Pinnies For The Win {And A Giveaway}



Hello Farmgirl friends,

Hasn’t this weather been crazy the last month?  We are in Tennessee and felt some of the effects of both hurricanes and I can only imagine what it must be like for those of you that were right in the thick of it.  My thoughts have gone your way continually.




With summertime being our busy time in our little flower farming business it seems like I just don’t get the time to sew like I usually do.  As a result I really start to feel frustrated as sewing is very much my outlet and the thing that really gives me some down time.  So when I read on Instagram about a sewing challenge that called for making a Pin Cushion (called a Pinnie in sewing terms!) a day for every day of August… well, I jumped right in to the challenge!  Thirty one Pinnies?  You betcha!




I chose to keep my Pinnies simple so that they only took 30 minutes or so of my time each day.  Let me tell you what.  This was such a fun challenge.  I couldn’t wait to sit down and make my Pinnie every day!




There is something that brings so much satisfaction in using tiny little scraps of favorite fabrics, doing a little machine or hand quilting (or not) and turning them into a darling little Pin Cushion.  It seemed almost therapeutic to me.




And they are just so stinking cute.  Who could resist them?




I put them all in a two gallon glass jar in my sewing room and just stared at them.  When I posted about them on Instagram I immediately had people message me to see if they were for sale.  So… of course I said yes because do I really need 31 Pin Cushions?  Smile!  They’ve been steadily going out the door to the mailbox every few days!




And now, because you’re all my favorite Farmgirls I’m going to give away a little package of Pinnies to one special Farmgirl!  All you have to do is leave a comment with your thoughts about Pin Cushions!  I know some of you will have some great Pin Cushion memories!




And to end this little giveaway post I’d like to tell you that my Summer Quilting Camp was the most amazing success and guess what?  You can read all the details in MaryJanesFarm magazine that is on news-stands right now!  I poured my heart out in the article and really shared what the Quilting Camp meant to me.  And the pictures are amazing!  Please buy yourself an issue!  The picture above sums up Summer Quilting Camp… let me tell you this much friends; it was incredible!




AND!!! For one lucky reader MaryJane has sent me a magazine to give away!  This magazine has the article that I’ve written about my Summer Quilting Camp, so it’s a great win!  (If you comment on this blog post, you will actually be entered to win both the magazine and the Pin Cushions!)  Good luck – a winner will be announce in two weeks!  


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. Vickie says:

    Great giveaway – thanks, thanks, thanks!

  2. Laurel Pries says:

    I sooo love your idea with the simple little pin cushions. They are truly little “cuties”. I have a small collection of pin cushions, but my favorite by far came from my little sister when she was a child. I am 12 years her senior and she stayed with us after we were married. The pin cushion is crocheted (my passion) and has been with me about 50 years!!!

  3. Mindy Witczak Hensel says:

    I love how colorful and inviting your sewing room is! I want to sit down and sew with you

  4. Susan says:

    Hi Dori,
    I love this pinnie idea! My favorite pincushion is the one my mother had when I was a child. She is not a sewer, so I have no idea where it came from! It was a beautiful brocade material, very fancy, and I used it for a floor cushion for my fanciest Barbie doll when I played Barbies. I haven’t thought about that for years; thank you for helping me to bring it to mind.
    Hope you enjoy fall!

  5. Marlene Capelle says:

    What a great idea to have a jar full of pinnies so that when guests arrive (particularly as holidays are coming up) I could gift them a pin cushion that they get to pick out of the jar themselves. It would be like kids getting to pick a toy out of a box at a store or restaurant or somewhere. I’m going to get started on my jar immediately. Thanks

  6. Krista says:

    How cute are your pinnies! They all turned out super adorable! I only have one pin cushion and it’s very tiny. I made it when I was very little at a girls camp. They were teaching us some basic sewing skills and had us make a little pin cushion. It’s maybe the size of a half lemon but only a quarter inch thick. I still use it to this day and even though I see all the major flaws I’m proud of what I made.

    When I was doing a quick glance through the new magazine I seen your article. I haven’t read it yet but I’m super excited to read about how it went. The girls quilts look fabulous! Great job.

  7. Nicki says:

    I hardly ever use pincushions , but I think of them as adorable mini-pillows! My issue of MJF arrived the other day…I will look for your article!

  8. Kim Rice says:

    Well my goodness this is so sweet of you to give away both a “pinnie a la Dori” and a copy of the magazine???!!! Your a doll!!!

  9. Marcie says:

    Hi Dori,
    My new husband’s family had a tradition of spending Christmas Day together at the parents home with their three sons and all their families. It was always a great event with lots of celebrating and lots of food and gifts, leaving everyone so totally blessed. This was unlike anything I had ever seen.

    One of the things my new mother-in-law gave each of her daughters-in-law was a pin cushion. I wasn’t into sewing at the time but was years later. The tiny pin cushion was a beautiful oriental design which I have always treasured and used all these years. I still have it 35 years later. It is/was as unique as my dear mother-in-law, whom I also treasured. What a simple, yet thoughtful gift. Over the years the gifts she gave were always useful things that one needs in everyday life. With that philosophy, I learned to pattern my life toward making life better and useful for myself and toward others.

  10. Diann says:

    Many years ago, my Mother made patchwork pin cushions for all the church bazaars and at Christmas they were always red and green. When she pieced the cushion top, she would let me have one to play with…it was a guilt for the doll house! I still, fifty plus years later have a bunch of those cushions that were not put together. I don’t believe I’ll be giving these away though. Happy sewing always.

  11. when I first saw the great photo of pin cushions I thought hooray! now I know of gifts to
    make possibly for friends for the holidays. We all have some kind of pins in the home that need to be in safe places, safety, straight, etc. So put them into a attractive cushion.
    I love yours!!! I sure hope to win them to put throughout my home for safe keeping of all kinds of needles, pins, etc. What a great sewer you are!!! Winnie

  12. Carol says:

    I love your pinnies! I love pin cushions anyway and I think I have one in every room of my house, except the bathrooms! I love the idea of making a pinnie-a-day! Fun, fun, fun!

  13. So stinkin cute!! I love these. I am starting my winter quilting project entitled ‘Three French Hens. ‘
    I am a beginning quilter and love, love, love fabric, textures and colors!!

  14. Carol says:

    A gal can never have too many pin cushions. As a matter of fact, one for each room would be ideal.
    I love yours!!

  15. Nanette Boots says:

    They are very cute Dori. My favorite pin cushion is made with sheep’s wool from my brother’s farm. My sister carded it and made an apple pin cushion for each sister and Mom. I also have the one I made in Bible school as a child. It’s green felt with yarn lacing and has a cat’s face on it! I’ve used it for 40+ years.

    Thanks for being so generous and talented!

  16. Dorothy Sparks says:

    I have a couple of pin cushions from my Mom and Grandmother. I love yours and would love to win one.

  17. Rosemary Deiss says:

    Thanks for the chance.

  18. Debbie says:

    I just love you!!!

  19. s matos says:

    My favorite pin cushion is one my daughter made while learning about carding wool. The girls clumped some finished wool into little balls put them in the dryer to felt them. When we took hers out & cut it in half inside was a little pink heart. Now I have a treasure to remember her little girl self as she is now a 23 year old college grad working with autistic little ones.

  20. There is no such thing as too many pincushions. I have one in the sewing room, one in the living room by my comfy chair, one next to the bed, one in my mother’s sewing box that she left to me, and a portable one in my purse for when I go take care of my dad weekly and for those pesky sudden repairs when out and about. They are all full of pins and needles and always being used. Probably the only place I don’t need one is in the bathroom. I love to collect them. They look wonderful in that big jar! My favorite pincushion is a simple unbleached muslin tomato I made with freshly sheared wool from a shearing demonstration I saw while I was visiting an Australiana pioneer village in Wilberforce.

  21. Bonnie B says:

    Adorable! All your pinnies are unique and charming. I always love the fabrics you use. I’ve noticed in previous blogs some lovely ones. And now I see reminants of them in your pinnies. I have made a few overtime. A couple of my favorites are a sunflower made from wool which is glued to a holder that can be clamped to something. I have it clamped to a basket handle. The basket, of course, holds sewing materials! The other one is a small hen. It sits beside my sewing machine. I would love to have a couple of yours and of course, will check MJ magazine for the article about you and the quilt camp. That was such a wonderful idea. I’m so glad it went well for all involved.

  22. Carrie says:

    My first Pinnie was given to me by my mom.
    It was my 12th Christmas & a wonderful Christmas gift! Everything she made was made with love & hard work. She was self taught… the oldest girl on her family’s farm & she had 12 siblings to love!

  23. Mary Rauch says:

    You have captured my imagination with this “Pinnie-A-Day” project!
    I stopped what I was doing and wrote down the first 6 ideas that popped into my brain! … and the possibility of receiving a free subscription is very enticing.
    Your brain must stay full-to-overflowing with artistic thoughts!…Your children are so lucky to have a mom that will never be boring, and will probably spur them to be constantly exploring what is around the next corner for them to discover!

  24. Gail says:

    Ok I’ll ask.
    What do you use for stuffing your pinnies?

  25. joy says:

    The pin cushions are so cute. I find them to be very useful around the house.

  26. Judy says:

    Hi Dori – Love your pin cushions. I make chicken pinnies and give as gifts. Another of my favorites is one I bought in China Town in San Francisco. Thank you.

  27. Cheryl Bell says:

    I remember my mothers and my grand mothers red tomatoe pin cushions. I use to play with them while they were sewing I would take all the pins out and then push them all back in over and over ( I guess I found joy in little things.)

  28. Vickie says:

    Pin cushions remind me of gentler times – good memories!

  29. Beth says:

    I love pincushions and your pinnies are just adorable. I have made a couple of pincushions, but they not nearly as cute as yours. I so look forward to your e-mails, and would love to get one of your darling pinnies as well as your magazine. You are an amazing lady and so fun to hear from. You give me so many great ideas. Thanks!!!!!

  30. Donna Kozak says:

    Well, I think it’s time to get rid of my red apple pincushion with the pull-out measuring tape which I’ve had for at least 50 years !! Yours are just too sweet !

  31. Having my great grandma’s sewing items like her pin cushion helps me feel more connected to her. She passed when I was four, but left behind a beautiful legacy of handiwork for us to use and celebrate her beautiful skills.

  32. Kelly Mercuri says:

    Gosh! These are so stinkin’ precious! Love the idea! I have been making hand felted pin cushions and giving them away as gifts here and there. They are really cute too! And I agree with Carol here, you can never have too many pin cushions! I have one by my sewing machine and another by my serger and another in my English Piecing basket and another with my embroidery stash and another with my cross stitching stash and on it goes! It’s raining pincushions and I love it!

  33. Marilyn says:

    Pin cushions are so handy and useful. Your pin cushions are so pretty and vibrant. I remember making a pin cushion in elementary school. We have some pincushions in our sewing boxes. They are great tools to have when sewing. Happy for you that your quilting camp was a huge success. That picture you have posted tells it all, every one had fun.

  34. Deb Fischer says:

    Pinnie! What a cute name for sweet little pin cushion. I collect pin cushions and have been collecting vintage ones for sometime but have never seen one or should I say found a Pinnie. They will look so pretty on my old sewing machine with my oldies but goodies if I win! Thank you Dori for the give away.
    Happy Fall!

  35. Erin says:

    The pin cushions are very interesting. I remember my grandmother having one that was red and looked like an apple. I however do not have a pin cushion, I use my window curtain. I can walk into any room and there is a pin handy.

  36. Mary Rauch says:

    What SIZE are these Pinnies, and what are they STUFFED with?

  37. Rosemary says:

    What a fun contest! I, too, consider sewing my special down time.

  38. Dee Loewen says:

    Made me think of the “tomato” pin cushion my mother used..

  39. Sharon Elaine says:

    My mother made most of our clothes growing up. I had a beautiful “Jackie Kennedy style” prom gown she made without a pattern. I can’t think of sewing without honoring her. She quietly and peacefully passed a week ago today at 95 yrs. I’m not sure I can sew right now but will try the pinnies soon. They are so sweet.

  40. Rhonda Rhodus says:

    The pin cushions that were in my house growing up were usually the ones that looked like tomatoes! Ha! My favorite one I use now is a hugh circle with little Japanese people around it as if they are holding the circle up. Thanks for the pinnie ideas!

  41. Joan says:

    Read the article, well actually, I sat back and let myself be right there. Oh what a grand time and everyone did a fabulous quilt. You are a wonder. Love the ‘pinkies’, I have at least 10, most of them are from my great grandma, grandma and Aunt. Making these lovelies is going to be my next project. Thanks for the incentive. God bless

  42. Rebecca says:

    Those are adorable pin cushions. Love them.

  43. Janeen Breyman says:

    I already have the plan to set up my sewing machine prior to the holidays. I have the idea of sewing small ornaments made out of burlap then stuffed. How easy would it be to include some pin cushions? Yours are so cute!

  44. I love your pinnies. I am a novice/beginner quilter and I think I will make some of this adorable pin cushions. What do you fill them with?, sand or what.

    Marian Schiefke
    4180 Filipana Road
    Ladysmith, B.C.
    V9G 1G2

  45. Linda says:

    I love pin cushions (pinnies) – all sizes and shapes, vintage and new. I’d never heard them called pinnies, though. LOL! I’d love to win one of your pinnies to go in my collection.

  46. Jo Gill says:

    What a fun giveaway! Thanks.

  47. Michelle says:

    Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway! I love the idea of pinnies, they are so cute and a fun and great way to use up small scraps. I own a couple of pincushions, but none of them are special, just colorful and fun.

  48. Jodie says:

    I inherited a heart shaped pinnie when my gram passed. She handmade and used it as long as I can remember. It’s red material with white flowers on front and white material on the back. I still have a few of the pins on it that she had placed on the pinnie. Yours are quite darling and the colors are so happy!

  49. Judy from Maine says:

    I’ve already purchased the issue. When I saw Quilt camp on the cover I just knew it had to be you and I wanted to read all about it. I love your pinnies…what a challenge, one a day! Lots of fun I’m sure. Thanks for all your inspiration.

  50. lori gottula says:

    I can see Mom’s pinnie, but the details are fuzzy. It is red or yellow, no red. There is no doubt in my mind that it was and still is full of needles and pins. I must have a look next time I am home!

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