All That AND the Kitchen Sink

Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found
~ James Russell Lowell

It’s no surprise to me that we ” farmgirls ” are often on the same wavelength. Afterall, we share many of the same interests and passions. MJF being num-er-o uno! Our hearts travel in the same circles, and we like to go treasure hunting in some pretty interesting places too! This post is filled with a little of this and a little of that. Feel like diggin’? Come with me!

One of my favorite things about writing for MaryJane as her Beach farmgirl blogger is hearing from you! I love knowing if my words have somehow touched you or inspired you to move ahead on an idea or project you’ve been thinking about. We all need encouragement to keep on walking in the direction of our dreams, big and small.

I recently received an email from farmgirl Jan Sturgill about a fun and functional repurposing project she was excited about AND she included photos! I was so honored she took the time to write and share it with me that I asked her permission to share it with you too and she agreed. Here’s how it went:

Hi Deb,

I once commented on your lovely bathroom sink in your garden, which kind of started my interest in sinks for my veggie garden area. Here are some pics to brighten your day! This is the area behind my home where I spend the most time these summer days… Right now I am picking and trying to keep the mice from eating my beautiful tomatoes. Note: This is the first year that I have had that issue, thank goodness…

Have a great fall!

Jan’s beautiful tomatoes!

My Sink Garden is purely for decorative, garden whimsy, but Jan’s has been cleverly re-fashioned with the sole purpose of watering her garden. Here’s how Jan and her husband made their cool garden sink!

Jan’s farmgirl garden sink info: My sink was a find from craigslist. I did a search for ‘kitchen sink’ or ‘sink’ on our local site and then viewed many of them. I also posted a listing in the ‘Wanted’ section and several people called me back with some sinks that they had just removed for a remodel. I had them send me back a pic on my cell phone and then decided if their sink was what I needed. This was the most productive in my search, I just didn’t want a newer sink, which folks had plenty of! I also tried ebay, but the really prime cast iron vintage sinks weigh a TON and they usually show ‘local pickup only!’. It seems that the older sinks are now collectibles and cost a BIT…Mine is enamel covered metal and has a production date on the bottom of 1957. It is chipped, but I couldn’t really care less! My husband made the frame out of treated lumber and painted it a nice gray primer color before I got to him. Actually, it matches the garden patio/shed, so it kind of ties it to the area. I had visions of a sturdy frame with barn board covering or doors, or a lovely vintage material curtain (one that you could take off and wash!) We have it in an area where it is uncovered, so the open design works fine, placed on level blocks of some sort. The sink had a trap in it, so my hubby just extended a drain pipe through the fence. I am on the lookout for a flexible hose to attach to the drain,so that I can water some bushes adjacent to it. I also got a lovely porcelain single sink (two for one!) that we are working on placing on the frame underneath the kitchen sink, another storage area for whatever goodies I need out there: organic cleaning compound, hand soap, chopping board, etc.

The photo at the tippy top of this post is a collection of some of Jan’s farmgirl finds she has assembled on her “back porch “.

How darned cute is this? Who says you need a farmhouse to have an old fashioned porch? I love Jan’s can-do farmgirl spirit and I’m guessing by now, you do too! In my humble opinion, farmgirls ARE all that AND the kitchen sink!

And, my BEACH SISTERS are too!

( two of my sweet BStr’s Lynn and Jojo my sis in law )

I just returned from our annual BEACH SISTER weekend and I’m feeling so refreshed!

This year’s theme was all about RELAXATION, with some creativity tossed in for good measure! My sister in law brought the makins’ for a fun and easy” beachy craft ” inspired by something she saw at the annual beach craft fair which raises funds for our beach association. Check out these cute, starfish window decorations we made!

Starfish Fixin’s ~

White starfish, sea glass, craft wire, pliers and suction cups.

* I’ve had good luck at Michaels Arts and Crafts Store for finding the white starfish and other items for this craft, including the sea glass. That’s the only thing we didn’t have to shop for. We have plenty!

After you choose the glass for the center of your starfish just start wrapping wire around until it’s secure in the center. Be sure to leave 2-3 inches of wire at the top for making a loop for hanging. Don’t cut your wire too short on the bottom… You want to have enough wire to add more glass into your design or just swirl the remaining wire into any shape you like!

When we were finished we hung them up to admire them of course! What do you think?

My sister in laws window boxes at her cottage are still going strong and I LOVE how she tucked in a bit of fall to announce the change of seasons…

Signs of fall are evident along the dunes and the shore too.

I was so happy to find this patch of bright yellow goldenrod in bloom. The dunes along the beach road are usually covered with it this time of year, but Irene left her mark causing the early graying of many plants and trees.

I’m not sure what this beach vegetation is. I’ve heard it called Beach Asparagus. What ever it is, it’s dawning it’s fall color in the marsh grass! Does anyone know the scientific name?

The marsh grass has turned from deep green to a sunkist gold. The dune grass has faded to the color of hay.

Monarch butterflies are attracted to the native goldenrod that blooms along our beach road.

They stop to rest and eat there during their long migration to Central Mexico. Did you know it takes three generations for them to get to their destination? I didn’t either! Learn more about their amazing annual journey here.

I hope you enjoyed this sink full of farmgirl goodness! Tell us, has your fall been “All that AND the Kitchen Sink too!?”

I’d love to hear about your farmgirl re-purposing projects and what you’re up to this fall for fun! You never know; you could end up in a future MJF BEACH BLOG too!

For more nifty-thrifty farmgirl inspirations, pop in on the Farmgirl Connection and see what clever things your sisters are up too! Plus, it’s Farmgirl Friday at Dandelion House ( my personal blog) where blogging farmgirls come to show off their talents each week and I’m offering a give away ( handmade Dandelion House Autumn note cards) too! Come enter for a chance to win!

Until our next shoreline visit~

BEACH BLESSINGS and happy farmgirl’n sisters!


Deb sister #1199

P.S. Jan, if you’re reading today, thanks so much for sharing your garden sink and all that with us! And thank you for the inspiration for the title of this post too!

  1. Julia says:

    Once again, beautiful pictures and what a fun craft idea. It will be great for my beach themed bath!
    A blessed autumn to you my friend!!

  2. hedy King says:

    I love the creative ways you and Jan use old sinks, my next project. And your Beach Sisters posting was great. I have friends who spring break with me on the beach and may try this next March! I enjoy your postings and look forward to seeing them. You are good for the soul, Beach Sister! Thanks.

  3. donna says:

    Those tomatoes are so lovely..gee, I could l/2 bu. right now..have a recipe a friend gave me they call chili..never saw anything like it..I call it my 3 day relish..that is how long it took to put together..all hand chopping so everything is in hunks..something like a salsa..this is when I miss my mom & canning together. the porch..what imagination..very cozy!!

  4. Dolly says:

    These pictures are beautiful! I love all of the ideas too. Made me feel I was back at the beach. It is just gorgeous where you are. Thanks for sharing

  5. Laura says:

    I enjoyed that! very inspiring for creativity and also for living the life you love!

  6. Jan says:

    Just a note! The chair on the right side of my porch was made by my father and he laughingly called it his ‘throne’. It is my favorite place to sit out there and I think of the times that my parents spent in that garden area. I just did uncover my dad’s fishing lures and they move and tinkle in the breeze, where I hung them from my roof line. One has a penny inlaid in the top spoon and is called a ‘Lucky Penny’!
    Like Donna, I find that this time of year also reminds me of my favorite cook and canner, my mom. She still inspires me to carry on the history of ‘putting up’ the bounty of local produce that we have in this area. Mom could put up the most beautiful peaches…
    Deb, you made me think of the lovely bag of sea glass that I have in my stash of craft items. Thinking of doing a mosaic top on a table I’m redoing. Thanks for stimulating my imagination! You are so lucky to be able to spend time with your family on the beach..

  7. Linda says:

    Can you believe that my husband lifted and hauled a cast iron double bowl kitchen sink all the way from NC to KS? The sink was in my aunt’s kitchen. I used to lie on the drainboard and get my Toni permanent when I was a little girl. I just could not bear to part with it when we renovated the house after she passed away.
    We are planning on using the sink the same way that you have.
    I’m hoping to become a part-time FL beachgirl very soon!

    Linda, YES ,  I can believe it!!! We’ve done the same thing! Be sure to share your sink with us when it’s finished! Many New Englanders " head  south " to Florida to soak up the sun. Not a bad idea AT ALL! Good luck! Thanks for reading too!


  8. Brenda says:

    Wow, too wonderful. I will spend the winter looking for an old sink for next years garden dayz….Love it. And Deb your photos are so beautiful! I just got back from a trip I took with my best friend to Morehead N.C. Went to the Seafood Festival along with some other adventures. I could live by the Sea, I surely could.

  9. Shery says:

    Oh man, did I EVER enjoy your posting. I want to come hang with your and your farmgirl sisters…and sit in Jan’s womderful porch!!!!! You made my day. What dreamy photos of a place so far from and different than this landlubber’s digs! Sommmmeday I just gotta visit New England again. Now I actually know some people to visit…and they are all farmgirls!

    I’m ready when you are Shery! 🙂

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