Pinnies For The Win {And A Giveaway}



Hello Farmgirl friends,

Hasn’t this weather been crazy the last month?  We are in Tennessee and felt some of the effects of both hurricanes and I can only imagine what it must be like for those of you that were right in the thick of it.  My thoughts have gone your way continually.




With summertime being our busy time in our little flower farming business it seems like I just don’t get the time to sew like I usually do.  As a result I really start to feel frustrated as sewing is very much my outlet and the thing that really gives me some down time.  So when I read on Instagram about a sewing challenge that called for making a Pin Cushion (called a Pinnie in sewing terms!) a day for every day of August… well, I jumped right in to the challenge!  Thirty one Pinnies?  You betcha!




I chose to keep my Pinnies simple so that they only took 30 minutes or so of my time each day.  Let me tell you what.  This was such a fun challenge.  I couldn’t wait to sit down and make my Pinnie every day!




There is something that brings so much satisfaction in using tiny little scraps of favorite fabrics, doing a little machine or hand quilting (or not) and turning them into a darling little Pin Cushion.  It seemed almost therapeutic to me.




And they are just so stinking cute.  Who could resist them?




I put them all in a two gallon glass jar in my sewing room and just stared at them.  When I posted about them on Instagram I immediately had people message me to see if they were for sale.  So… of course I said yes because do I really need 31 Pin Cushions?  Smile!  They’ve been steadily going out the door to the mailbox every few days!




And now, because you’re all my favorite Farmgirls I’m going to give away a little package of Pinnies to one special Farmgirl!  All you have to do is leave a comment with your thoughts about Pin Cushions!  I know some of you will have some great Pin Cushion memories!




And to end this little giveaway post I’d like to tell you that my Summer Quilting Camp was the most amazing success and guess what?  You can read all the details in MaryJanesFarm magazine that is on news-stands right now!  I poured my heart out in the article and really shared what the Quilting Camp meant to me.  And the pictures are amazing!  Please buy yourself an issue!  The picture above sums up Summer Quilting Camp… let me tell you this much friends; it was incredible!




AND!!! For one lucky reader MaryJane has sent me a magazine to give away!  This magazine has the article that I’ve written about my Summer Quilting Camp, so it’s a great win!  (If you comment on this blog post, you will actually be entered to win both the magazine and the Pin Cushions!)  Good luck – a winner will be announce in two weeks!  


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. Robin Reichardt says:

    I’m currently using a stand-up pincushion that looks like a dress form. But fav. one was a wrist pin cushion, but I’ve lost track of it. Yours are sooo cute -mini quilt blocks!! Will need to read the article on your class.

  2. Sally Christiansen says:

    I remember playing with my Grandmothers pincushion when I was young. I don’t have many pincushions but I did make some cute chicken ones that I used as gifts a few years ago. The making 1 a day for a month sounds fun.

  3. The only pincushion I’ve ever owned was one that looked like a red tomato with a little red strawberry attached by a string dangling off of it. I’d be honored to have one of your lovingly crafted pincushions.

  4. The only pincushion I’ve ever owned was a round red one that looked like tomato with a little red strawberry pincushion attached to it by a string. I’d love to own one of your pretty little pincushions!

  5. Sunnie says:

    Thanks for the giveaway!! Cute sewing room

  6. Brisja says:

    What a fun challenge! I also look forward to stitching down time every day. I really do miss it when I’m too busy to fit it into my schedule. Thank you for the lovely giveaway!

  7. Bobbi says:

    Simply adorbs❣️ Thank you for the fun post.

  8. Bobbi says:

    (Sharon Elaine…so sorry for your loss)

  9. Sandi King says:

    Hi Dori,
    I read your article already and was intrigued at the different ages of your quilting camp girls and how well each of them did on their own quilts. It reminded me of the one school house I went to that had 8 different grades being taught by one teacher. A mix that generated a lot of fun times as was yours. I must confess I never made a pin cushion – the only one I have ever had was my mother’s little red one that I inherited along with her sewing box. Actually, I didn’t know you could make your own pinnies. Do you use fiberfill for the stuffing or something else, that keeps the pins and needles sharp and clear of rust? It feels like sand in my little red one. Love MaryJane’sFarm Magazine and have a subscription already and look forward to every issue. I think a jar full of pinnies makes a great decoration too. Love all the different colors and designs. Excited to see what your next column will reveal to us. Have a happy day!

  10. Beverly says:

    I love the pinnies! What an adorable thing to make with some leftover fabric!!

  11. Elizabeth says:

    My Mom had a tomato pin cushion that wrapped around her wrist. Many many minutes of my young life was spend “holding still” while my Mom pinned a hem on my pants, or took in my waist. I haven’t thought of that in decades!! Thanks for the memory jog!!

  12. Ronnie McMillen says:

    All the women in my life love to sew!!!! I’m all thumbs! Maybe these cuties will help!

  13. Carmen Anderson says:

    Pin cushions…tomato shaped bright red with green stem with a little tomato which I thought was a strawberry hanging of to the sharpen pins and needles I found out back then….my mother had more than one due to many a girl learning to sew…my grandmothers had them for decades long past..I inherited them all…what a joy to look at them among my own collection of pin cushions/holders. I remember getting my own sewing box with oh so wonderful and much needed sewing items for ‘home ec’ way back when….I took great pride in knowing I was carrying on a tradition of quilters, clothes makers, home decor that runs through my heart and soul. One of my most treasured pin cushions is from my mother in law who passed away in 2015, placed carefully in it were beautiful pins which held various flowers of my wedding… yes, pin cushions are full of surprises!!!!

    Your bright colored collection is

  14. Marissa Weaver says:

    So cute! Thank you.

  15. Eveline Packer says:

    I am always looking for was to use up my scraps of fabric and I think this will be a fun way to do so. I am in desperate need of a new one myself. These would be fun little giveaways for friends and coworkers and since the holidays are just around the corner BINGO!! Please tell me what did you use inside of them? Thank you always for your fun give-a-ways, they make me smile!

  16. Vivian Monroe says:

    I LOVE the pin cushions. How adorable. Please dont put me in the drawing I have the magazine and great article it was, and I will make some pinnies for Christmas gifts. You are so talented and make sewing so fun. Thanks for sharing. Be Blessed.

  17. Carol Hagemeier says:

    I also have a thing for pin cushions. My mom loved to sew at least I thought sew and having her sewing machine means a lot to me. We been working on getting it running again and I think maybe making these little pin cushions will be just the thing. In fact I still have her pin cushion. It’s like having her in the room with me. Sure miss her a lot.

  18. Carol Peterson says:

    Love hearing from you and your daughter – such inspiring refreshment.

  19. Pam says:

    I sure love reading all your life adventures, especially the sewing ones!

  20. Brandi Lynn Ferry says:

    They are so cute.

  21. Jackie says:

    The pin cushions are fabulous! What did you use for stuffing? I love them!

  22. Susan says:

    I just love your post….as I love pin cushions too! I have many and your idea has sparked me into trying this also…..they are all darling….thanks for the inspiration!

  23. Charlotte Haralson says:

    Hi Dori,
    My mother was a sewer she sewed for us all the time made our clothes whatever we needed. She had a little gold colored pincushion that set in a little pedestal cup the cushion itself was red I can still see it to this day. My mother is in her nineties and continues to sew, hand quilting and recovering her furniture she has passed this down to us.

  24. Susan says:

    Pin cushions bring back memories of my Mom teaching me how to sew and also that we use them to keep our pins and needles sharp. She also taught me how to make them and about the different things you put inside them to keep the pins and needles sharp.

  25. Corine Runnion says:

    These are so cute, just love them.

  26. Joanne Luthman says:

    My mother was a sewing angel– she made skirts for me, clothes for my doll, and even repaired my dad’s socks!
    My first pincushion was a 4-H project.
    And Mom showed me how to follow a pattern, sew, hem, etc.
    Mom is gone , now, but I think of her with every stitch I make—-and I still have that pincushion!

  27. Rebecca M. says:

    The pin cushion I use now fits on top of a button jar, but I remember the red apple one that my mother used. It had a little strawberry shape on the end of it stuffed with something to sharpen the pins and needles (sand maybe?) I love your pinnies and really enjoyed the quilt camp article. The girls all looked like they had tons of fun.

  28. I have a small collection of pin cushions going. I love to sit and hand quilt and crochet when my back is hurting from sitting up too long at the computer or sewing machine.
    A fellow farmgirl made some cute 2 inch square pin cushions and I have one by my desk.
    I’d love to add one of yours. I hope I win!

  29. Connie says:

    I have been sewing since 1964 while learning in Home Economics class in HS. I made most of my own clothes. After I married, I made many of my daughters clothes including doll clothes and Cabbage Patch Kids and clothing for them. (remember those :7) I have been through several pin cushions and have made some of my own. I hoard scraps and make numerous things. Now I am helping teach my granddaughters (I have5, along with 11 ornery boys) sewing. My two oldest granddaughters (19 and 17) are very good at sewing and one crochets and knits beautifully. Handmade is the best!! 🙂

  30. Yvonne says:

    I too have pincushions that who knows how old they are!! Also have a lot of my grandmothers sewing stuffs. Looking forward to getting my sewing area set up in new home and having granddaughter sew one for herself!!

  31. Gigi says:

    I feel so excited when I see an email from you, knowing it will be something charming and heartfelt! Whether it’s pix of your grandgirls helping around your farm, pix of the animals or treasures from your garden you’re selling at the farm stand or canning on your porch, I eat ’em all up with a fondness for you and your lifestyle. I’d love to win a pinnie from you, but to make everyone happy, how about a quick post on making one or six for Christmas gifts?

  32. Beth R says:

    I love these darling pin cushions. It brings back memories of my mom sitting at her sewing machine and using that special pin cushion she had as long as I can remember making me the prettiest dresses.

  33. EMILY says:

    What a great idea! They would make nice little gifts for those who sew. I love the name “Pinnies! They are stinkin’ cute!

  34. Denise says:

    your Pinnies are so cute! what do you put inside them? I didn’t know if it was just stuffing or if you used something else. thanks!

  35. Lorena McMullen says:

    In 1968, my grandmother helped me make my first sewing project. We hand sewed the “creation” out of an old sock. It too was a simple project, a doll pillow that turned out to look more like a pin cushion. Although the pillow was mis-shapen, it worked just fine for my baby doll. Thank you for reminding me of that special time with my Grandmother!

  36. Annette says:

    I love pin cushions I have made many different kinds. Few are practical most are just for beauty. Silk embroidery, one looks like a chair, a dove, lots of lace. My practical one has a platform with a pincusion on top with sand I it for weight and to sharpen needles, a magnet strip for sewing needles and a cloth bag for scraps to throw in. Embroidery sissors, bees wax, little awl and other tools are attatched with ribbins so they dont get borrowed by my boys and they dont get lost Sits very nicely on the couch arm rest.

  37. Marguerite Taylor says: many come flooding in. My father was an accomplished upholster. I worked in his shop during my high school years, doing books, tearing down furniture and many other tasks. I would take these beautiful velvet scraps and make pincushions and pillows. Dad was awesome teaching me how to use that big upholstery sewing machine..sweet memories❤️

  38. Susan says:

    Hi Dori….I’ve saved this blog all this time because I love your Pinnies! What is your name on Instagram, if I may ask! Love your blog and everything you touch on! Happy New Year!

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