Vintage Glamping Dream Come True, Part 2


What a month it’s been! We worked day and night to get our little camper ready for a Vintage Camper Roundup last weekend. (Check out the updates we’ve made to her since the last blog!) Being our maiden voyage, we weren’t sure what to expect. Would we be comfortable sleeping in the camper? Would she travel well? After all the excitement, hard work and dreaming, would we even like camping??

Thanks to all for commenting last month! Congrats to Susan C., our random winner of Glamping With MaryJane! Enjoy!

We loved all the camper names everyone proposed. “Miss Daisy” was the most suggested, but we’ve “met” another camper with that moniker. Picking a name was a tough decision! We finally christened our 1966 Nomad “Gidget the Glamper”. “Gidget” aired on TV in 1966. In high school, friends affectionately nicknamed me “Gidget”, as well. (I loved “‘vintage” even then!) We felt “Gidget” was fitting, fun, and true to our trailer’s era!



A mint linen tea towel calendar found in an antique store in the Adirondacks now graces the fridge.

A mint linen tea towel calendar found in an antique store in the Adirondacks now graces the fridge. Remember these?

We adore natural wood, but the whitewash veneer in our camper wasn’t in the best shape. The wood needed a boost to halt deterioration. We decide to paint- light, bright, shabby chic! The beadboard, dark trim, and cabinets are now a pretty pearl.


We brightened the beige wall with the bath and closet to a happy shade of sunny yellow.


The new, white eyelet-ruffled curtains arrived, and I made tie backs from flowered trim, crocheting matching loops for easy opening and closing.


We love our new cushions! The old ones were nice looking, but were as comfortable as Wonder bread. The new cushions have the highest-grade foam, topped with a layer of batting. Outside, we picked strong marine-grade vinyl from Joann Fabric, recommended by the upholsterer, with contrasting white for the cording. The upholsterer used new-vintage, 60’s seat grommets to allow air to escape when the cushions are compressed. The dinette closes to a full size bed, where my daughter and I comfortably slept, (but I’ll add a mattress topper next time to keep the sheets from sliding).




I created a new wreath for the door, using felt to make flowers and bunting, and added a few new finishing decorative touches.



I used clear hooks on both sides of the door so the wreath can hang on the inside when it is raining or the door is open.

I used clear hooks on both sides of the door so the wreath can hang on the inside when it is raining or the door is open. I’m a true Happy Camper!

We needed privacy but didn't want to drill holes. I could not find fabric to match the curtains, so I found this vinyl paneled 'fabric' and cut it to fit, using Gorilla tape to hang. The whole thing cost me $5.00, and I think it goes well with the curtains.

We needed privacy but didn’t want to drill holes. I could not find fabric to match the curtains, so I found this vinyl paneled ‘fabric’ and cut it to fit, using Gorilla tape to hang. The whole thing cost me $5.00, and I think it goes well with the curtains.

My husband installed a shiny new faucet. It looks vintage-y but has a cool factor: a blue LED light comes on when the water runs!

My husband installed a shiny new faucet. It looks vintage-y but has a cool factor: a blue LED light comes on when the water runs!

We took back roads for a breathtaking, farmland-packed view to Copake, NY. The trailer handled the hills and winding road beautifully.


Once at  KOA Camp Copake, check-in was simple. Friendly staff members driving golf carts escort campers to the parking spots. Hooking up the electric and water was a snap.


There was vintage-camper-eye-candy galore at the rally! Thirty-seven vintage campers attended. We loved seeing the various makes, models and years, and how each camper’s decor reflected the owner’s individual personality. Each one was a unique and special piece of camping history!

Pip went camping with us. Here he models the lastest in Pooch Camperwear.

Pip went camping with us. Here he models the lastest in Pooch Camperwear.

The first night, we socialized at a campfire meet-and-greet. Saturday morning, everyone got busy getting their campers ready.

The awning we ordered got back ordered, unfortunately, but our rose tent provided great shade. Our family enjoyed the quality time together! Photo courtesy of Sherry Zinn.

The awning we ordered got back ordered, unfortunately, but our rose tent provided great shade. Our family enjoyed the quality time together! Photo courtesy of Sherry Zinn.

There was a fun parts swap (I picked up a vintage “Ice-O-Mat”- score!), followed by vintage camper tours. Votes would be cast with prizes awarded to the prettiest campers. We met so many nice people! We loved touring all the vintage campers, meeting new friends, getting suggestions and sharing ideas with others who share a same passion.

My favorite, a 1957 Shasta, won first place. Ed and Denise Enea pull their crimson-and-white beauty with a shiny, jaw-dropping 1957 Bel-Air affectionately called “Elvis”.


Pardon me, I think I drooled on your car…

Love the red steering wheel!

Love the red steering wheel!

Restored and owned by Clete and Erica LaMere, another favorite was an adorable Scotty. From 1959, “Miss Daisy” was awarded second-place.


“Miss Daisy”

The friendliest family (and their basset hound, “Blue”), own a 1972 Winnebago- mint condition down to the original shag carpet! Another couple attended with five adorable little pooches in their camper. There were Hawaiian-themed trailers, teardrop trailers, pop up campers, and plenty of flamingoes!




Among the attendance was an Airstream whose owner is just as adorable as her camper! Gail Buck’s vintage decor inside includes a Linus figurine from her childhood and plenty of spunk! Gail’s also a member of the group Sisters on the Fly.



The gentleman who “rescued” his Burro model designed his own graphics and restored the trailer using mostly repurposed material. His dinette table was a stunner, found for only $10 at a tag sale!


There were fun activities throughout the day, and a special potluck supper for the vintage camper owners. Saturday evening, a live band played, vintage campers sparkled with twinkling lights, and many a marshmallow roasted over glowing campfires.






We had no trouble falling asleep after such fun and excitement. I loved peeking out of the camper in the early morning light, before everyone else was up and bustling. With the peaceful quiet and vintage trailers and cars, it didn’t feel like 2017, but 1960-something!

On Sunday, we bid goodbye to our fellow campers. We opted for late checkout, taking a dip in the refreshing saltwater pool and grilling lunch one more time before heading for home. We couldn’t have had more fun!

(Hope you all had a great summer, too! Thank you to everyone who inquired about my loved ones in Houston and the surrounding area. My family there is doing alright.  My heart is with my home state!)

Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole


  1. Carol says:

    We camp often and just returned from a 4 day campout yesterday, but this looks like so much fun! I think I may have to look into a small vintage camper or glamper.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Carol, I bet a four day trip was awesome! I can’t wait to camp again. We love our little camper and think it is perfect for small getaways. If we were to travel across the country for months at a time, I might consider a bigger one, but wouldn’t part with this little vintage gem! Thanks for commenting! Drop me a line if you do buy a vintage glamper someday! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Ramona Puckett says:

    Oh my goodness! That looks like so much fun! And your trailer is adorable! Thank you so much for sharing this!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ramona, Glad you enjoyed the blog! The rally was one of the best times I have ever had with my family! And we survived being in a 15 foot space with a teenager, lol! (Actually, my daughter enjoyed it, too). Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Bonnie says:

    Looks like so much fun!!!
    To say these are cute campers would be an understatement!
    Thanks for sharing your fun adventure!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Bonnie, Thanks for commenting! Oh my goodness, they were all so cute and unique. Each one really reflected the owner’s individual personality! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Krista says:

    Sounds like such a fun and exciting adventure. I’m a bit jealous! We still haven’t made it out camping yet. My husbands job is too demanding to get away right now. Since we are still in the 90s here my hopes are still high for another chance.
    I agree about the red and white trailer! It’s beautiful! Those would be the colors I would choose if I was painting my own. Or maybe even a turquoise color! Lol. Glad to see you had fun and met other likeminded people. Your dogs outfit is adorable.
    I’m happy to hear your family is doing alright. Texas still remains in my thoughts.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Krista, thank you. Now we are all praying for Florida, as well!

      Wasn’t that trailer adorable? I like red and white anything! That’s why I chose red as my accent color in mine, as well. I think it looks great with the turquoise. We can’t get away much, either, with my husband’ job, daughter’s school, my schedule, and our animals! But we enjoy just hanging out in the camper when we aren’t using her. I am sure next year we will use her more than this year. We’ve only had her two months, and the first month we spent fixing her up. It’s still kinda a production to take a day off, lol! Thanks for commenting! Big Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Connie says:

    Looks like a fabulous time. I need to find a sweet vintage camper and hit the road. 🙂 You have inspired me.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Connie, Thanks! Fixing up this little camper and spending time in her really has been a blast! Good luck in your hunt…vintage camper treasures are out there! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Cindy says:

    Really cute!

  7. Adrienne Kristine says:

    You did a wonderful job of restoration and I’m so glad you enjoyed your maiden voyage. If you can tolerate one more suggestion: see if you can find a vintage cover for your spare tire. If not, find a vinyl cover to protect it from the sun. That giant ball of fire in the sky can cause your tire to deteriorate quickly and make the rubber unstable. Meanwhile, continue having as much fun as you can!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Adrienne! Thanks so much! And that might be a good idea. I’ll look into that. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Linda says:

    You know, Gidget stood for “girl midget” so your name is perfect, “Glamping Midget”. I love her, and wish you many happy campfires!

  9. Marilyn says:

    What a great job you did with the camper. i love anything Vintage. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Joan says:

    I’m no longer a “camper” but love the idea of having a camper and the fun of decorating it. You have done a superb job, love everything. Thanks for sharing your wonderful time. God bless.

  11. Ione says:

    Loved seeing your Vintage Glamping ideas .
    I bought an older Scamp this year . Glamped
    it out , still doing art work on the outside . I’ve
    had more fun in my ‘little femine ‘ get away bug , just
    sitting in the driveway . Many neighbors stop
    by to talk and we’ve solved a lot of problems out there .
    It’s simply a creative outlet , fun and given me much
    joy ! Soon to hit the road .

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ione, Oh I love the Scamp trailers! Congratulations! The vintage trailers are a conversation starter. We learned so much from the other campers, as well. Happy Glamping! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Heike says:

    What great pictures! Your camper turned out fabulous :).

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Heike, Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. I loved seeing everyone’s camper at the rally. They are all so unique. I’m surprised how many models were made back then. Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Dori Troutman says:

    Oh my word Nicole, I’m dying over your camper (but you already know that)!!! It is SO AWESOME!!! I need one. Oh how I need one! Just exactly like yours!!!

    Big hugs,

    – Dori, the Ranch Farmgirl –

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Dori, I’m giggling…your comment makes me smile. Thanks so much. I need to sew up some bunting for her now. It’s been fun fixing her up and I can’t wait to camp again. Keep your eyes posted…you never know where you might find a vintage camper for sale, but they do go fast! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  14. Alice says:

    One word: FABULOUS!

  15. Sherry says:

    Love the blog!! 🙂

  16. Beverly Battaglia says:

    Nicole, I love the name ‘Gidget” for your little camper! Beautiful pictures and great story.
    Such fun! Love,

  17. Nicole That is SO AMAZING! You made my heart smile, as this is my dream. What a beauty. The colors are so happy and inviting. I bet it will look even better when you get the awning. Enjoy it!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Connie, Thank you! It makes me happy to be in there, too. Can’t wait to get the awning. (The only drawback is I get behind on chores in the house – I’d rather be in the camper, camping, reading, sewing…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  18. Linda says:

    Hi Nicole loved reading your blog about the rally, even though I was there to it was great seeing thru your eyes. You know I’m still looking for a camper.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Linda! Thank you so much! I am glad you liked the blog, and I am so happy we met! I will keep my eyes peeled for a vintage camper for you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  19. Vivian Monroe says:

    Oh I love all the pics and what a fun time… I cant wait to take mine on a camping venture with other vintage campers, we go camping all the time, just havent been to one with other vintage campers yet…how fun to wake up in the 60’s…LOVE ELVIS….I love the name Gidget, and I love yall had such a good time…many happy trails to yall. Neta.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Vivian, Great to hear from you. The vintage camper rally was something – it truly was a great time. What kind of vintage camper do you have? Happy Camping! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  20. Diane Loehr says:

    Hi Nicole –
    I have to say that everything that you do you put all your Heart & Soul into it. I love the camper. Might get me back into the camping mood! What a great project. Enjoy it! Diane

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Diane, Awwww…thank you! You are so sweet to say that. Will you be at the Sheep and Wool festival in Rhinebeck this year? Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  21. Sandi says:

    Oh, how I miss camping. I haven’t been in years. Congrats to Susan C for winning. Nicole, your glamper Gidget is so cute and the name is perfect. I am so glad you posted these pictures. It is so much fun to see the different ones and how cute they all are.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandi, Thank you! I am so happy you enjoyed the post. I love looking at photos of vintage Glampers, both needing restoration (the possibilities) and those already done (so cah-ute)! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  22. bonnie ellis says:

    How exciting to live your dream. Gidget is just perfect for your family. You did a super job inside and now you get to enjoy all the hard work. Congrats!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Bonnie, thank you so much! We still have a few little things to do (being vintage, I am sure there always will be something needing done) but we love every minute! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  23. Julie Pruett says:

    HI Nicole,

    LOVED your beautiful pictures! They took me back in time. You FEEL like you’re back in the 60’s being around all those vintage campers! Enjoyed experiencing your “fun” camping…you did a lovely job of decorating Gidget the Glamper…Perfect name.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Julie, Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the blog. Gidget the Glamper is like a time machine, lol! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  24. Susan says:

    Hi Nicole! I lost track of you for sometime and I was thrilled to open this email! I, too, am looking for my camper….it’s out there somewhere waiting for me…..they sell so fast and so many are on the west coast. I’m in Michigan…..
    Love your blogs and I was so happy to know that you are fine and with a little glamper too. Take care….

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Susan! Welcome back! Thank you for your nice wishes! I hear ya, it seems there ARE a lot of vintage campers on the West Coast and down south, I guess because there’s less salt on the roads and less wet weather, perhaps. Have you tried Facebook? I found mine on a local tag sale, but there’s also groups on Facebook that are just there for selling vintage campers. I’ve seen a few in your area, maybe that will help! Good luck, my fingers are crossed for you! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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