautiful pictures & the incredible stories. I make sure I block out time to just sit and take it all in. It gives me “me time” to get inspired, & get lost in photos of beautiful relaxing places. I get ideas for what to plant in my garden, and creative things I can make. I also enjoy getting to cook & eat healthy wholesome food for myself & family. My family enjoys the food too. I didn’t realize I was such a fan or that I talk about Mary Jane so much until I was with family and saw an old pick up truck that I call a “Mary Jane” truck & my Mother-in-law told me that every time they see a truck they say “There’s Jeanine’s Mary Jane truck”. I would love to add to my Mary Jane book collection. I have a few of her other books & would love to add to it.

  10. mona r. arevalos says:

    I don’t know how, but my cast iron pans seem to multiply on their own. I think I have almost 30 of them. I can make a dish in my pan and someone will make the same dish in their pan and theirs never comes out as beautiful and delicious as mine. everyone should own at least one cast iron pan. it’s something that will be passed down for generations. mary jane, thank you for bringing us so much information that might otherwise be lost to our generation. I love your magazine so much. I, as well as many others, are envious of your lifestyle.

  11. Deb Rowley says:

    I always was a crafty,cooking,sewing,hands in the dirt type girl. It seemed like no one else around me was so I sort of hid my actual self. I discovered Mary Jane and a whole network of women just like me and now I celebrate my hobbies!

  12. Loreta Hazel says:

    I love cooking with cast iron

  13. Michelle says:

    My first introduction to MaryJane was when I had just moved to new town and visited it’s library. I found a large, well worn book with a picture of a lovely lady, with a thick blond braid, sitting on her vintage bicycle. I took the book home and devoured it, with all of it’s kitchen, gardening, and “farmy” charm. I continue to be encouraged by all things MaryJane!

  14. Susan says:

    I really enjoy all the information I read in your newsletter and magazine. I have gotten so much good information and recipes. I read the magazine the day I get it. I look forward to getting your newsletter.

  15. Susan Abernethy says:

    Mary Jane Butters and her magazine came at my hearts longing to live simply, be healthier, happier in my skin, dig my hands in the dirt and be free!!!! She inspired me! I took early retirement from a job that was physically and mentally draining. Received certification for Reflexology, and Herbalists, make homemade soap, salves, oils, and herbal products! My journey started with sustainable living when a friend invited me to a Farmgirl Meeting! A look back in my life, I see so many people that were placed in my life!!!
    Thank you Mary Jane for being one of those!!!
    Susan Abernethy

  16. Pamela deMarrais says:

    MaryJane has been such an inspiration for me, and she has validated me as a woman, reminding me that my skills that have been passed on to me by other generations still bring joy to so many in our generation.

  17. Emily says:

    I love baking bread and I love cooking with my ironware. My husband and I grew up on a farm, left it for corporate careers, and returned four years ago to semi-retire on our own farm. We have been so busy working to build our infrastructure for our farm that I have not seen the magazine, the cookbooks, and have not had the time to read everyone’s blog post here. I see there is a lot I have been missing! The comments have inspired me to subscribe to the magazine. The cookbooks look absolutely wonderful. Thank you everyone for opening my eyes wide to the big, beautiful, wonderful world of being a farm girl!

  18. Irene Shelton says:

    Mary Janes magazine is the only magazine that keeps you informed about issues concerning health and food. On her blog the Giving Back section on Not So Random Acts of Kindness List really made you think how we can make the world a better place. Without her I never would have known about the Farm Girl blogs. I look forward to all of them. The Readers Write section and of course the last page. There are no other magazines that cover everything Mary Janes Farm does. Thank you Mary Jane.

  19. Jennifer MacKinnon says:

    The magazine calms my mind, reminding me to slow down and keep appreciating life, love and the world around me.

  20. Cindy says:

    Not sure if I’m too late for the drawing but I want to answer anyway! I love MaryJanes outpost! It’s because of that idea that I have a camper in our woods out back! Complete with fire pit and old gliders to sit on. I plan on de Iraqi g with some fun stuff this year but it WON’T STOP SNOWING! It is snowing as I type!
    Also, love cast irons. I have my Mom’s old cast iron skillet and my Uncles. LOVE THEM! They make the best cornbread!!!

    Ps. You are an inspiration too! Three dogs…feral cat…horses!!!

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