Fall Fodder Road Trip

There’s something about the long Indian Summer days of October that makes me want to get out on the open road and see all I can see before Old Man Winter arrives. Do you like to take a drive? I love a good road trip and sightseeing! Even with gas prices what they are today ($3.50 and higher in these parts) I can still justify taking a ride! It’s in my blood!

If you feel the same way, buckle up and come with me! The Fall color we’re known for world over in New England isn’t here just yet, but I’ve got a heap’un help’un of Fall Fodder to show you, sure to satisfy every Fall lovin’ farmgirl at heart.  We’ll begin with a stop at a local nursury, (just because I LOVE how they gussy up for the season here in New England ) then we’ll go Pumpkin’ pickin’ at Billingsgate Organic Certified Farm Stand where we’ll visit with proprieters Lynn and Peter Reading.

Rouge Vif d’Estampes is a C. maxima type that is deep

red-orange, flattened, heavily sutured. It was the prototype for Cinderella’s

carriage pumpkin and is sometimes sold as “Cinderella” pumpkin.

I can’t resist driving ( and stopping ) by the local farm stands and nurseries just to get a glimpse of the abundant fall bounty!

It’s pumpkins,

cornstalks and

mums galore out there!

One of our favorite Fall tradtitions is to visit our friends Peter and Lynn Reading at their Farm Stand every year at harvest time.

My husband, Peter and Lynn went to high school together so there’s always some fun catching up to do. That’s me inside getting the Crop Report from Pete. Pete said they lost a lot of pumpkins to deer this year, and with May and June being so cool they had a slow start to the growing season. After seeing the new sign out front I was anxious to tell them about MaryJanesFarm!

I got so excited listening to Lynn tell me about her farm life I asked if she would let me share a parcel of it with my farmgirl sisters!

Lynn was beaming with pride (hmm, now that I think about it, that might have been sweat on her brow ) when she told me that they were the first farm in Massachusettes to pass the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) certification! It’s a long list of rigorous qualifications they must meet in order to pass and they did it! They’ve added more organic produce over the last few years to meet the demands of their wholesale venders as well as savvy local consumers. It was such a pleasure to visit with them. Their passion for farming and pride in their product is admirable! And, I loved when Pete told us that they had paid for one of their daughters college tuition with Pumpkin money!

After we chatted it was time to shop! I stocked up on some mini pumpkins and gourds for decorating at home. Don’t you just love the mini Lumina pumpkins? I do!

The ” kids “ went in search of the perfect carving pumpkins!

It was after 6:oo PM by the time we rang up our lot. Just another day in the life for hardworking farmer Pete ( that’s what everyone calls him ) and farmgirl Lynn.

From their Newsletter The Harvester : Our Farm has been a family-run farm for over 200 years. When he was six years old, Pete started working on the farm with his father. He planted corn by hand and ate bread and butter for lunch. Today, along with our daugher Christie, we run the 55-acre Baystate Organic Certified farm with over 100 different kinds of award winning fruit, vegetables, and herbs. Please come by and try them for yourself at our farm stand in Plympton or at the Pembroke Farmer’s Market.

Our family eats our harvest, we hope yours will too!

Pete and Lynn

Aren’t they inspiring?

Until our next shoreline visit~

I’m wishing you all the Fall Farmgirl Fodder you can handle!

Beach Blessings,



  1. Dolly Sarrio says:

    I love this. Makes me wish I could have gone with you.

  2. Lynn Reading says:

    Hi Deb: Thank you for sending your story and photos. I truly enjoyed seeing you & the gang, & just loved reading the story and looking at the beautiful photos you took. Such GREAT work you do.
    Much appreciation & gratitude, Lynn

  3. Jan says:

    I am a true LOVER of autumn, also! There is something wonderful about pumpkins and squash. This year my husband harvested his pumpkins and gave the largest two to our little neighbor friends. It took two men and boys to load them into the back of their van!! They have promised me a photo of the boys in their halloween outfits, plus the giant pumpkins. It was so cute to see the excitement of the kids, giggling and saying ‘We’re going to have the biggest pumpkins!’. I will forward the pics when I get them..
    I have so much respect for Pete and Lynn and their farm. We know how much effort that is involved in growing crops. The fact that their farm has been in the family for such a long time makes it just that more special! Heaven on earth..
    Nice to visit with you today!

  4. Dawn bass says:

    I love your story and pictures. I am now living in California and locating soon back to my home town in New England. Your story made me realize how much I miss home and the change of seasons.

    Thanks again,

  5. Aunt Nan says:

    Deb, I love your "Fall Fodder Road Trip" and I’m pleased to have recently spent an actual "day trip" with you. The click of your camera, the delightful smile on your face…knowing you’ve captured the perfect picture to share with your loyal readers. Such a lovely time I had in New England with you and your charming family. Also love all the links and "traveling around" to more wonderful places. Great blog!
    ILY, Aunt Nan

  6. Julia says:

    Thanks for the lovely roadtrip. Must get my little pumpkins for my table!

  7. Raymie says:

    I love the ‘kids’ in the pumpkin patch! And FYI…..I have one, yes ONE decorative squash this year! It’s a rogue! I’ll be sure to give you seeds, he’s a hearty one ;o)

    God Bless!

  8. Teri says:


    As always, such a treat to read your column with a cup of coffee and a smile on my face! Thanks for the great virtual trip! We have a great pumpkin patch here, but nothing compares to a true working farm with passionate owners.

    Hugs to you and your family!

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