It’s Just “Sew” Vintage! (And a September Goodie Giveaway)


I love sewing. Recently, my sewing machine broke, and replacement parts are unavailable. What’s a farmgirl to do? Find something built to last…something vintage! Be warned, as this summer I discovered it’s easy to become smitten (obsessed?) with antique sewing machines!

I’ve enjoyed sewing since childhood, when Mama taught me on her machine, and Santa brought me a “Sew Easy” for Christmas, 1980-something. In high school, a favorite class was Home Economics; for my final I sewed ruffly dresses for two little girls I’d babysit. My mother learned to sew from her mother, who was a magician at sewing, her favorite model a Singer “Featherweight”.

My grandmother was always impeccably dressed, designing and sewing her own clothes

My grandmother was always impeccably dressed, designing and sewing her own clothes.

My dad’s mother used a treadle, which was ruined in the ‘40s when she tried converting it to electric. I fell in love with treadle machines after seeing one in MaryJanesFarm magazine. In 2014, I was thrilled to find an 1896 Waltham treadle in a thrift store (read about about that here). While “Sir Walter” isn’t sewing yet, it displays beautifully.

The scroll work on the wood is stunning.

The scroll work on the wood is stunning.

It was my husband who thought a treadle would also look great in the family room. (We think they’re beautiful, in a “steampunk”, meant-to-work-hard but-be-beautiful way. It’s sad to see them discarded. I love MaryJane’s idea of re-purposing a too-rusted-to-sew-again treadle machine into a lamp in the June-July ’16 magazine). We bought a dusty 1911 treadle from a couple downsizing their home to a condo. The machine once belonged to the woman’s grandmother. It still worked, but hadn’t been stored properly or sewn on since the ’70’s. Of all the romantic gifts my husband has given me in two-and-a-half decades, this takes my breath away. It took many late-nights of hard work and broken nails to clean her up. Never use any solvents on decals or they’ll “silver”, turning white. (A great “how-to” guide is Connie McCaffery’s book,  “How to Select, Service, Repair, and Maintain Your Vintage Sewing Machine” ). She was so filthy at first, I didn’t realize she’s a Singer “Red Eye”, the same exact model my grandmother had. I named her “Ruby”; all she needs now is a new leather treadle belt.

Shiny again!

Shiny again!

I found a miniature red-eye at a craft store that sits on Ruby's throat plate

I found a miniature “Red-Eye” at a craft store that sits on Ruby’s throat plate





"Red Eye" refers to the red decals. Most cleaners will ruin the color.

“Red Eye” refers to the red decals. Most cleaners will ruin the color.

This is an early 1860's "New Home" model.  Her restoration is still a work in progress.

This is an early 1860’s “New Home” model. Her restoration is still a work in progress.


Not as fancy or as sturdy as my other treadles, I love her still. I call her "Half-Pint".

Not as fancy. large or as sturdy as my other treadles, I love her still. I call her “Half-Pint”.

I use the coffer that came with the New Home model to hold my sewing books.

I use the coffer that came with the New Home model to hold my sewing books and manuals. Most manuals for vintage machines (Singer and a few others) can be found online.

The wood of the coffer is stunning.

The wood of the coffer is stunning.

At a fair with a friend, we complimented a woman’s pretty print skirt. She told us she’d purchased it previously at that very fair. Visiting the booth filled with feminine A-line skirts, I choked at the price. I could make similar skirts for a quarter of the price tag – if my machine worked right. In the late 1990’s, my husband bought me a sewing machine. He’d worked a booth at a Home Show, next to a booth with top-of-the-line sewing machines. At the end of the day, he brought home a fancy machine meant for quilting. My twenty-something-year-old sewing machine was quite the machine back in the day, but parts are no longer made nor easily found, and though fancy, it’s made of plastic. Computerized, I never used all the features. New machines I looked at were similar- plastic, some with tablet and smartphone features (which become outdated). I needed a new machine, but craved simple. After reading Connie’s book, I knew I wanted a vintage machine.

Meet "Miss Glenda Green" from 1958

Meet “Miss Glenda Green” from 1958

Then I found her. A tag sale bargain, she’s mint green from 1958- compact yet heavy-duty, similar to what Mama once taught me on. It was love at first sight. I brought her home, cleaned and oiled her, and started sewing my first clothing pattern in a long time. She has a place of honor in my sunny sewing room. A model 485J, she was sold as Singer’s “Budget machine” Researching online, I found the original 1950’s commercial. Yep, I’m definitely born in the wrong generation.

Just like vintage car lovers, vintage sewing machine enthusiasts love different models for different reasons. When a Singer Featherweight popped up for sale at a steal-of-a-price on an online tag sale, I couldn’t help myself!


Featherweights were made in the United States from 1933 to 1957, and for a few short years a “white” model was made in Scotland until 1970. My white machine was “born” in 1968, and like many other vintage sewing machine enthusiasts do, I named her. Meet “Snow White”.

With an almost rock-star-like following, there’s classes, books, dvd’s and Facebook groups dedicated to Singer’s compact, lightweight portable known as the Featherweight. Well-known nationwide among Featherweight fans, David Werther’s a Featherweight expert. He and wife, Shelley Chappell, own Quilters Connection, a full-service quilt shop in Dallas, Texas. While Shelley’s a lifelong quilter, David was always mechanically-oriented, eventually taking on the job of mechanic for their shop. After fixing a Featherweight, another arrived, then another, until they were “up to their elbows” in the little powerhouses. Soon, they started buying and selling them, having owned and sold 168 in the last five years! The couple keeps around fifteen for their personal collection. While David likes other vintage models, too, (currently, he has 55), he attributes the popularity of the Featherweight to its lightweight portability, quality of stitches, and true vintage style. “Like a classic model car-  like a ‘57 Chevy, Singer got it right with the Featherweight design.” He adds, “When you use a Featherweight, it’s like ‘time traveling’, doing the same motions, sewing on the same machine that your grandparents would’ve sewn on”. David says his best advice is to “know your machine”, noting when it starts to sound not as smooth and quiet. “Oil after every 8 – 10 hours of the needle sewing”, adding that there’s “35 places the Featherweight needs oil’.

My case was pretty nasty, but just like vintage luggage, cleaned up well with a Magic Eraser. I now need to find a replacement handle for travel.

My old case was pretty nasty, but just like vintage luggage, cleaned up well with a Magic Eraser. I now need to find a replacement handle for travel.


David says the Featherweight spanned so much of America’s history – “Through the Depression, after World War II, after the Baby Boom, the Featherweight was there, through it all”.  A true piece of Americana, I love “Snow White”, sewing while my family watches television (she’s so quiet). I recently purchased a “Spool Pin Doily” for her for $6.00 from Marietta O’Brien, from Arizona, who hand-crochets the beautiful doilies to resemble pansies (let me know if you’d like to contact Marietta for one of your own).

Photo courtesy Marietta O'Brien

Photo courtesy Marietta O’Brien

I didn’t need another machine, but a 1961 Singer 301A popped up for sale at a great price. She came in the cutest vintage-suitcase-like case, so I was doomed. She’s creamy tan and white, and needs a name!

My 301 needs a name...

I was “sew” bad, hee hee. Now my newly-acquired 301 needs a name…any ideas?

Finished! My skirt made using antique sewing machines.

Finished! My skirt made using antique sewing machines.

Whether you’re a seasoned quilter, just starting to sew or don’t sew at all, be careful – a vintage sewing machine (or two, or three…) might just steal your heart!


Leave a comment to win a goodie box with a vintage-style sewing machine magnet and hand needles, a glazed ceramic fall pumpkin, two teal thimbles, and a tea fowl, er, towel featuring Henrietta, the MaryJanesFarm Sisterhood Logo!

Leave a comment below for a chance to win a goodie box with a vintage-style sewing machine magnet with hand needles, a hand-glazed ceramic fall pumpkin, two teal thimbles, and a tea “fowl”, er, towel featuring Henrietta, the Official MaryJanesFarm Sisterhood Mascot!

Help me name my 301, share a memory of a vintage machine, or just say “hi” – all comments this month will be entered into a drawing for the”Sew” Cute September goodie giveaway!

Until Next Time…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  1. Nancy Rhodes says:

    So glad you love your vintage. I make about 250 Adirondack wall hangings in the winter and sell them at craft fairs in the summer. Give me a Bernina that isn’t complicated. I have one and sew about 18 hours a day..can’t wear it out and so trustworthy.
    Look at and enjoy your vintage..give me a no-hassle Bernina.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Ooooh! I bet those wall hangings are amazing! I love going to the Adirondacks. That area is breathtaking! Happy sewing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  2. Genevieve Caswell says:

    I really enjoyed your story cause I started out sewing on my mom’s Singer, a 1942 Model Singer. Everything I have ever made has been on a Singer. I have 4 in my house today & still use them all by showing my daughters-in-law and soon my Granddaughter how to sew. We have a great big girls day in the sunroom making things and talking one or two times a month. I want to keep the sewing and the love going from generation to the next and for ever long the good Lord lets me.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Genevieve, Kudos to you for teaching all of your girls to sew! Awesome. Keep it up, and what great memories you all will have! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  3. Sherry Hopper says:

    This post brought back sooooo many great memories of growing up with my grandmother and her Singer treadle machine, making and repairing and creating wonderful things like aprons and shirts and curtains. Granny called her Singer “Lucille,” for her Cherokee mother — so I would name your machine Lucille! Strictly personal bias here! Thanks for the article, and the memory flood. -Sherry

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sherry! I am so happy that I brought back special memories for you with this blog. That makes me happy. I love the name “Lucille”; I had a special someone named Lucille that I was close to myself. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the post! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  4. Christine Harding says:

    As soon as I saw the picture of your newest “friend”, I thought of my Grandma. I was lucky enough to have both a city and a country grandma, and I loved them equally well. They both sewed, but it was my country grandma that made me dolls and clothes (some of which I still have). Everything, from the colors to the sturdy, practical simplicity of your new addition, reminds me of her. Therefore, I would call her “Marjorie Lenore”. (she could be quite perturbed with me right now, because she hated her middle name, but I purposely included it because I have always thought it lovely!!)

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Christine, Isn’t that a lovely name? I love it, despite that your grandma did not like her middle name. Isn’t that funny, I’ve never been fond of my middle name, and my daughter doesn’t like hers, either. Maybe it’s because middle names were always used by our parents when we were doing something naughty as small children, as in, “Marjorie Lenore, go put that frog back outside and wash your hands!” Anyway, I am glad you liked the blog. Check back next month to see who wins the giveaway and what my new addition’s name is. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  5. Pat Gstalder says:

    Some of these pictures sure takes me back. My grandma had a treadle a lot like the first one pictured and I learned to sew a few seams on it. I loved it. I loved the action of my hands and the rocking of my feet at the same time. But as a young girl that sure was a challenge. lol I am happy that you not only love and appreciate the vintage machines but that you are in effect, rescuing them from the scrap heap (shudder) and preserving history. Kudos!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Pat, Thank you! I love the sound a treadle makes when it sews, and also my antique machines with all the metal. My more modern machine never sounded quite the same. I am so glad you enjoyed the post. Good luck with the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  6. Sandi King says:

    Hi Nicole. I never used a treadle Singer machine in my life, but I had a sister-in-law who could sew wonderful things on one that she had. I hope she still has it. I bought a new machine but it is still in the box as my home is not ready yet and everything is in storage. I like the name creamsickle and twiggy also, but my suggestion is Tanner because of the color also. Even though I cannot sew on a treadle machine, I think the Vintage ones are so beautiful, if I find one, I will use it as a decorative piece in my home. I am looking to add a Hoosier cabinet and a kitchen sink that has two basins and two drainboards, one on each end to my kitchen design. They are also hard to come by. I love the older things because they do last and were well made to last. Thanks for this article. On another note. I finally got my chickens, 10 Golden Comets from a swap meet, and we have the coop and pen for them and they are a happy bunch of cluckers. I also got 8 eggs the second day they were here. Wonderful.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Sandi! Wow your home sounds like it is going to be so charming and beautiful! I love Hoosier cabinets, too, but in my kitchen the way it is designed I could never fit one. I’m so glad you liked this article, and the name Tanner is a good idea! So glad to hear you got your chickens! Aren’t those eggs just the BEST? Thanks for commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

      • Sandi King says:

        Had to let you know I found a Singer treadle machine at a rehab store and talked my son into buying it for me. She looks a lot like the one you posted first in your article. She is well oiled and the needle moves smoothly, but she also needs a new leather treadle belt. Do you know where they can be bought? I also need to clean her up a bit but she is in excellent condition and the drawers were filled with attachments, threads, the book and a few other things. I love her. I tried to find her birth-date online but haven’t had any luck. I hope to put her in my bedroom when it is done. Thanks for this great article and look forward to more of the same.

        • Nicole Christensen says:

          Hi Sandi, Congratulations! How wonderful! I will email you the info you’ve asked for; I do have some contacts for you. Enjoy her – does she have a name? Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  7. Shaunna Pierce says:

    My grandma used a machine just like that! So if it was me, she would be Millie, after my grandma Mildred. She was a thrifty woman who never had idle hands, and while she didn’t teach me to sew (thank you Mrs. DeCock in 7th grade home ec and Ethel Williams, my 4-H seeing leader for many years for that) she did teach me many other skills. I owe many of my adult characteristics to that fine lady. She lived in many places and made each of them a home, feathering her nest with handmade curtains and reupholstered chairs. And as a little girl, I got many a summer dress made from floursacks she saved. I can think of no more fitting way of remembering such a great person than naming a machine like hers after her!
    I also am a bit of a machine collector. I have a cream colored 221 from Britain and another that is from the 1920s. They work beautifully. And I still use the sewing machine I got for high school graduation almost every week. It is a favorite for piecing quilts and one of my oldest friends 🙂
    I also

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Shauna! What a beautiful memory of a wonderful lady. Thank you so much for sharing with us. I loved reading about your grandma and I love the name idea, “Millie”. I bet your machines are lovely! Thanks for stopping by the blog! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  8. Pat G says:

    Oh, I almost forgot, what about ‘Coco Puff’?

  9. KAREN MORRIS says:

    Love the vintage sewing machines! Great finds. I have 2 Singers, a White and a Necchi.

    Tan Sandy would be a fun name

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Karen! Thanks! I have not found any Necchi or White machines yet, though I learned to sew on a White as a child. It’s fun to hunt them! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  10. Karen says:

    You could name your machine Ole Gal. I too have several vintage/antique sewing machines.i wish I had the one I learned to see on. Thank you!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Cute name, Karen! I wish I had my mother’s machine that I learned to sew on, too. I do have her thimbles! Enjoy your collection of vintage machines! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  11. Nancy Coughlin says:

    My grandmother had a treadle machine that she promised I could have when she “was gone”. Sewed on it whenever I visited, which was quite often. Loved using it but didn’t want her to be “gone”. Was overseas in Germany when she did leave, and unfortunately, she had kept her house so hot and closed up over the years that most (practically all!) of her furniture splintered and fell apart when my parents and some antique dealers tried to more things. Never did get that treadle machine. One of my sons found treadle machines, minus the workings, at garage and yard sales, did beautiful restoration work on them and helped to fund some of his college expenses. He restored the outside but never tried to find the innards! He did hang on to one of them and his wife has it in the foyer by their side entrance.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Nancy, Sorry to hear you did not get to hang on to your grandmother’s treadle. That is a shame. I love that your son found the beauty in them, too, and fixed them up. Thanks for sharing with us, good luck in the drawing! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  12. Tracey H says:

    I love featherweights! I have a black one and have had my eye out for a white one for a couple of years. How about Madge? Kind of a funky name for a machine.

  13. Julie Pruett says:

    I LOVE your sewing machines! I just stumbled upon a “beige 301 Singer” like you have over the Labor Day week-end!!! When I saw your machine I named her “Madge” I don’t know why…She seems efficient and “down to earth”. (I guess she could be Miss Madge) I too have a white Feather weight and also a black one. I sew ONLY with my old “vintage” machines. I make the old hand wired clothespin bags like the women used to have hanging on their lines. I feel it’s only fair I sew the “vintage style” bags with a “vintage machine” Thank you for your information on the people that sell parts for them! I would LOVE to purchase a couple of Marrietta O’Briens pansies if you would send me the instructions… Thanks, Julie

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Julie! Awesome that you found a 301! I love the name, too. I bet your clothes pin bags are adorable! I will email you how to order from Marietta. You will love the doilies! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  14. Liz Olson says:

    I loved this article. My little sister got my grandma’s old treadle machine but now I may have to go steal it from her and try it out! I’m also kicking myself for giving my mom’s old Singer to the thrift store

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Liz, Thank you. I know how you feel about the Singer; my mom gave hers away too. I would’ve loved it! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  15. Laura M says:

    I think Cafe au Lait is a good name for your latest find!

    I too have a fascination with vintage machines and an accumulation of them….somehow I have acquired 5 as family heirloom hand me downs. Then my ex husband brought me 15 vintage machines, treadles, lightweights and heavy duty that someone was going to throw away out of a garage! They are project waiting to happen… clean them up and find good homes! I want to keep 2, one electric and one treadle.

    Funny thing is I barely sew… although my mom was a home ec teacher for 30 years.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Laura, She does look like a Cafe au Lait! 15 MACHINES BEING THROWN AWAY?! Oh my..makes me weak! I think you won the Vintage Machine Lottery! Lucky girl! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  16. Marilyn says:

    Great post. All the sewing machines are lovely. I would name the sewing machine Acorn because the colors remind me an acorn. Thanks for the giveaway.

  17. Joan says:

    I own an antique sewing machine. I love it. The sewing machine I would name Caramel. Thanks for the giveaway.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Caramel is a good name! Enjoy your machine…aren’t they wonderful? Thanks for reading, wish I could send something to every reader! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  18. Marion says:

    I love the skirt you made. You are very talented. I would choose the name Brownie. Thank you for the opportunity o win this giveaway and all the great prizes.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Marion! Thank you! I had so much fun making that skirt! It had been awhile since I made clothes, and it all came back to me, like riding a bike! Now I am working on a Halloween apron with vintage print and vintage fabric, with yellow ric rac! I had so much fun putting together that giveaway! Good luck…I am putting all the names inside the sewing machine coffer and drawing a winner that will be announced on my next blog entry! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  19. Merrikay Baxendale says:

    Love your blog! I used to watch my grandmother on her treadle machine. She bought a new one I later year and lost track of the original. However I just got her 221 and am so excited!! Now to find a FeatherWeight so I can take her to classes and the motorhome in the summer. So excited and your machines here and just beautiful works of art. Thank you. Mk

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Merrikay! A featherweight would be perfect for a motorhome…lightweight, portable and won’t take up much room. Sounds like a perfect summer combo to me! Thank you for reading and commenting! Wonderful that you have your grandma’s 221…keep her oiled and she will last and last! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  20. Pam Halbleib says:

    Thanks for highlighting one of Marietta’s MANY talents! Her handwork projects are works of art!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Pam, I am a knitter and crocheter, but mostly knit, and know what goes into something handmade. You are so right – Marietta’s spool pin pansies are amazing – such beauty and craftsmanship, and she is an absolute doll herself! I ordered another one from her for my little green machine, and it looks so cute!! Made me smile when I was sewing. Thanks for commenting. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  21. Becky says:

    To funny about the machines, I have both the green and the black one. My mother sewed every thing with the green machine. it is so heavy duty.

  22. Loretta Lowe says:

    You sewing machine looks like she should be called “Blondie”

  23. Jan Eby says:

    Was fun to read your blog, as brought to my attention by our mutual friend and fantastic spool pin pansie maker, Marrietta O’Brien! I look forward to reading further blogs.
    Have taken classes from David on FW maintenance and repair and am sincerely saddened they will be closing their shop (in October) to be an online only shop. He really is a caring and knowledgable instructor for Featherweights.
    Looking forward to reading more…..

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Jan, Thank you! I am so glad I met Marietta and so look forward to getting to know her better. She is just the sweetest! I am so glad you enjoyed the blog! David is amazing with his knowledge! I keep my fingers crossed they will travel up here sometime to host a workshop sometime! Hint Hint to David and Shelley…Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  24. Deborah Hauser says:

    For some reason while I was reading your article about your machines, the song ” Little Duece Coupe,” by The Beach Boys came to mind. What about ” Little Duece.”
    Ps your Snow White is fabulous!
    I have a black singer feather weight I haven’t named yet!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Deborah, Isn’t it funny how the sewing machines do speak to you? I love your idea, too. And if you need inspiration for a name for your featherweight, check here…there’s so many wonderful ideas for names in comments! Thanks for stopping by the blog! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  25. Lucy says:

    I’m with you. I sewed two blue jean quilts on my restored treadle. Now I have a Featherweight and love it. Thanks for your inspiring posts.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Lucy, I bet those blue jean quilts are beautiful (and warm)! What a great thing to do on a treadle. Thank you for stopping by the blog! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  26. jaylyn morehouse says:

    Hey there! My vote is going to be ‘Hattie’, a name that I gave to my favorite chicken too:) I enjoyed reading your article and the seeing the photos above!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Jaylyn, Thank you! “Hattie” is a great name – for both sewing machines and chickens! Love it! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  27. Anna Vanover says:

    Wonderful story and article! I am also hopelessly hooked on vintage sewing machines. I have a black 301, a tan rocketeer, which my Aunt gave me and I adore, several featherweights and a treacle red eye that was my grandmother’s. She also had a Kenmore like the one that someone described above. I learned to sew on that machine and so wish that I had it today. It had a knee control and when you opened the cabinet top it would almost magically rise from inside. I love your sweet little two toned 301 and suggest the name Taffy.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Anna, Sounds like you have an awesome collection! I love the black 301s too. Thanks for suggesting a name for mine; remember to check back next time to see who wins the drawing, and good luck! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  28. Kathi says:

    Yes, vintage machines are contagious, I currently have 20 with 3 more in my sights.

  29. Carol D says:

    Warning is the right word, but oh so hard to heed! I have a 66 red eye, a 99k, a 201 (which is divine!) a 221 Featherweight, a Domestic 153, also divine, my mother’s old green Elna grasshopper that I learned to sew on, and my Elna that I bought as a newlywed 30 some odd years ago. I love to sew, but I also love to tinker and have had so much fun restoring these old machines. None of them have names, nor do my spinning wheels. But they do have personalities!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Carol, It is soooo hard to resist them once you are bitten by that vintage sewing machine bug! Sounds like a nice collection you have, too! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  30. maureen bruner says:

    Ah, vintage sewing machines, they breed in captivity. I use my red eye treadle as a computer desk for my laptop; the built in “footrest treadle” makes it comfortable to work at! I also have my grandmother’s Ruby. She still needs work, but I hope to sew on her one day.

    How about “Mocha Sue” for your newest treasure? Happy Stitching!

  31. Kim says:

    I have several vintage machines that I love. An Elna, 2 Featherweights, a Bernina, Singer 237 Stylist, a Necchi and a few more. Several have been given to me when people have machines that older relatives once owned and are no longer wanted. True quality machines that are a pleasure to sew on!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      That’s so nice that you have relatives machines, that you love and can remember each by. A dear friend wants to give me her Kenmore from the late 60’s that was her mother’s. Her only request? Pickles and something hand knit! Can do! Farmgirl hugs and happy sewing, Nicole

  32. Carol Ann Pileggi says:

    Orrie Mae

  33. Janet Hocker says:

    I have my Mother’s 201-2 a 1947 and it is one amazing machine. My mom did more sewing on it than most women do doing dishes, ha. I acquired it one year ago and sew on it every day. Recently, my husband bought me a 1947 featherweight in very good condition at an estate sale as a gift for our 54th wedding anniversary. I truly love both of them.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Great memories, Janet, thank you for sharing, and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! Oh my! 54 years, what a wonderful milestone. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  34. Beverly Battaglia says:

    I found out where your Grandma Shug’s Singer featherweight went. You could ask Bobette if she has it. Your aunt, Barbara, told me last night Shug took it with her when she moved to Arkansas and then aunt Ella Jean had it. Barbara also bought a Singer black featherweight machine like your grandmother’s several years ago.
    Love you,

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Mom, I think it is so exciting and sweet that Bobette is trying to find my grandmother’s machine for me. Even if they can’t locate it, it is so heartwarming that you all are trying! Love you all! ~Nicole

  35. Donna Niell says:

    40 years ago my dad loaned me a 1913 Singer treadle. I used it to see maternity clothes and after 3 babies I ventured into quilts. I thought a new fancy machine would improve my quilting (not true) so I gave it back. It recently returned to me a little the worse for wear from being stored in a barn so I replaced the head with a newer (only 50 year old) Singer 237. The original head I made into a hand crank. Now I’m learning to sew clothes again and I prefer the slow pace of the treadle. It’s almost like meditation and I start my day with the soothing rhythm of the foot pedal. 301a name-Opal her color.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Donna, What a great story – I bet she’s a beauty, your machine! Love the name you have suggested, too. Thanks for reading and commenting! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  36. Wendy says:

    Maybe not too original … “Sandy” or “Cappi” (cappuccino comes to mind with the two-tone beige) Thanks for sharing their stories 😉

  37. Diane Loehr says:

    Hi Nicole –
    I think you should name the sewing machine “Suzie”, since all am always amazed at all the things that you do and I would call you “Suzie Homemaker”. You are so talented in all that you do and even in the things that are new and you want to try them. I love the Black machine – that one was really cool! Have a great day!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Diane! Awww, shucks. Thanks so much. 🙂 Trying new things makes me happy, and I love to stay busy and take care of my home and family. Thanks for such sweet words, my farmgirl friend. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  38. Alice says:

    My mama had a treadle machine back in the sixties. Our old farmhouse didn’t have a screen door. One day my grandma went out to get the mail and left the door open. As she turned from the mailbox and started back across the yard, she saw a big black snake go into the house through the open door. They searched the house over, but never found it. Several days later, my brother saw the snake wrapped all around the wheel of mamas sewing machine. Needless to say, we all slept better after the snake was gone.
    Mama, in her eighties now, still has that sewing machine.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Alice! Oh my! That is the best story I’ve heard yet that involved a treadle! Holy moly! My dad once had a snake in (under) the oven at his ranch in Texas. I guess it crawled under the coils to stay worm. We were scared to go in the house, because we knew it was there. Give your mama a big farmgirl hug for me! ~Nicole

  39. Krista says:

    Wow! What a grand collection of vintage sewing machines. My favorite is the red eye! The designs are so captivating and I would love to have one that looks like that! Love how your skirt turned out! Enjoy making many cute new things on your vintage sewing machines.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Krista!
      Thanks so much! I had not sewn a clothing pattern (and with an invisible zipper, to boot!) in ages, so I was a bit nervous. It was kinda like riding a bike. I do like how it turned out, just like I imagined it. Hopefully I can wear it a few more times before the weather turns cool. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  40. Rowena Philbeck says:

    Love your sewing machine. I had a Singer ZigZag that just died. I looked everywhere for one to replace it but couldn’t find one. I did buy a Singer but a newer one but without all the bells and whistles. Called The Talent. I haven’t even had a chance to sew on it yet. Too busy at work and knitting a couple of shawls. I love your green machine and that it works good is awesome!! Thanks for the giveaway too!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Rowena, sorry to hear that your machine died, but looks like you got a nice new one! Happy sewing (and knitting)! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  41. Kelly Velasco says:

    I just loved this post. And have access to one of these dream Singer sewing machines. And because of the color of her, I suggest for her new name – Mocha Dream Machine. This would be a great name for her : )

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Kelly, thank you! She is a dream machine! Maybe more people would sew again if they made machines more like her! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  42. Cathy Coppy says:

    This was such a great article. I own quite a few and love everyone of them.
    They are all so special. Yours are beautiful. I hope you you find a name soon
    for the new one. The green one is just beyond words. So glad for you.
    Thank you for sharing it was great

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Hi Cathy, Thank you ever so much! I am so happy you enjoyed the article, I enjoyed sharing with you all. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  43. tee allen says:

    My Granny had an old machine and us kids loved to push the foot peddle. She taught me to sew on that old machine. Still remember the smell of the oil and the sound it made. Wonderful memories.

  44. Becky Carroll says:

    Nicole, yesterday I received my 20th sewing machine in the mail (18th vintage machine) and it was a two-toned 301a like yours in unbelievably good shape. Hubby has caught my contagious bug of VSM collecting, immediately claimed the machine as his and named her “Sandy” for the color. He HAD to be the first one to thread her! I usually try to name my new “babies” after the person I got her from. I bought an old Singer 285J at a flea market from a lady whose name is actually Reba McIntire–she’s Reba. Another lady battling cancer sold me a 1896 treadle that was in a cabinet and gorgeous and she was in a financial bind. I named her Ellie after the previous owner. If I don’t really have a name of the owner, I find out the date of the machine and do a Google search for the most popular names in that year and pick one of those. My sister bought me a beautiful pink and white Singer Merritt a few weeks ago from an antique store in Denham Springs, Louisiana the day before 90% of that city flooded. That shop and all of the downtown shops were a total loss in the floods, but she got the machine out before. She’s such a pretty shade of pink that hubby named her “Rosie” because she looks like a rose. I could go on and on…love these old machines!

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Wow! 20…Love it. The pink one sounds really divine. Sad the shop is gone. Such a blow to that state. Thank you for commenting, and happy sewing/collecting.I love that your husband collects with you. Mine too. We share this fun interest. 🙂 Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

      • Becky Carroll says:

        Wellllll, I said 20, but I just found #21. It’s a Singer 201 made in 1939. Now I have a different model machine made in each decade from 1890s through 1980s. I’m glad all of you understand about loving VSMs!

  45. Lori says:

    I enjoyed your blog. I too love and collect vintage sewing machines. How about naming her Cinderella and keep with the theme you started with Snow White? Thanks for the drawing!

  46. Jenni says:

    I caught the VSM bug early in life when I bought a toy German made sewing machine as a kid from a flea market. And you know I have moved so many times over the last 30 plus years due to moving around with my husband being in the Army for almost 25. And with all those moves I still have my toy machine. I also have a VSM Sears Kenmore 1961 Tri Span 88. I have an older Brother an another older Singer. But just since I stopped working and started having more time for sewing did I realize how much I love VSM. Also joining the VSM and FW Facebook pages. I’ve learned and readi about all the different machines. I bought my first FW 221 she is a centenital and I have 3 (I think) coming that I have won in auctions lately. A 201, a 66 and a 99. The ony regret I have is that I didn’t realize in my earlier adulthood how truly happy VSM and sewing make me. It’s the nostalgia of the machines, that wonderful sound of them, even the smell. Also the memory of the times my Mom and Grandma made us cloths and cloths for our Barbies. My Grandma Jones, I called her Gramma and my Aunt Lavern one summer taught me how to quilt. I still have it. I wish I had been quilting all these years since they taught me. But that’s ok all I have is time to make up for it now. I aspire to create quilts to the level of quality and beauty that my Gramma and Aunt did. I really think I want a 1961(my birth year) 301 I hope to find one soon. I have not named my VSM but I know the name I am giving my FW after my Gramma Jones her name was Florence Gurtrude so Gurtie is my FW. My Tri Span 88 shall be Eleanor after her previous owner. One of the new/old gals that I haven’t received as of yet shall be La Vern. So as for a name for your 301. I was born in 1961 so name her Virginia I always felt my name was too old for me so I prefer my nickname of Jenni (ya I know I’m suppose to spell it Ginny, but I went thru a phase in middle school where I’d rather people thought I was a Jennifer rather than a Virginia) So a grand old name like Virginia is perfect for a VSM born it the same year

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Thank you, Virginia, whose name I think is classic and lovely. What a great comment. I am so glad you found your passion. Happy Collecting and Sewing to you, and thank you for commenting and sharing with me. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  47. Carol Evans says:

    Tootsie (Two-Tone) would be a great name for her.

  48. Jan Hubbard says:

    In 1968, I had a Singer 317 given to me for my birthday from my husband. I loved, loved that machine. I lusted for a new, plastic, electronic machine. I have it and recently gave my old machine to a charity. I long to just look at my old machine. I taught my daughter and her friend on that machine.!
    I think Stacy’s 301( my 317) older sister, LOVIE. No explanation needed.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Oh Jan, I am so sorry to hear that you parted with your machine! My heart goes out to you. I still wish I could have my mom’s or my grandma’s. Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  49. Kris says:

    You are so right about the vintage machines being addicting. I was up to 20 + machines, but now I have to start downsizing so that I can become a full time rv’er in 2017. I’m still going to travel with at least six machines. There are some I just cannot part with.

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Oh Kris, awesome! Have fun travelin’ in that rv! I’d take along a Featherweight if it was me…;) Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole

  50. Brenda Manzanares says:

    I loved everything I read and am saving it for future reference! I thought of Bessie when I first thought of a name for your sewing machine. I grew up when my family naming our car, our truck, and our homes. Bessie is a family favorite as this is my Grandmother’s name. She sewed so beautifully and I sat at her side many a time as she sewed on her vintage Singer sewing machine as did my mother.
    I would like the contact information for the stunning flower doilies.
    Thank you for the time and care you put into your blog on vintage sewing. It has enlightened me and renewed my loyalty to all things vintage!
    Happy Sewing! Brenda

    • Nicole Christensen says:

      Brenda, thank you for such nice words, it means a lot to me that others like what I write. I will be emailing you Marietta’s info for the doilies. Thank you for sharing your memories with us, and we also name our cars here! Happy Sewing, Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole PS Bessie is an adorable name!

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