Winter Warmers


Winter Warmer # 1 First Snow

Dear Sisters,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Phew! We made it through another one. Do you ever feel like that after Christmas? I’ll admit the older I get the more I seem to look forward to the days and nights that follow the holiday season more that I do the actual holidays themselves. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy loving-up on my family at Christmas time with delicious food and fun gifts to surprise and delight them, but, at the same time, my winter self craves quiet and solitude. Today I’m sharing some of my favorite winter warmers to set the mood.

Sixteen years ago we moved into a home without a fireplace. What were we thinking doing such a silly thing in New England? Wintertime can stretch on as much as 6-8 months in these parts with raw days that can chill a farmgirl to the bone. Brr r.


Garden shop wood burning stove.

The garden shop where I work has a wood burning stove. I’ve learned to get it started in a hurry on cold mornings when I’m the first one there. And if I’m not, nothing brings a smile more than seeing the smoke swirling out of the chimney as I pull into the parking lot. This holiday season I came home every evening smelling like wood smoke and balsam fur. I wonder if there’s a candle out there with that fragrance? The shop is closed until springtime and the thought of being without some sort of a fireplace at home was just down right deflating.


So I went out and got myself, eh hem, I mean our family an electric infrared faux fireplace! It looks just like a little cast iron wood burning stove with cute curly logs inside. It also has an adjustable heat setting with a blower which warms the tootsies and my heart on a chilly day or night. We’ve all really been enjoying it! Even though it’s not the ” real deal ” it adds that special layer of light and warmth to our cozy living room that I’ve been missing all these years.


Battery operated candles tucked into dark corners raise the light meter in a room and help set the scene for quiet relaxation and calmness. I love the safety factor too! Mine have a slight vanilla scent to them which is one of my favorites. I’m not a scent-a-holic by any means but, there’s nothing that quite compares to the perfect scented candle at the right time of day or night depending on the mood you’re trying to create. Have you ever noticed how your eyes burn when you go down the scented candle isle at the supermarket? Too much scent in a room ( or on a person) can be an agitator sure to ruin any chance of creating a mood. On the flip side, walking into your favorite boutique with candles burning sets a mood and makes you want to shop, shop, shop!

That’s why I love Milkhouse Candle Company products.


I love the classic farmhouse packaging. Victorian Christmas is the perfect blend of pine and spices. Made of soy, it burns slow and clean filling the air with the soft scent of Christmases past. Yummy!


Once the house is looking and feeling warm and cozy it sets the tone for relaxation. There’s just something about sitting down with a hot cup of tea about 4:00 in the afternoon just before dinner hour starts. When my sweet mother-in -law used to stay with us for a few weeks at a time, we’d have tea every afternoon together. Now that winter’s officially here and my mom is too, we can start our own tradition.


Speaking of traditions, I never miss an episode of Fixer Upper on HGTV. Are you a fan? I love Chip and Joanna Gaines as much as I love their show and when I heard about their new book I knew it would be on my winter reading list. I did something I rarely do. The day after Christmas, I stayed in bed ALL DAY and read it cover to cover. It did not disappoint! I love them more now than I did before I read the book. I just love reading inspiring stories about other people. It lifts my spirit on the darkest of winter days while refueling my creative engine with new energy and drive to continue going after my own dreams.

IMG_6623-001Going after your dreams is hard work, so I recommend a hearty bowl of homemade potato cheese soup. I’ve got a pot simmering on the stove right now in hopes it will be the perfect final layer on this winter warmer sort of day. I can’t share the recipe with you just yet. I kind of tossed it together and I don’t want to send you off with a recipe that won’t delight!

So there you have it for my favorite Winter Warmers. First snow, warm fire light, scented candle light, hot tea, a good book and hot soup. That’ll do it for this Beach Farmgirl!


My handsome Yankee and I at our annual fall brush burning at the beach.

What are some of your favorite “winter warmers” ?

IMG_6371Until our next shoreline visit may I just say that my time here with you dear sisters is my very favorite winter warmer of all. Thank you for reading, commenting, celebrating, smiling, tearing up and laughing with me all year long. I miss that we only connect once a month here these days, but know that I think of you all often and wish each one of you the very best of Farmgirl things to come in 2017. Happy New Year! ((( heart emogie )))

Beach Blessings and Much Love,

Deb # 1199












  1. Carol says:

    very warming! Actually, for Christmas my husband and I were able to buy a nice electric fireplace that we mainly are using just for the light as we heat with wood. There is something special about a fireplace, isn’t there?

  2. Laura R. says:

    Hi Deb! I had to laugh when I read your post because this year my new favorite thing is my battery operated candles. I have them with a timer, so they come on 5ish and go off around 10pm. I just love them !! And since last year, I also have my faux fireplace that I also love, it makes the room warm and cozy. When I was younger, I would have judged these gems as ‘fake and phony’ but now, I just think they are great ! And safe too :)))
    Thanks for sharing!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      I agree… I used to think so too but now, I think the ” faux ” fire place is charming… And our 19 year old daughter agrees so I guess its’ not too old fogy after all. 🙂

  3. Victoria Thompson says:

    I have to add turning of regular lights and just having tree and mantle lights adds ambience to the season for me. Also hand-made quilts and knitted or crocheted throws to snuggle under while watching Christmas shows is another “layer” for winter nesting.

  4. bonnie ellis says:

    Minnesota can be really cold too. I love wild rice soup. Yum…just the sound of it warms me up. Of course putting on a quilt and sitting down to sew helps too. Happy winter!

  5. Maggie Morrison says:

    You are a very sweet woman and I always take comfort from your posts. Happy New Year to you and your Yankee.

  6. Marilyn says:

    I love to stay in bed and read my magazines and books. It is a good way to catch up on my reading. Preparing for the holidays can be time consuming and reading tends to get neglected. Tea and ht cocoa are the best remedies to stay warm and cozy. Wishing you and yours a blessed ,healthy and happy 2017.
    Marilyn and family

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hi Marilyn!
      Oh, I love to stay in bed and read too… especially after the holidays when I don’t want to do a thing but rest and pamper myself with chocolate and lots of sleep. Happy New Year! Deb

  7. Joan Marie Brown says:

    Happy New Year y’all,
    Hope everyone can stay warm and cozy as winter settles in, especially in New England. I’m actually heading for Cape May, NJ tomorrow – as it should be 54 degrees for a day. I dug up my raspberry plants from our PA garden in November, and they have been sitting in the garage for 2 months – they need to be in the ground soon! I’ll cover their new garden home with tar paper and shingles to keep the roots safe, I hope! Our summer home IS below the Mason Dixon line; so I’ll hope for the best next spring. Thanks for your cheery column/blog Deb.

  8. marge hofknecht says:

    Deb, Thank you for sharing your wintry faves. I think mine are walking out on our property here in TN after the first snow (if we get a real snowfall!!) and just taking it all in — the clean smell to the air, the sight of a fresh layer of untouched whiteness, watching Maggie, our dog, make doggie footprint lines all over that fresh layer, seeing her smiling and happy. Then I love to come inside, put on some water to enjoy a cup of instant hot chocolate (I get lazy sometimes!), find my book of Dickens’ Christmas stories (he wrote several), and enjoy the peacefulness of the season of Winter.

  9. Bobbie Calgaro says:

    We just got an unusual 7 inches of snow here in NC and I couldn’t agree with your winter warmers more. Being a Yankee girl, I miss my snow and this is a treat! But tonite’s food treat is tortellini and we must make some chocolate chip cookies. To have with cocoa later. Stay warm and enjoy!

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