A Year in Poetry

Hey Farmgirls, Guess what? I have now been lucky enough to have shared a year’s worth of some exciting and not-so-exciting stories with you all. That’s right, it is my one year Rural Farmgirl-iversary. The year has been full of ups and downs, wrongs and rights, and straight down the middles; and I can’t THANK YOU enough for joining me biweekly for a whole year. I love writing for Maryjane and you, her audience of amazing women (and some men, too!). Thanks for sharing your own anecdotes and providing some great advice for all situations.

I wanted to make this post an extra special one. However, I was having trouble getting past the stage of blabbing about what has happened over the past year–if you really want to read that, there is a list of my writings over there—–> somewhere on the side of the screen. Be my guest! Otherwise, I have composed some poems as a sort of lighthearted thank you to you all.

So, come on in for some various high school level poems inspired by 366 days (2012 was a leap year!) in Rural Alaska as Mary Jane’s Rural Farmgirl.

I’ve learned that skiing (and other winter sports) is a wonderful complement to farming! Plus, back country skiing is free!

A Year in Rhymed Couplets

It has been a year since I started this gig,

You Farmgirls make me want to dance a jig!

A jig for the fields and a jig for the rain,

With MaryJanesFarm it would not be in vain.


Three hundred sixty six days have nearly passed

Even for a leap year, the last year went too fast.

The yearnings of spring green have arisen again

In another state, I would soon be expecting the song of the wren.

Louise’s Farm School–My humble place of employment for the better part of one year.


I taught lots of kids in the wide open air

And even got to attend the Alaska State Fair!

There we have many veggies so large,

It’s a shame that our food largely comes on a barge.


I’ve written about the cute and the fluffy,

Thankfully I haven’t gotten sick or even stuffy!

I traveled “home” only once that I can count

But that trip was a good one by any amount.

Early season Alaskan rhubarb–just a few weeks in!


The love of my life engaged me with the gift of a ring,

And of our true love I wish i could sing.

But song is not a gift that I was bestowed,

Good thing I enjoy the angelic voice of my betrothed.


If writing is my gift, I hope you have enjoyed it,

Because us Farmgirls, you see, do not come in a kit!

Our intentions come from the heart for you to see,

Thank you! Thank you! for biweekly joining me.


Cute and Fluffy Haiku

The chick peaked through shell

And I was in love at once

It, vulnerable


Just a little puff

The littles bunnies appeared

like a cute surprise

I, Moki Dugway

am a curious puppy

Both naughty and nice


A Sonnet: MaryJanesFarm

To Farmgirls everywhere let me say this:

Us ladies are gentle lovely and good,

But also know what is right and do what we should.

There are those that seek merit through patches

That depict their hard work, others here

Fly under the radar closed at the hatches

While silently lending a loving ear.

This culture of women, special indeed,

In living organically every day

Continue to spread many fertile seeds

that grow under the earth’s amazing sun rays.

So, keep it up, Farmgirls. I trust you can

I hope you know I am your biggest fan!

Loving the Farmgirl life, inspired by MJF Farmgirls everywhere!

Thank you Farmgirls for your love and support this past year! It is an honor to be a part of this community of strong women. From raising chickens to navigating the icy winter terrain of Alaska; and from the joy of getting engaged to the sorrows of national events–we have shared a lot together over the past year. May we all continue to grow and learn from each other in this coming year.

I am looking forward to it!

Sending you peace and love,

Alex, the Rural Farmgirl

  1. Pam deMarrais says:

    Happy One Year Anniversary Alex! I have enjoyed your articles, and delighted in your news of your engagement. You are very much a farm girl, and what’s even better, you started a lot younger than I did. Keep doing what you’re doing, and keep inspiring us!

  2. Rachel says:

    Puppy haiku!! Congrats on your one year!

  3. MaryJane says:

    Oh my goodness, reading your post this morning just MADE mine farmgirl AWESOME! All of us farmgirls (at THE farm) love and value your every word, trials, ups and downs, wrongs and rights, and straights down the middle. Looking forward to everything you share and teach us in 2013. MUCH love.

  4. diana henretty says:

    Mornin from the Ozarks,
    We watched the movie "Into The Wild" last night, and thought of you my dear!
    It’s a beautiful story of a young man searching for his life thru the mountains of Alaska!
    I can see the "loves of your life" in every picture and hear it in every word on your post this morning.
    Thanks for sharing your life and your dreams! ~Hugs, Diana

  5. Laura says:

    Thank you for your year of ‘service’. You are an inspiration!
    from hudson valley, ny

  6. Eileen says:

    Sounds like this past year is cause for celebration. I’m a country girl too so of course I’m looking foward to more of your stories. Happy Anniversary!

  7. Jan says:

    Great job! I love Moki Dugway, as he(she?) reminds me of my Blue Boy dog. The sweet and innocent brown eyes, with the ability to chew into and out of any situation in life! Watch out for the baby bunnies…
    It is nice to see a young woman enjoying life and nature in such wonderful surroundings…

  8. Lorrie MacKenzie says:

    Your poems are cute! You made me laugh. It has been an incredible year and I’ve enjoyed reading your posts. It’s wonderful that we’ll get to share another year. Your life is very different from mine. It’s so interesting to read about your experiences and see your pictures. I’ve always wanted to visit Alaska and now I get to! Thank you for giving me a glimpse into your world.

  9. Adrienne says:

    Thank you for your poetry and your year of service. I’ve enjoyed all the adventures you shared with us and I wish you much success in the future.

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