Grace Notes

[Previous Suburban Farmgirl, October 2009 – October 2010]

I’m tickled to join MaryJane’s roster of scribblers expanding the notion that farmgirl isn’t a just place on the map, but a place of the heart.

True confessions (as the title of this blog makes clear): I was born suburban and raised suburban. I detoured briefly to New York City (I’m a writer after all) but now I’m raising my kids suburban, too.

Despite all the cul de sacs, WalMarts, and store-bought tomatoes, something a little bit country has always two-stepped inside me.

Bonanza: Ponderosa Party Time

As a girl, I pretended my pink bicycle was a horse named Apple. I begged my mom to make blue gingham curtains for my bedroom. This being Michigan, I picked a lot of apples, blueberries, and raspberries—and sometimes Mom’s flowers became “crops” in my pioneer girl games, too.

Paula and her trusty 'horse'

As a pre-teen I discovered “Bonanza” re-runs—hard! I probably would’ve been the geek behind the ultimate rabid fan site, had the web been invented then. (First album I ever owned: “Ponderosa Party Time”!!) Yes, I know the Ponderosa is a ranch and not a farm, and I admit that Pernell Roberts, my first big crush, partly fueled this obsession. But I also gravitated to their neckerchiefs and boots, their campfire coffee, their wide-open spaces, their general store, and those blue willow dishes. (Guess what my china pattern is today?)

By age 15, I owned bandannas in every color of the rainbow—and wore one almost every day. I’d walk two miles to a “health food store” to buy homemade granola ingredients and a cool new thing called Dannon yogurt.

For college, I moved from suburban Detroit to Iowa. (There used to be a sign at the state line, “Welcome to Iowa, A Place to Grow.” It was incredibly apt! Is it still there, anyone know?) I loved going home with friends. In Sue’s hayloft, kittens might be being born as we got out of the car. Cindy taught me about corn detassling. In the Amana colonies where Jeff lived, we’d devour pancakes big as dinner plates, served family-style with a groaning-board of every breakfast food imaginable.

All these experiences were like coming home to a place I’d never been. How was that possible? Yet it’s a sensation that recurs time and again in my current life: At the sights and smells of a farmer’s market. The satisfying slam of a screen door. Making a bed with a red-and-white Depression quilt. Being drawn to the curve of a particular pitcher at a yard sale. Spotting a shooting star. Drying clothes on a line (preferably with wooden pins). Making a pie—especially taking that extra minute to fashion a cute little apple cut out for the top. Feeling a cow’s rough tongue on my hand (though it only happened twice, once in Iowa and once in New Zealand). Mending a moth hole. Tossing a pretty tablecloth on the grass for a picnic. Being outside, anywhere outside, in any weather.

Grace notes, I’ve come to think of them. Countrified grace notes amid the rest of my everyday (very suburban) realities—and thank goodness for them! We can’t get *all* our calm and comfort from eating chocolate!

If you get what I’m talking about, you already know that these grace notes don’t always take the form of sights, sounds, and places, either. They’re also more amorphous experiences—like values and ‘tudes, like conspiring with a bunch of other women to plan a surprise party or a fundraiser. They’re that spark of kinship felt over tea with a like-minded new friend. They’re the satisfaction of a job well done (I’m thinking of my mother ripping two inches of perfectly good knitting because she realized she slipped a stitch a few rows back). Grace notes can be the optimism and can-do spirit of traipsing into the woods with a troop of Brownies—or of opening my pantry and cobbling together yet another decent meal in the nick of time.

MaryJane is fond of saying, “farmgirl is a condition of the heart” and that’s exactly right. The grace notes I’m talking about originated in farm life and have flown like airborne seeds all over the place. Those of us who find them and find a place for them in our hearts (wherever we may be) have something pretty wonderful in common.

I can’t wait to think about them in more detail with you all!

  1. Reba says:

    Welcome! I look forward to hearing musings from a suburban farmgirl. That is where I am now, but long for the time when I can have a farm in the mountains of NC or eastern TN. I have been a farmgirl at heart all of my life. Being the youngest in a family of 12 children, I have been called "old-fashioned" by some of my siblings. I loved playing in my mom’s kitchen garden as a child and going outside with my brother’s (military) canteen, pretending that I was sitting around a campfire like in the old westerns. I have loved sewing, gardening, camping, and fishing, all that I learned from my parents. I also love "junktiqing" like the ranch farmgirl refered to. It brings back memories of my childhood and makes me feel "at home" again with things like my mom (now passed away) had around the house. Farmgirl is certainly a condition of the heart and has always been a condition of mine. Welcome, from another suburban farmgirl!

  2. Kelly says:

    Well done :^ ) – your blog is great. I hope you will stay awhile and create those word pictures in our minds of your thought, ideas, and rememberances.

    Thank you.

  3. Hi ladies,

    Welcome to all of us. May we get together someday.

  4. kimberly powers says:

    Dear Paula,
    Love that album cover. I grew up thinking of the Cartwrights as my family, with a wise and loving dad, and great brothers. My imagined role on the ranch was one of mischief and adventure. A younger sister that needed brothers’ protection and Ben Cartwright’s wise and loving guidance. A few years ago I spent the day at the Ponderosa overlooking Lake Tahoe, what a beautiful setting. I reminisced, hiked to familiar scenes and finally payed respects to the boys and dad, Cartwright at the family cemetery.
    After all these years I can still summon the cow-girl in me.
    Thanks for the words of "Grace"

  5. Sharri says:

    Hi Paula

    Just found your blog thru your magazine. I was in my local quilt shop today and they had your magazine for sale at the counter and I bought one. After reading it, I plan on taking a subscription and have shared your web site with fellow quilting friends. I grew up in the city and also the suburbs. Married my high school sweet heart. He went into the Army and became a Pilot and we spent 20 years living in many different states and countries. I have two kids, a girl and a boy and they each have two children. I am retired from the Department of Defense and live in the burbs of Columbus, Ohio with my Clumber Spaniel, Toddy and two Bearded Collies, Kirby and Blossom and Bo, my Maine Coon cat.


  6. Extextcedgita says:

    Hey there everyone i was just introduceing myself here im a first time visitor who hopes to become a daily reader!

  7. Daydaydaw says:

    Hey everyone just wanna say hello and introduce myself!

  8. kssielcb says:

    Paul Smith 時計

    代表的なものをシステムから利用可能なを含む桑の会社、桑のベイズウォーター、桑ロクサーヌ、アントニー、キーラナイ トレイ、Mitzy、サマセット タイラー桑のハンドバッグなどだけでなく。離れてこの種のパーティー身に着けていると他の服のも時折使用されているためだけでは最良の手段でブランドを提案財布です。あなたのブランドのバッグを所有している場合、この場合は確かに十分なだけのファッションのアイコンのような種類が持ちうる美しさと排他性の感じを楽しむが。
    今日では、桑のハンドバッグの状態常にされているシャネル、プラダは本当のための G のような人気のある企業の電流に相当します。余裕ができない場合が前述のようには収益性の高い革新的な作品。このケースを見てのこの季節的な販売と利益。期間は一般的に、多くの通常、魅力的なデザイナー財布で貯蓄を買うことができます。バッグから取得金額バッグを含むより依存するまたはより少ない人気のケースを設計開始。彼らはそうであっても、管理から買えば元のコストからの割合が高いをわき置くことができる確かに。
    女性のバックパックのブランドは汎用であり、古い感じることはありません最後の歳をことがあります。古い提供資産を拾います。これらの人々 のための削減を提供し、購入オンラインに対するあなたの率直さと砲撃の予算を準備できるようになるいくつかのオンラインのウェブサイトを見つけることがあります。だからここで、テストし、あなたの状況に最も適した 1 つを購入します。
    Paul Smith 時計

    なぜこのビジネスを書いているか?最終的に、スポーツものをサインアップする必要があると若い子供を許可することの必要性に関する追加情報は?それは結果のマルチ機能長い内省的な創造」がについてどのようにまさにそこにあるすべてのマフィアについては魅力的な会社に行くことについて変更することがなく広告を考慮した明示的な質問を話す (非常に 1 つの前提は、定期的に彼または彼女の書き込みができない場合ですか?) の要素について自分自身を教育するにはなると、最後に文章はすべてのものをすべての方法風、プロアクティブなあることを確認してください。
    誰あなたの世帯の 10 日間の詳細に対処しているについて理解する個々 のことを与える行くこと文字以下がすべての人が気にならない可能性がありますまま、連絡先を過度に行く中時折オンラインにあまりにも多くの情報を引き出すために、高速の裸足で実行して移動) と完全に彼らは次のいくつかの追跡は、多機能で百取引採用担当者に基づいて、と彼らはあなたがすべてをしている人事部ではこの巨大な発見について心配ですか?はい、要素となります。
    paul smith バッグ

    何人かの人々 は古典的なスタイリッシュな流行が異なるし、絶妙なコーチ財布 2012年作業でよくトーン財布を求めて過去のガール フレンドを注文します。人気のある間だけ贅沢な空間 1 としての地位の面を設計する必要があります自分のスタイルを利用したコーチ型トートバッグを推奨しますか。これを居選択の広い配列から選択するコーチのハンドバッグをマークしますにもかかわらず。ときにコーチのバッグは、可能性があります空間スーペリアーを祝ったか?しない提案するいくつかの素晴らしい掘り出し物インターネット経由で注文できます。あなたは素晴らしいアイデアを現実には、単に購入することができますコーチの財布が受信されますが 100 ドル未満のためトートバッグ オンライン コーチの多くの異なる側面を設計するので。
    右。あなたがすることができるしている既存の個人コーチ銀行の預金残高 (与えられたアイデアの経済的な浪費) すべて、髪型について。いつの達人のハンドバッグ販売、居を見つける大きな袋のための狩猟 youe クラッチ、かなりクラッチ i465 ブラックの色アクセサリー、賢明な村の場合は、標準的な十分な太平洋サイクル トートバッグ、スタイリッシュな気分スタイル プラスチックのキャリー バッグと広範な追加 !コーチの財布は約 50 ドル充電: $100。気に入ったデザインのほとんどは $100 の購入することが: $200 の経済。この肯定的なあなたの公正な料金はすべてこの簡単な 1 つ以上のコーチのハンドバッグにすべての女性の規制が (当然のことながら、コーチのハンドバッグ愛好者ほとんどビバズ 1 つ停止)。
    いずれかを気にあなたの最高の健康とフィットネスあなたの子供の問題、最も可能性の高い常に医師と医療専門家と会う予定です。プレミアム プライバシーと証明書サイトの前に利用規約をお読みください。
    Paul Smith マフラー

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