Laundry Room Re-Do and Giveaway!


Some things in life are necessary, but not necessarily enjoyable. Laundry’s one, although I don’t mind it. It’s a more pleasant task since sprucing up the laundry room (without a major, expensive overhaul). Take a peek at my tips for making a laundry space more inviting, efficient, and  “farmgirl chic”!

Because our laundry room is off the main living area, we want it attractive, but having an organized, aesthetically-pleasing laundry area, no matter where it’s located, makes chore day better.

Panoramic of my laundry room

Panoramic of my laundry room

My family’s only three, but judging from our laundry, you’d think we’re an army! My husband’s  allergic to chemicals and starch used at commercial dry cleaners, so we wash and iron all his dress clothes for work. I’m the primary “laundry goddess” of the house. (We’ve suffered enough once-white-now-pink clothes from DD and DH doing washing, so I prefer doing it). My teen daughter helps with ironing, and puts folded laundry away.

Growing up, my parents’ washers and dryers were made to last! Nowadays, appliances don’t seem to survive a decade. My husband and I had our set repaired many times, and handy hubby also did repairs, but it was time for a new set since they became inefficient. After shopping around for the best deal, we splurged on my dream set- a front loading Merlot-colored washer and dryer with all the bells and whistles! I just adore the deep red, and decided to use it as my main accent color.


Since we inexpensively added storage cabinets and a counter ourselves years ago, I opted out of storage pedestals. I’m short, so without pedestals the washer and dryer are the perfect height for folding.


A wicker laundry basket (Goodwill, $5.00) looks better than plastic and is lighter for carrying. I re-purposed on-hand, matching place mats to protect the appliance tops.


In the 80’s, wooden garbage cans were trendy. My dad built me one, but after 25 years, the paint looked worn and dirty, the cow cutout on front dated. Sentimental since Daddy made it, I removed the cow, cleaned the can, and spray-painted it to match the appliances, painting the tired brass hardware a  “hammered” look with paint I had on hand.

IMG_2045We have hampers upstairs, but a downstairs hamper’s handy for wet powder room towels and soiled kitchen linens. I bought a 1940’s “tole-ware” metal hamper at a tag sale for $10. Inside, I lined the bottom with a “puppy pad” to keep wet items from rusting the bottom. The top of the hamper’s decorated with a piece from my VSM collection: a 1950’s child’s size hand-crank. My mother was gifted one just like it when she was in elementary school, from a little boy with a crush on her. The toy iron was my daughter’s when she was little.

IMG_2019I’d wanted a wooden ironing board ever since I first saw MaryJane’s! I finally found one on a Facebook Tag Sale for $5.00! It’s solid and sturdy. When I went to pick it up, the original fabric was still there, looking new. “It’s about a hundred years old, I think. It was my mother’s and she never used it,” quipped the seller. I, on the other hand, use it all the time! It’s easy to set up and move, has a large work space and isn’t the least bit shaky. I chose red chambray to recover it.


There’s a table top ironing board for touch-ups or small items. I recovered it using a fun vintage-print fabric. I sewed a matching cord-keeper bag for when my iron’s not in use.



Various bottles and boxes with commercial labels look cluttered. I store homemade laundry detergent in a vintage biscuit jar. We also use a liquid store-bought earth-friendly detergent, depending on what’s washing. A galvanized beverage holder is easier to use than a clunky plastic detergent bottle. I found mine on clearance for $5.00 at Walmart because the lid was dented, which was easily fixed with a rubber mallet. Vintage flea-market-found demitasse cups measure out the perfect amount of detergent for my high-efficiency washer, while a saucer catches drips. I love to re-purpose old wooden soda crates. I cut a piece of plywood to fit the top for a flat surface, raising the liquid dispenser up for easy use.


The windowless room is tiny, so I have to make the most of space. There’s no sink, so I use a large, antique enamelware basin, a bargain flea-market find for hand-washing or soaking.


I splurged ($70) on my sturdy antique drying rack with its weathered iron and chippy red paint. If you can’t find a vintage one, Victorian Trading Co. sells a great reproduction.


 IMG_2043I adore my pretty clothespin holder, handmade by farmgirl sister Julie Pruett. When the weather warms, I’ll use it on the clothesline,  (ahhh….sun-fresh linens!) but it graces indoors beautifully!


Leave a comment below for a chance to win one of Julie’s creations – this adorable little spring-themed “ducky” embroidered clothespin bag, along with clothespins and a bar of soap for making your own detergent, is up for grabs, made especially for the Suburban Farmgirl blog giveaway! (I’ll announce the winner in the April blog)! Julie’s bags are well-made and great for all sorts of uses! To order, check out her many designs at Prairie Pin Pouch.

Decorative touches make a chore area “finished”.  A small vintage lamp (tag sale), an 1800’s antique sad iron, (Goodwill)  and a quick-drying colorful rag rug (Ikea) inexpensively tie everything together. I replaced tired mass-produced 90’s art with cute reproduction tin “laundry” ads found at a local “junk-tique” shop for $10 each (check eBay for similar items).
















This summer, we’ll add fresh paint, and install a tile floor ourselves (wish us luck)! Any chore is made easier with a tidy, inviting work space. No matter where your laundry area is, cut clutter, add a little warmth and whimsy, and laundry won’t be a dreary task.

******Remember to leave a comment to be entered in the giveaway drawing!*********

Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  1. Kate Craig says:

    Your laundry room is so cute. Lots of vintage things which I love.

  2. Becky Davies says:

    Cute laundry! Love all the vintage items used in your laundry room. My laundry room, is actually at one end of my tiny garage. I’ve tried to set it up to be useable, but have to bring in the folding, ironing, and hanging of delicates into my apartment. It all works.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Becky, thanks! We lived in a rental once as newlyweds where the laundry was in the garage, too. It would get mighty cold. I remember I forgot to turn on a load in the dryer. Came back to frozen clothes! If I have a lot of ironing to do at once, I will move my board into the tv room and watch a movie. Goes by faster. Thanks for stopping by the blog! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Joan says:

    Love all your do-dads, cool ideas! Thanks for sharing. God bless

  4. Rebecca says:

    I love your laundry room redo. Especially the red washer and dryer, I love those colors. Clothes pin bags bring back memories of my mom hanging laundry out when I was a little girl. I have been wanting to get or make one of my own but I haven’t done it yet so I would love to win this.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Rebecca! Thank you! I love the smell of clothes hung outside, especially sheets! I am glad you liked the post, and that it brought back happy memories. You are entered in the drawing…fingers crossed! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Lorrie says:

    Love natural baskets for laundry, I’m down to only one. My daughter used one to move her things to her new place – I haven’t seen it since! I love clothes pin bags too – fun to see all the different styles and fabric. Nice article & giveaway!!!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Lorrie, I agree! They are much lighter than plastic and look so much better. I use another placemat in the bottom of them to protect my clothes from snags. I have another laundry basket that was a wedding gift -it’s now almost 25 years old – and we use it to hold towels in the bathroom. There are so many uses for them! Thanks for commenting! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Carol Vagher says:

    Love your adorable laundry room! I have the same washboard! It was my husbands grandmother’s. You have inspired me to redo my laundry room and get mine organized. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thanks, Carol! Mine came from a flea market along time ago. I actually have used it a few times. Have fun re-doing your laundry room. I’d love to see what you do with yours. 🙂 Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Wanda Hershey says:

    Love your laundry room! Inspires me to see a new cover for my old ironing board. Love your sisters cute ducky clothes pin bag!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Wanda, If you don’t find a cover you like, you can make your own with fabric. Best to use all cotton, though. Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Laura Weathers says:

    What a charming laundry room! I have a merlot laundry hamper, and a clothing basket also. I believe it to be a great color as well. “Laundry Goddess”, love that title and will be sure to use it. Those clothes pin holders are handy and adorable:-)

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Laura, Merlot red is one of my favorite colors – it looks good with all seasons, don’t you think? Glad you liked the blog and good luck in the drawing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  9. Linda says:

    I was thrilled to find an antique wooden ironing board in a thrift store for $10. It still had the label and some remnants of the horsehair pad so I couldn’t stand to refinish it! Put a cover on, though. I’m 5’6″ so it’s too short for any lengthy project, but I love it! Noticed your matching red pet dishes!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Linda, I left everything that was under my new cover on my ironing board, too. It has old cotton batting from long ago. The finish on mine was near perfect, so I didn’t have to do anything to it. This one is a good height for. I love the old wooden ironing boards – they are good for all sorts of things besides ironing. 🙂

      Funny you noticed my matching pet dishes. 🙂 My chihuahua eats in the laundry room, the big dog in the kitchen. No food aggression, but it keeps them from eating each others’ meals. My dog loves to climb into the laundry basket and snuggle the clean clothes out of the dryer, little stinker! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Barb Richards says:

    Adorable – love the vintage a d repurposedan touches.

  11. Judy says:

    You inspire me! The floor plan of your room is similar to mine, which is also small. I love your selection of junk-tiques too. Thank you for opportunity.

  12. Beverly Battaglia says:

    It is a beautiful room and I love all the red! When we were living in the Fort Worth area, I had a large laundry room with a large cabinet and counter top to fold clothes. I loved it and there was a window. I sure miss it. Your ironing board looks pretty and can you iron on the chambray? Love, Mother

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mama, That was a nice laundry room you had. Wish I had a window in mine, but I love the print there. The chambray cover is fine to iron on. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  13. Ruth says:

    Great ideas and it turned out great!

  14. Kaycee F says:

    This is the sweetest darn laundry room I have seen in a long time. I love it with all the vintage finds decorating it, it must certainly make it easier to spend time doing laundry!! I especially love the wood ironing board and of course, the clothespin bag!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thank you, Kaycee. It is easier to do chores when a space is cheery and organized. Good luck in the clothespin bag drawing! Check back next month to see who the winner will be. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  15. KayC says:

    My laundry room is a wreck but we are going to be moving it up a floor and make it more efficient. Hopefully sooner than later . I love how your room looks and hope mine will look like that good too. Thanks for the inspiration and the giveaway.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kay, Good luck with your new room! Glad you got some inspiration, makes me happy. Good luck in the drawing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  16. Mary Kerber says:

    Great idea to make the area that often gets neglected or overlooked a pleasant room to be in. Love all the vibrant colors and the vintage items that makes us realize how fortunate we are to have such advanced ways to clean our laundry.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Mary, Isn’t that the truth? I can’t imagine doing some of the things women used to have to do long ago. I love to go to Old Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts. Just seeing some of the old ways in action makes your joints and back hurt, lol! Thanks for commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  17. Ruth E Duckless says:

    This has given me a nudge to spruce up my laundry area and the main bathroom. I like muted colors and will probably go with greys, white and black but now I’m thinking that pops of red, orange and yellow instead of my stand-by blues, greens and purple. I have some old cans and such that I have repurposed in my kitchens and bath. My partner doesn’t understand it – he’d do everything in Dollar Store, cheap plastic YUK stuff. I so enjoy seeing the ways your site shows to repurpose and reuse things! Thank You!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Ruth! Thanks for commenting. I think greys, white and black look wonderful with pops of color. My home office has alot of white and grey with pops of red and primary blue. I am not a big fan of anything plastic, either. My husband used to say at flea markets, etc. “What do we need this for?”, until he noticed what I was doing with them. Now he looks for vintage, too, and says he loves how “homey” and warm the house is. He’s from Denmark, so we say we have “Hygge”. 😉 Thanks for commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  18. denise says:

    Very cute laundry room! and as always I love your vintage items! And that is such a great idea for the liquid laundry detergent, I’m going to keep an eye out for a dispenser now!

  19. phyllis says:

    Thank you for these cute ideas!!!

  20. Sandra Brawdy says:

    I love the laundry room. I also love hanging my chlothes out on the line. It saves money and they smell so fresh.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandra, I do, too. In the summer my laundry room can get hot when the dryer is going all the time. Thanks for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  21. Janeen Breyman says:

    I wish I had a “laundry room”! My cute hamper and clothes pin caddy have to share the bathroom while the wash board hangs in the hallway.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Janeen, Cute hampers and clothes pin caddies arecute, so they can look good anywhere, unlike plastic ones, right? Thanks for reading and commenting! Good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  22. Jennifer MacKinnon says:

    What wonderful ideas, we have to overhaul our laundry room, it is a pit, uninsulated walls, ugly cupboards and cheap contact paper on the curtainless window. Yikes, now that I see how I discribed it I see I Really, Really need to do something like this in our little room, at the least I am going to look for a vintage indoors clothes line, I just love yours.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thanks, Jennifer! Check out the link in my blog for the reproduction one if you don’t find a vintage clothesline. Have fun sprucing up your laundry room! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  23. What fun…I love the Suds dispenser, how clever! Makes me want to freshen up our little laundry/half bath now!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thanks! I think you could use any kind of dispenser, as long as it has a spout. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  24. Grace says:

    Aw…A room that really works and is enjoyable. Thank you

  25. I love your uses of vintage items and fabrics!
    When I first was re-doing our laundry/utility room some years ago, I wanted the “cleanest” light blue I could find for the walls, something that reminds you of the smell of fresh soap. I found it – a color called “Baby Booty.” 🙂
    I still have some things I want to do with the room, and yours is an inspiration.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Theresa, I think my paint was called “Milk Can Blue”. I want to repaint the walls with a fresh coat this summer to finish everything. Love the name of your paint! Thank you for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  26. Cathy R says:

    Delightful laundry room Nicole! The red washer and dryer are great and you did a wonderful job decorating! I totally agree that the decorating adds joy to the task. Really like all the vintage items and what cute clothespin holders! What a sweet giveaway.
    Thanks for all your fun blogs and generosity. Blessings, Cathy

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Cathy, Thank you! I was so happy to finally get the red washer and dryer that I have sighed over every time I saw them. Isn’t Julie’s bag adorable? Glad you stopped by the blog, good luck in the drawing. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  27. Vicki says:

    LOVE this awesome laundry room.. I get so frustrated with most laundry room designs because they use a much larger room, which, like you, I don’t have. This laundry room shows me that I can indeed have a nice neat, pretty and functional laundry room! Thanks so much! Great ideas!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Vicki, thanks! It looks bigger in the pictures, so I definitely had to think outside the box, but I love how it came out. It seems I get my laundry done faster because it doesn’t seem like such a chore. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  28. Bonnie McKee says:

    Your laundry room is an inspiration! Thank you for the sweet ideas!

  29. Vivian Monroe says:

    I love it. So cheery and bright and fun. I am kicking myself for giving away my antique wooden ironing board, ughhh, but I do have an old wooden small one that I now see how I can use, and I love the clothes pin bags, I have a little amish dress one I bought in amish country last year cause I still use my clothes line on the back porch. I love the ideas for the laundry detergents and things. I am ready now to brighten up my wash room space. 🙂 thanks for sharing. 🙂 Neta

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Neta! So good to hear from you! I am glad you liked the blog. I can just see you hanging clothes on the back porch, with a big glass of tea or lemonade! Good luck in the drawing! Big farmgirl hugs, Nicole

  30. Margaret says:

    Julie Pruitt is a friend. Her lovely Prairie Pin Pouches are beautiful. Well made from lovely fabric they are useful in many ways. The winner will be very lucky, indeed!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Margaret, I agree! I was so thrilled when I got mine. I love it. Her creations are works of art! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  31. Phyllis Mogensen Kochert says:

    LOVE LOVE your cute laundry room. Mine is SO utilitarian as it is also where my husband sheds his dirty work clothes. But, I also have an old rickety ironing board, some old fashioned laundry scrub boards, and other laundry junque. Even a bar of handmade soap from Mike’s great auntie that she used until the day she died by shaving it into her washer! Wherever I have lived all my life, my laundry has hung outside to dry. When it’s rainy, I dry them inside on an old wooden, expandable clothes rack. I grew up on a farm and live on one today. Can’t take me away! I love your farm sister blog; feel like we are related!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Phyllis, Oh sounds like you have some real treasures there. How awesome you have that little soap. I can just see my grandmother grating soap like that. My relatives all grew up on farms…it is in my blood. Sounds like you are living a very peaceful, wonderful life there on your farm. Thanks for commenting. Big hugs to you, Nicole

  32. Treese says:

    Prefect timing. Planning a redo of my laundry room!

  33. Marlene Capelle says:

    Boy, I wish I had a laundry room to decorate so cute.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thanks, Marlene! If you win the clothespin holder, you don’t have to use it in a laundry room. They look cute anywhere and can hold all sorts of things! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  34. Teresa E Sole says:

    Oh My Goodness!!! Your laundry room is absolutely adorable!!! I have a wooden ironing board, too! It’s the only one I can remember ever having! I’ve had it since my folks found it in a ramshackle garage they had when I was a teenager. I just change the cover once in a while to keep it fresh and my Mom and I use it all the time. Your decor is SOOOO cute! I’d like to use some of your ideas to perk up my laundry room. I love the wash tub idea! I don’t have a sink either, I’ve always coveted having one but now I don’t really need one! Thank you for the chance to win the clothespin bag! By the way, I live in Rio Rancho, NM, are you familiar with it? Thanks again!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Teresa, Thank you! I am so glad you enjoyed the post and can use some of my ideas. Good luck in my drawing! I will be drawing a random name soon. Very cool about your wooden ironing board. Lucky find! I love mine. As for Rio Rancho, I am originally from Texas, but other than Texas, the only other southwestern state I have visited is Arizona. Someday I would like to see more. Thanks for reading and commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  35. Susan Campbell says:

    Thank you for the giveaway. I love reading your posts They are so interesting.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Susan, I’ve added your name to the drawing – good luck! I will be drawing a name shortly! Thanks for reading; I am glad you enjoy my posts! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  36. Susan says:

    Wish i could have a laundry room as neat as yours….mine is like going down into a dungeon. Its in the basement…i have a very old sink made out of stone. Many times my husband wanted to get rid of it, but im glad he didnt. Its the only thing i like about my laundry space. The thing i hate is changing the filter on the hose so my drain doesn’t get plugged. I do that every week. I do love your clothespin bag…love embroidery. I still hang out clothes on the clothesline in the warm months….because i love that fresh rain smell on my clothes and esp on my sheets. Not sure if your contest is still going on, but you can put me on the list , would love to win that duck clothespin bag…it would bring some life to nmy gloomy laundry room. Susana

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Susan, I used to have a laundry space like that. Back when we first moved here, we rented a home for a year. Going to do laundry meant going into an underground basement – dark, wet and just plain creepy, lol! If we had stayed there, I would have spruced the space up a bit more by adding a colorful rug in front of the washer, and touches like that, although I am not sure it would’ve helped much in that old basement! The contest hasn’t ended just yet. Added your name to the pot! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  37. Sandi King says:

    Rereading some of the blogs that interest me and the one here about the laundry room is next. I want to use some of your ideas in my laundry room when we get it done, that I saw in yours, like the soap container. I hope I find one at Walmart too. Our laundry room will also be a back door mud room so even though it is a good size it will be a bit crowded when all is done if I don’t use imagination when I start putting it all together. I love a lot of storage area and have some furniture I will re-purpose for storage and folding area. I also want a drying rack, and ironing board/iron, and a place to hang clothes as I take them from the dryer and put them on hangers to move them to their respective closets. My cats will also have a part in this room. So shelves and litter box areas are a must. Waiting to get started is so hard but collecting ideas from many sources is so much fun. Glad you have blogged about this. Thanks.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandi, Thank you! Such fun you will have putting it all together! I’d love to see a picture when it is all done. Leave me a comment when you’re ready and I’ll send you my email (or post it to my Suburban Farmgirl Facebook page. Laundry won’t be so much of a chore when you have a space you love to work on it in. Thanks again for this comment. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  38. living in a condo I have to be so organized. I too love to have my laundry area
    neat and useful as we all have this chore to do in life. I too love to be creative
    in my home. Love your laundry area.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Winnie, thank you! You’re right about that – we all have to do the chore of laundry and it has been so much easier with a bright, organized space. Thank you for reading and commenting. Hope you’ll visit the blog again. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

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