Vintage Glamping Dream Come True – And A Giveaway!


In September, my husband Kim and I celebrate our 25th anniversary! One dream we’ve always shared is someday having a camper or RV.

I’d be hard-pressed to count all the ways MaryJane’s influenced me! When I first saw MaryJane’s writing on “Glamping” (she originally coined that word!) – that was it! Our dream morphed to wanting a vintage camper. Recently, that wish came true!

Kim grew up camping with his parents in Denmark. A few years ago, my in-laws purchased another camper and are having a blast!

When it was time for me to get another car, we made certain the little SUV I got was powerful enough to tow a camper (my previous one couldn’t). Finding a camper, however, wasn’t so easy!

The last few years, we’ve attended RV shows, watched for-sale ads, and looked at many campers for sale. It was either the wrong time, trailers were out of our price range, too far gone, or just weren’t for us. I joined the Facebook group, “Glampers on the Loose”, pored over the pages of MaryJane’s book, Glamping with MaryJane, and dreamed. Somewhere, someday – we’d find the “just right” camper.

We figured we’d have a camper when we were older. Realizing our daughter is now fifteen with only three years of high school left, the time to find one was now!

We actively started looking this spring. Campers were too big, too small, or not-quite-right. We’re handy, but didn’t want major repairs. We also checked out new campers all over the tri-state area. One salesman was so pushy, it was uncomfortable! We put money down on a new “vintage -style” camper. We realized we were being given a ridiculously high-interest rate, and the camper had been “stripped’ before closing. I guess they thought as “newbies” we wouldn’t notice and were so excited we’d sign anything. My husband’s in car sales, so he knew what to watch for. We walked away. It wasn’t what we really wanted- a true vintage trailer, and we’d promised ourselves we wouldn’t get carried away and overspend. We felt defeated.


Soon after, up popped a dreamy vintage camper for sale on a Facebook tag sale! It was priced right, and the pictures looked amazing. I immediately messaged the seller. We made plans to see it July Fourth.

The night before, we couldn’t sleep! We got up before the chickens, as we had over an hour drive and the seller had to work mid-morning. They also had someone else interested in seeing it, but assured me we had “first dibs”. We couldn’t wait to get there!


It was LOVE. AT. FIRST. SIGHT! The little 1966 “Nomad” was just perfect for our family of three.


She had “good bones” – most of the hard work was already done. The family had used her for camping for five years. (They were selling everything, including their home, converting a vintage school bus into a “little house”, traveling around the USA while homeschooling their son- how cool is that?!) We bought her. YIPPEE!! Let adventure begin!



Pulling away, towing the little camper, we were elated! At home, we immediately started working on her (and haven’t stopped). Kim and I are like giddy teens! We’re in the camper at dawn for coffee, and end the day there talking, having coffee or a glass of wine (instead of falling asleep in front of the tv), while finding things we want to spruce up so she’s “just so”. Having a vintage camper means there’ll always be something needing care, but it’s a labor of love. We’re both happiest when busy “tinkering”.


On my daughter’s birthday, kids swam, played truth-or-dare, and made s’mores- like old-fashioned camp! Parents relaxed in the camper. We all had a blast! We don’t ever need to leave the house- sitting in ‘er is like relaxing in a time capsule! Of course, it’ll be fun once we go camping. With my hubby’s schedule, our Nomad’s perfect for day trips, long weekends, and just plain fun to relax in at home. She’s so stinkin’ cute!

Inside, I left the cute but worn out dish towel curtains up until the new ones I found (white eyelet with a double ruffle) arrive.



The first thing that went in was my vintage-camper-print apron, a gift from Meg and MaryJane when I was “Farmgirl Of the Month”, January 2013. In the dining area (which folds down to a full bed and has storage), I sewed pillows and a tablecloth. We’re replacing the cushions with new red ones with white piping. Most of the other decor I already had- including a vintage-style fan, and a vintage train case to hold this-n-that.


The sink and stove are original, with a new matching fridge. Despite it’s small size, the camper has tons of storage!

Pouches from prairiepinpouch serve as soft storage, while vintage canisters hold everything from food, to garbage bags, to cleaning supplies.

Prairie pin pouches serve as soft storage (one holds a portable shower until we install one in the bathroom) while vintage tin canisters hold everything from food, to garbage bags, to cleaning supplies. In the closet, soft space saving hangers from TJ Maxx and soft collapsible storage stash big items.

We replaced the old mattress and box spring sitting on the floor with a slatted bed frame and memory foam mattress which serves as a daybed and creates underbed storage. A vintage suitcase bought for $1.00 at a church bazaar holds extra towels. A tag sale vintage tool box holds tools, while non-slip matting from Ikea (around $3.00) keeps everything from sliding around.




We’ve cleaned, oiled, painted, and decorated, and think our little camper is cozy! She needs a name, however! Can you suggest one? Leave a comment to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of Glamping with MaryJane! If you have a glamper, dream of glamping, or just adore all things MaryJanesFarm, you’ll love this dreamy book – it’s been our go-to handbook! (I’ll announce the randomly-drawn winner next month)!




There’s still a few things we need to do to our little camper. She’s our anniversary gift to each other. Our family is having a blast painting and fixing her up. One of my friends called it a ‘she shed’ – but our 1966 camper is a ‘we shed’! We love her, bumps and all. Dreams do come true!

Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole


  1. Brenda says:

    I love the turquoise appliances! I just hope, when we’re ready to take the plunge, I can find a trailer with them. *sigh* And she sorta looks like a “Tillie” to me.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Brenda, Thanks! When I saw those turquoise appliances, my heart skipped a beat! I love them too! “Tillie” – Cute name for a camper! Check back next month to see if you win the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Beverly Battaglia says:

    Love the pictures. You look so cute sitting in it. Love you and proud of you,

  3. Jodie says:

    What a darling camper! Way to be patient with finding the best one for you! I come from a family where we named everything. It’s a must! Talulah was the first name that popped in my mind, but then I thought of the picture you took of the nomad emblem and I thought of Norma the Nomad. what wonderful memories you will have! Happy anniversary!

    • Jodie says:

      Ooo…I love naming things…thought of two more that I just couldn’t resist telling you…
      Trula the Trailer (Trula= short and girly for True love ❤️)
      Gloria the Glamper

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Jodie, I agree – we name everything, too; lol. I like these names you came up with, as well. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Kim Van Nordstrand says:

    Well, first off just let me say that your husband has a great name, haha! That said, all your cute bright colors and 50’s/60’s vibe immediately reminded me of Betty Boop! So you could name her Betty Beep! 🙂 Looking forward to exploring your site some more. LOVE all of this!! Kim

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kim! In Denmark, men are often named “Kim”, not short for anything. We once met a Dane also named Kim, who married an American lady named Kim. Can you imagine the confusion in mail and phone calls, lol? Anyway, I ADORE your idea of naming her Betty Beep! Sooo cute! Thank you for reading and commenting, and good luck in the drawing! Check back next month to see if you’re name is drawn. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Brenda Weits says:

    Love ur Style! This camper is so cute and turquoise is my favorite color. This would be perfect for a weekend of camping or even 3 weeks or so for 2 ppl on a road trip. I’m very into Vintage items so love all ur attention to detail. I decided to go the route of the former owners, however, and am getting rid of almost all my possessions because I bought a large school bus to turn into a RV to travel the Americas with my 2 cats. But if I were to name ur Trailer, I would go with Nomadic Nellie because she is a Nomad and likes to travel, of course. Best of luck to you! Maybe I’ll see you on the road. I have a turquoise & white theme for my bus/Tiny Home on Wheels, too! 😉

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Brenda, How exciting! I would love to see the end result of a bus-turned-rv. I think that is the coolest kind of repurposing! My trailer is only 15 feet, but the way she is set up my tall husband can stand comfortably and I don’t feel closed in. I love spending time in her, and can’t wait to go camping! I love the name you have suggested. Good luck in the drawing, and if you see us on the road, definitely say hello!! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Cindy Holthaus says:

    I would name her AQUA ANNIE. It looks like you have really been working hard on the camper. Good for you. Thanks for the chance to enter.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Cindy, It’s been hard work, for sure, but we have loved every minute working on her! I like that – “Aqua Annie”. Check back next month – good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Tifeni says:

    What a blessing your little camper is to your family . And, what a blessing you are to her: a family that lavishes love and adoration to her every. This makes for happiness for all of us with whom you have shared your delight in her. I have 3 suggestions for a name : Golden Apples , Lavender Day and my favorite old time name “Birdie” God Bless your travels.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Tifeni, thank you so much! I think my favorite name you’ve suggested is “Birdie”, too. I love the catchy sound and the old-fashioned feel. Thanks for reading and commenting; good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Lynne Erhardt says:

    Name suggestions
    (she’s just darling I can’t stand it)!:
    Dolly, Betty, Humingbird, Cricket, Comet, Daisy, Shasta, Pearl, Willa, Georgia, Miss Charlotte

  9. Connie Gause says:

    What a great story! Sounds like you’ll have fun till the snow flies! I love all your pictures and cute story! Not Dreaming anymore! ❤️

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Connie, Thank you! It still seems like a dream…we are so happy with our little camper! Big Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. She’s lovely…and I’m pea-green with envy! Crossing my fingers to find one of my own someday. How about calling her Sweet Caroline? Have fun…what memories you’ll make!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mary, I love that name. That is one I thought of, too! We shall see…the drawing closes soon so check back next week to see if you win the wonderful book by MaryJane. Keep looking. Someday you might find just the one you are looking for. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. Jackie Walker says:

    I love this so much. I LOVE also that you use it at home.
    I think she’s a Teal Delight!
    I hope you make many happy memories!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jackie, Thank you! I am actually in the camper right now, chihuahua in my lap, forties music playing, and drinking coffee. It has become my favorite, peaceful way to start the day. Thank you for stopping by the blog! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Sarah says:

    For someone who has never had camping experience, I could like this.
    Name suggestion is Miss Vintage Glam shortened to “Miss V”.
    Best wishes for many happy adventures.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      HI Sarah, cute name! I never had camped before our trip, and I LOVE it! So much fun! You might like it, too. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Hope you’ll “visit” again! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Brenda Weits says:

    So, who won the book giveaway?

  14. Pingback: Sun, Blooms, and a Vintage Camper | Farmgirl Bloggers

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