Texas, our hearts and minds and prayers are on you…we are with you and for you.
If my math is correct (and it may or may not be, quite frankly), I’ll be in 49th grade this year. (I entered 12th grade in fall 1980, so…)
Anyway, I haven’t received a syllabus yet, so I guess I have to write my own at this point. Let’s see. What exactly should one learn in the 49th grade?
What about you? What grade are you in this year? And what’s on your syllabus–what are you going to learn about this school year?
Before I hop right in about 49th grade, many of you have asked about my “snow beans” this year. So far, it’s been pretty lame. I’ve got only 8 beans in the jar.
That means only 8 snow events this winter.
(For those who don’t know. Here in the Appalachian Mountains we count the foggy mornings in August to predict the number of snow events for the upcoming winter. To keep count, folks put dried beans in a jar.)
Now, about that 49th grade. Well, the air was so invitingly autumn-like this morning, I couldn’t help myself. I shut down my computer and headed out for a walk around the farm.
(That’s a really cool thing about being in the 49th grade. You can follow your own schedule.)
As often happens, once I step outside in nature I find answers to whatever is swirling around in my head. While I was wandering around the farm, I realized the one BIG thing I need to put on my syllabus for this year.
Identify all the wildflowers, trees, plants, and living creatures on the farm.
What I’ll do is wander around the farm all year and wonder what I’m seeing. Then I’ll photograph it. And make notes about anything relevant. And then try to identify it. Yes! I like the sound of this!
So let’s start with today. Late summer, early fall, when school begins.
These flowers grow by the mountain stream. You can’t see it (because I wasn’t about to step into those tall weeds–you know why–sssssss), but the fast moving water is behind these flowers.
I know the pink-purple flower on the right to be Joe Pye Weed. Not sure about those yellow ones.
Here are some more flowers that grow on the creek side. Note the interesting little blue one to the bottom left of those white flowers.
I think that might be Lobelia Blue Cardinal. (I will go out tomorrow and try to make a positive id.) Don’t know the white one.
I just remembered that somewhere in my boxes and boxes of books that I packed up and moved here I’ve got a fantastic wildflower book. Where oh where is that box?? I used to have a library in my old house and had plenty of space for books. No more; not in this old farmhouse. I haven’t unpacked them because they have no where to go. I miss my books….
Perhaps that should be a school project for my 49th year of school. Create a library! Boy, this is going to be a busy school year.
Walking on down the pasture, I find these hidden gems growing up the pasture fence. Grapes? (It’s funny the things you can find when you are looking closely.)
I tasted them and they were sour. Maybe muscadines? Will they sweeten up?
Now, let’s talk about living creatures for a minute. After I found these grapes, I popped into the small horse shed at that end of the pasture. I have always had respect for other lives. When I saw this nest inside the shed, I knew it needed to be gone. I figured I could move it. I’ve always called the insects that build these “wasps.” I don’t actually know if that’s the correct term. (But I WILL learn this year!)
So I took the manure fork and pulled the nest down so I could take it somewhere out of the horse pasture and away from the horses. A peaceful relocation, I thought.
You know what happened, right?!
Even though I am zen with bees, these guys went after me. In a big, grand way. Attack! Attack! Attack!
I dropped the manure fork and ran as fast I as could OUTTA there. I swear, they chased me through that field. They stung me repeatedly. And Friends, it hurt. My husband went out and bought some wasp spray. Yep, I used chemicals to eradicate them. (Another thing I do not normally do, use chemicals.) But these guys refused to go peacefully. I had no choice.
They. Are. Now. Dead. And. Gone. RIP.
Once that drama was over and my stings were feeling better, I went back out for my nature walk.
Walking on down through the pasture I find this flower.
These grow taller than me. Are these and the previous yellow flowers (by the creek) the same? IDK. I’ve got yellow flowers all over the farm. And I didn’t take close-ups. (note to self: take close-ups of what you need to identify!)
And here is another patch of yellow flowers. I did take a close photo of these.
As I look closely at the flowers, I realize how active the insect population is right now.
Bugs in every photo!
Here are some yellow flowers growing on both sides of my walking path. This path used to be covered up in weeds. Several years ago I worked to make a trail through there for a horse path. Now I keep it mowed and it’s a lovely walk. That’s Blue, FarmDog styling in his orange jacket. (He’s incredibly happy I finally let him off the leash when we walk. “I’m a FarmDog, Mom! FarmDogs don’t do leashes!” It took awhile, but I finally listened.)
This is a side of my old wash house/office you’ve probably never seen. I usually show you the front. More yellow flowers. And some purples.
More of those yellow flowers, but these are hosting some jumpers. Grasshoppers? Crickets?
These particular yellow flowers might be something called Common Wingstem, verbesina alternifolia. Might be. I really need to go back out and study the yellow flowers on the farm more.
Now, this is a yellow flower I KNOW. Goldenrod. Enemy to the sinuses of many. (But not me, so yay.)
Three bugs in that pic! Can you see them all?
Walking on down the path, I see these two wildflowers. The white one is like Queen Anne’s Lace, but isn’t. It is something similar? Is it the same as the white flowers beside the creek?The tall purple one is gorgeous.
Here’s another shot of the tall purple flowers. There are lots of these growing on roadsides all around here.
I do have plenty of Queen Anne’s Lace.
I also have several different vines that have little white flowers on it. I thought they were all Confederate Jasmine until I looked closer.
This one grows all over the place and I do believe it is Confederate Jasmine. It is very sweet smelling.
This one grew wild over my chicken run this summer. I almost cut it down when it started to grow. I’m glad I didn’t because I think it looks pretty. And the chickens have enjoyed the shade it provides them. It does not smell sweet and the leaves are different. And yes, that’s a paint brush and some paint. I’m finally re-painting my pickets.
I think it might be Virgin’s-bower, Clematis Virginiana.
And I know this one already. It’s Milkweed. I keep a patch for monarch butterflies.
Milkweed buds, not in bloom yet.
I have no idea what those tiny yellow eggs are. I have my work cut out for me, don’t I.
And here are two more. The one on the right is a wild Morning Glory. The one on the left is Orange Jewelweed, a wildflower in the impatiens family.
This plant confounds me every year. It produces gorgeous red berries. I also have some of these around the farm that have yellow berries. The leaf reminds me of a bay leaf.
And here’s an interesting little dude on an interesting tree. (note to self: learn to identify both)
I also need to learn some grasses. These are tall and thick, with that lovely caterpillar-like seed-head.Okay, I guess that’s enough for one short walk. There’s plenty I still need to identify. This is a lot of work for 49th grade!
The good news is that I think this means I can legitimately cruise the school supply aisle now. I love that aisle. Sharp, new pencils. Composition notebooks.
Oh, I wanted to show you one more thing. I finally was able to get that gigantic barn quilt I made a while back hung on my barn. Wait, did I say “my” barn? I meant, MERLIN’S barn! (Sorry Merlin!) It was so HUGE I didn’t know how to get it up. Recently I had some help and they got it up there while I supervised from the ground.
Now, isn’t it strange? How it was SO HUGE before and now it is SO SMALL it looks like a postage stamp. You can’t even see the hearts and Christmas trees. sigh.
Until next time, Friends, savor the flavor of life!
Lots of love, The City Farmgirl in the Country, Rebekah
Howdy Rebekah!
I love the sounds of your 49th year. I’m in 55th grade soon to be 56th grade. I’m teaching myself how to self-publish a book, teach workshops and learning new floral design techniques this year. I’ll also be learning how to plaster our bathroom ceiling which is peeling terribly. I love your posts and the way you look at life! Now, I’m on my way to your farm to forage in your fields for bouquets! I wish you could send me some of your wild flowers! I harvested some golden rod from our yard at the cottage yesterday and brought it home to play with today. You have so many different varieties there! Happy Learning my friend! xo Deb
oh….I can’t wait to hear AND READ your book! Deb! I’m so excited for you!!
And you know what? I never even thought about picking some of those flowers and bringing them in. I should do that!
Love it!
Thank you, Ramona! Love headed back at ya!
Good morning, Rebekah,
I awoke to the sound of rain this morning, so it is a gray day, but your charming
post is definitely a bright spot!
As I read through your post, I couldn’t help but think of the verse from I Tim. 6:17,
that says, “….God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.” I am amazed at how
many beautiful wildflowers you have there, along with the beautiful hills! This encourages me to take more time to check out my own surroundings. And you’re
right when you say that getting out in nature helps you find answers to things. I
feel the same way. It has a way of calming me and giving me a whole new outlook.
Thanks so much for sharing and giving us a different view.
Love from a 51st grader
Marilyn, your note is beautiful. Thank for it. Yes, that’s the struggle–making time to enjoy all the wonderful gifts we are given. I loved getting out and studying those flowers and plants. I usually hurry by on my way to do some chore. Even those bugs on the flowers were amazing, weren’t they? I oppose round-up (the chemical weed killer), so since we have a large farm, we have tons of weeds. And some of weeds are beautiful flowers. Enjoy your 51st grade!
A learning curve you will be on! Once you learn those wild plants you will want to learn how to use them! Have fun!
Wanda, my books finally came so I’ve been working on it!
Such a beautiful meander around your farm! It was fun to walk with you – thanks!
The yellow things on the milkweed are (according to my landscaper) oleander aphids. I’ve read conflicting theories about any damage they may cause – some say they don’t hurt the plant or the monarchs, others say the do both. I’ve handled them by wearing plastic gloves and rubbing each leaf to smash the little critters. It doesn’t work very well, so I mostly just let it be.
I can’t really tell from the photos, but is it possible some of those white flowers are yarrow? Anyway, I’m looking forward to other comments to see if others can identify things!
Thanks for joining me, Marlene!
A-ha! Aphids! It’s always aphids, isn’t it! I’ll look those up. I might try your method of removal; I really like to protect the monarchs.
I’ll also check out yarrow. I hope the white flowers are yarrow and not the poisonous hemlock Diane mentioned.
I live in Michigan and I love the Great Lakes, but I don’t live near them so every once in awhile I need to go to one of the Great Lakes and just get my feet wet…it kind of feeds my soul.
Kimberly, that sounds wonderful! I know exactly what you mean. I feel that way about the ocean. Just want to see it every year or so and put my feet in the water.
STOP and think about it before tasting any more berries! If those are Pokeberry bush berries, you can get a mighty stomach ache that you won’t forget for a while (unless your body wretches and eliminates it on its own). I’m a farm-country person and didn’t remember the names of many of those, shame on me. I saw some purple “iron weed” in the mix. Perhaps other well informed ladies will step in here and give you some good ID’s?
Thanks for the lovely stroll!
Mary, I didn’t even think about it before I tasted those. I should know better! It just looked like a bunch of large grapes. I need to look up pokeberries. I wonder if it is what we call poke salad. Ah, that purple flower is iron weed? It’s so beautiful and stately! This evening I looked through some boxes in the garage to try to find my wildflower book. I couldn’t find it. I went on amazon and saw a used copy for $1.89. So, I ordered it. Worth $1.89 not to look for it anymore. If I ever find it, I’ll donate it.
So sorry to hear you only have 8 beans in your jar. I know you were really hoping for a good winter this year. Maybe things will change. Your 49th year in school sounds so fun. Being outside and hands on is my favorite way to learn. I am actually not good with flowers or bugs, so I am not much help to you. Maybe I should join your class so I can learn some of those things myself! This year I will be in 21st grade. I haven’t given much thought as to what would be on my syllabus, but it should definitely involve some hands on activities. I’m thinking my syllabus will include: learning a new craft form, reading some new books, potty training my son, and learn to cook some delicious deserts! I think that’s a good start for now. It could always change at anytime!
Krista, Your grade 21 sounds great. I especially like the desserts session. New books sound good too. But I’m afraid I’d fail the craft–what craft do you think you’ll learn? And um. Potty training? Good luck. My advice? Don’t worry too much about it or push too hard. It’ll happen when it happens.
I’m an not sure yet what new craft. I’m thinking maybe knitting or calligraphy. I need to make it through the rest of this year first before I decide! Thanks for the advice. I actually am not in a rush to potty train but his interest is starting so I know it’s around the corner eventually.
I am in Kindergarten! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31eBV6ZTNDQ
Could you imagine if this country had pre-schools like this? Always love seeing your farm. I am so glad you got that beautiful barn quilt up. Looks wonderful. Careful of that Queen Anne’s Lace look alike, it could be poisonous. Here is a link http://www.ravensroots.com/blog/2015/6/26/poison-hemlock-id We have the poisonous one all over Wisconsin. Grows right along side of the beautiful Queen Anne’s Lace. I am also trying to learn all the plants that grow on my little hobby farm. I decided I would start with the trees first and go from there. Look forward to your blog every month!
I can’t get the youtube to work. I’ll try again in a bit. Hmmm, I need to study those white flowers, I bet that’s what they are. They definitely aren’t Queen Anne’s Lace. Oh, I love trees! They are on my list too. How is your project going?
WOW, what a school!
And while I was over at youtube, I found this one about distinguishing between poison hemlock, yarrow, and Queen Anne’s Lace. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2crsRwitTNQ
Rebekah, I loved all your beautiful photo’s, and wish I could help you identify some of them, but :(! My question to you is how many chigger bites did you get while out taking photos????? I can’t even go outside in my yard without collecting a few bites!
Loved Merlin’s barn quilt!!
Hugs, Ruth
Zero! Maybe we don’t have chiggers here? We did in Ga, but I don’t think I’ve been bitten since I moved to the mountains. But, hey, the multiple wasp stings more than made up for it! LOL
What a wonderful walk through your farm. I have the same yellow and purple flowers and every year I think I will look up the names. Usually by the time I get back from my wandering through the weeds, something distracts me. But in my 51st grade, I think I’ll take your advice and learn what they are. I have managed for learn the names of some new (to me) trees during my walks. Poke berries do grow on the same plant as poke salad. The thing with that is that the small tender plants are good for you, but the berries from the mature plant will make you very sick. I love the barn quilt…it’s beautiful.
So Rebecca, we know the purple flowers are ironweed. Still working on positively identifying the tall yellow ones. I’ll keep you posted! Thank you, I really love that barn quilt. If it weren’t so much trouble, I’d made one for every out building I have.
Beautiful….Check and make sure those ‘grapes’ aren’t Pokeweed. I couldn’t tell with the close up. The Confederate Jasmine is what we in KS call Fall Clematis. It is blooming early this year and the fragrance is unbelievable. Love your place. I guess I would be in 52nd grade. Never too old to learn!!!
Sherry, I’ve looked it up and no, it wasn’t Pokeweed. These are large grapes in a traditional cluster. It’s looking like they are indeed muscadines. Fall clematis? Maybe that’s what it is! All these plants are so confusing. I may have enough work for a couple of school years–trying to figure them out.
I love the concept of being in 49th grade and your goal of learning to identify the flora and fauna on your bit of earth. I am now in the 59th grade, heading to my 50th high school reunion in September! I also have a goal of learning the names of all the living things that share my bit of earth. It can be a slow process, depending how observant and diligent you are. But what a fine goal.
As I read about the wasp nest I wanted to shout out “Don’t touch it!” Too late. So sorry you were on the receiving end of their wrath.
I believe the tall purple flowering plant you admire is ironweed. It is related to Joe Pye. Don’t the butterflies love it right now?
Oh, and I never ever resist the school supplies at this time of year. They are one of the joys of the season.
Warm regards.
I think you all are right, the purple is ironweed. It’s beautiful; I just love it. We have a lot of it all over the farm.
I hope you have fun at your 50th! Have you gone to others? Were they fun or eh?
Moses Cone, Linville Falls, and Viaduct at Grandfather Mountain have some great NC wildflower books. The one I keep in my car is Wildflowers in Color by Arthur Stupka. I love trying to figure out what all the ones are while we’re traveling the Blue Ridge Parkway. Loved going on your walk with you. I would be starting 59th grade this year. I’ll have to work on a syllabus.
Aren’t barn quilts great. I made one for our shed and just finished one for my moms porch.
You must be a big hiker! I will look up that book right now. Let us know when you decide on your syllabus. I guess I’ll have to make another barn quilt that is bigger and move that one to a smaller barn.
Rebekah: I just love your musings: I was thinking about my friend in Hayesville. She has been painting barn quilts lately also. You are often in my thoughts because I envy (I must be Honest) you being in the mountains living on your farm. Anyway, I wondered if you ever considered doing farm weddings? I think you would be wonderful especially since you are great with photography and writing. Plus you already have flowers too. Just a thought. I loved hearing about your recent France trip with your daughter. How wonderful. Well rock on Rebekah.
You’re so sweet, Dianne. Yes, I have thought about weddings. But while my farm is beautiful in many places, there isn’t much flat land and where there is flat land you’re looking at power lines and tractor trailers. I haven’t figured out a place that would work. But if I do, I’d love to host weddings here. Wouldn’t that be fun~!
Better grab those muscadines while you can….before the deer, and bear, find them. Get them when they turn dark.
So they are muscadines??? Will they sweeten up? The one I ate was tart.
Last summer the lake at our cabin was awash with what I thought was Queen Annes Lace but turned out to be hemlock. Before I found out I was picking it to dry to put on candles. We were going to sell the candles at a local fair. Good thing I found out. Good thing I didn’t lick my fingers after I picked it. Glad you got that link in one of your comments. Guess we both need to
It doesn’t bother you to touch it, then? It’s not a skin irritant? Yes, you’re right. I need to learn more. I have a friend whose horse died last year because he ate some red maple leaves. I had no idea. There’s so much to know on a farm.
look before we leap.
Please don’t taste berries that are not 100% known to you! Poison ivy, for example has lovely red berries! And poke berry is an irritant too, I believe. And don’t eat any mushrooms.
I think some of the white flowers are soapwort? You’d enjoy your land so much more if you did learn what things are! There are wonderful laminated page or folder field guide sheets you can buy and carry with you, things like flowers are sorted by color and specific to your area. It’s a little nature-nerd but it can also be fun to press your flowers and identify them and keep a book of what you ve found. And/ or a nature diary with sketches.
be careful , check with for ticks, esp in your hair. And never touch nests of any sort.
lizzy at gone to the beach
I’ll look at those pocket guides, Lizzy. The book I have buy can’t find (ordered a replacement) is a large, coffee-table book size. Having something that I could carry with me would be very helpful. I know not to eat mushrooms, but didn’t think twice about popping that berry into my mouth. I will next time! And. I. Hate. Ticks. UGH.
Ahhhh, I’m in my 65th year of school. Had never thought of it that way and I love learning. Every evening I take thought of what I learned that day, some times it amazes me how much was learned. Now tonight I will have many new ‘learnings’ to reflect on, thanks to you sharing your wonderful walk about. Merlin’s barn quilt is beautiful!! Well I best get a move on and learn some more. God bless
I’m the same way, Joan. Always learning something new. It makes me realize how little I really know…
Your farm looks absolutely charming! So sorry for your tangle with the “wasps”…I think they may actually be Bald-faced hornets. They make those large paper-mache nests that can be fun to use for decor (once they’ve been evacuated of hornets!). Your jasmine-like vine is Sweet Autumn clematis, very fragrant and blooms late summer/early autumn as the name implies. Yep, tall purple one is Ironweed, and the grapes might be Mustang grapes. Don’t worry about the aphids…you’ll probably notice Ladybugs or Praying Mantid munching down on them soon enough! Glad you found a replacement wildflower book so you can begin to I.D. all of your treasures. Visitors at my little farm are always asking what everything is, and it’s so fun to be able to just rattle off the names and throw in little tidbits about the plants. Lately, I’ve been gathering flowers as they come into bloom and smashing them on fabric to frame or use in a quilt. Next project will be wildcrafting plants to use for dye. Aren’t we just so blessed to have these natural elements to enjoy and learn about and share?!!!
Oh wonderful! thank you for the id’s! I have on my to-do list to find out more about who stung me. It might be hornets, IDK. Renee, what an interesting idea for the flowers. I’d like to hear more about that. And dyes! You are so cool. I continue to wish I had more crafty skills.
Those flowers are lovely and so colorful. Thanks for sharing them.
I enjoyed my walk so much, I just had to share!
Hi Rebekah! Oh I would be happy with only 8 beans! But in Michigan it would probably end up with 8 snowfalls over a foot each….I am in my 53rd year of school, lol makes me feel younger doing the math your way since I turn 60 this year. I feel like I have not learned near enough since I do not know the answers for any of your questions. I did know Jo Pye Weed because I actually have a group of it growing in my flower boarder. The bees love it! I call those little buggers wasp also and picked up a wet towel the grand kids left on our deck a few years ago and there were some hidden away under it. Those little stingers burnt for quite a while, and you are right they literally will chase you down if you bother their home. They were behind every shutter Jeff pulled down for us to paint this summer. Oh my there was a lot of noises coming from his mouth. And yes they died by way of wasp spray also. Jeff’s sister and some of her family live in the Texas area the hurricane has been raising havoc in. Her daughter had a baby during it all and one son had to be rescued from flooded area. I do not think anyone in the area was not affected in some way. Love, love your quilt block!
Brenda, I hope Jeff’s family is doing okay? Imagine being born during the hurricane…what a story that baby will eventually tell. It’s gotten very autumn-like here already. I’m starting to think about my first fire. And yes, your snows are always fantastic ones!
I enjoyed going with you on your walk through the farm. Would have loved to see the mountain stream behind those flowers though. I am a water person (Scorpio) and we have a lot of rain coming down right now here in KY from the remnants of Hurricane Harvey. Guess it will be raining here for a couple of days. Your barn is amazingly large and yes the poor quilt looks like a postage stamp but that in itself is kind of neat. I don’t know much about trees or flowers or weeds but I have seen plenty. Bugs too. The Japanese beetle is eating everything here. I hate using chemical killers also so just let them eat what they will. It’s mostly leaves they attack anyway. Those were probably paper wasps that stung you. I read that they are a beneficial insect. I think if the hornets stung you as many times as you were stung you would have been in the hospital because they really, really hurt getting stung just once and they make great big huge paper mache type nests. We found one hanging in a tree where we used to live. My son said if we hung a round bag painted a grey color and made it look like a hornets nest, we wouldn’t have the horse flies buzzing around here. Don’t know if that is true or not.
As for school I guess I would be in my 66th grade this year and my syllabus would include learning caligraphy, trying punch-pen embroidery, putting together a quilt, making a couple of cloth dolls that look like my friends Mark and Vickie to set on my little bench I got at a yard sale and trying to make some Christmas items for friends. A few years back I made table candle centerpieces and wreaths for Christmas presents. I enjoy your posts immensely and MaryJanesFarm magazine, and the posts from the other girls. All of you are an inspiration to your readers. Have a great day! PS. Try getting a picture of your mountain stream and posting it here, please. I miss them.
Sandi, I will definitely get a photo for you of our stream when the weeds die down a little. Or maybe I’ll find an old photo. I love spending time beside it. Today the local church held baptisms in it. Incredibly amazing. I’ll look up those guys who stung me! I might try your son’s idea on keeping horse flies out of the barn. I’ve never heard that either. It sounds like your 66th year is going to full of some wonderful craft-making. Thank you for the kind words. Visiting with all of you truly brings me JOY!
I’ve got 8 beans in the jar too !!! (Terry says I should only have 6 because I “wished” the other two he contends were not fog but mist…but isn’t fog just mist?).
I’ve also had wonderful flowers just appear and I wonder what they are. I even took a wildflower course to help me but found a beautiful pink one I can’t identify. I’ve searched the web (there are some great sites) but have had no luck yet.
Love your blog and the responses gave me names to some wildflowers I’ve seen but was not sure about. Keep up the good work. Sorry about the wasp attack. They are very painful. Even reporting the experience was useful in that we now know not to mess with wasp nests.
The garden was good this year….tomatoes were spectacular. Hope your garden was great too.
Happy Labor Day !!!
Ruthie, Ruthie, Ruthie! You ALWAYS make me smile! Tell Terry wishful thinking is okay. I saw fog ON the mountain, but not IN our valley. I thought—hmmm, does that count? Am I cheating? I decided it counted because that mountain is what I see out of my kitchen window. That, and there were just so few beans in my jar! My garden was a wreck this year. I’ve really failed miserably since moving here. Isn’t that something? I did a better job before. I think I’m just overwhelmed by everything that has to be done on this old farm. It’s different than gardening in ATL too. I can’t grow anything except small tomatoes because our growing season is so short. I’m learning though. And thinking about a small hoophouse or greenhouse. It sure is good to hear from you. The good old days were sure sweet…OXO
When my husband and I bought our property we wanted to know what some of the weeds were so we had the county weed guy come out and identify what was invasive or not. You might have someone like that around or a master gardener.
That’s a great idea, Cindy. I know a master gardener who lives in the area. I’m SURE he would know all of these! Thank you!
Loved your nature walk!
Thank you for coming with me, Joanne!
I think I’m in the 62nd grade if my math is correct (I graduated 12th grade in 1967). I did go back to school in my 30’s to get my BA degree in Comparative Religion but I don’t think that counts here, do you? For all of the years that I gardened in different places, I never, never, disturbed a wasps’ nest. I have never doubted for one minute that they are way smarter and faster than I am, and I allow them their own space (I do the same with snakes which I know may not be your cup of tea). Gee, this year I decided to take a “teach myself” course in natural alternatives to health, healing and aging via books, internet, lectures, etc. I may follow your path in the spring, though. It sounds awesome! Happy school year!
Hi Barb! That’s so interesting that you went back to school and got a degree in Comparative Religion. I’d love to hear about what motivated you to do that and what you did with your degree. I have a theology degree that I went back to school to earn. Your courses sound wonderful. Share what you learn with us!
Thank you for sharing all the beautiful pictures of you life! I would be in the 37th grade this year, and I feel like I still have so much to learn. My syllabus would be simplifying, slowing down, and enjoying and creating calm. (and I love the school supply aisle, too! There’s nothing like new pencils and fresh notebooks!)