A Give-Away To Celebrate MaryJanesFarm


(sorry to be posting later than promised, but I couldn’t access the website earlier.)

Julia says: Mary Jane has inspired me so much throughout the years! Her make do with what you can attitude and tips have helped me become even more resourceful!
email me your mailing address at rebekah@maryjanesfarm.com


I know I’ve gushed about MaryJane Butters many, many times through-out the many, many years I’ve been here. I know I go all fan-girl when I talk about MaryJane. She is the original, the authentic, the one and only. Many moons ago when I discovered her writings, she changed my world, rocked my view, made my head explode with inspiration. (I thought, “I want ME some of THAT!”) Many moons later, she still does. Constantly.

Now it is time for you to fan-girl, to gush.


Leave a comment below about how MaryJane herself, MaryJanesFarm, the Farmgirl movement, or other farmgirls have positively impacted you, and you’ll be entered in a drawing for one of the new MaryJane Butters books. Amazon will ship it straight to your doorstep! You’ve got one week to enter. Only one entry per person.

Have you seen MaryJane’s latest books? As usual, they are full of beautiful photographs and lovely words. And both of these are filled to the brim with mouthwatering recipes.

The first one is MaryJane’s CAST IRON Kitchen.


I LOVE my cast iron pans, though mine are all standard round ones. MaryJane uses many different shapes and sizes of cast iron pans. I’m particularly crushing on the 10″ square cast iron baking pan she uses. swoon.

The recipes are scrumptious. I can’t wait for you to try them. The Mac & Chesse….oh my.

The second one is WILD BREAD Flour + Water + Air.


Friends, make the pretzels first.

Both of these books are so fabulous. They are a lovely read even when you’re not cooking.

So comment below. And come back here on Monday morning, April 16th, to see if you won~! I’ll announce it at the top of this post. Good luck!

Let the Farmgirl fan-girling begin!

Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!

Lots of love, Rebekah, The City Farmgirl in the Country







  1. Marilyn says:

    I love MaryJane and I love cast iron, cooking and bread!

  2. kim stehle says:

    I absolutely love the inspiration Mary Jane provides. I loved her outlook on life before I lost my husband (49 years old). Now, I look to her self sufficient attitude as I myself become a self sufficient lady who does live on a farm. In years past, I would call my husband to take care of something (a dead chicken, a misplaced critter(snake) etc). Now that I am forging a new territory, I think of Mary Jane as a young woman forging through snow and brutal winters checking on snow camps and I think to myself, “I got this! I can do this! I AM a self sufficient woman!” Heck, I’ve even taken care of a poisonous snake hanging out on my farm causing problems! As the saying goes, “You go girl….well, I’m a grown girl and man am I going!”.

  3. Patricia says:

    I used to think, “I’m a woman, I can’t do this, or that!” But reading MaryJane’s Farm magazines, and reading her blog, let’s me know that I CAN do things myself. I’m so very thankful for all the inspiration and ideas I get from her. And you too Rebekah! Thanks for this giveaway. I was actually looking at these books on Amazon a couple of days ago. Maybe I will win one!

  4. Ruth Turner says:

    I’ve subscribed to Mary Jane magazine for years, have bought her linens for myself and other family members, and have bought one of her books for my mom for Mother’s Day. Everything has been PHENOMENAL!! My daughter and her husband started a farm in Pilot Mountain, NC so I pass on my magazines to her. She LOVES them and carefully scours each page for new ideas for their farm. Having been raised on a multi-generational farm makes all Mary Jane products near and dear to my heart! I’d LOVE to add this beautiful cookbook to my growing collection of all things Mary Jane! Thank you SO for touching so many hearts and lives through your endeavors! Ruth

  5. Debbie Gravenstein says:

    Hi, I started reading MJF magazine years ago when it first came out. I have a box of articles and pictures, etc. that I have cut out and saved. It is just a wonderful, peaceful, encouraging change to what is out there in our world now. Down to basics, up with friends, joy for the day, and hope. Now I share this with my younger sister who just purchased her first home,,, in the country! She is new to it all and loves it! Has 50+ turkeys, deer, raccoons, skunks, birds galore and peace. She loves your magazine as well. Carry on girls!

  6. Louise Regan says:

    I was raised on a farm, left for 30 years and finally got my own little piece of heaven again. Mary Jane has made being a farm girl cool! Her simple can do attitude opens many doors and provides the confidence to accomplish anything. Thanks Mary Jane!

  7. Cindy T says:

    Call me a fan, a groupie and a full time “Anything Country” stalker! I LOVE my Mary Jane Farm. I give this magazine for birthday gifts, for anyone who is feeling down and just because I love them gifts. Along with a lovey magazine, I include something homemade and something crafty to encourage just a bit more magic as they read. The best medicine out there! My heart swoons at the visual of her new books…The Wild Bread makes my knees weak.

  8. Kimmy C says:

    Through Mary Jane Butters, I found the farmgirl sisterhood. I have enjoyed the commraderie on the boards and participated in some swaps which always have been fun. Thank you!

  9. Amanda says:

    I am a farmgirl. No, really I am! I grew up on a dairy farm, got married and moved to a small farmette and now work with my husband and in-laws on their dairy farm. So I was never far away from this lifestyle. I knew it all. Or did I? After the birth of my second daughter along comes an invitation in the mail to check out a magazine called MaryJanesFarm. I was blown away!!! What this magazine did for me was show me that it’s okay to love to garden, craft, cook or live simply-and found some new ways to do these things. Her magazine came at just the right moment in my life because all those things I mentioned are the things that I’m good at. And, those very things are what my in-laws made fun of me for because they were “time wasters”. I was ready to give it all up if it weren’t for MaryJane. My husband (who, by the way, was on my side in all this!) is always interested in the various projects in the magazine as well. And, he looks forward to eating the cast iron french bread from a Dec/Jan issue years ago. I also got a number of my friends to suscribe as well! Thank you MaryJane and all involved in this wonderful world you’ve made!!!

  10. Debby Carrico says:

    I would love BOTH these books. I LOVE iron skillets and even have a heart-shaped muffin/candy one and I LOVE bread. Your books are hard to get from the library, so please, please, please..Thanks for all you do to support natural living.

  11. Pamela Speers says:

    A million years ago I read an article about MaryJane being the ‘new farm-style Martha Stewart’ and I have been a fan ever since!!!

  12. Renee Schmucker says:

    I have only recently discovered Mary Jane and would be so excited to have one of her books!

  13. Mary Frances Rauch says:

    If my late mother were reading your post, she would smile and tell me to quickly respond to the invitation and try to be a winner of one of these wonderful books. My mother cooked and baked everything appropriate in her iron skillets. Unfortunately, I did not inherit any of her prized “skillet friends”. She said everything was better made in an iron skillet.
    Her iron skillet pineapple upside down cake brought grown men to their knees with appreciation. I sure hope my name is selected.

  14. Cheri b says:

    Live me some cast iron. Love my grandmother’s pants, making bread in them would be amazing

  15. Ruth Ann Smith says:

    Thanks for opportunity to win. I grew up on a farm and so miss the feel of real soil, smells of horse, pig, cow, chickens, etc. But mostly I miss the garden. As a child I was very active in 4-H and had ribbons, State wide clothing style show, etc. Still a farm girl at heart and so enjoy reading Mary Jane’s magazine and following all that post regarding her lifestyle.

  16. jan Bowden says:

    You are such an inspiration. You make me laugh, cry, & feel things I haven’t given much thought. Keep up the good work, I enjoy reading your work!

  17. janet says:

    oh what a generous giveaway….i will keep my fingers crossed…thank you so much…janet

  18. Allison Dey says:

    Mary Jane’s Farm inspired me to create a pantry that really served our family well. I remember the early magazines with the photos of the food packs all lined up in these little crates and I ended up crating a similar system. Even my kids were excited and started cooking up goodies because it was so easy to see and manage. Beyond that, MJF has always been inspiring a farm-style life wherever we’ve lived and with whatever we had available to us whether in a city or in a rural area.

  19. Tia B says:

    :3 Oh,I learned from Maryjanefarm how bring nourishment to my garden with eggshells!

  20. ARLENE Beyer says:

    I was given a copy of your magazine from a neighbor. She said you will love this magazine it is written for you. I read it cover to cover that day and subscribed to the magazine. It has inspired me to be more of a farm girl. I have several of your books and refer to them often. I love to cook in cast iron i would love to own your newest books.

  21. Tracy H says:

    Mary Jane helps me to celebrate cleaner living and eating. I am taking baby steps to eating healthier. I also try and choose a cleaner and recycling life style. I collect recycling at my work and bring it in myself. Every bit helps! Thanks.

  22. kim says:

    Her style is amazing. I love it!

  23. Wendy Lou Schofield says:

    I Love Mary Jane’s Magazine!!! Each new issue is so much fun to look at and to read!!! I have been informed and have learned to buy organic, became creative, and have learned to re~use and re~purpose instead of buying new! Thank you for creating more joy in my life!!! The new books look delightful!!!

  24. Brenda Towsley says:

    When I first read the magazines, they reminded me of my early adult years when I wanted to do everything. Grow things, sew things, make things….There was another magazine at the time that I read called Mother Earth News it was my muse. Then I went from married with 3 young children to a single parent and just worked and took care of my kids…When kids were grown I picked up MaryJanes magazine and remembered what I really wanted to do in my life, it sparked that fire from years back and reminded me I was still able to do these things. RAise chickens, make quilts, canning the list goes on. Hey, it is almost May, time to walk! See you on the trails!

  25. Theresa Shorten says:

    I’ve been newly introduced to the magazine and blog. What a delight to read so many new and useful topics! Thank you for being around in this somewhat crazy age and time. It is so appreciated.

  26. Denise says:

    I really don’t need another cookbook but OH how I love cookbooks! this one looks very interesting and the recipes you mentioned sound very delish. I used to know a lady when I was in my early 20’s and she would talk about going home at night and “reading” her cookbooks. at the time I thought that was so silly but now, I AM THAT LADY! LOL!

  27. Claudia Bell says:

    Some of you may not realize that you can get iron by using an iron skillet for cooking. My husband is low on iron and since he is over 50, should not be taking a vitamin with iron in it. I love baking my own bread, always have. Baking it in an iron skillet would make it wonderfully tasty!

  28. Sarah says:

    Mary Jane has formed so much of my home love and life! I would love to win a copy!

  29. donna says:

    Love Maryjanes magazines, books, crafts, her cows and chickens, her organic food. She shares so much with so many people always a positive message its like pull up a chair , have a cup of tea and a jam biscuit and lets talk it is always relaxing to me

  30. Carol Peterson says:

    Mary-Jane evokes the creative strength of our fore-mothers as they learned to find the best possible for the good and benefit of those dear. I love the beauty, the simplicity, the creativity and healthy lifestyle that she promotes.

  31. Carol Peterson says:

    I love the creative strength that Mary-Jane evokes. She reminds me of our fore-mothers who did the best they could with what they had at hand for those held dear. The beauty, the simplicity, the creativity and healthy choices are an inspiration for we modern women to aspire to.

  32. Elizabeth Hawley says:

    I feel just like you do about MaryJane Butters! Changed my world! I have every magazine of hers except the special issue “Nature Knows Best”with Mountain Rose Herbs
    (I would love to find a copy on eBay someday!)
    I have her MilkCow Kitchen book and am no where near having a cow but loved it! I use cast iron only and can’t believe I haven’t bought this book yet! Love you too and always look forward to “Here’s the thing…” and I’ll make the pretzels first!!

  33. Debbie Norton says:

    The first time i read about Mary Jane I thought she is amazing!!!

  34. Jen in TX says:

    Mary Jane has helped me embrace my inner farm girl, right here in the suburbs. From growing my own herbs to shopping organics at the farmer’s market, she’s led me to make healthy changes for my family and me.

  35. Beth Gilreath says:

    Long- Long ago, I subscribed to dozens of different magazines! That is until I discovered MaryJane’s Farm! It’s become a one and only, due to the connection I feel when it’s in my hand. As a farm girl from the 50’s, raised by depression era parents, it’s both a trip down memory lane and a reminder that times don’t always change as much as one would think. I would love to own either of the cookbooks, but whomever wins will certainly have a great prize. Good luck to all entries.

  36. Jodie says:

    In a world a busy, MJF has reminded me to stay true to my roots and live simply. Is “simple” sometimes more work? You betcha! And I feel all the more alive because of it.

  37. Carolyn Lokken says:

    I love MaryJane’s books and the magazines are a treasure. I read them cover to cover, save and reread them all again during the season they celebrate. I love the practical tips, reuse of materials, down home recipies and clever crafts I want in my farmgirl home.

  38. Mary K. MacTarnaghan says:

    I am thankful for Mary Jane Butters and her books, magazines, emails and website. I never throw an issue away. I am truly inspired by the thoughts, ideas, quotations, recipes and crafts that have been included. Everything is truly wholesome, inspiring and uplifting when so much in our world today is not. I am hoping that my daughter learns to treasure them as much as I do. My Farmbook, Ideabook, Lifebook is a bit worn so I would love one of the new books. I can’t wait to see and try the new recipes!

  39. Penny Sloan says:

    Love Mary Janes farm!!

  40. Penny Sloan says:


  41. Joan says:

    I am very privileged to have ‘met’ Mary Jane and all the fantastic farm girls. I was raised using cast iron, still have a few of them but my stove can’t use that style, made for the old coal oil stove, so I’m now ready to get me a new skillet and get cook’n. Thanks for the chance to be a winner. God bless.

  42. Brisja says:

    MaryJane inspires me to be proud of the fact that I enjoy creating a handmade life. I love to cook, craft, grow a garden, and do needlework. And I love to share these skills with my family and friends. MaryJane celebrates this kind of life, and makes me feel like there are many other confident, capable women out there living life like I do!

  43. Janeen Breyman says:

    I have been following Mary Jane for a number of years. It all started with her magazine, then her products and community. I have a few of her older books, but would love to add either of these new additions.

  44. Sandi King says:

    My first MaryJane’s Farm magazine was the Aug-Sep 2015 issue and I have every issue since then and will keep them always. I put them in binders to keep them in good condition. They are an inspiration every time I look at them. One of my favorites is the one about the treadle sewing machines and another is all about raising chickens; I also wanted to try having a cow in my back yard, but that was stopped in its tracks by my son and the smallness of my backyard. I was inspired to purchase a sheet set from MaryJane’s ad in her magazine and have yet to use it. Saving it for my home as soon as the remodeling is done and I can move in. Hopefully in the next two months that will happen. I have so many ideas from her magazine that I want to try. Nicole, Dori, Rebekah, and Alex, the bloggers, all are so informative and write such interesting blogs and inspire all of us who read them. I am so happy to have the magazines and the blogs. Thank you so much for the chance to win one of these wonderful books.

  45. Vivian Monroe says:

    Oh Yay I would love either one but I really want to get the Bread Book, I love to bake bread, but the bread doesnt love me….Cant wait to see who wins….heres wishing everyone luck.

  46. Margaret Rohn says:

    I discovered Mary Jane’s Farm several years ago. I forget how long it has been but a long time. Also introduced you all to my best friend of over 55 years now. I would love to have one of Mary Jane’s books especial the cast iron cook book so if I don’t win it I am going to put it on my “gifts for Mom” list this year. Thanks for being there for us out here.

  47. Cheryl Tuma says:

    I remember when I first saw a Mary Janes magazine. I’m not sure if was first issue or not but this was before she had any advertising and I felt like I had discovered a very unique jewel. The paper was heavy,pictures and articles were, I was sure ,written just for me. It spoke to me deeply as my roots were farmers and all that involves. I have the cast iron book but would love the bread one as well. If I don’t win I will buy it. I just love her writings!

  48. Margolit Goldstein says:

    Yes, Rebekah, you’re so right, Mary Jane has been an inspiration–to me, so much so, that I now live in a magical woodland in Indiana. It wouldn’t have happened without the inspiration of Mary Jane, her magazine and her books. And glamping, so much fun to wander the countryside in a vintage camper. Mary Jane brought it to life and now it’s becoming a world wide phenomenon! No wonder everyone wants to be a farmgirl. It’s a dream come true for me.

  49. Sharon W says:

    I can still remember when I saw (& purchased of course) my first copy of MaryJanesFarm Magazine at our local grocery store! My husband & I had just started to discuss selling our home in town & purcasing acreage to farm & I knew this magazine was for me. Fast forward: we now own 10 acres that we will begin gardens on this Spring. Hope to sell present home & build a smaller/simpler farm style home ASAP! I love to garden & bake & desire to do more & more DIY/upcycling projects . Each issue of the magazine is an inspiration! Love knowing there are other farmgirls out there (since most of our friends think we are a little crazy)

  50. Mary Pitman says:

    I love reading and seeing the decorations and all that Mary Jane is about! I live in Oklahoma. I love country life, except when having to go to a doctor, 100 miles away!!!! Farmgirls have proven they are resilient, tough, tender and sweet, very talented and hard-working. Life is better for FARMGIRLS!!!!!!!

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