Cabin Fever Meets Spring Fever and a GIVEAWAY


Happy Spring, sisters!

Well, it may be spring by the calendar but Old Man Winter is still hanging on here in New England. In fact, it’s snowing right now. It’s not as severe as the two nor’easter’s we had earlier this month which caused lengthy power outages for many residents, coastal flooding and some pretty devastating beach erosion. This time around it’s nothing but a few harmless flurries mixed with rain leaving just enough snow behind that it’s necessary to shovel the drive and walkways ( what we hope will be ) one last time. Cabin fever set in here a few weeks ago and spring fever is on my snow-covered doorstep.  What’s a farmgirl to do? After so many weeks cooped up inside, cook’n and clean’n, bake’n and boil’n, mix’n and mash’n and fluff’n and fold’n and preparing for storms I was starting to feel a little squirrel-y. I needed a change of scenery so my mom and I headed out for some good old-fashioned window shopping to a nearby Cost Plus World Market. I’m not one to shop just for shopping sake but, I do enjoy a good window shopping outing. There’s no comparison to an in the flesh browsing session vs an online-scrolling session. Online shopping is fine for certain things, but I still love to visit a book store and find a quiet corner to sit down while I thumb through new releases. I like to get a proper fitting for my bra’s ( can I say bra’s here ?) every couple of years and I like to try on clothes at the store so I can change sizes if I need too.

I always have better luck finding something I love when I’m not really looking for anything in particular. Does that happen to you, too?

Turns out, a change of scenery was all I really needed to get me feeling more spring-ish and less sluggish. I found some great birthday cards and gifts which I wasn’t planning on and some bloom’n new table linens I couldn’t resist!


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I fell in love with this pretty botanical print on lightweight cotton. It’s just the perfect color combination for my dining room or I can use it for an outdoor garden brunch or picnic when the weather permits.


I played around with napkin accent ideas using fresh flowers and some seasonal pussy willow for a fun touch of spring. I picked up some flowers at the supermarket but you could also use faux flowers. They’re making a come back! Tie together with a short length of twine and you’re good to go!

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You could also try a cutting of herbs, a sprig of spring-flowering shrubs like forsythia, dogwood or cherry blossom’s. Spring bulbs are a fun choice too. One single tulip, daffodil  or grape hyacinth at each place setting is the perfect touch to your springtime table decor.


Ta DA!



I have a small collection of depression glass that I love to use for brunch, and Sunday breakfasts in springtime. The pastel shades are perfect for this time of year. And if you happen to have a print table-cloth it shows through.


I  picked up some matching dinner napkins and found them a home in my red napkin holder. I think it works!


A couple of pretty dish towels sealed the deal.

IMG_9685Who am I kidding? There’s still 10 inches of snow on the ground and it’s in the 30’s outside.

What’s a farmgirl to do?

IMG_9686It’s perfect weather for baking bread! MaryJane sent her newest book, Wild Bread out to me last month and I’m excited to try baking bread from scratch for the first time. Sourdough is my absolute favorite! Thank you, MJ!

This month marks my 7th year writing this blog! I can hardly believe it. I feel so humbled to have this space to share with all of you. Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I look forward to connecting with all of you every month and I love reading your comments and shares.

Just for fun, here’s the link to my introductory post, From Sagebrush to Shorelines, waaaay back in 2011.

To celebrate all of our years together on the shorelines,  I’m GIVING AWAY a copy of

WILD BREAD to one lucky reader!

Leave me a comment and tell me how long you’ve been reading the Beach Farmgirl blog and how you’re ushering in spring!

Until our next shoreline visit~ Follow your heart… it will lead you to the most amazing places! I know, mine led me here.

Beach Blessings and Much Love,

Deb # 1199

PS. Seeds are in and baby chicks are ordered! Spring is happening!

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  1. Rebecca M. says:

    I love your pretty, bright napkin holder and the tablecloth is gorgeous. We’re expecting snow tonight but I see spring in the flowers that are starting to bloom. I LOVE snow but I want it in the winter and not in the spring. I’m celebrating spring by gathering up and sorting through my seed packets (both purchased and saved from last year’s garden). I’m eager to start growing and I’m going to start a few indoor plants just to satisfy my wish to play in the dirt.

  2. Joan says:

    I love your lovelies from you out n about. My sister and I did the same thing last week, got the table cloth that happened to go with my napkins and had towels from late Spring shopping last year. Ain’t it just what a country girl needs, not much but a little bit. I didn’t get MJ’s bread book yet, but the magazine sure has whetted my buds. We go between snow/cold, to like today 59 n WINDY so it is still bread baking time. The book looks so great on your counter. Well I’d best get a move on and look at seeds because right after Mother’s Day it is safe to plant here in the open, no hoop gardens do I have. God bless.

  3. Lynn Tamura says:

    Hi Deb, I’ve been reading for 5 plus years, and have been an urban Farmgirl all my life! Not tryin to make you jealous but it’s gonna be 70 here in Longmont Colorado today. We are heading to the nursery for seeds and plants for the patio. Who wouldn’t be intrigued to read about a Beach Farmgirl. Hold on Springs common…and thanks for sharing yourself with us all these years…come visit you would love it here. I’ll take you to a goat farm and my fave nursery! Blessings, Lynn T.

  4. MS Barb says:

    I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading Farmgirl blogs, but I do remember discovering a Mary Jane magazine in a quilt shop in MN, in 2012! So it had to be sometime after that! I purchased a bag of vegetable/herb potting soil, on sale, this morning, even though there is still snow on the ground here in NE Ohio! Thanks for a nice Giveaway!

  5. Sarah says:

    I’ve been reading Mary Jane since before you were the Beach Farmgirl, so more than 7 yrs! Whew! Where does the time go. I am so over the winter with you Debbie, we live in Vermont, and it’s just as snowy here. I am eagerly anticipating Spring!

  6. Michelle says:

    I’ve been reading your Beach Farmgirl Blog for about four years. What I love the most about it is the wonderful flowers that you grow and the pictures which you post of them! Since there are very few things blooming outside right now in south western Idaho, I have lovely silk flowers and arrangements all over my dining and living rooms. Light yellows, pale lavenders, pure whites, and lots of greens, puts me in the spring mood! I also turn on my diffuser with some rose geranium oil in it, which gives the air around the faux flowers a lovely scent. I can’t wait for all of my real flowers to bloom in their seasons, but “forcing” some color in the house a little early does the trick for me. Thanks for an enjoyable read every month.

  7. Linda says:

    I believe I started receiving these blogs about the time you came aboard. Only I was moving east to west and away from the farmette I loved. Now I look longingly at the farms around, although I’m in an apartment. To everything there is a time, so enjoy where you are and I will continue to live vicariously through all you wonderful farmgirls. Thank you!

  8. winnie Jackson says:

    the fabric you found is wonderful, how attractive. Yes, we all who love fabrics love to see all that is new out there. Many are very inspiring. I hope you will be creative with this
    fabric. Love to see what you do with it. Happy sewing and happy spring! Winnie Jackson

  9. winnie Jackson says:

    I love this bread book. I wanted to find out more about it before I commented. I make
    bread weekly for my husband who enjoys crusty, sourdough breads and french breads.
    He can consume the breads so fast. Nothing like the bread you get in the store. Making home made bread is not hard. Just need time. When making bread please put lots of love in it. It sure does make a difference. What a calming baking time I have while baking bread. So peaceful. Happy yeast baking to all. I hope to be the one who will enjoy this book in my home. Thank you for the offer! Winnie Jackson

  10. Denise Banks says:

    Excellent!!! We are still in heavy rain and snow here out west!!! Weren’t sure if he would be able to get home yesterday as he works in Tahoe! Roads closed, avalanches, wrecks!!!! He made it. He had to tend to his tomatoe and jalapeño seeds he had growing under his work light in the garage, right next to his motorcycles!!! He is definitely ready for spring!

  11. Carleen says:

    I love your tablecloth n napkins..ive been reading couple years now..i have a tri color pembroke welsh corgi..Buster….im hoping i shoveled the last time thursday…for making my grandson my peanut butter eggs dipped in chocolate and putting out my bunny collection..and looking at seed catalogs n enjoying our spring born calves..

  12. Marilyn says:

    I have been reading the Farmgirl blog for quite a few years. i love the depression glass. Thank you fro the giveaway.

  13. Although shy to sometimes comment, I’ve been reading since 2015 when I spied your Little Red Hen House! I love hollyhocks and when I saw them paired with that cute red coop I knew what I wanted…I just loved the way they looked together. I bake and sell bread at our farmers’ market and MaryJane’s book is on my wish-list…thanks for offering to share it!

  14. Nicki says:

    Hi, Deb! I have no idea how long I’ve been reading your blog, but I sure do enjoy it! I, too, had some fun in World Market recently…I grabbed a few area rugs and placemats! We have 10 chickens, but I’m still trying to decide if I want to enlarge the flock this Spring. I would love to learn to make sourdough!

  15. Gloria Smith says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for 7 years. I love your posts. I also have put out spring linens and hung my spring quilted wallhangings, table runners and rabbits.
    Here in VA we’ve had some beautiful weather but are expecting up to 10 inches of snow tomorrow. I plan to spend the day quilting! Keep up the good work – you are so inspiring!

  16. Judy from Maine says:

    I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading your blog, if I was pressed I’d have to say at least 5 years. I found a real treat this morning when I linked to your first entry. Of course, I knew about your Yankee, your roots and the beach house, but I really enjoyed reading that first blog. Thanks for sharing it again and for continuing to inspire me with all you accomplish.

  17. Sharon Elaine says:

    I was an early subscriber to MaryJane’s magazine and had my letter to the editor published in 2008. I purchased every book as they came out and have followed all the farmgirl blogs. I am a vegetable and flower gardener but recently moved so I’m starting all over again. The raised bed boxes are built and will go in this week. I love photographing my flowers and wildflowers in the Smoky Mountains. Thanks for inviting us into your home, gardens and life.

  18. Joan Marie Brown says:

    Hello again Deb, we Northeaster gals must stick together thru thick ‘n thin and all these snowy Nor’easter storms. Our town in Eastern PA won the prize for 18″ of snow during the second nor Easter. We only received 12 inches during the fourth. So we headed for Stratton Vermont and dug are skis into the 48 inches they received. It was the best ski conditions ever! Meanwhile now that we finished shoveling back in Pennsylvania it’s time for the next organic garden club meeting. Hope we learn how to farm in frozen ground. Aah, Easter is next week so the eggs will be hidden in the snow probably. But that should be fun for all the little ones in there Easter boots and Easter Woolen caps.
    I’ve enjoyed your blog for 6 years Deb. You’re a breath of springtime even in a nor’Easter. Keep the faith. Spring will arrive and its good time. Thanks, Deb.
    Joan Marie Brown, Holland, PA

  19. Joye Gulley says:

    I love the dish towels on the range. I have been reading your blog for about 1 year now, I love the beach.

  20. Merrilyn says:

    I stumbled onto Mary Janes farm in 2008. I know it sounds corny but you were always my favorite writer. My daughter and I had the pleasure of meeting you. I have some of Mary Janes ‘s books and have been eyeing her new bread book. I’m almost 70 now but still dream of leaving Alaska and having my little farmette. One of my highlights is getting to see all the flowers you grow each year. You have followed your dream and now have a nice little business. You always seem to find someone new, and interesting to write about. How do you do it?!!! Happy spring. I’ll be looking forward to flowers.

  21. Marlene Capelle says:

    Lovely brunch setting and so spring. I just finished planting the first pansies of spring in my back yard.

  22. Sandra Zboinski says:

    I have been enjoying your writings since you started. I enjoy your perspective and view of your world. I am looking forward to warmer weather for sure.

  23. Jennifer MacKinnon says:

    I have been reading your blog about two years and I am ushering in spring with cleaning and preparing to move. We are downsizing and hoping for a smaller yard/no more grass. Therefore I only want to garden from containers and are preparing them as well.

  24. Cathy R says:

    I live in Idaho and discovered Mary Jane through an Oklahoma friend. HA! Been hooked ever since and have followed you for 7 years. Very impressed with your cut flower business, your relationship with your Mom, your adorable beach house and how you keep learning and growing and sharing it all with us! Thanks so much for the giveaway. I won a set of your note cards a few years ago! Blessings for a wonderful, creative year!

  25. Lynn Blagden says:

    I have been reading your column for several years and it’s always a breath of fresh air! Love your beach cottage and the gorgeous flowers you cultivate. Also really like hearing about your travels with your Mom, that is something I really miss as my mom has dementia now.
    Best of luck to you and spring can’t be too far away. I live in VT and hope to have a final day of skiing on Easter. It’s the day after my 66th birthday… how did that happen?

  26. Brenda Towsley says:

    I think I have been reading your blog from the start, unfortunately I do miss some of your posts but I always love reading them when I find the e-mail reminding me. I love all your pretty new linens and yes I am also ready for spring. I have stopped in the tractor store to peek at the chicks, still not sure if I am going to add to my hen house this year or not. I really would like to try bantams for a change but not sure if I want to add to the group of old hens I already have. It’s still cold here but I have high hopes for warmer days to come. Happy spring!

  27. Lisa Strange says:

    I’m trying to usher in Spring By starting to wear my spring fashions even though it’s been rainy and cool. I’m also working on glamping up my little camper I named Mary Jane. I really love your books. I’m even working on an outdoor tub like you have.
    I would really love to have this book. Thanks so much!!

  28. Michelle says:

    Love your writing BFF! How am I ushering in spring time? Just hauled all my dahlias outta the cellar to acquaint them with some warmer air and sunshine (sunshine? What sunshine?!)

  29. I found Mary Jane’s farm magazine in 2012 and your blog and others around that same time. I have been a reader and fan ever! Love the linens you found!!!!

  30. And ushering spring by planting by green babies in their starter trays, got the tractor serviced and cleaned out the pole barn! Forgot to add that to my 2012 post!

  31. Liz Krieg says:

    I love your writing, Debbie!

    ox me

  32. Cindy Ziliak says:

    I’m not sure how long I’ve been reading your posts. Not long enough! I’m looking forward to going back to your first post!

  33. Debbie B. says:

    Hi Deb,
    I have been reading your blog since day 1! I was there from the beginning of the Farmgirl blogs and always look forward to seeing yours. I grew up near the coast and your description of your beach house and the surrounding area makes me think back to my childhood near the Pacific coast, it brings back great memories. This year I could not wait for spring weather so I planted potatoes (that sprouted in my cupboard) way before I should have in planters on my porch. Winter goes on here on the plains and I needed the hope of new plants and vegetables to keep me going until warm weather arrives : )

  34. Marilyn Hawkins says:

    I love reading your post and have been for years. I let the sun shine in this time of year!

  35. Sally says:

    I’ve been reading your blog for about three years and spring is finally coming to Nebraska! I have a basement full of pepper and tomato plants waiting to go out in the sunshine.

  36. Carol says:

    This is the first time I’ve read your blog. I’m really looking forward to many years of reading them! Spring has happened here and the tomatoes and peppers are in the ground.

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