Farmgirl DIH {And A Giveaway!!}




Have you heard the acronym DIH instead of DIY?  I just recently found out that it means “do it herself”!  And I love that!  I’m very much a DIH kind of Farmgirl and that is probably because I was raised by a mother, who was also raised by a mother,  that wasn’t afraid to tackle anything.


My husband and I built our Farmhouse from the ground up all by ourselves and when I look back on it, I’m kind of amazed at all that I learned and tackled in working right next to him.


This post today is dedicated to my latest DIH project that was very unplanned and came out better than anything I could’ve ever purchased.




In my upstairs sewing room I had an old rolling shelf thing (in the above picture) that my father in law built when my husband was just a little boy… probably 60 years ago or so.  I hated to part with it so I had my husband and son in law haul it up to my sewing room and I have used it for several years for storing all my sewing things in.  But it was ugly and it drove me crazy.  It was also getting a bow on the top half (you can see that in the picture above) and that was driving my husband crazy.  I also didn’t like that the wall is a very large wall that could be fun and lively if only I didn’t have this ugly rolling shelf unit there.  I talked about painting it, putting new hardware on it, etc.  But every time I thought about it I vetoed it.  The thing was so ugly I just couldn’t stand the thought of putting time and money into it.




Finally I asked my husband if he would haul it out to his garage and I would shop around until I found something to replace it.  What I had in mind was something about table height with a nice work surface on the top.  My daughter and I were gone one day and I got the above picture in a text from my husband that said, “Well, in order to get the shelf down the stairs, this had to happen”!  He and my son in law had to cut the thing in half horizontally to get it over the stair rails.  (We remembered that we had actually brought it upstairs before the rails were finished!) He put it in his garage and said he was going to cut it up for firewood or something.  I looked at it sitting there on the porch and I was kind of sad about it.  But just kind of.


IMG_5903 2-001


So I began the hunt for a piece of furniture that was long, narrow and just the right height.  No doors, just a couple shelves, and made from quality wood.  Everyone suggested IKEA and I looked online at what they had and I just didn’t see anything appealing.  I looked at used furniture stores.  I looked at Target and Walmart.  And nothing appealed to me.


I stood in the garage talking to my husband about it and I said, “What I really want is a piece of furniture that is quality wood, long and narrow, about table height, no doors and nice shelves inside.  I don’t care if it is in poor condition, I can refurbish it”… as my hand was resting on the lower half of the piece of junk shelf that his Dad had built all those years ago.  (You see where this is going right?!)


IMG_5907 2


All of sudden I looked down, looked at him, and meekly said “Would you haul this thing back up to my sewing room?  I think it is exactly what I’m looking for!”  So he sweetly agreed.   I removed the doors and did a few other little repairs, filled the holes left from the hardware, sanded the old junky varnish off, and then I painted it a very nice Annie Sloan Paris Grey color.  I finished it with a coat of Annie Sloan clear wax and buffed it to a perfectly slick beautiful surface.  At first I wanted the rolling coasters removed and then I realized that  they ARE vintage after all! Smile!  And useful too.  So we left them.




My son-in-law helped us lift the shelf back over the stair rails and up to my sewing room.  I placed my metal crates and wooden boxes on the shelves and promptly filled them up with my sewing fabrics and supplies.




Everything fits perfectly and it is just exactly what I was looking for!




The top of it is just the right height for keeping my daughter and grand-daughters sewing machines (and a few spare ones!) handy for when we have “sew days”.




And a perfect spot for my favorite vintage locker basket.  (Have you ever seen an orange one like this one?  I am so in love with it!)




Then I pinned up my collection of mini quilts that I’ve made and a few that have been gifted to me.  I intend to grow this collection and I can change them out as I desire!





I cannot even explain how happy I am with the way the shelf came out.  It fits perfectly against the back wall.  It is the right height, the right length, and I couldn’t have found anything better brand new!


I really learned a lesson from the old, ugly rolling shelf that my father in law built all those years ago.  I know the man he was and how he would’ve built something to last and would’ve taken his time to put his heart into a project.  What a shame if I had not been able to see and appreciate what that was.  The top part of the shelf had warped and bowed through the years and really was beyond repair, but to be able to salvage the rest of it by doing some very simple work to it taught me so much.  I think we live in a world where “buy new” is the easy way out.  But honestly, putting a little time and energy into giving life to something old is so much more rewarding.




And I feel like that little piece of furniture brought new life to my sewing and creating corner and I’m so happy with it.




And I just found out this week that Home Depot offers monthly free DIH projects at their stores.  I’m excited because their class this month is making a wheelbarrow out of a wooden crate.  You can read all about the project by clicking on a blog post that my daughter wrote here, it also gives you instructions on registering with your local Home Depot for the FREE class (all you have to buy are supplies that cost under $25)!  It looks like such a fun project and I’m registered for the class and anxious to use my wheelbarrow for my Fall decorating!




And now… for the giveaway!  I don’t know how many of you Farmgirls know but MaryJane has a Special Edition DIY issue coming out in October and I’m so honored to have a DIY article in the magazine!  (And the really fun thing is that it will be on news stands on my birthday – October 11!)  This issue is not part of your subscription and will be available on newsstands October 11th.  Or you can do what I did and pre-order your issue by clicking here.


For your chance to win a copy of this special DIY Issue all you have to do is comment on this post!  I’ve pre-ordered a copy just for one of you Farmgirls and I will ship it to you as soon as it comes out.  


Until our gravel roads cross again… so long.



  1. Joan says:

    Your collection of mini quilts. They are lovely and you are so talented. Thank you for this giveaway.

  2. Marilyn says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to win this magazine. i love the sewing room and the brilliant ambiance. Your sewing machines are so lovely.

  3. Rebecca says:

    I love the shelving unit now. You have given it new life. I also love Annie Sloan chalk paint so good choice for the color and paint.

  4. Rose Ann wong says:

    What a great adventure! Sometimes it takes taking something out of the picture to help us see the potential that it had all along And now the shelf has even more history and special meaning, and a great new look to boot!!

  5. Carol C says:

    I love your “new” shelf and am very excited for the Farmgirl DIY Issue!

  6. A. L says:

    Love the renewed storage shelves!

  7. Dawn-Tara says:

    Great post! I love what you did with the shelf! Love Annie Sloan paint too! Thank you for the giveaway too! Hope I win! Have a great day everyone!


  8. Nancy Garabrandt says:

    Sometimes we already have what we need in front of us. Looking at it like it with new eyes turned your old piece into a fantastic piece of useful shelving 🙂 Love the color.

  9. Sheree Norman says:

    Isn’t it amazing how moving something to another room or location can help us see it in a different light. Up and over the staircase is a bit extreme, but it worked ! Recycle, repurpose, reuse !

  10. Meredith says:

    Great reuse of the shelf. I’ll have to look at unwanted furniture in a different light.

  11. Diane Loehr says:

    I am sooooo jealous of your beautiful craft room. I wish I had a space in my house for this kind of a room, I would probably never leave it. Love that you created what you wanted. Happy Sewing!

  12. Kim VR says:

    What a great refurbishment of a family piece. Absolutely love re-thinking the use of things I already have to invent something new out of something old!

  13. LH says:

    Very inspiring.

  14. Donna says:

    I love repurposing and DIY a lot of fun and makes me happy

  15. LynB says:

    Love how the shelf turned out!

  16. Lyn moon says:

    I so love to read your post. Your upstairs is looking so good. Love the small quilts on the wall. And to reuse an old piece of furniture in a new way is a treasure. Especially since it’s made from someone family related. Looks great.

  17. Lori Moore says:

    Cute shelf, nice transformation….love the mini quilts!!!

  18. Judy McI says:

    You inspired to use my bookcase as storage for my yarn supplies. Now just to find some baskets that fit…which shouldn’t be too hard. I am a quilter, but have recently starting weaving. I think wire baskets on my book shelve to hold all the beautiful yarn I am now collecting will be perfect. Thanks for the great idea and your inspiring posts.

  19. Cathy R says:

    What an awesome upcycle! Love your “new” wall! AND I really enjoy all you share with us, so inspiring! Thanks!! What a blessed life!

  20. APPLAUSE!!! Great repurpose!!!

  21. Vivian Monroe says:

    I love your sewing room Dori. I love the mini quilts hanging on the wall, and I always repurpose and rarely ever buy new. Well, I did buy my husband a new recliner for fathers day, but then for me I bought an old metal outdoor chaise from a garage sale, and a pillow on clearance rack at lowes and put a doily on top, then parked it in my living room next to my old antique trunk that my huband put legs on and made me a table now with a lamp and doilys and MJ farm magazines along with others. *talk about repurpose. ha.
    but back to sewing, I went to an estate sale just today and bought a 1957 Pink Atlas Deluxe sewing machine in the case, I am soo excited and my husband hopefully can clean her up get her running. I thought how fun after just reading Suburban farm girls post about all her machines, and how she names them. So I thought what better name for mine than “Mary Kay” since the guy describing her said she was a sort of cosmetic pink color. haha., and since I am a former Mary Kay Sales director myself. how appropiate. Cant wait to learn to sew on Ms. Mary Kay. Thanks and be blessed. Neta

  22. Nancy Miller says:

    I would love to win the magazine!! your shelf looks amazing and I really like the organized sewing room. I desperately need that done to mine!

  23. Jessica says:

    Cute sewing room! I need to find some of those baskets.

  24. Rebecca says:

    I love your “new” old shelf. It’s wonderful when you are able to rethink something you already have and make it into something useful and beautiful.

  25. Lisa B says:

    Hi Dori,

    You did an amazing job refurbishing that old shelf! It has given me the inspiration to refurbish an ugly old cabinet that I have been wanting to get rid of. I love your wall of mini quilts! I hope to learn to quilt someday.

  26. Gail Summerlin says:

    I love your shelf and your wall. It looks so fresh and organized. So glad you didn’t get rid of that shelf.

  27. Yvonne Palagano says:

    I have a sewing room, it doesn’t look as good as THAT though; but I love all your ideas and how you upcycle and recycle things and re-purpose them into other things that are useful. Keep all the good ideas coming. And I love the Mary Janes Farm magazine! When I grow up I want to be a Farm girl–someday!

  28. denise says:

    I love your mini quilt collection hanging on the wall! and your makeover is so neat!

  29. Nancy Smith says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  30. Karen says:

    Dori! I love your post. You’re mini quilt wall is so pretty and uplifting!! Awesome work on your ‘new’ shelf. I’m just thinking about a sewing room at my house. Yours is great inspiration! K.

  31. Debbie says:

    Hi Dori!
    I adored everything about this post. You and I share the DIH gene, that’s for sure! I love that you were able to re-create your hand me down cabinet into something more fitting for your creative space. To me there’s nothing better than being able to bring new life to something old. It’s especially satisfying when you are able to redeem a piece that has sentimental value. I just bet your father in law is tickled pink you still have it and are able to enjoy it fully. Your sewing room is a dream! It has you sewn all over it!
    Congratulations on the article in MJF Special DIY Issue…I can’t wait to get a copy!
    Happy Fall, sister!
    Deb ( Beach Farmgirl )

  32. Donna says:

    the sewing room is just like a dream I would have for mine though I obviously don’t have your vision. Thank you for the inspiration!

  33. Lori says:

    Just found your post. I love quilts and using old items in my sewing room. definitely following your posts!

  34. Irene says:

    So glad you saved the shelf. It holds memories like the new memories you are making in the sewing room.

  35. Irene says:

    I also commented but It won’t post.

  36. Charlene C. Hummel-Fleming says:

    Being a fairly new still Great Grand Mother, with a 2nd little baby boy to be born by Christmas, a big part of me “wishes” I could turn back the hand’s of time, so I could have a lot more very precious “time” on Earth to get to know these precious to my heart loved one’s, and they get to know me too, “if” only, “if” only.

    And so I plan to forge! ahead, putting one foot in front of the other, with my also continued & persistent need-goal to locate a new home, & within it have at very long last my very own “creating” room; a room hope-fully with a door, a window, and large enough to install shelving to the roof top!!! so I can spend the tent of my time on Earth “creating” what-ever my heart desire’s, while also getting to know very! precious to my heart great grand babies!!!

    Wishes & Dream’s, “can” some time’s become Reality right ??!! 🙂

    • Joan H says:

      Charlene, it really is never too late! I ended a marriage at age 56 and was prepared to go on alone. Alone but not lonely; but fate had a different plan. I reconnected with an old love, moved far away from my childhood hometown and have started a new life. I made having my own crafting/sewing space a priority and we found the perfect place. TWICE! Our first move just wasn’t quite right, so we upped and moved again 6 months ago. I’m really ready to get off this roller coaster, but most of it has been a wonderful ride!
      Best wishes. I know your opportunity is coming. Hugs.

  37. Charlene C. Hummel-Fleming says:

    Hi again, & Opps!! “meant” to type, “so I can spend the “rest” of my life on Earth “creating” 🙂

  38. julia kirk says:

    Would love the extra magazine. Someday I hope to get my sewing room organized, but with grown kids and grandkids moving in a nd out, doesn’t look good for me!

  39. Karen Hopkins says:

    Dori, your sewing room is just beautiful! Your grandpop would be proud to see what you made of his old piece of furniture too. I have several family pieces I have refinished and are now proudly displayed and fully functional in my home.

  40. maria slowik says:

    great you have that special magazine I have been following you for many years

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