Savory Seaside Snippets

“At the beach, life is different. Time doesn’t move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides, and follow the sun.”

– Anonymous

Welcome to the Beach and happy September! I’m so glad you stopped by today! Don’t pack away your beach bag just yet. Summer isn’t officially over until September 21st and I’m in no hurry to rush her along. This summer was bursting with plenty of moments to savor. Time spent with family and friends from near and far is the best kind of savorin’ and if you toss in a Lobster or two, it’s even better! I didn’t over plan, over book or over do this summer. Luckily the universe played along with me so I could indulge to the fullest in many of my favorite summer pastimes. That meant lots of family time, playin’ in the dirt, walking the beach, and eating LOBSTER! I hope your brought your appetite and a strong stomach. Lobster New England style ain’t purty nor is it a dainty affair, and, it’s even kind of smelly, but it sure is yummy! Follow me for more snippets of my Savory Seaside Summer!

To kick things off we had a family reunion with some of my mother in laws kin. It’s always fun to watch the next generation playing in the surf and sand… They were all smiles for the entire week! Kids and the beach go together like… Lobster and melted butter with a squeeze of fresh lemon!

Here’s where things start to get  saaaavory. Have you ever tried cooking Lobster at home? It can be kind of intimidating at first. The only kind of Lobster I had ever eaten ( before the handsome yankee and I met ) was broiled and it was always just the tail. No claws, no eyes staring up at me or dangling legs I had to figure out what to do with. I didn’t need a bib or special tools to eat it with either. A sharp knife and fork was sufficiant. To make things even sweeter, it was usally served alongside a nice cut of grass fed beef ( filet mignon ) raised locally. MMM MMM. Yep, Nevada does beef very well and I do miss it! But, New England gets the RED star for Lobster…Once I adjusted to the whole process of cooking and eating it, I became a fan!

Lobster pots and buoys wash up all around us. They make the perfect beach decorations for fences and poles and their great fun as a large art installation on the side of a shed or boat house.

When we’re in the mood for Lobster at home we pick them up at the local fish market LIVE. Yes, LIVE! They have to be cooked alive or they can make you sick when you eat them. You’ve probably heard the rumor that they scream while they are cooking, but that’s not true. I’ve never even heard so much as a peep come out of the pot other than escaping steam, which I suppose could be mistaken for screams if you have an over active imagination! How are my squeeeeemish farmgirl sisters doing? Are ya still with me?

When you buy Lobster from a fish market or your local supermarket, their claws are banded together for your safety! Given half a chance, they will pinch! OUCH!

 Go here for a printable recipe for cooking Lobster and get tips on how to eat them too!

New England Style

We steamed ours and they’re ready! Won’t you join us? There’s plenty to go around! We’ve got deviled egg potato salad, farm fresh corn on the cob,home grown cukes and fresh watermelon! Butter and lemon wedges all around!

Speaking of fresh veggies, we added two 4×4 raised beds in our new garden area at the cottage this summer! It faired much better than my garden at home, even without consistant care by us. All plants and veggies really need to grow in this seaside environment is rich organic soil, (which can be enriched with local seaweed if available) the occasional rain and moist sea air. In one bed we planted four tomato plants, and in the other, one bush cucumber, one summer squash and with my garden glove fingers crossed I tossed in some basil and celantro seeds too!

Would you believe we had cucumbers to spare? We swapped some our our cukes with our next door neighbor who had an abundance of cherry tomatoes! We were tickled with our garden sucess but wait until you see these charming and inventive seaside gardens!

An old watering can with fresh basil at the ready for a quick snip!

Who needs a scarecrow with this lady watching over things?

This neighbor had plenty of cukes to share too! Just look at those vines dripping off of his reclaimed concrete block retaining wall!

I”ve still yet to see prettier Hydrangeas than those that grow near the sea. And there’s nothing as fun as a good old fashioned treasure hunt on the beach!

We left plenty of time for rockin’ on the porch and I never go anywhere without at least ONE MJF magazine…! How do you like my $5.00 yard sale cabinet? I nearly drove off the road when I spotted it because I knew it would be perfect for the porch. My yankee sanded the holy heck out of it to get the dirt and dust off of it. We liked it so much we didn’t even re-paint it.

Well, it’s been a long day sisters and it’s just about sunset. You weren’t thinking of leaving yet were you? I think I hear the handsome yankee calling us down to the beach! Fire’s ready!!!

Mother nature has served us up the perfect night to do some camp cookin’ beach style! It’s a full moon and we’re surrounded by flat calm waters and a sparkly night sky. What’s that darlin’? Baked Stuffed Apples are ready! Alrighty, I’ll get the plates and whipped cream!

The best days of summer at still ahead! Be sure to get outside and drink in the remaining clear, bright and warm sunny days! Go on a picnic, visit your local farm stand and if you have a beach near by, be sure to do some barefoot’n too! You’ll just feel better! I promise!

Thanks for coming along for the savory summer snippets tour! How has your summer been? I hope you and yours have been blessed with good health and plenty of energy to do some savoring of your own!

For you landlubber farmgirls, here’s the link to Legal Seafoods mail order site. And, a link to Lodge Dutch Oven Camp Cookware site too!

Until our next shoreline visit ~

Beach Blessings from your beachy farmgirl sister #1199



PS. Join The Cottage Hens and I next time for tales from the coop in… Some Days Chickens, Some Days Feathers

  1. Julia says:

    Ah Lobster! We stayed with my uncle for 6 weeks once, who lived in Florida. It was during Lobster season. He’s a diver, so we would go out in the boat, watch him go under, and come back up with dinner! We had it just about every night, along with Hog fish. Yum! Good eating that!
    Your summer sounds like it has been divine. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  2. Teri says:

    What a fabulous post cousin Deb! What a wonderful visit to the beach via Mary Jane’s Farm. I feel fortunate to have been able to experience your one of a kind beach home years ago. So glad you are able to share it with other Farm Girls!

    Much love to you,
    Cousin Teri

  3. CJ says:

    Ahhhhh . . . I’d love to join you on the beach! But, alas, I live so very far away here in southwest Colorado the land the Rocky Mountains!
    Thanks for the "invitation"!

  4. Janice K. says:

    YUM, YUM, and more YUM!! I think that you know that you have paradise at your fingertips, there at your seaside cottage… We also have a large amount of fresh cucs this year. Seems that they were slow (wet spring!), but they are growing as we speak.
    I wanted to let you know that I found an old garden sink for my garden area, to wash off my veggies. Not as cool as your bathroom sink in your garden, but something from the late 50’s. I also got a nice porcelain single sink with the deal.
    My hubby built a frame for my sink with a water supply line adjacent. Pretty cute! I will send you some pics.

    Have a wonderful remainder of your summer..

    Hi Janice!

    Yes, we are blessed and I’m so happy I get to share the beach fun with my farmgirl pals too! Yay for you and your bathroom/ garden sinks! I’m thrilled for you! Please do send picks! Enjoy your savory September!

  5. Heli says:

    Much appreciated for the information and share!

  6. Cynthia says:

    I just can’t get enough. The photo collage was absolutely fabulous. Thank you for transporting me to your beach once again.

  7. Cheyenne says:

    I wanted to spend a minute to thank you for this.

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