Selfish Summer Joys


Pink chair in the chicken garden.

Dear Sisters,

Boy howdy, has it been hot here on the shorelines. Not only has it been hot and humid, but we’re lacking in rainfall, too. About 8 inches below normal according to the weather reports. Meanwhile, the rest of the world seems to be going bonkers. I’m doing my best to wrap my farmgirl brain around all the senseless violence centered around racial tension in our country right now and what may be the most unbelievable political campaign I’ve witnessed so far in my 54 years on earth. If I’m being honest, I’d like to stick my head in the sand until it all goes away but farmgirls don’t quit when the goin’ gets tough. In fact, it’s the tough times that spur us on to help others and to BE better to others. So in true farmgirl fashion I’m doing what I do best to shed some light on some of the darkness that we’re all living through. Come on in for a glimpse of my Selfish Summer Joys! I hope these images lighten your mood and inspire you to be a little more ‘selfish’ about what and who you pay attention to along the road of life. There may be darkness in your path at times, but the light inside of you will always guide you through.

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Nothing chases the demons of darkness away better than working with a team of fun and creative people. This photo is from a Glamping photo shoot I worked on for our local Edible South Shore and South Coast Magazine back in early June. Everyone brought vintage props from home, local shops, attics and barns. Even the Airstream was donated for the day!

2016-06-07 13.01.38The editorial team, set designers, and local restaurants and caterers came together for one long ( and very fun) day to create the ideal summer Glamping set for an upcoming article. It will be published in the Summer, 2017 issue! Something to look forward too!

Later in June, the Crystal Lake Garden Shop ladies and I went on a farmgirl field trip to The Vintage Bazaar in Salisbury, MA.


I just love these gals! Bridgette in front, Michelle, me and

This event is hosted by Pettengill Farms, a historical flower farm and landscape design center. Hands down the BEST shopping in MA. for vintage goods at fair prices and the atmosphere dreamy! If you’ve been with me for long you know I go every year and it’s always a great take.


Wouldn’t it be a hoot to head out on the open road in this retro station wagon? Do you remember windows that roll up and down rather than buzz? I sure do. We went on several station wagon vacations when I was growing up and I recall having limited radio stations so we made our own fun singing songs and playing old-fashioned highway games. Something about how many Volkswagen Bugs we could spot and way too many rounds of BINGO rings a bell.

Catching a Red Sox game or two at Fenway Park is certainly a selfish summer joy in our neck of the woods. My handsome Yankee won two tickets at a Yankee Swap Christmas party last year so we took advantage of his good fortune and saw our first ever Red Sox Game together this summer!


It was a perfect evening complete with craft beer and famous Fenway Franks.


Flags hang on the entrance to the ball park marking the years the Red Sox have won the World Series.

The ball park was packed which made for a fun experience. I have to confess, though. I have no idea what was going on at the game. As a professional people watcher I was in hog heaven! My poor husband might as well have been there alone for all I had to contribute.


Unfortunately, we lost to the Seattle Mariners but the franks and craft beer made up for it!


This next selfish summer joy is near and dear to my heart. Our son recently returned home from his first state-to state-tour as a performing artist and recording engineer. Let me translate. He’s a writer, rapper, recording artist and a starving artist. That’s him in the black hat on stage in Boston with his tour group.

13680541_1177569392266217_2591094895392481859_n To watch him work so hard to make his dreams come true and share his message with the world is truly an emotional experience. I don’t always understand or agree with what he writes about but I am 100% supportive of anyone who has a fire inside them to bring more art, beauty, love and passion and inspiration into the world. He’s doing that and it makes me feel so joyful inside. He’s been all about the music since he was 14 years old. What a journey he’s on and such a gift to watch him grow.

042-001 resize editSpeaking of growing…


We have a Robins nest right outside our kitchen window right now. I always thought baby birds were mostly a spring time thing but when I read up on Robins nesting habits I learned that they will often hatch 2-3 separate nests of fledglings every season. I wonder if this is her last of the season. They only incubate for 12- 14 days and she’s about a week in. My mom is keeping a close eye on her and the nest while we are all out during the day.

I thought I read somewhere once that having a Robin’s nest on your farm or near your home is good luck so I looked it up. Here’s what I found:

If Robin comes to visit you.

You are reminded that in order to grow you must clean house before hand. Let go of attachments and emotions that are no longer useful to you. Allow joy and happiness to fill your life.
I just love this positive message from Robin, don’t you?

As this post comes to a close there’s a slow rain falling outside and it couldn’t be more timely. I’ve got a handful of weddings on the schedule for August and September and I need my flowers to be ready! I promise more flower photos next time. Dahlia days are upon us!


Wait! I promised you a glass of iced-cold citrus water, didn’t I? We’ve been trying different recipes at the Garden Shop this summer to keep us cool and hydrated. Here are some of our favorite combinations:

For a large beverage server like mine I recommend buying a 10 lb bag of ice and filling your server almost to the top leaving just enough space for citrus. Add one quart of spring water, sparkling water, lemonade, green tea or fruit juice then add your choice of citrus.

Combo 1 ~ Ice, water, 3 lemons, 2 limes, one orange and one ruby-red grapefruit sliced and squeezed.

Combo 2~  Ice, water, 3 lemons, 2 limes, one small package of sliced strawberries, and raspberries.

Combo 3~ One quart organic mango/ lemonade, one half-gallon spring water, 2 lemons, 2 limes, and one small sliced cucumber.

Fresh Mint optional!

I’m sure you have some favorite concoctions too and I’d love to hear all about your selfish summer joys!

Until our next shoreline visit~ Walk in the light and be kind to one another!

Beach Blessings and Much Love!

Deb ~ The Beach Farmgirl

# 1199


  1. Linda Bethune says:

    Thank you for writing this post. In all honesty, I don’t find much time to read blogs, but today, I stopped by, and I’m glad I did. Like you, I’m weary of the news, and it seems it can’t be avoided, no matter where you let your eyes roam, we are bombarded. I, for one, needed this respite. I’m sure others do, too. Thank you, and Happy Summer.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy, Linda. Well, I’m glad you stopped by and enjoyed the respite…My work here is done. 🙂 Blessings to your and Happy Summer!

  2. Krista says:

    The news and social media are completely filled with negative and overwhelming things right now. It’s wonderful to walk away and be selfish and enjoy the many summer blessing rather than dwell on what’s going on around us. My summer joys so far have been: going swimming with my family, pushing my son in his swing in the late late afternoons, collecting vegetables from my garden, spending time with a really good friend having play dates, and going on vacations! Thank you for the tasty citrus water recipes and reminding me to continue my selfish summer joys.

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy Krista! Thanks so much for stopping by to share your selfish summer joys…Sounds perfect! Hugs, Deb

  3. Marilyn says:

    Thanks for the post. Hopefully the weather will get better and you are rigth, we need rain. Enjoy the remaining Summer.

  4. Nicole Christensen says:

    Hi Deb! Fun! Fun! Fun! Oh my goodness that vintage red and white car makes my heart skip a beat! Farmgirl Hugs, Nicole (Suburban Farmgirl)

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Hey Nicole! Well, that vintage wagon matches your bike!!! 😉 I can see it strapped to the back!

  5. Denise Ross says:

    So lovely to read your happy post, Deb. I’m in Australia, so we’re in winter here. But I’m enjoying life with unexpected family visits, coffee with friends and some glorious sunshine and reading.
    Have a blessed rest of your summer

  6. bonita says:

    Thanks for your stories. I’m at a low point in life and these gave me a little something else to think about. I love all things MaryJane !!!!

    • Deb Bosworth says:

      Howdy Bonita! Well, we aim to please! I’m sorry you’re going through a rough patch. Look up and step high along the way and before you know it you’ll be out in the clear again!
      Farmgirl Hugs!

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