Vintage Glamping Dream Come True – And A Giveaway!


In September, my husband Kim and I celebrate our 25th anniversary! One dream we’ve always shared is someday having a camper or RV.

I’d be hard-pressed to count all the ways MaryJane’s influenced me! When I first saw MaryJane’s writing on “Glamping” (she originally coined that word!) – that was it! Our dream morphed to wanting a vintage camper. Recently, that wish came true!

Kim grew up camping with his parents in Denmark. A few years ago, my in-laws purchased another camper and are having a blast!

When it was time for me to get another car, we made certain the little SUV I got was powerful enough to tow a camper (my previous one couldn’t). Finding a camper, however, wasn’t so easy!

The last few years, we’ve attended RV shows, watched for-sale ads, and looked at many campers for sale. It was either the wrong time, trailers were out of our price range, too far gone, or just weren’t for us. I joined the Facebook group, “Glampers on the Loose”, pored over the pages of MaryJane’s book, Glamping with MaryJane, and dreamed. Somewhere, someday – we’d find the “just right” camper.

We figured we’d have a camper when we were older. Realizing our daughter is now fifteen with only three years of high school left, the time to find one was now!

We actively started looking this spring. Campers were too big, too small, or not-quite-right. We’re handy, but didn’t want major repairs. We also checked out new campers all over the tri-state area. One salesman was so pushy, it was uncomfortable! We put money down on a new “vintage -style” camper. We realized we were being given a ridiculously high-interest rate, and the camper had been “stripped’ before closing. I guess they thought as “newbies” we wouldn’t notice and were so excited we’d sign anything. My husband’s in car sales, so he knew what to watch for. We walked away. It wasn’t what we really wanted- a true vintage trailer, and we’d promised ourselves we wouldn’t get carried away and overspend. We felt defeated.


Soon after, up popped a dreamy vintage camper for sale on a Facebook tag sale! It was priced right, and the pictures looked amazing. I immediately messaged the seller. We made plans to see it July Fourth.

The night before, we couldn’t sleep! We got up before the chickens, as we had over an hour drive and the seller had to work mid-morning. They also had someone else interested in seeing it, but assured me we had “first dibs”. We couldn’t wait to get there!


It was LOVE. AT. FIRST. SIGHT! The little 1966 “Nomad” was just perfect for our family of three.


She had “good bones” – most of the hard work was already done. The family had used her for camping for five years. (They were selling everything, including their home, converting a vintage school bus into a “little house”, traveling around the USA while homeschooling their son- how cool is that?!) We bought her. YIPPEE!! Let adventure begin!



Pulling away, towing the little camper, we were elated! At home, we immediately started working on her (and haven’t stopped). Kim and I are like giddy teens! We’re in the camper at dawn for coffee, and end the day there talking, having coffee or a glass of wine (instead of falling asleep in front of the tv), while finding things we want to spruce up so she’s “just so”. Having a vintage camper means there’ll always be something needing care, but it’s a labor of love. We’re both happiest when busy “tinkering”.


On my daughter’s birthday, kids swam, played truth-or-dare, and made s’mores- like old-fashioned camp! Parents relaxed in the camper. We all had a blast! We don’t ever need to leave the house- sitting in ‘er is like relaxing in a time capsule! Of course, it’ll be fun once we go camping. With my hubby’s schedule, our Nomad’s perfect for day trips, long weekends, and just plain fun to relax in at home. She’s so stinkin’ cute!

Inside, I left the cute but worn out dish towel curtains up until the new ones I found (white eyelet with a double ruffle) arrive.



The first thing that went in was my vintage-camper-print apron, a gift from Meg and MaryJane when I was “Farmgirl Of the Month”, January 2013. In the dining area (which folds down to a full bed and has storage), I sewed pillows and a tablecloth. We’re replacing the cushions with new red ones with white piping. Most of the other decor I already had- including a vintage-style fan, and a vintage train case to hold this-n-that.


The sink and stove are original, with a new matching fridge. Despite it’s small size, the camper has tons of storage!

Pouches from prairiepinpouch serve as soft storage, while vintage canisters hold everything from food, to garbage bags, to cleaning supplies.

Prairie pin pouches serve as soft storage (one holds a portable shower until we install one in the bathroom) while vintage tin canisters hold everything from food, to garbage bags, to cleaning supplies. In the closet, soft space saving hangers from TJ Maxx and soft collapsible storage stash big items.

We replaced the old mattress and box spring sitting on the floor with a slatted bed frame and memory foam mattress which serves as a daybed and creates underbed storage. A vintage suitcase bought for $1.00 at a church bazaar holds extra towels. A tag sale vintage tool box holds tools, while non-slip matting from Ikea (around $3.00) keeps everything from sliding around.




We’ve cleaned, oiled, painted, and decorated, and think our little camper is cozy! She needs a name, however! Can you suggest one? Leave a comment to be entered in the drawing to win a copy of Glamping with MaryJane! If you have a glamper, dream of glamping, or just adore all things MaryJanesFarm, you’ll love this dreamy book – it’s been our go-to handbook! (I’ll announce the randomly-drawn winner next month)!




There’s still a few things we need to do to our little camper. She’s our anniversary gift to each other. Our family is having a blast painting and fixing her up. One of my friends called it a ‘she shed’ – but our 1966 camper is a ‘we shed’! We love her, bumps and all. Dreams do come true!

Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole


  1. Laura says:

    “Sweetness and Light” is my suggestion. I loved your article!

  2. Sandra brewer says:

    I love this camper and would be a proud owner!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandra, thanks! I am proud of her, especially with all the work we are putting into it. Good luck with the drawing for MaryJane’s book – it is such a great read whether you have a camper or just dream of them! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Carol says:

    I love this glamper! I love to camp and I love our camper, but yours is so cute. The additions to it are simply amazing. The fact that you carried the vintage theme on inside is what makes it so cute. I would name her Miss Daisy because I love the movie and you would be pulling Miss Daisy. LOL!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Carol! Thank you! I love vintage anything, so keeping that theme wasn’t too much of a stretch for me, lol! I love the name Miss Daisy! Hmmmmm… Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Nicki says:

    Hi there from another Nicole! Your camper is so stinkin’ cute, it makes me want one…and I don’t even like camping! (Well, I could get into glamping, though!)
    I’m ga-ga over the turquoise appliances, so how about “Turquoise Tillie” or “Teal Tessie?” (Or any combination of the two!) Have fun!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Nicole! Thank you! I am kinda with you…I don’t care for tent camping much. But I cant wait to camp in our little Nomad! I love the names! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Krista says:

    Love the new camper!! You guys definitely lucked out. The decorations and storage match great. I would love to own a trailer someday. We actually began looking this year but just haven’t found the perfect one. We also want to take our time and find the perfect trailer without spending an arm and a leg. We will just have to keep our eyes open. Hope you can find the perfect name for your camper!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Krista! Thank you! I am still working on her. I have one more pillow I want to sew up for the bed, and just put up the new curtains last night. We finished painting her inside this week, too. I just got back from the fabric store an hour ago to pick up what I need to make the tie backs for the curtains. Lastly, the new dinette cushions should come in soon! It’s been so much fun fixing her up! Take your time and find the right one. I am so glad we did. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Catherine Dorsey says:

    Ms Tealee

  7. Carol says:

    Congratulations! She is the cutest little camper so she could be name Cutie Pie. I love what you have done with her.
    Happy trails.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Carol, Thank you. She has been so much fun to fix up. I think “Cutie Pie” is an adorable name, definitely in the running. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Marlene Capelle says:

    Turquoise appliances! You scored. We have a 1998 RV named Maynard. If I had yours I would name it Clive. Not much on girly names.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marlene, I know, right? I just adore the turquoise, too! The oven looks as if it was not used too much. Love the name, LOL. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Rebecca M. says:

    I love your camper, it looks perfectly cozy! Aren’t you glad you waited? My husband and I are looking but so far we haven’t found the perfect one for us. I feel confident, though. It’s out there, I just need to find it.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Rebecca, Thank you! I am so very glad I waited! The one we almost bought would have been a big mistake. Keep looking, you will find the perfect match! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Judy from Maine says:

    I don’t know why, but the name Mildred came to me. I guess because it’s a vintage type name and, to me, just seems to fit. Have tons of fun with her, I know you will.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Judy, I like the name Mildred. I want to name her something vintage-y. Thanks for the idea, and for reading and commenting. Remember to check back here next month to see if you win MaryJane’s book! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. denise says:

    OH so COOL! lucky you!

  12. Marilyn says:

    Sunny side Up Girl.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Cute name, Marilyn! Thanks for reading and commenting, good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Heike says:

    Lola :).

    What a great little find!
    You are going to have so much fun!

  14. Adrienne Kristine says:

    As a former full-time RVer for 7 years who fixed up two older motorhomes, I understand your delight with your new glamping abode. So my suggestion for a name is Charmian because she is charming. And I have a link with some ideas you might use:
    Have fun!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Adrienne! WOW! Full time for seven years…what adventures you must have had! I love the name idea, too. Thank you for the link! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  15. Cheryl Bell says:

    I think Gypsy would be a cute name. I have always wanted to live in a a tiny camper on the road live in a little town for awhile and then move on to a new adventure.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Cheryl, “Gypsy” is a great name for a camper! Good luck in the drawing! Check back next month to see who wins! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  16. Sue Russell says:

    We would call it Living a Dream. You are living our dream!! My husband and I are looking for a camper that you drive. That way there One person could be outback making coffee and doing things while the other is driving, meanwhile talking with each other. We would love to have any camper that you can tow behind a car or a camper you drive. We would like to make sure that there will be enough room to maybe bring grandchildren in the summer. Camping is the best!! Thankyou for sharing!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sue! We also thought about a camper that was self driven, but we chose a trailer camper for a few reasons, one being self-driving ones need to be driven often so their engines don’t stall. What wonderful memories you will make with your grandchildren camping! I love your name idea, I had thought of something similar, because it was such a dream for a long time. Good luck with your hunt for a camper! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  17. Robbie White says:

    What a cutie…I would call her
    “Miss Teensie”

  18. Rebecca says:

    I could think of all kinds of names. I love old fashioned girl names, Emily Rose, CoraLee, EmiLou, or you could do a combo of your names The KimNic, Te NicKim, etc.

    It’s gorgeous

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Rebecca! Thank you! I love those ol’fashioned names, too (my daughter is Audrey after Audrey Hepburn and Lil’Audrey from the 40s). Those are some great ideas! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  19. Andrea says:

    I love, love, love the kitchen area!!! You and your vintage trailer were meant to find each other. Congratulations (on both your find and your 25th anniversary!) and best wishes!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thank you, Andrea! It’s been so much fun fixing her up alongside my husband. Since the pics were taken for the blog, we spent two weekends painting her inside! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  20. Lynne says:

    Name for trailer: Nicole’ s Bread & breakfast

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Lynne, That’s cute! It is kinda my little bed and breakfast! Can you just imagine a hearty camp breakfast of fresh eggs cooked on that cute little stove?? Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  21. deb rowley says:

    Beautiful little camper! My best friend has one similar to yours just 10 ft long. It’s name is Junior. I think yours could be Li’l Miss Roam-a-round.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Deb! Love it! Your name idea sounds like a fun Oldies song, perfect for a Glamper! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  22. Louise Regan says:

    I love your new addition to the family! She looks so sweet! I have two vintage trailers, a ’71 Avion named Sweetpea & a ’68 Streamliner named Duke. They are such fun to go camping in. Such adventures await. I suggest you name the new addition after your favorite flower. It will always bring a smile to your face when you talk about her.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Louise, I love that idea! Cute names for your campers! I can’t wait to go on camping adventures! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  23. Julie Pruett says:

    Thank you for sharing your great pictures of your long sought after glamper! It is WONDERFUL! Glad you FINALLY found your dream…You’ve decorated it so adorably…I did like the comment “pulling Miss Daisy” Cute!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Julie, Thank you! “Miss Daisy” is a favorite name with quite a few who have read the comments! Cute, right? Oh my goodness, girl, another BIG thank you for your amazing patience with my picking out which fabric I wanted to order from you. I would’ve driven me crazy and you were so sweet!!!! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  24. Jenny says:

    I love this! We have an RV that we use for camping, but know I think I need my own glamper! I don’t have any suggestions yet for a name for you, although I do understand the need to name her-I name everything. My husband thought I was a little crazy when we met!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Jenny, Thanks! I just had this conversation with my hubby, about naming everything. He said he was showing the blog to a co-worker and realized I had also named every one of my vintage sewing machines in my collection, but he says he loves that about me! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  25. Karen Polzin says:

    The first name that came to me was “Gladys”.
    Sound 60’ish love the trailer
    Hope she gives you many years of fun.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen, “Gladys” is a good name for a trailer from the 60’s! Thanks for the suggestion! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  26. Joan says:

    Vintage Girl. I love your writing! How fun, getting her gussied up, doing it together and enjoying doing it. I know y’all will make great memories. God bless.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Joan, I LOVE that. Great name. Thank you for the wonderful compliment, I am so glad you like my posts, means a lot. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  27. Sarah says:

    What a cutie! I keep thinking it should have something to do with your minions, since mini is in there, but sadly nothing witty comes to mind. Maybe the suggestion can get the creative juices flowing! Enjoy!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sarah, I was thinking something like that, as well, but nothing came to mind (that was appropriate, lol). Diane just commented calling her “Po-Ta-Toe” which is now in the running… Good luck in the drawing…check back next month to see if you’re the winner! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  28. Mary Stultz says:

    Old Fashioned Girl!

  29. Sheree Kimes says:

    How about a vintage Danish name like Agatha or Ursula?

  30. Dodie Sullivan says:

    I love your camper! I can’t think of any name better than the many that have already been suggested. You are going to have so much fun!
    We bought a camper last year, took an 8 week trip out west and back. Had a marvelous time! I have got the camping/ glamping bug now. We did sell that camper after our trip because we realized it wasn’t exactly what we wanted. But having had one we now have a list of of what we will better look for in the next on. My husband is our awesome ” search engine, and deal finder”, so I know we will find the perfect glam per when the time is right again.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Dodie, Glamping is a contagious bug! We have been eating, sleeping, and dreaming of Glamping this whole month. Between the camper and my vintage sewing machine obsession, I am quite happy, lol! Good luck on your search. We took our time and are so happy we found exactly what we wanted. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  31. Sandra B says:

    How about Josephine Traveler. What a beautiful trailer. You have done a fine job of fixing it up. Have fun camping. We need to enjoy our parks while we still have them, and let our government know that we do.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Sandra, another great idea! Love it. I just read that in Connecticut, this fall, parks are closing early due to lack of funding. 🙁 Thanks for reading and commenting; good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  32. Susan says:

    I love the camper. I have always wanted a copy of this book.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Susan, thank you! Good luck in the drawing. MaryJane’s book is awesome! Check back next month to see if you’re the winner! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  33. Diane Van Horn says:

    I just adore your camper! So happy for you! I see you like Minions so how about naming your camper Po-Ta-Toe!

  34. Tracey H says:

    I think the name Paige fits her. If I’m not mistaken, Paige was the name of the lady of the Polmolive commercials. She would soak hands in it. Do you remember it? You might be too young.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      <emHi Tracey, I'm not too young! "Paige" was the name of the soaker and "Madge" was her manicurist! Love it! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  35. Teri clark says:

    How wonderful! Fun times ahead!

  36. Robin Miller says:

    Camper name is Mary Ann. After the character from Gilligan’s Island who is my iconic farm girl.
    Second choice is May Belle. Kind of sounds like a cow name, keeping with the farm theme….

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Robin, I always liked MaryAnn on Gilligan’s Island, too! Mae Bell is a cute choice, as well! Thanks for the suggestions! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  37. Alice staats says:

    Look like “Naomi”

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Alice, Hmmm…”Naomi” is a catchy name! Thanks for reading and commenting, good luck in the drawing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  38. Sunnie says:

    Great giveaway, I would love to do this with my girls!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thanks, Sunnie! Good luck in the drawing…check back next month! Glamping is definitely a fun thing to do with family! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  39. Wendie says:

    You love the Minions, go with Bob or Carla! We too would love to get a camper one day. We just got a “new” 2000 Jeep and put the trailer hitch on it. We did not have any towing capacity before this. We are slowly heading the right direction, on bite a t a time 🙂 Until then, we tent it. Have fun in your new toy. It looks so inviting.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Wendie, Carla and Bob are cute minion names! Congrats on your Jeep- it is the first step to a camper! Keep looking, since we bought ours a month ago I found two more vintage ones (wasn’t looking they popped up) that sold in my area. They are out there. Good luck! And good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  40. Kathi W says:

    The outside of your camper reminds me of some wonderful teal & white BelAirs that we’ve seen, so how about Bella? That would also express how beautiful she is! Congrats on your find, it gives me hope that we will find ours… loved reading your story. How fun!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kathi! Thank you so much! “Bella” was a name we first thought of too…hmmmmm…Good luck on your hunting, the right camper will come along. 🙂 Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  41. Beth R says:

    Your camper is adorable. I would call her Blue Moon, something that doesn’t come along everyday but is a site to see if you’re lucky. Congrats on your 25th anniversary. May your travels be filled with fun and adventure.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Beth, “Blue Moon” – love it! Very clever and fitting! Thank you so much. Thanks for reading and commenting! Check back next month to see who wins the book – good luck! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  42. Rosemarie says:


    Love the new camper! What a lucky find! You did an awesome job of refurbishing and decorating the camper.
    My family owned a pop up camper in the ’70’s and we would go camping at a local state park every year. It was loads of fun to go camping. We couldn’t decorate much in the camper as the walls folded in. However, I do fondly remember a plaid round cooler!
    Chip and I have been talking about getting a camper in the next few years. I will call you for decorating advise when we buy one!

    Possible name: “Cherry Blossoms” as you love Cherry decor!!


    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Rose! Thank you!! It was so much fun to decorate. We certainly have a lot to catch up on! I adore the name “Cherry Blossoms”! Cute! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  43. Linda Thompson says:

    A beautiful camper, you’re very lucky! My name suggestion is “Peachy”.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Linda! Thanks so much! “Peachy” is cute! Check back to see who wins MaryJane’s awesome book! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  44. Dori Troutman says:

    OH MY WORD Nicole!!! I’m totally dying. This is exactly what I want. I think I need to get more proactive about searching for one. This is amazing!!! I love all your decorations too!


    Dori – the Ranch Farmgirl

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      LOL, thanks so much, Dori!! I am so happy with her. Kim and I have spent such quality time, along with Audrey, just fixing her up or hanging out in her. At home, we put a picnic table nearby and have eaten dinner outside almost every night! I’ve sewed and crafted, too, (all the pillows except one are made by me) and just have enjoyed putting our own touch to her. I’m so glad we waited and found the perfect one. Check Facebook tag sales and marketplace – that’s where we found ours. Good luck! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  45. Sandi King says:

    Nicole, I know what you experienced when you found the right one. I went through the same experience when my husband and I went looking for our camper. As soon as I saw it and the layout inside I knew it was ‘the one’. It was ‘home away from home’, ‘love at first sight’ for me and we bought it. I never named her though. But after following your post and seeing what you have done what stuck in my mind was this: Nola Blu Don’t ask me why, it just did. Can’t explain it, but I like it. Hope you enjoy your camper for many years. Unfortunately, my husband sold ours after a few years and it was a great loss to me.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandi, thanks so much! “Nola Blu” is a neat name…hmmmmm…I am sorry you don’t have your camper anymore. I hope we feel like she is our “home away from home” when we go on our first camping trip. I have tried to think of everything. We do love hanging out in her at home…she’s like our own personal time machine! Much love! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  46. Deb Bosworth says:

    Hi Nicole!

    Congratulations to all of you! What a delightful and fitting anniversary gift. All of your vintage details just shine and so do you! When people name their boats it’s most always a females name and often after a spouse and or daughters. If your ” we shed” was a boat she would be called the Audrey Nicole. The perfect name will find you! So, so happy for you!
    Blessings from the shorelines…
    PS. Don’t enter me in the giveaway… I have the book… I just wanted to say howdy and send my blessings!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thanks so much, Deb! I love what you said about boats! That could work for a camper, too, right? Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  47. Vivian Monroe says:

    OMG She is ADORABLE! My sweetie and I have a 1976 Arabian fifth wheel that I completely redid the inside and brightened up and added all my vintage touches to. We found it on Craigs list, after several attempted scams ughh, finally found one just one exit up from where we live. Got a great deal. Love having a home that is paid for. HA! I LOVE your stove and fridge and sink. How cool to have turquoise. I loved my original fridge in mine but had to replace because it kept going out, cant be off camping and fridge goes out. We have had every type of camper you can think of, and even lived in a huge one for 5 years which had all the luxuries of home, but then we bought our house here in NC and got rid of the big fancy one and got this small vintage one we have now. Out of all our campers this is my favorite. I just got a new vintage awning made for her, I tried to hold on to the original one for as long as I could but unfortunately it was dryrotted inplaces and kept ripping so I ordered on from martysawnings on line..she makes awnings to your requested size. very fast, took only two weeks and very reasonable. We have been camping now for 25 of our 27 years of marriage, and we only have 3 states left to visit. I love Mary Janes term glamping, even met some ladies once that were glampers at a campsite in La. they were all traveling together through several states. for a name how about “Sweet Magnolia”…anyway have tons of fun, there is so much to see out there and so much better from traveling with a camper. Be Blessed and happy travels to yall. Neta.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Neta, thanks for sharing! I bet your glamper is adorable, too! The fridge in ours is not original, the sink and stove are, but the fridge was painted to match. I also used that paint to paint the inside door and the paper towel holder. The stove looks like it was never used (works). Perhaps one day we will meet a campsite! Wouldn’t that be awesome. Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  48. Nadya Kotik says:

    it’s a beautiful camper to travel in. I would simply call it Glampey of Glampee, not sure of right spelling

  49. Kate says:

    You and your Husband have done beautiful things with your camper. I hope that you have many happy years camping and Glamping!

  50. Kim says:

    Since she’s a Nomad, how about being both alliterative and historical? Naomi the Nomad – she is so cute! Would love to do something “girlie” with our 34-foot class A motorhome, but the three guys who make up the rest of our family would revolt, pull on their cowboy boots, and ride off into the sunset on our trusty horses if I did such a thing !!! : )

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kim! I love that – “Naomi the Nomad”! I was worried my interior would get too “girly” and “frosted cupcake”. I just made another pillow for the bed with the same matching fabric as the Prairie Pin Pouch I purchased. It’s red with vintage print cowboys on it. 😉 Thanks for reading and commenting. Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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